
35: Love, A Goth Witch (18+)

AN: Wake up, honey. Daphne's smut chapter is finally here. Lol, this one was fun and I let it get away from me a bit. I just really like Goth Daphne. In a weird way, she reminds me of Fleur. Fleur's so expressive but not quite true to her feelings. Daphne's the opposite, seemingly stoic but still more than willing to acknowledge what she feels. Anyway, Fleur should be returning to the spotlight in the next couple of chapters. I wasn't quite sure of my portrayal of her at first. It was kind of a joke but it's grown on me so much. She might be my favorite girl other than Daphne and Luna. Especially as she's begun to accept her feelings while retaining her drama. Hopefully, I can do justice to the realization of her character arc.


"I can't believe I brought you in on this…" Daphne deadpanned.

"Believe it, Daph," Tracey Davis smirked. "You'd be lost without me."

"I would not."

"Totally would."

"Shut up…"

Tracey dropped her teasing for a moment, "I'm not going to tell anyone. You know that, right, Daph?"

Daphne eyed her best friend, "Of course. That doesn't mean you won't tease me yourself though."

"Maybe~…" Tracey sang.

"I knew I should have gone to Blaise…" Daphne sighed.

"Oh, please. Blaise would have shoved you into an evening gown he got from his mother. Wouldn't you rather have the comfortable and more importantly, stylish Muggle clothing I can provide?"

"…" Daphne made a point of not saying anything.

Tracey nodded, "That's what I thought. Plus this way you can play to your strengths. Not that you wouldn't look absolutely stunning in an evening gown. But Atlas has already said he's partial to your usual goth aesthetic. I'm just playing along with what you both like."

Again, Daphne said nothing. She was thankful for Tracey's help, after all. Without it, she wouldn't have half the clothes she did. And having someone to bounce outfit ideas off of was essential. No one else in the Castle understood the look Daphne was going for as Tracey did.

That help was already paying off too. Though Daphne's expression never shifted, she loved the clothes Tracey had chosen for her. And the makeup Tracey had helped her with. And the accessories. And even the… spicy lingerie… Though her face was frozen, Daphne could barely contain her excitement on the inside.

All the black contrasted well with her exceptionally pale skin. Black clothes, black lipstick, black eyeliner, Tracey hadn't been kidding when she said she was playing into the goth aesthetic. Daphne looked like she could be the front woman for a Muggle rock band and felt like she could take on the world!

Daphne's makeup was simple enough. The aforementioned black lipstick that Daphne nervously anticipated leaving as marks on Atlas' skin. A bit of blush to make her cheekbones pop and make her nose appear shiny and cuter. Black wings at the corners of her eyes that Tracey said helped give her bedroom eyes. A shaved slit in one of her eyebrows to make her look just that little bit more expressive. Not that it helped much…

The fishnet sleeves that covered her arms and the top half of her torso were Daphne's favorite part of her outfit. Fishnets really were the most wonderful clothing Muggles ever invented. They went under a strapless top with an almost corseted waistline. Perky breasts almost swelled out of containment and Daphne couldn't wait to feel her chest heave with excitement.

Then the shorts she wore… They were scandalous! Daphne's heart raced just putting them on. If her mother saw them, she'd either faint in shock or demand a pair of her own… They hugged her hips just so, gripping her curves in a way that sent her nerves tingling. Daphne was almost positive her bum was spilling out of the back of them as well.

A pair of thigh-high stockings covered her legs, connected to and held up by leather-strap garters. Just a taste of smooth, pale skin peeked out above them. 

Temporary tattoo designs decorated parts of her body, mostly meaningless lines and spirals that she thought looked good. Tracey was especially excited about the one below her navel, just above her womb…

A thin lace choker encircled Daphne's slender neck. She was hoping to make good on her joking invitation to Atlas when they first discussed their betrothal.

And below Daphne's outfit, even more enticement was prepared to be laid bare. Lace. Beautiful, tempting lace. The panties made Daphne rub her thighs together in anticipation. Crotchless… What would the Muggles think of next?

Daphne Greengrass was a vision of gothic beauty and seduction. She'd never felt like this before. She knew she was pretty. Hell, she knew she was beautiful. But she'd never worn an outfit like this with a single, sexy intention.

Daphne had pretty much made up her mind regarding her betrothal. She wasn't ready to get married. She wouldn't be for a good while. But she thought she was just about ready to finalize things. To set their arrangement in stone.

Nervous energy still plagued her mind though. Atlas' reaction to her today would decide everything for good. Daphne didn't even know what exactly she was hoping for. She just knew it would put to rest any second thoughts she might have.

