
Out of the Cloud…

The Blood Bow

When Evian first ripped the bow from the clutches of the dead Goblin Representative, he immediately felt the power it held and he also had to resist the weapon's temptation to bond with him. 

This was not the first weapon to require a bond with its wielder, in fact, the Spear Evian wielded was bonded with him, however, the Blood Bow was peculiar- Ominous. It was an occult-like weapon that although, promised successful attacks and potentially never running out of arrows (depending on the wielder's constitution), was very demanding in terms of requirements.

Even though Ember had been temporarily boosted to the Wraith Lord level of Decadence courtesy of Evian, she was still one level short of being able to truly handle the Weapon's might and utilize its unique skill sets and even then, depending on her willpower, it might be a dangerous stretch.

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