
Avianna Nightshade

Under a star-studded sky, bathed in the grace of moonlight, an elven figure stood upon a balcony. Covered in armor that melded shades of gold and emeralds, the metallic sheen shimmered brilliantly whenever the touch of a gentle beam of moonlight hit it. With closed eyes, the elf relished the cool breeze with a hint of magic wafting from the heart of the woods of his kingdom.

''The sacred forest stirs, responding to something,'' he murmured, his sharp eyes honing on the depths of the woods. Doubts and worry intertwined within his mind as his anger rose. Gripping the balcony's railing with a fervor bordering on frustration. He lamented that the magic meant for High elves like himself had already been expended.

''Gladius,'' he called forth from the shadowy recesses of his chamber where the light of the moon barely touched. A figure materialized—a dark-skinned elf who blended seamlessly with the night. Kneeling before his lord, the enigmatic figure exuded an air of quiet respect. Covered in sleek, dark leather armor, he bore two formidable long blades upon his back—a testament to his lethality. His nonchalant demeanor shows his experience as an assassin.

As he turned away from the balcony, the shadows cloaked his sinister eyes while a subtle smile graced the lips of the king. The glint of moonlight danced upon his majestic crown and armor, creating a contrast between light and dark as the king's back radiated upon his regal form.

''I command you to investigate the heart of the sacred forest of the Kingdom and eliminate the one who used its sacred powers,'' he commanded, his voice showing excitement and a hit of smoldering rage.

Gladius solemnly vowed as he dissolved into the darkness, embracing the mission trusted to him by his lord. He planned to complete his task swiftly, vanishing from the sight of his lord in the blink of an eye.


Once more, the eerie wind swept through the sacred forest, and Avianna sensed a presence, elusive yet foreboding, drawing near. She knew they were not alone in sensing the celestial power bestowed upon this sacred forest.

''Malek, take Arlo, hide him, and protect him at all costs,'' Avianna commanded; her voice was soft and gentle with a resolute tone as she carefully placed the slumbering child within the cradling vines of Malek, the wise ancient oak tree.

''The winds and the woods whispers of impending danger,'' Malek spoke, his voice carrying a sense of worry as the vines tenderly extended and wove, creating a cocoon-like bed that shielded and comforted the child. The canopy of Malek's' protective woods enveloped Arlo, concealing and protecting him from harm's way.

Avianna nodded in agreement with her old and trusted friend. Despite her old age weighing upon her, she remained calm and resolute in her determination to protect that child she had found. Avianna knew that a peril might await them, but her resolve was unwavering, ready to make any sacrifice necessary for the impending battle that loomed ahead.

As soon Avianna saw Arlo was already hidden, she jumped back to the ground from the tree. As soon her bare foot hit the ground, she could feel the footstep of multiple people, jumping through trees and running towards her location.

As she gazed at the transformed Malek, now a tree seamlessly melded with the sacred forest, Avianna couldn't help but laugh a little in amusement. She looked in the direction where the enemy was coming from and mouther 'amateurs' to the invisible adversaries

. A shimmering green light suddenly forms in her palm, a verdant of her magical energy and a testament to her mysticism. With fierce determination, she slammed her hand into the ground, invoking a spell, ''Flora, Wrath of the treants,'' causing her magic to seep into the earth, harmonizing with the very essence of nature.

Gladius, who was standing in the tree, already saw her spellcasting but was caught off-guard by how fast it was. His momentary lapse cost him the chance to warn his comrades. In an instant, his battalions of assassins fell victim to the vengeful spell of awakened trees. He couldn't believe his formidable force was now helpless, pierced, torn apart, and devoured by the wrathful flora.

Gladius's grin turned into a look of madness as he locked eyes with Avianna. There was a history between them, a tangled past that might consume them both. The moment's intensity held them in a mutual trance as if waiting to see who moved first. Gladius was motionless, knowing the woman before him was a formidable force from his haunting past, a threat he knew he couldn't face alone.

''I'm not surprised to see the king's lapdog here,'' Avianna taunted, a playful smile dancing on her lips as she glanced at the seething Gladius. He gritted his teeth like a dog, his anger showing as he tightened his grip on both swords at his back. Avianna readied herself, fully aware that she was facing a skilled opponent.

''Avianna Nightshade,'' he spat her name like a venomous curse, ''A false hero in this kingdom. You either surrender to the New King or die right here!'' Gladius bellowed, his threats disregarded as Avianna chuckled at his words.