"Do you want anything more? Or is this fine? Are you sure about this, Daph?" Tracey worried over her, dusting invisible dust from her clothes.

"Tracey, I'll be fine," Daphne said, her monotone hiding the same nerves Tracey showed.

"I know you will, Daph…" Tracey sighed. "Professor Atlas won't hurt you. I'm just worried I'll lose my best friend after all of this."

"I'm not getting married. The most that will happen is our courting will be formalized and perhaps made public. He's left this decision to me and I feel I owe him an actual answer."

"That's the problem, Daph! Pansy might actually kill you in jealousy when she finds out!"

"She can try…" Daphne's dead delivery made her words more menacing than they really were.

"There's my little goth girl~" Tracey teased. "He'll love you, Daph."

Daphne fixed her with a flat glare, "I'm more than black lipstick and a choker, Tracey."

Tracey laughed, "I know that, Daph! But those seem to be Atlas' favorite parts! So have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't do~!"

"Considering what I know you and Blaise get up to, that doesn't narrow things down very much…"

"That's why I said it, baby~! And here. This should get you out of the common room and wherever you're going without being seen."

Tracey handed Daphne a shimmering piece of fabric. An invisibility cloak. Tracey really could get anything into Hogwarts. And it solved a problem that Daphne hadn't thought about. Namely, walking around the Castle looking like this. Her current look was intended for Atlas' eyes only.

She wrapped the relatively cheap, temporary invisibility cloak around her. As she disappeared, her voice whispered through the room, "… Thank you."

With that, Daphne was gone, slipping unseen through the door to Tracey's dorm room. Tracey stayed behind, shaking her head, "Silly, silly girl. She doesn't even know she's already head over heels… Still… I have another pair of those panties… I wonder if Blaise is feeling up for a quickie or two or three?"

Daphne ghosted her way through the Slytherin Common Room. She passed Pansy, scribbling on her WWO parchment. Peeking over her shoulder, Daphne saw the secretive thirst thread dedicated to 'Professor Atlas, Heir Black'. She was just a bit ashamed to say she knew it well. Just to familiarize herself with the discussion surrounding her betrothed-to-be, of course…

Nothing else… She definitely wasn't the top contributor to the thread's anonymous collection of Wizarding photos… 

Though, perhaps Tracey had a point. Pansy might actually try to kill her when she found out about Daphne's courtship with Atlas. Well, there was a 50-50 chance that she would try to kill Daphne or ask her for help with her own pursuit… Either way, that situation would require careful diplomacy.

Putting that out of her mind for later, Daphne made her way out of the Common Room. Under the cover of the cloak, she made her way out of the dungeons and up to the Castle's main stairway. From there, she made her way up to the Seventh Floor.

Daphne was pretty sure she wasn't supposed to know that the Room Atlas took her to was on the Seventh Floor. But in the chaos of that day, after they watched the movie, he forgot to obscure their location from her. She'd followed him as he ran for the Great Hall, tracking their progress along the way.

In the end, it worked out in her favor. She didn't have to spend time searching the entire Castle for that one hallway. She wasn't even entirely sure he would be there. But it was the first place she was looking for him. His quarters were second. But she hoped to catch him alone.

Fate shined down on her. She came to that hallway on the Seventh Floor to find a lonely door across from a tapestry. Taking a deep breath, Daphne shed her cloak and slipped inside.

Daphne immediately came upon a scene that would have seen Atlas arrested by the Ministry. The interior of the room was dim, lit only by candles and esoteric glowing lines on the floor. The lines spiraled in on themselves, forming a circle that Daphne couldn't begin to recognize. All she knew was it had to be the basis of some ritual or another.

But she trusted Atlas. At the very least, she trusted him not to do something as stupid as summoning Demons or Outsiders. And in truth, she trusted him a lot more than that. There was a reasonable explanation for this. She knew that much.

As a Pure-Blood, Daphne knew Ritual Magic wasn't the demonized discipline that the Ministry's laws made it out to be. It had many uses. Some dark, some light, and most firmly in between the two extremes.

Atlas sat in the middle of the ritual circle, the obvious focus of whatever he was trying to accomplish. The lines of ash and salt glowed with pink light. His magic swirled in the air. The Room added to the maelstrom. All that energy — enough to set Daphne's hair on end — funneled directly into Atlas and his core.

Then something went wrong. The world seemed to stutter for the briefest of moments. The lights flared. The magic pouring into Atlas exploded in reverse. The energy in the air died with a whimper.

Daphne couldn't keep herself from running to Atlas' side. Well, almost… She wasn't foolish enough to cross the ritual circle around him. But as the Ritual Magic faded and Atlas was left seemingly unharmed, Daphne slowly began to calm down.

