
Not Sisters Anymore

Sara's eyes met Nora's indifferent ones and her heart clenched. She had no idea how long Nora had witnessed the confrontation, but seeing her now was like a slap to the face. As children, if Nora had even seen her being hurt, she would have charged forward to save her or avenge her. 

Sara gave a trembling smile to Nora and turned away quickly. As she did, she felt regret wash over her.  The confrontation had left her shaken. She had treated Nora so poorly in the past, driven by her mother's influence and the desire to avoid her wrath. Now, faced with the consequences of her actions, she couldn't help but feel remorseful.

Her shoulders sagged, and she walked blindly towards the library, lost in memories of her childhood.

She remembered how close she and Nora had once been, how her sister had always been there to comfort her when she was sad or scared. She had driven Nora away, and she knew that she could not turn back the past.

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