

With a small smile on her face, Evangeline looked at him. "Are you ready for me?"

She watched him nod but it was the way he looked at her that gave her the confidence to take the next step. His posture was languid as if he were a king awaiting a private performance from his most cherished concubine. But it was his eyes, the way he seemed to be drinking in the sight of her body. 

Each step that she took made her eager to walk towards him. And yet, the need to tease him and her was there. Never before had she felt so sexy as she did at this moment. Finally, she reached the end of the makeshift ramp and stopped before him, letting his eyes rove over her. 

She watched him raise his hand to touch her but she stepped back and shook her head, challenging him," Uh huh. Only modelling. No touching."

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