"Hmmm, that went a bit wrong…" Atlas muttered to himself, standing and stretching without opening his eyes.

"That seemed like it was rather stupid," Daphne deadpanned.

Atlas jumped slightly, "Daphne?! Merlin, warn a guy, will you? Actually, how are you even here?"

"I just walked in. The door is visible. And you were a bit too busy to keep this room a secret the last time we were here together," Daphne explained.

"Ah… Yeah, I forgot about that…" Atlas said sheepishly.

"So… Why are you doing rituals? Alone. Without anyone to supervise or help if something goes wrong. Like it just did…" There was a warning in Daphne's flat tone.

"Training, experimentation, and research," Atlas replied, seemingly not ashamed of his ill-thought-out endeavors. "It's something I have to do. Sure, I could have been smarter about it but I'd rather not expose the others to the unfortunate side effects of my inevitable failures."

"Side effects…?"

"Yeah, but it's not as bad as it sounds. This ritual is the only one I plan on practicing unsupervised. Well, unsupervised if you don't count the Room and the fact that Hogwarts is watching… It's complex but utterly harmless. Even when failed, the worst that can happen is-… Oh… There it is…"

"Oh? There's what?" Daphne was starting to grow concerned again.

"That… was a Recovery Ritual…" Atlas forced out through gritted teeth. "Meant to… help… recover stamina, desire, and reinforce the body…"

"And as the only man in a coven of seven Witches, I assume you have to do that ritual regularly," Daphne nodded, catching on quickly.

"Not… usually… Again, I was experimenting," Atlas continued haltingly. "But as you saw… it backfired. Don't quite know why right now… Not important…"

"What's important right now is the side effects," Daphne agreed.

"Ex-actly… Rampaging desire… Dramatically increased physical stamina before a sudden crash… A complete loss of control in the unprepared… Whatever you came here for, we should probably take a raincheck on it for now…" Atlas squeezed his eyes shut.

His face scrunched up in concentration. His jaw was tight. Seemingly every muscle in his body tensed. Daphne watched as Atlas struggled to maintain control of himself. Corded forearms flexed beneath rolled-up sleeves. Veins stood out against the exposed portions of his skin, running up those powerful arms. Atlas was quickly turned into a tightly wound ball of tension, fighting the fire that raged inside him. And Daphne suddenly found her nerves set alight by similar flames.

"… No."

Atlas' eyes shot open, revealing that fire behind his irises, and he growled out a warning, "Daphne~…"

"Am I not desirable?" She asked, stepping closer now that the ritual circle was inert.

"Of course, you are…! But… the ritual… the side effects…"

"Am I not willing?"

"Are you?" Atlas shot back a challenge.

"I am," Daphne confirmed blandly and nonchalantly. "If you can hold yourself back this much, I think you deserve my help. I'm willing to help you relieve the side effects of your stupidly botched ritual."

"Isn't this… too much…?" Atlas tried to give her one last out, seemingly more for his sake than hers. "Too far…? Too fast…?"

Daphne shook her head, "It was planned. Well… mostly. I came to find you today for a reason. Your labored restraint here just helped me confirm my decision."

His eyes closed again. A visible shiver ran up his spine. His hands fluttered at his sides, trying futilely as an outlet for the energy pent up inside him. A rip tore through the charged air between them.

Looking for the source, Daphne saw that Atlas' pants had given up the ghost of keeping his desire contained. A long, thick bulge ran down one of his legs. The seams at his crotch had all but ripped open.

For the first time in hours, Daphne's facial expression changed. Her eyes rose in surprise. It was a small movement but on Daphne's icy visage, it spoke wonders. Her stomach flipped and fluttered. Her mind stuttered to a stop before restarting. Something flared, throwing sparks every which way and setting everything else inside her alight.

Atlas spoke again in a low rumble that Daphne felt in her core, "Daphne… If you have any objections — any at all — to me ravishing you right here, right now… I need you to say something. If not, I'm going to do something drastic, graphic, and intensely enjoyable for both of us…"

"Hmm…" Daphne hummed flatly. "One question first. What did you think of my outfit?"

Atlas' eyes shot open. He looked her up and down. Daphne felt his gaze. Hot. Heavy. Her skin prickled and tingled. Not an inch of her body was spared. The heat in her core may as well have been magma. Thick, viscous, deep, and hot enough to scald her insides.

Atlas growled, "I bloody love it~!"

He surged forward. Daphne barely had enough time to open her arms to welcome him. A hand went to the back of her neck, fingers burying in the hair at the base of her head. She found herself in the air without a clue how she'd gotten there. Her legs wrapped around Atlas' waist anyway.

