
How did you?

Eleanora did not question herself or even think to why she would approach the gardener for something this menial. It was a coincidence and did not need any approach. 

However, her thoughts were focused on seeing the man and sharing this with him. It was only as she reached the empty gardens that she realized she was treating the gardener like her friend. Was she so starved for friendship? 

Unsure, she turned to go back to her mansion. Gaia was not her friend or even an acquaintance. The only connection they had was that of an employer and employee.

Her shoulders slumping, she started to slowly trudge back to her house. Just then, she heard a bark and looked down to see the lively Kitten bounding around her feet.

Smiling at the dog's antics, who was going around her in circles, she quickly picked up the pup and cuddled him," You are so cute like always! How did you find me so quickly?"

"Kitten. What brings you here?"

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