

West Blue, Kingdom of Ilisia.

Again in the main port of the Kingdom of Ilisia, a ship docked. This ship belonged to the Marine and carried its characteristic flag.

"Rear Admiral, we have arrived" a marine announced respectfully, standing behind a door.

After a few seconds, the door opened, and out came Boo Kong who decided to pay a visit to the Kingdom of Ilisia on a hunch. Anyway, they haven't heard from the Ohara archaeologists for a month, so it's not a bad thing for him to check in on some West Blue island now and then.

"Well, let's go" said Boo Kong in a serious tone as he put on his navy cloak.

As Boo Kong was getting off the ship followed by his subordinates, they were intercepted by a middle-aged man in luxurious clothes, "Rear Admiral Boo Kong ¿What brings you here?" asked this man who was being escorted by armed men.

This middle-aged man belonged to the nobility of the Frauce Kingdom and was in charge of important matters, his name was Nicolas.

"Mm, what? Am I not allowed to be here?" asked Boo Kong in an unfriendly tone.

"N-no, that's not what I meant..." said Nicolas quickly gesturing with both hands.

"I just came to perform a routine inspection, nothing important" said Boo Kong as he started walking again.

"W-wait a minute" said Nicolas as he ran to stop Boo Kong, "What's wrong?" asked Boo Kong with a frown.

"I have to warn you that a Celestial Dragon arrived recently, just that. Don't do anything to disturb him" asked Nicolas, if the Celestial Dragon got a bad impression of their Kingdom it won't be good for them.

*What? One of those bastards came here...? Tsch how annoying* thought Boo Kong while grimacing. He never liked the Celestial Dragons.

In general, he did not like the nobility or rich men, he only respected the strong.

"We won't create any trouble. Anyway, we are the Marine, if we create any trouble it's to protect your ass" said Boo Kong somewhat annoyed to learn that there is a Celestial Dragon in the Kingdom of Ilisia.

"It's good that you understand" said Nicolas glad he got the message across.

"One question, did a Marine ship arrive recently?" asked Boo Kong, if this man knew of their arrival, he should also be aware of the Marine ship that came to reload supplies.

After thinking about this question for a while Nicolas answered, "No, your ship is the first one to arrive from the Marine for days."

Upon the negative response, Boo Kong was surprised. It was assumed that the ship of the marine who was defecating was much closer than his own, and they should have arrived first.

His hunch seemed to have done some good, although at first he did it because he didn't have much to do and since he was put on the West Blue his days were very boring, it seems he finally found something.

"Listen up! Disperse and search for any suspicious persons! If the situation gets dangerous report immediately!" exclaimed Boo Kong as he turned and spoke to his subordinates.

"Yes sir!" exclaimed all the marines numbering about 20 or so.

This development was somewhat strange, but it was not reason enough to alert Komei and then HQ. He still had to get authentic information before making a good report.

The marines dispersed in small groups, trying to cover the entire city of the Kingdom of Ilisia, while Boo Kong went alone. The city was large, making it a challenging task to find the marines who were supposed to have come here or any suspicious individuals.


Yamamoto came out of the alley, he had already questioned the man who tried to mug him. This homeless man didn't know much and the information he got was little.

The only thing worth mentioning was that a few hours ago a ship arrived at the port that generated a lot of commotion. Even the King of the Kingdom of Ilisia himself went to welcome this ship.

*Could it be a Celestial Dragon or a very famous marine? I don't think it's a marine since we didn't leave any clues* thought Yamamoto as he continued to explore this part of the city.

He believed more in the first option, since it is common for celestial dragons to visit cities from time to time in search of slaves or who knows for what reasons.

*I wonder if I'll get skill points for killing a Celestial Dragon...* Yamamoto thought doubtfully.

He was tempted to perform such an act anyway, already the entire World Government and the Marine were looking for him with all their might. And killing this scum would only make the world a better place.

The only negative of this was that it might make his location known, but nothing that a good getaway wouldn't solve. He knew from the Marine he captured that the Marine hadn't mobilized large troops to find him and the other archaeologists.

So if he assassinated a Celestial Dragon he wouldn't have an Admiral on his head instantly. Different from when Luffy hit a Celestial Dragon in the manga in no time he had an Admiral on his head.

Walking with these thoughts in his head, he came to an area much more lively and in better condition than the previous one. A large crowd could be seen coming and going back and forth.

Yamamoto started walking through these lively streets, when he was walking at one point he stopped for a second and frowned, although this could not be seen because of his hood covering his face.

A few meters away from him, he saw a large man wearing a marine uniform, especially the cape characteristic of the marines.

Turning around would no longer be an option, for two reasons. One he was too close and would draw attention by turning around looking more suspicious than he looks because his face was covered. And another it seems that this man had already noticed him.

Yamamoto began to walk naturally following his original path as if he had not noticed the man.

Walking calmly Yamamoto walked past the marine as if nothing had happened. The marine followed him with his eyes and watched Yamamoto's back as he walked further and further away.

This marine was Boo Kong, he found it strange that someone would have a hood in the middle of a sunny day, but Yamamoto's natural acting puzzled him and made him think that someone who notices a marine would not act so well.

"Hey, you! Wait!" exclaimed Boo Kong calling out to Yamamoto. His hunch rang again, anyway, he had to find someone suspicious and someone with a hood was a definite suspect.

Yamamoto paid no heed and started walking faster and faster, *Let's take him somewhere farther away* thought Yamamoto picking up the pace.

"I said wait!" shouted Boo Kong as he started to chase after Yamamoto.

Yamamoto deduced that Boo Kong was not a vice admiral, most likely his position must have been a rear admiral, so his fighting spirit flared up.

He would be the first person he faced to offer him a challenge and even skill points, though he was uncertain about the latter.

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