His lips smothered her. His tongue sieged down her defenses. His body burned against hers. She tried desperately to match his passion. She never stood a chance.

As quickly as she was washed away, the pull of passion became gentle. The initial fierce movement of his lips slowed. His tongue almost lazily coaxed hers into his mouth. He pulled her tight to him. She felt every flex of his hard body against her. The heat between them smoldered. Daphne still felt like she could barely breathe.

Her chest heaved against Atlas'. Her legs locked together behind his back. She ground her hips against his pelvis. Daphne didn't even realize they were moving until Atlas sat down, settling her into his lap.

The bulge of his trapped cock pressed against her bum. Even through the fabric, she could feel how hard he was. He could have split steel. What could that hardness do to her soft body…? Daphne shivered. Her scandalous shorts were practically soaked through.

Atlas slowly pulled away from her. Daphne tried to follow for more. He held her in place but didn't go far, only moving to rest his forehead against hers. They both took a moment to catch their breath.

Even now, Daphne barely felt her expression twitch. She cursed her face internally. She wasn't emotionless. She'd never felt anything as intensely as this moment. What… what if he got the wrong idea? She'd just have to make sure there couldn't be any misunderstandings…

"I am enjoying myself," Daphne stated plainly, her voice as monotone as ever.

Atlas — the bastard — laughed in surprise, "Haha~! Are you now?"

If eyes could pout, Daphne's would have, "This is no laughing matter. I'm telling you that you have my enthusiastic consent to continue."

He just smirked, "Well, I suppose that's a good thing because I have no intention of stopping any time soon."

"Yes. I agree. It is a good thing," Daphne said matter-of-factly.

Atlas tilted her head to the side and kissed his way down her neck, "You're a… very interesting girl… Daphne… you know that?"

Daphne's reply was whispered and breathy as she tried to keep from squirming at the touch of his lips, "I-I try…"

The steel beneath her throbbed. Too-hot lips trailed fire across her skin. Her fingers threaded through his hair. Little whines and whimpers escaped her with each kiss. Atlas nipped at her neck. Daphne ground her core along his length.

Stoic as her facial expression was, Daphne's enjoyment was clear to see. Atlas could feel the wet heat from her crotch. He could feel the way her body trembled at his touch. He could hear the breathy noises trapped behind her closed lips. Her face said nothing but her body language, the way she moved against him, told a very different story.

Atlas almost regretted it when he started to work Daphne out of her clothes. It was a wonderful outfit. The style, the way it clung to her body, it was a masterpiece. In the end, he compromised, only discarding some of the clothes and keeping others.

He unlaced the corset-like top, pulling it off her. Daphne's chest heaved, her breasts shuddering and jiggling behind the 'bars' of their fishnet prison.

The fishnets were one of the pieces that got to stay. They crisscrossed her torso, standing out against the paleness of her skin. The swell of her chest stretched them, not too big or too small, instead perfect, perky handfuls for Atlas.

He didn't bother moving her from his lap to take off her shorts. They were vanished with a simple wave of his hand. Daphne gasped. The soaked, silky fabric no longer clung to her crotch or rode up between her cheeks. All that covered her now was the silly bit of lace the Muggles called panties. They didn't do a good job.

The stockings and garters got to stay as well. Atlas ran his hands up her legs. His nails raked lightly along the soft fabric. Fingers danced across her exposed skin when he reached the top. He circled her hip until her ass was in his hands. Large palms cupped her and Daphne felt herself laid bare at his mercy.

Daphne tried to keep her cool, "Y-You seem to be overdressed, Atlas."

All she got in return was that insufferably charming smirk, "Am I? I'm rather comfortable right now, actually."

She knew he was teasing her. Her eye definitely didn't twitch, "I would prefer if you would match the state of your clothing with mine."

"Oh? I'm afraid I don't have any fishnets though. Or these wonderful stockings and garters. Or-… Daphne, are those crotchless panties…? My my, how risque~"

The embarrassed and excited heat she felt inside never reached her cheeks, "… I will strangle you, Atlas."

"Kinky~ I welcome you to try. Where's the fun of sleeping with a goth girl if she doesn't try to kill you at least once?"

"Shut up and kiss me."

Atlas chuckled, leaning forward until his lips were an inch from hers, "Gladly~"

Daphne was the one to close the gap this time. She tried to take initiative. Almost immediately, she failed. Before she realized it, she was on the back foot again, yielding to Atlas' tongue.

