
The Truth of The Confusion

Olivia lay down on the couch with a sigh as she cast a final glance at the surroundings. Everything was perfect for the evening. Now all she needed was her husband coming home on time. All that fragrance had been making her so hungry that she was almost ready to eat a horse by now! It was as if the pregnancy had turned her stomach into a bottomless pit!

As she glance down at her slightly rounded stomach, she placed a hand there and gently caressed, talking to her babies, " Are you both going to be gluttons like your father? Always looking to eat something and then claiming that you're still growing? Hmm. Well, you can do that, but atleast do it when you come out into this world. If I keep eating like this, I'll be as fat as a cow by then. How will I use the beauty trap on your father then? Hmm?"

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