
Dangers Of The Holy City

"Um Thanks, I guess," Evian said with furrowed brows, "So what now? I get a shiny new seal?"

"Well yes," Astrid said and leaned back from her desk and pulled open a drawer from which she picked up a bronze-colored badge that she tossed to Evian to catch.

Evian caught it and looked it over. It was identical to the seal he already had as a border Knight except there was a symbol for Six written on it and above that was a symbol Evian didn't quite understand.

"That seal marks you as my subordinate. Makes me aware of your location in the Verlice Kingdom at all times. Of course, you're not directly below me because you are still under Zayda's command but that seal connects us enough for me to summon you for a task. 

And you should expect to be summoned."

"So this is a leash," Evian said.

Astrid grinned, leaning forward again to place her elbows on the desk and clasp her fingers just below her perfect nose,

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