He ravished her lips, leaving Daphne swollen and pleasantly bruised. Daphne just found herself craving more. His tongue dueled hers into submission. Long, nimble fingers traced her curves. Electricity sparked between them.

Acting on pure instinct, she took the hand at the back of her neck and wrapped it around her throat. Atlas squeezed lightly as if asking permission. Daphne practically poured her body over his, moaning enthusiastically. The grip on her slender neck tightened slightly and Daphne discovered the joys of erotic asphyxiation.

Daphne was breathless when they separated again. In the best of ways, she was now finding out. Her airflow wasn't actually cut off. But there was that hint of something amazing there. Danger and excitement raced through her veins. The pressure around her throat felt ~so good~!

From what she felt against her bum, Atlas thought so as well. His hardness was practically molded to the curve of her ass. She could feel his pulse even through the increasingly flimsy fabric of his pants. She absently wiggled her hips on it and felt herself almost drool as it throbbed just so.

"So…" Still, her face was impassive and as deadpan as her voice. "Would you like to snap my choker?"

Atlas blinked, "I don't think that's physically possible, Daphne. I thought that was just a joke."

Daphne looked him in the eye, dead serious, "You'll never know until you try."

That seemed to convince Atlas, "Right… Tap my thigh three times or snap if it gets to be too much for you."

Daphne nodded and slipped from his lap to descend between his knees. Atlas' clothes disappeared a moment later. That rockhard rod Daphne had been feeling was suddenly bouncing right in front of her face.

It was so thick… So intimidating, looming over her like a tower to the sky… Daphne had never wanted anything so much. He would ruin her. The heat in her core roared into an inferno at that thought.

Her face was blank and clear of the emotions rampaging inside her, "Oh my…"

"Open," Atlas commanded.

Daphne obeyed, letting her tongue loll out slightly. She felt like her breath should have been misting in the air. She was so hot. Other than her open mouth, her expression never twitched.

Atlas took himself in hand and angled his cock at her waiting tongue. He slapped it there once and twice. Daphne could feel the sheer weight of his meat. It filled her with anticipation. A slightly salty, musky taste leaked onto her tastebuds.

Daphne just hummed. On the outside, she almost looked bored. Inside, she was practically vibrating with excitement. She could literally taste him. Looking up at him, only the firm look in his eyes kept her from diving forward for more.

His free hand came down to wrap around her throat again. Daphne all but melted then and there. Slowly, carefully, and with a firm grip, Atlas dragged her head forward. The tip of his cock breached her lips. Pillows spread wide to accommodate it. She had to swallow her drool. Her expression never changed.

Daphne suckled. Her tongue swiped here and there. His cock felt like molten iron, hot and heavy in her mouth. A core of steel ran through its length. Soft, silken skin wrapped around that steel. 

Atlas' essence dripped from his tip onto her tongue and down her throat. Daphne was served a feast and she swallowed eagerly and submissively. It was ~delicious~.

She forced herself to relax. Atlas pushed forward further. She swallowed. She lavished every inch of him she could reach with sweeping swipes of her tongue. He pushed to the back of her mouth and she accepted him into her throat. She'd practiced for this exact moment.

He slid into a smooth, wet cavern, feeling it contract and convulse around him as Daphne swallowed. Atlas' head almost fell backward. It would have if not for how enthralled he was by the sight before him. The contrast between Daphne's placid face and the debaucherous act she was performing… It made something inside him clench hard.

He throbbed in her mouth. He pushed deeper. Daphne swallowed happily and easily. Her throat stretched. She could feel the bulge of his progress on her skin. Atlas was practically gripping his cock through her neck.

A puddle pooled on the floor between Daphne's legs. She was dripping. He was so thick in her throat. She couldn't even gag. Her pussy pulsed. The fire in her core engulfed her whole body at this point.

She held Atlas' gaze. Her eyes never wavered, just like her expression. Even as her lips were stretched as wide as they'd ever been. Even as inch after inch of throbbing shaft was buried in her throat. Even as her airflow was cut off for real and her core clenched like never before.

"Oh, fuck…!" Atlas muttered, shuddering.

He fully sheathed himself in her throat. Her lips kissed the root of his cock. Her neck bulged slightly beneath his hand. From both inside and out, Atlas could feel her swallow. Daphne tried to hum. All that came out was a soft gurgle.

Atlas still groaned as her throat vibrated around him, "F-Fuck, Daphne~… That's not even fair!"

Flat blue eyes stared back at him. Atlas shuddered again, the slight movement running all the way up his spine. The seemingly emotionless expression on her face… The black-painted lips stretched around his girth… His hand holding her neck… The fishnets covering her chest like paradise trapped behind bars… Everything came together perfectly.

