
The Enemy

"We need to rescue Sara as soon as possible." Lara paced the length of the dark room as she spoke angrily. 

"I just don't understand how she was caught. How did they get suspicious of her? I'd been so careful with helping her establish the cover. Then how did that Demon Frost know to catch her?"

"I need answers, Tom. Have you found out where Sara is right now? She's too fragile. She won't last long under torture. And if something happens to our baby..."

The man narrowed his eyes as he glanced at the woman he loved and shook his head. "I've already found out how they discovered that. The boy that Sara used to stalk Nora and scare her, his roommate was some kind of live streamer. He usually used backgrounds so no one bothered about it, but Demon used experts who cleared the backgrounds to check who frequented the boy and what they spoke about."

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