
Eldritch Detonation

Astrid looked over at Evian and found him in combat with a Captain while Knights standing by supported their Superior.

She took one step forward in case he got overwhelmed but just then, her instincts warned her of multiple oncoming projectiles and she raised her head and watched hundreds of arrows charging at her, hoping to skewer her right where she stood.


With a scoff at what she thought was a pointless move regardless of the numbers, Astrid held her sword in front of her, and with a single slash move, she unleashed multiple by the ability she had as a Swordmaster. She cut down any arrow that came even five feet close to her while the others stabbed the ground pointlessly.

"Surround her!" yelled the voice of Lieutenant Anetta whose frown got even deeper at the sight of yet another one of her colleagues dead at the hands of the intruders. Worse, there was some level of humiliation with the rain of arrows stabbing her defenseless body. 

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