The whole scene was a work of art. Daphne was the muse. Dark colors and gothic themes wrapped around a core of lewdness and debauchery. Impossibly smooth muscles gripped and swallowed him. Wet and oh-so-slick, the heat was almost unbearable.

Then he began to move. Plump lips were dragged along his shaft. The silken heat slowly disappeared inch by inch. Pleasure was pulled straight from his nerves.

His hips bucked, driving him forward again. Almost instantly, he was swallowed back into sloppy Nirvana. Daphne just blinked up at him, seemingly unaffected. The emotionless yet evocative scene drove Atlas' arousal even higher.

Though her face didn't show it, Daphne eagerly submitted herself to Atlas' will. His desire fed hers. Liquid heat ran down her thighs. Her stockings must have been soaked. Her practice was paying off. A mighty pillar, tamed by her well-trained throat and taming her in return. She'd have to thank Tracey for the 'Conjure Dildo' spell.

Atlas' hips could barely control themselves. They pulled back and thrust in a near-constant motion. His shaft plundered Daphne's throat for every ounce of pleasure, both his and hers. His balls struck her chin with each hilting. Her head glided up and down the invading length. She barely gagged, looking as calm and collected as she always did.

Eventually, Atlas' movements stuttered to a stop. He pulled back one last time with a groan. His cock sprang from Daphne's lips with a pop. She looked up at him with a question in her eyes but she didn't try to follow. His hand around her throat kept her more than satisfied in her place for now.

"I… I don't think we're going to snap your choker, Daphne," Atlas said. "And I'd rather save my climax for another pair of lips…"

"That's-…" Daphne coughed slightly and primly cleared her throat. "Ahem… That's a shame. Though I suppose I wouldn't mind moving things along as well. The 'choker-snapping' can wait until I've done more research and discovered a method to make it a reality."

Atlas bit back another groan at that idea, "Yeah… You do that. For now though… I think you deserve a little love too."

He pulled her up. Daphne followed the direction of his hand on her neck. She stood on surprisingly shaky legs, leaning into Atlas' support. The mess that gathered below her while she kneeled went uncommented upon. Daphne looked at Atlas expectantly.

"Right," Atlas concentrated for a moment.

The chair that appeared when they started shifted. Suddenly, a large bed took its place. Atlas sat again, pulling Daphne with him. He laid back and she mounted him.

Skin touched skin. Her stocking-clad thighs sandwiched his waist. Her hands came up to rest firmly on his strong chest. His hand never left her neck, to Daphne's unending approval. His solid steel rod, now coated in Daphne's drool, settled into the cleft of her bum.

Daphne raised a purposeful eyebrow, "As much as I appreciate the sentiment, I think I've established that I would like you to take control here."

"I will," Atlas reassured. "But I want to watch your face as you take me all on your own."

The tiniest hint of pink colored her cheeks and Daphne whispered softly, "Pervert…"

"Oh? Should I add handholding into the mix as well?" Atlas smiled in that lopsided, teasing way that sent her tummy fluttering.

Daphne almost glared down at him, "Shut up and choke me, Atlas."

"As you wish~"

Ignoring his cheek, Daphne raised her hips. She felt Atlas' cock slide down until it pressed between her plump lower lips. The tip spread them just enough to make her shiver. She wiggled her hips slightly, holding her perch there for a moment.

Daphne began her descent, holding Atlas' gaze. If he wanted to see her face, she'd show him everything. The focus she saw there in his eyes — on her and her alone — had her preening inside. She was the only thing in his world.

She pushed herself down. His cockhead split her open. More and more, she stretched around his girth. Nothing could have prepared her for this feeling. So big… So hot… So hard… It was as if he was driving to the core of her being.

Halfway down his length, Daphne paused. She was empty. She was full. She was on fire. She was shivering and shuddering as if she was cold. She was everything, everywhere, all at once. And for once, Daphne's face reflected what she felt inside.

Atlas watched Daphne descend with the focus of a thousand men. His eyes flitted here and there, taking in everything. Every twitch of her lips. Every blink and flutter of her eyelids. Every bit of color that crept onto her cheeks. He committed Daphne to memory. The scene was a future Patronus in the making.

He realized something as Daphne paused. She had to be one of the most emotional people he'd ever met. It wasn't standard. It wasn't typical. But if you knew what to look for, the clues were there. She was expressively non-expressive but that just made every hint of her inner emotions all the more meaningful.

Something dangerous and enticing sparkled in her eyes as she came to terms with the sensations. Suddenly, she pushed herself down the rest of the way. Atlas filled her completely. Her bubbly bum bounced on his thighs. A clap sounded from the force.

