
“A method not so effective”

His third week began just like the second and first. He got up very early, had breakfast, and then went straight to training his speed and endurance. His times had greatly improved compared to the first day of training. This allowed him to cover more kilometers in the same amount of time, thus improving his speed and endurance. He didn't make many adjustments to this training and kept it the same as it was at the beginning.

After completing the two circuits, he proceeded to run on the beach, but not before eating something to recharge his energy. After finishing his run, he rested for about 10 minutes before proceeding to train his Spiritual Power.

The beginner's training, "Awakening the Spirit Within," consisted of a total of 5 phases. Yamamoto was in Phase 1: The Fundamentals of Reiatsu. This phase had two essential points: the first was energetic sensitization, and the second was breathing techniques.

In the first week, Yamamoto trained energetic sensitization and in the second week he added breathing techniques, making his Spiritual Power training last longer than before. This week he decided to train less time the energetic sensitization, to give more importance to the breathing techniques, as he felt that his sensitivity and affinity with the spiritual energy had reached a good level. And so to finish this week with phase 1 and move on to phase 2 called "Emotional Awakening"

There were 3 breathing techniques: Deep Breathing, Square Breathing, and Alternate Breathing. These breathing technique exercises help to improve control over the breath, calm the mind and attune the subject's internal energy.

Increasingly mastering these 3 breathing techniques will facilitate the development of the fundamentals of Spiritual Power.

Yamamoto in the second week that he started with the breathing techniques got to exercise the first two, today he will start with the third one.

Sitting in the lotus position he started his Spiritual Power training, 3 hours passed and Yamamoto slowly opened his eyes, "The breathing techniques are effective" whispered Yamamoto.

Apart from the benefits it brings to spiritual power, Yamamoto felt how much calmer and clearer his mind became, which brought him other benefits. At first, he was a little hesitant about these methods that reminded him of meditation in his past life, but he was wrong.

In addition to the breathing techniques, he practiced the 3 energy awareness exercises for about 40 minutes. Slowly he got up with his legs numb from sitting in the same position for so long and headed into town.

Before training his devil fruit he would eat something. After filling his stomach he headed to the remote area he always uses to train his devil fruit powers.

Unlike the first day, this area was in a worse state because of the destruction caused by his fire powers. His devil fruit mastery was the state in which he had the most progress. Although 1 point of strength, defense, or other stat was worth more than 1 point of devil fruit mastery, he felt he had a great affinity with fire and his progress was much faster than other stats including Spirit Power.

With the passing of these two weeks, his mastery over the fire element strengthened, allowing him to create and control larger quantities of his element and in a shorter time. He also increased his resistance to the continuous use of his logia fruit. Now all the flames he created he could extinguish instantly without thinking if he wanted to, and his intangibility was also very advanced, he believed that in the remaining two weeks, he could do it automatically if he continued at this pace.

In this training he focused more on deadly attacks, these were three: Fire Fist, Fire Bullet, and Fireball. He wanted to increase his destructive power this could be achieved by increasing the temperature of the flame, or by using larger quantities. This training lasted about 2.5 hours as usual.

As his training for today ended he went home first to write down all the details and changes he noticed today. Once he was done with that, he headed for the ship in the harbor. Before leading Olvia, Robin, and Apis in their training, he wanted to talk to Saul.

As he was reaching the ship he noticed Saul's voice shouting, "Come on give me 10 more push-ups!" as he arrived he saw that, in a flatter area, further away from the ship were the 7 marines doing push-ups. Sweat could be seen all over their bodies, showing the effort they were putting into their training.

Saul was the one in charge of giving instructions and how to train, when the giant noticed Yamamoto he said, "Okay rest for 5 minutes" The marines upon hearing this fell on the ground while breathing heavily.

*Who knew this gentle giant would give them such an intense workout* thought Yamamoto.

"Hi Yamamoto do you need something?" said Saul with a friendly smile as he approached Yamamoto.

"Yes there is something I need to ask you," said Yamamoto raising his usual tone a little bit as Saul was too loud.

"Tell me if I know I'll tell you dereshishi" Saul said with a chuckle.

"You know about haki right?" asked Yamamoto to which Saul nodded, "What training method do they use in the marine to teach it?" continued Yamamoto with his question.

"As you know there are two types of haki the armament haki and the observation haki, as for the conqueror haki you can only be born with it. My mastery is more focused on the armament haki" said Saul while closing his fist.

The moment Saul closed his fist, Yamamoto could feel how a great amount of spiritual energy surrounded his fist, he knew immediately that he had imbued his whole fist with armament haki, *It's true, the Haki doesn't have any visual effect, in the anime they show it in metallic black color so it can be noticed in battles* thought Yamamoto.

Thanks to his energy sensitization training he could instantly notice the spiritual energy fluctuations in Saul's fist, he also noticed how his fist was now much more powerful and resistant than before.

"As for the training, you must increase your physical strength and stamina by a large margin to unlock it. The marines are very selective in teaching haki, as not everyone has a strong will to do it, but generally, the training consists of increasing strength through weights, endurance exercises, and hand-to-hand combat," explained Saul.

*It is an old-fashioned method* thought Yamamoto when listening to Saul. He didn't think it was bad about the user's will, but only having physical training to be able to unlock it he sees it somewhat inefficient, if they had their Reiryoku Basic Manual there would be many more people with haki.

Although this depended a lot on the person, as he didn't see a person like Luffy training breathing and meditation techniques, to unlock armament haki. For people like Luffy, it was much more effective to give him more physical training, even so, Luffy can unlock both haki thanks to his incredible talent and strong will, not all people have these two things. So a more structured training would be much more effective for them.

"I see. What about the training to do for observation haki?" asked Yamamoto.

"My use in that haki is very basic, the only thing I remember is that they blindfolded us and we had to dodge the blows of an instructor" replied Saul scratching his head.

"Oh they also used to use us use the blindfolds to learn to detect and distinguish the auras of the people around them" he added.

"I understand thank you" said Yamamoto nodding his head, *The training methods are quite primitive...* concluded Yamamoto while thinking that buying the manual for 3,000 points was a great buy and might even be much more expensive.

"They are taking their training very seriously" said Yamamoto changing the subject referring to the marines who were still on the floor recovering energy.

"Yes, being so long with that useless leader they neglected their training a lot, even a weak pirate could beat them" said Saul with a smile.

Yamamoto nodded agreeing with Saul's words, even he with most of his stats at 10 points, he could defeat them without shedding a drop of sweat.

"I bid farewell, keep training them hard, and don't let them be idle" said Yamamoto as he left, Saul saluted him and laughed at Yamamoto's last comment, the marines who came to hear his words put ugly expressions.

Yamamoto didn't mind Saul training these people, after all, they were now a force that belonged to them and it was better that they were not so weak and useless, so he had allowed Saul to take off their handcuffs so they could train.

After the talk with Saul, he resumed his routine of guiding Robin and Olvia in Spirit Power training, and training with Apis to improve his Devil Fruit mastery.

Yamamoto was sure that after this third week, Robin and Olvia could move on to breathing techniques. Robin might take a few more days, as her age made her train for less time, unlike Olvia, who had an adult mind.

As for Apis, the cubs she had decided to take care of after their mother died, had grown quite a bit, thanks to the Sea King's meat, although they were still small. Apis could already communicate with her animal friends at a distance of 10 meters when at the beginning she was only about 4 to 5 meters away, which proved that the training was effective.

Still, Yamamoto wanted this distance to increase greatly because, to be able to use Milo and Dama to monitor the vicinity of the islands, they would need many more meters. Their first day of the third week ended without many more complications.

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