
The Holiday(2)

The crackling fire sent sparks dancing into the night sky, casting a warm glow over the group of students gathered along the edge of the lake. The air was thick with laughter and the scent of burning wood, as Nora found herself in the midst of the lively crowd, unexpectedly enjoying herself. She'd never felt this in her life. Even with the threat looming over her, Nora felt happy.

Amidst the sound of clinking bottles and joyous chatter, someone struck up a lively tune on an acoustic guitar. The beat resonated through the summer air, prompting a spontaneous eruption of dancing, she too swayed to the music, feeling the infectious rhythm as her classmates twirled and spun around her.

This is what being young was about, wasn't it? To be able to enjoy the little moments. Even though she was alone in this moment, she did not feel lonely. Smiling, she picked up her phone and clicked a picture, wanting to keep the memory.

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