From tip to base, Atlas was wrapped in a vise of silk. His cock throbbed in time with Daphne's heartbeat. He stretched her wide, filled her deep, and made her feel so utterly whole and complete.

"How…" Daphne paused, her monotone faltering with a dainty pant. "How was that? Satisfied, Atlas?"

"More than satisfied," Atlas replied. "You did good. I'll take it from here."

Still partially reeling from sheer sensation, Daphne felt anticipation bloom in her breast. She wasn't disappointed. Atlas took hold of her hips. Daphne found herself on her back moments later. She barely even felt him move and somehow they were still literally connected at the hip.

She blinked, "O-Oh my…"

Even in her slightly dazed state, Daphne's hands sought out one of Atlas' hands. She dragged it back to her neck, encouraging him to hold her so intimately and dangerously again. A keening moan tried to escape her throat as he did.

The hand around her neck made her clench around Atlas' cock. Her legs naturally wrapped around his waist and squeezed. She unconsciously tried to pull him impossibly deeper into her depths. He throbbed and flexed inside her. Daphne let out a little breathless gasp.

His free hand stroked down her body, following her curves. Daphne pushed her chest up into his touch. Her back almost arched off the bed. Atlas caressed the swell of her hip. His fingers wandered over her center. He traced the intricate design he found there above her womb.

"What's this, Daphne?"

Daphne stifled a whimper at his gentle fingers, "Tracey called it a 'womb tattoo'. She said you would like it… D-Do you…?"

Atlas hummed, "For some reason I can't quite place, yes. Yes, I like it very much."

Daphne's expression and tone flattened in excitement, "Oh… Good. Very good. I may just have to keep it then."

Atlas just chuckled, knowing better what hints to look for now to divine her true emotions, "Only if you want to. I can even do it for you myself."

A shiver ran through Daphne at that idea, "… I'll keep that in mind."

"I did Heather's and Hermione's tattoos. They did mine. We can include the same enhancements."

"I didn't take them for the type. Well… maybe Potter."

"Just something to think about. We've got more important things to take care of at the moment~"

Atlas flexed his cock inside her as he said that. Daphne's pussy replied for her, squeezing around the flexing rod of pure heat. She almost blushed as she realized her body was more responsive and expressive than her face. He smirked at her, seemingly unbothered by that realization.

Daphne was reminded of the hand around her throat as it tightened slightly. It felt so comfortable there, so right, that she'd forgotten she was being choked.

The strength of his hand sent her mind tittering and spinning. Daphne was sure her eyes were swirling spirals of depravity and lewdness. Atlas began to pull away from her. Her legs tried to keep him in place. They didn't slow him down at all.

Daphne felt so weak, so open, so vulnerable to Atlas' desires. Even without magic, he overpowered her just so. But his grip was never too tight. His movements were never too fast.

He gave her exactly what she wanted and not an ounce more that might have made her uncomfortable. He could have done anything he wanted with her at that moment. She would have taken it and begged for more.

Atlas didn't thrust forward. His hips rolled. Daphne was filled so smoothly and naturally that she gasped. It was languid. It was intense. Sensation surged through her nerves. Pleasure flooded her veins.

They fit together so snugly. His cock pulled pure fire from her core. And yet, the movements were almost cozy. She felt like she could let everything go and fall into the simple motion of their bodies. His hips rolled against hers. Her legs hugged him to her even as he drew away for another thrust.

Her inner walls stretched over and over again. Ecstasy played across her whole body. She was split open by silk-wrapped steel. So much of Atlas penetrated Daphne, reaching for her core. Her body opened, like a blooming flower in many ways, willingly accepting him into her depths.

Daphne felt herself laid bare with every thrust. The most that showed on her face was a few pants and soft moans. But she knew Atlas could feel every twitch and spasm from the rest of her body.

She knew he could feel how she clenched around him and clung to him like she never wanted to let go. She knew he could feel the way her legs shook as he ground his pubic bone against her clit.

She let herself go, uncaring of the way her face didn't show even half the things she felt. Atlas saw her hidden emotions anyway. He felt them. Daphne couldn't hide anything behind an icy facade anymore and didn't want to.

Daphne came and came undone. Even as she moaned, her usual expression barely shifted. It was a lovely contrast for Atlas. He could feel her cumming around him. Yet her face was carved from ice, beautiful and stoic in the face of utter ecstasy.

Atlas' hips slowed. He dragged Daphne through her orgasm, savoring every moment of it. Every twitch, every squeeze, and every gush of fluids around the base of his cock. Her body was an instrument and Atlas brought it to climax like he was reading off a sheet of music.

