

Turns out the whole thing with Haley being arrested was a misunderstanding. A couple more weeks after Haley's almost life-changing issue, Alex and I were invited to the annual academic decathlon (aka the USAD). The competition consists of seven objective multiple-choice tests, two subjective performance events, and an essay. Exciting for people who are part of it, but boring for those who are there to 'watch' us.

The Academic Decathlon is designed to include students from all achievement levels. Teams generally consist of nine members, who are divided into three divisions based on a custom-calculated grade point average: Honors (3.75–4.00 GPA), Scholastic (3.00–3.74 GPA), and Varsity (0.00–2.99 GPA). Each team member competes in all ten events against other students in his or her division, and team scores are calculated using the top two overall individual scores from each team in all three divisions. Gold, silver, and bronze medals are awarded for individual events and for overall scores.

To earn a spot at the national competition in April, teams must advance through local, regional, and state competitions, though some levels of competition may be bypassed for smaller states. Online competitions, separated into small, medium, and large categories, are also offered.

The ten events require knowledge of art, economics, language and literature, math, music, science, and social science. These topics, with the exception of math, are thematically linked each year. One of the multiple-choice events, alternating between science and social science, is chosen for the Super Quiz. In addition to the seven objective events, there are three subjective events graded by judges: essay, interview, and speech.

It was a two-day event for one weekend, where my Mom, me, Alex, Claire, Luke, and Manny would be attending. Alex and I were in the Honors category obviously. For some reason Claire involved Manny and Luke, I have no idea why. However, the hotel we'd be staying at is very nice and Alex has been stressing over studying for the event. While I, like normal, am taking it easy as I have decades of experience and knowledge hidden inside my mind.

"Gabe, quiz me again, please," Alex says to me as we are sitting at the table in my and my Mom's room. With Claire and my Mom gossiping on the couch, while Luke and Manny discuss whatever is happening at their school.

"Fine, but you should relax a bit. You are freaking out too much right now," I say to her as Alex looks ready to have a mental breakdown.

"Easy for you to say! You didn't come last year and now you are gonna take the MVP spot for our team! I have to make sure I can beat you for that spot!," Alex says to me as I go to refute, but close my mouth nodding my head. As I will beat her without even trying.

"I mean…Why should I?... You are saying I should help you beat me," I say to her with a teased look as she glares at me.

"If you help me study one more time… I… I will do one thing for you no questions asked," Alex says to me as I get a devious look and she looks like she immediately regrets what she said.

"Deal! No takebacks," I say to her with a very over-the-top evil laugh as her face becomes worried.

"Gabe… What are you planning?" Alex says to me while giving me a worried look.

"Nothing… Anyway, let's start the practice quiz," I say changing the subject and asking her a question before she can continue.

After another hour or so of quick studying, it is time for the first event. The topic was Art, the teams would sit on a stage and the judges would ask the questions. Where like many game shows, the team that hits the buzzer first gets to answer first. They have thirty seconds to answer once the buzzer has been hit. Alex was the team captain and was in charge of hitting the button.

Our team consisted of students across the state of California. However, I did notice we had another student from our school competing, Sanjay Patel. It was well known by certain circles, that he has a crush on Alex and hates me since I am dating her. I couldn't care less what he thought, but if he messes with me or Alex I will retaliate.

We all took our seats at our table with me sitting next to Alex, who sat at the end by the buzzer. Sanjay was sitting next to me, while not so subtlety sending glares my way. I could see our two Moms sitting in the crowd, with Manny and Luke too. Though it appears Manny and Luke had plans of sneaking off. The two are looking at our parents to see if they are paying attention before sneaking away. I just shake my head at the two kids sneaking away without either Mom seeing it.

Art was never my forte, but each member of the team specialized in one topic, while still being passable in the others. I was a specialist for the science category, while still knowing enough about the other topics to pass by. Though in reality, I specialized in them all, except for art, because fuck art.

"I can try to help here guys, but this isn't my area of knowledge," I say to the team before the judges begin to ask the questions.

"No surprise there," Sanjay says to me as I give him a confused look at what the hell that is supposed to mean.

The first event took an hour, as all the events do, but it still felt like three years had gone by as I hated the art subject. Once it was over there was a fifteen-minute break before the next event, economics. Which to me was just memorizing information and I am very good at that plus I liked math. While I had no interest in art, so memorizing that was mentally tiring.

