
Jeoseung Saja

- Location: Japan, Kurosawa household.

[POV. Jihye]

A few weeks before.

I had been preparing myself for the exam, and so I've been trying to master that new ability that I unlocked recently.

"Jeoseung Saja..." As soon as I said those words, my eyes turned velvet red.

A tall black ghost appeared right in front of me. "It seems that while I'm in this state, I'm able to conjure stronger black ghosts," I said as I inspected the new black ghost.

I called this new ability "Jeoseung Saja." I thought it was quite fitting.

Not only does this new ability allow me to control more quirk cells, but it also instills fear in those I'm looking at.

A recent discovery I had made about my quirk was that fear somehow enhances certain aspects of it.

My paralysis lasts longer and is more effective against those who are afraid, and my black ghosts become slightly stronger as well.

Although it is quite odd that the black ghosts seem to be immediately visible to those who are afraid without me instructing them to show themselves.

"So... have you thought of a name for this fella?" Kei suddenly spoke as he took a sip from his coffee mug.

"I don't know yet... the black ghosts seem to be able to make their own decisions. Any suggestions? Maybe he'll find one he likes," I said as I sat next to him, grabbing a cup of coffee as well.

"How about Yurei?" Kei said as I chuckled.

"Isn't that a bit on the nose? Yurei literally means ghost," I laughed as I looked towards the tall black ghost.

"What do you think?" The black ghost suddenly nodded as soon as I asked.

"Yurei it is then! Welcome to the Kurosawa family, Yurei!" Kei said as he raised his mug.

I didn't expect the black ghost to agree to that name, but it seemed to be happy with it, so I guess it's fine.

"Mary..." As soon as I said those words, Mary suddenly showed up, still wearing the twin pigtails from when Henri tied them.

"Yurei, Mary... this might seem a bit sudden, but would you two be willing to help me train?" I asked, thinking that training with them would be effective for both battle experience and quirk control.

They both suddenly nodded, making me grin devilishly as I stood up right away. "Hey! Finish your breakfast first!" Kei exclaimed, noticing that I hadn't even touched my food.

I just grabbed an apple as I walked towards the backyard.

"Hahh... Fine, more for me then," Kei sighed as he helped himself to the bacon and eggs from my plate.


[POV. Third-Person]

Back in the present, at Battle Center B.

"What was that?!" a group of examinees were shocked by a sudden black blur that went past them.

"Jeoseung Saja," Jihye grinned as her eyes turned velvet red, her beautiful jet-black shadowy wings carrying her across the battle center.

"Guillotine!!" A high-pointer robot was suddenly destroyed as Jihye landed a heavy axe kick on its head.

"Henri was right, these shoes are great!" She exclaimed, noticing that her shoes weren't even scratched.

"Flow! Recoil!" Jihye exclaimed as she stomped on the destroyed robot, gaining momentum as she flew towards another robot.


In a certain room, spectators who appeared to be teachers and the principal were eagerly watching the large hologram screen in front of them.

"That kid is fast... What is her quirk? Are those wings? They're quite similar to Hawks'," a teacher wearing a mask and a cowboy hat said with curiosity.

"Her quirk records have been updated multiple times throughout the years. It seems she has a dormant mutant-type quirk," a rat-like creature wearing formal clothes said as he read through a file.

"Her quirk has too many aspects; it can't be labeled simply. The doctor found it amusing to call her quirk 'Yaksha' of all things," the rat-like creature continued as he stood up, noticing that All Might was intently staring at the girl on the screen.

"Is something the matter, All Might?" he asked as he walked toward him.

"Oh, it's nothing. I've just seen that girl somewhere before," All Might said with a smile, attempting to explain.

"She was a victim of kidnapping and torture... I'm surprised and glad to see that she is still moving forward," All Might said with a sincere tone as he gazed at another screen, where a messy-haired boy who appeared to be Midoriya was running around.

"I see... Well, at the rate she's going, she might just achieve top scores," the rat-like creature said as he returned to the meeting table.

"That might be so," All Might said with a nervous tone as he looked at the screen where Midoriya was.


"She's fast!" Iida exclaimed in shock as he watched Jihye efficiently destroy the robots.

"This is getting boring," Jihye said as she landed on top of a tall building.

"I'll go for the zero-pointer last... Though it's not necessary, I still want to know if I can defeat that thing," Jihye said as she looked away from the zero-pointer.

"AGHHH!!!" Jihye suddenly heard a very loud scream, she immediately started flying toward its source.

A boy with purple, grape-like hair was panicking, pulling balls from his hair and throwing them at a high-pointer robot.


The robot was suddenly destroyed as Jihye landed a heavy kick with momentum.

"Vanishing Raven: Recoiling Talon!" Jihye's voice was serene and calm as she executed the kick.

"Are you okay?" Jihye asked as she flew above the dust cloud that was formed from her attack.

"A-Angel!! You're an angel!! Come here my angel!!" The tiny boy with dark purple hair blushed heavily, his hands gesturing in a grabbing motion.

Hello everyone!! It took a while, i've been busy again, but i managed to write this chapter, it's now 2AM huhu, hope you liked the chapter.

If you have any spare powerstones, i would really appreciate your vote!!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

If you wanna be updated for when i release new chapters, add my book to your library!!

cheesekaikcreators' thoughts
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