"Ready for more~?" Atlas asked when Daphne finally stopped shaking.

"Oh, Merlin, Atlas~…" Daphne mumbled, her voice as soft as can be. "… Harder."

"What was that?"

"Harder. We've done slow and gentle. It was great. Amazing. Now, choke me harder. Make me scream. See if you can break my facial expression. Fuck. Me. Up. Atlas."

At a loss for words, Atlas just stared at her, nearly gaping. Daphne glared back at him. What she'd requested slowly filtered into his brain and the gears inside started moving again.

"I-… Okay. Same 'safe' signals as before?"

"Atlas… If I can still breathe in three seconds, I'm going to make sure you can't."

Somehow, that threat just made Atlas' cock throb inside her even more. She felt his hand start to really squeeze. Daphne gasped involuntarily. Her airflow was completely cut off for the first time since he wrapped his hand around her throat. Her eyes rolled back slightly. She came again immediately.

Even as she came, Atlas drew his hips back. He drove himself forward. Then again and again without paying a bit of mind to her continued consecutive orgasms. Daphne squirted, adding more lube to Atlas' thrusts.

He pounded down into her body. Her legs followed as their position shifted, rising up his back. Eventually, they came unlocked, spasming and shaking with each mind-shattering thrust.

Atlas pulled one onto his shoulder and shoved the other to the side. Daphne's body was spread open for him, her legs at 90-degree angles. He hugged the raised one to his chest and slammed into her over and over again.

Her whole body shook with the force. She couldn't breathe. Her depths molded into the shape of Atlas' cock. She couldn't breathe! Her body would never be the same again. She couldn't stop cumming~!

Choked gasps escaped Daphne's lips as Atlas' hand loosened and tightened with his movements. Her hands clutched it, desperately holding it in place.

Her brain sparked and fizzled, exploded and stuttered. The world flashed around her. Daphne felt like she would break at any moment and loved every second of it~!

For once, her face fully reflected her emotions. Her eyes rolled. Pink hearts seemed to appear there out of magic itself. Her mouth fell open, gasping for air. Her tongue lolled. The Ice Queen cracked.

Atlas gritted his teeth, driving through his building pleasure. Daphne's pussy clung to every inch of him. Impossibly wet and impossibly tight, Daphne took everything he had to give. His hips thrust like a powered piston. Their bodies slammed together, beating the drum of ecstasy to a crescendo.

Daphne clenched constantly. Atlas throbbed in reply. Her pussy pulsed from clit to womb. His balls churned and roiled. Lewd squelches and wet claps filled the air. Everything built and built and built until their whole world exploded with euphoric fanfare.

A star was born in Daphne's core. Atlas felt his soul leave his body. Their legs seized up, toes curling as hard as they possibly could. A sheer torrent of seed spilled from Atlas to fill Daphne's depths. Spurt after spurt, the flood was never-ending.

They were both panting when they finally began to come down from their peaks. Atlas loosened his grip on Daphne's neck. Daphne whined as the pressure relaxed. She still held his hand there, unwilling to give up the physical contact just yet.

Slowly, the ice of Daphne's facial expression refroze. Her breathing slowed. Her eyes refocused. Soon, there was no sign she had shown any emotion ever.

"Tsk, that's a shame…" Atlas tutted absently.

"At… least you tried…" Daphne said.

"I succeeded," Atlas shot back. "I saw that ice crack. I'll just have to make it happen again~…"

"You're… not done…?" Daphne asked, worried and excited by the prospect in equal measure.

Atlas smirked, "Not even close. Side effects of the botched recovery ritual, remember?"

Daphne hummed, her stomach fluttering, "Hmm, very well. Let's see if you can thaw my 'ice' any further…"

"Gladly~" Atlas agreed before squeezing her throat lightly with a question. "Again?"

Daphne stared up at him flatly, "… Yes, again. Always again, Atlas. Choke me and fuck me until I can't feel my toes."

"As you wish, my betrothed~"

He started moving again and Daphne quickly stopped caring about anything else. His hand around her neck and his cock deep inside her were all she needed right now. She couldn't see the ghostly message that popped up before Atlas' eyes and even if she could, she wouldn't have cared. It was dismissed moments later anyway…

< New Coven Member Initiated >

< Coven Members (8): Septima Vector, Luna Lovegood, Gabrielle Delacour, Bellatrix Black, Aurora Sinistra, Hermione Granger, Heather Potter, Daphne Greengrass >

< +5 to Persuasion >

< Persuasion 40+5=45/100 >

< +2 to Ritual Magic >

< Ritual Magic 49+2=51/100 >

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