
Viyeen Complex

The direction Evian walked in contained many Mansions. Clearly, it was the better part of the District. Home to some of the wealthy dwellers of the Larnak Territory.

On his way, Evian encountered Guards who readily looked past his get-up to stare at his face. An elaborate headpiece or not, his eyes and eyebrows remained as Grey as ever and when paired with his youthful handsome face as well as focused attention, it could give away his identity.

There was even one close call.

"What Merchant walks around at all? And without a Guard entourage too!" one Larnak Guard said to another as they watched Evian walk.

"I don't know. A stupid one?" said the other and the squad laughed as one before the first quickly sobered up,

"Or a fake one," he said solemnly and he and his colleagues shared looks. By the time they looked away from each other, Evian was gone from their sight.

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