"I never thought I'd see the day where you didn't know something," Alex says to me as we relax for a few minutes before the next event.

"It's not that I don't know it or can't learn it, it is just I hate it. I think art is boring, sure some pieces of art are cool to look at, but learning the history of art… makes me want to die," I say to Alex who laughs nodding her head agreeing with me.

"Yeah I get it," Alex says as I let out a tired sigh.

"I hope you can be more help in the rest of the events. I've no idea why the school asked you to join the team this year," Sanjay says to me as his hatred for me is very obvious. I just give him a blank stare that shows I have no interest in his goading, while he glares at me before walking away to talk to another teammate, seeing his goading isn't working.

"What's his problem?" Alex says to me noticing his hatred for me.

"Seriously?" I say to her thinking she knows he has a crush on her as we are part of the same 'social circle' at school.

"What?" Alex says still confused as I just shake my head.

"Sanjay has a crush on you and has been wanting to ask you out since last year. Though since you are dating me he has directed all his attention to trying to annoy me. Little does the idiot know, I really don't care what he thinks," I say to Alex who gives me a surprised look after hearing me.

"Really?!" Alex says while looking at Sanjay with surprise.

"They say men are dense… jezz," I say to Alex who chuckles hearing me.

"I'm surprised you're not jealous," Alex says while giving me a look trying to see if I am hiding my jealousy. I just laugh hearing her say that.

"Why would I be jealous… Not to sound too narcissistic, but he has nothing on me… Plus I like to think we have a special connection," I say to Alex who rolls her eyes hearing the first part, then blushing at the second part.

"Plus, I don't see you being jealous when the girls and some guys at school look at me with… interest," I say to Alex who nods her head.

"I just remember that conversation we had about my sister. If you have no interest in her and only me, then I don't care that other people are looking at you. I know you only like me," Alex says as I laugh now.

"Now who is the narcissist," I say to Alex who laughs.

"OK, everyone back to your seats. The next event will begin in two minutes," the announcer says so everyone can return for the events to continue.

Like that the events come and go, with a lunch break in between math and music events. We powered through the economics, language and literature, math, and music events. Our team is in first place, with second and third not that far behind us. Sanjay has been trying to compete with me every time Alex hits the buzzer as we quickly discuss the answer to the question. Though I just focus on being a team player, ignoring him.

"Ok everyone, we are approaching the second to last subject today. Science," the announcer says as we all return to our seats.

As the event begins, Alex just refers to me every time she hits the buzzer. She has studied for this too, but doesn't question any of my answers trusting me completely. As Sanjay tries to argue every time, like me she ignores him further pissing him off. The rest of the team is starting to ignore him too seeing he is being an ass for no good reason.

"Last question, and this is a hard one. What is the scientific term for brain stem cancer?" the announcer says as I immediately know the answer. Alex like usually practically smashes the button to make sure we get to answer first.

"Diffuse brainstem astrocytoma," I say as the rest of the team has complete faith in me too now not arguing seeing me never get an answer wrong today.

"Wait, it is diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, not what Gabe said. I know this as my mom is a doctor!" Sanjay says trying once again to discredit me.

"Wrong, that is the common name used. The scientific name is Diffuse brainstem astrocytoma," I say as time is quickly leaving us to answer.

"Team one, you have ten more seconds to answer," the announcer says as Alex ignores Sanjay and gives me the answer.

"Diffuse brainstem astrocytoma!" Alex says taking my answer over Sanjay's answer, as he is now looking to the judges for the ruling.

"Correct!" the announcer says as the judges give us the points for the right answer.

"Whatever," Sanjay says before anyone can criticize him.

Once the science event was over the last event for today was social science. In which I know many things about it too, due to my old life. Like that the first day flew by with our team winning first place in the first main events. Tomorrow would be the last three events which could still make us only get second place due to how well we do. But I have faith in my teammates, most of them anyway.

It also turns out that Manny and Luke have been crashing parties ever since they snuck away. Though it seems they have been enjoying themselves, I just hope Manny realizes that anything that would happen here won't last. That is if he somehow lands a 'girlfriend' here. Life is an experience that everyone has to go through and learn, I am just lucky enough to have another life's experience to help me in my new one.

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