''From a traitor to a false hero,'' Avianna retorted playfully. She quickly summoned a green wisp in front of Gladius. With a swift, well-aimed strike of his sword, he attempted to slice it in half, but he was caught off guard when he felt another wisp had stealthily appeared behind him.

Before he reacted, it exploded, forcing him to use his second sword to block the impact. The explosion sent him soaring through the air, but he managed to land gracefully, his gaze locked on Avianna, who remained unyielding.

''You bastard!'' Gladius seether, his determination intensifies as he charges towards Avianna. With astonishing speed, he vanished in thin air and reappeared before her, ready to strike with his dual blades. Yet, Avianna was one step ahead of him, foreseeing his move.

Avianna fearlessly blocked the attack with her bare hands as Gladius attempted to slice her with both swords. ''I wonder where you got that confidence,'' She taunted with a look of disappointment on her face. Before he could respond, a swift and decisive kick connected with his face, the impact was so strong it sent him hurtling through the air and crashing to the ground.

Avianna stood firm, her resolute gaze locked on Gladius as he clutched on his bleeding nose, surprised that this old woman could still inflict such damage upon him. Though silently seething with anger, he couldn't help but think, 'This bitch is tougher than I expected.'

Suddenly, the air became sinister as the shadows on Gladius's arm grew, slowly engulfing him as his eyes glowed a menacing red. His sword vanished into the darkness, swallowed by the ominous void. ''Berserk, let me experience horror,'' he intoned, but before his malevolent power could fully manifest, the ground beneath him suddenly transformed into a spike, impaling his chest directly to his heart.

Horror washed over Avianna as she realized it wasn't enough. Swiftly, she attempted to manipulate the ground beneath Gladius to retract the spike, but it was futile. The rock that had pierced him was devoured by the insidious shadow.

Despite the wound, Gladius wore a twisted smile, his red eyes exuding malevolence, as the shadows that devoured him healed his injuries.

But something had changed; he pulled forth in the shadow beneath him a colossal blade that was meant for dual wielding, yet he wielded it effortlessly with one hand, revealing newfound strength gifted by his dark magic.

''How dare you unleash such vile magic upon this sacred forest!'' Avianna's voice reverberated with anger, feeling the sanctity of the place violated. With a swift stomp of her right foot, she attempted to engulf Gladius in the ground, but he leaped mid-air, vanishing before her eyes.

Avianna remained vigilant as she shifted her stance, senses heightened, and scanned her surroundings for the incoming attack. She felt a presence above the trees, a shadowy figure preparing to strike. In response, she summoned a new spell, ''Will of Wisp,'' as hundreds of wisp-like entities materialized, swirling around her protectively.

Her instinct proved her true. Gladius struck from behind, attempting to take advantage of her focus on the decoy shadow figure. Though she managed to block the attack with the wisp, the force from his attack was enough to graze her back, inflicting pain but not proving fatal.

Gladius leaped back, retreating momentarily, his eyes fixed on Avianna, who looked in pain from the wound on her back.

Wiping the blood from his sword with his hand, he smeared a crimson stain in the ground, a sinister grin crossing his face ''I warned you to surrender,'' Gladius taunted, then laughed hysterically; his laugh echoed in the forest.

Avianna's unyielding spirit helped her prepare to face him again, preparing for his next attack. With an explosive leap, Gladius vanished and reappeared behind her, his colossal blade aimed to cleave her in two. But in a swift motion, Avianna turned her head, fixing her gaze upon Gladius with eyes brimmed with both fury and an eerie calmness.

Suddenly time feels to slow down on Gladius as he feels an unfamiliar sensation washed over him—a potent blend of fear and the looming presence of death. He was no stranger in danger, but this time he could feel in Avianna's eye.

It stirred something within him, an instinctual response he struggled to comprehend. Attempting to dash away from her, he found himself immobilized, vines bursting from the ground, ensnaring his feet, and nearby trees extending their tendrils to shackle his hand.

Gladius writhed in agony. Every attempt of his to break free from the restraint met with even stronger resistance. Each struggle tightened the vines around his hand, causing even more excruciating pain. A Frustrated scream escaped his lips as his heart pounded with unease, sensing the perilous situation he found himself in.

Desperate to call for help, Gladius tried to shout, but Avianna swiftly silenced him, her hand gripping his mouth. A flash of green light materialized in her hand as she cast the ''Sprout'' spell. Vines emerged, entwining around his mouth to seal it shut. His eyes widened with fear and anger, realizing he was at the mercy of the very magic he had underestimated.

With a cold and unyielding demeanor, Avianna spoke sternly, ''Your magic has no place in these sacred grounds, and you stain my home.'' With a flick of her finger in her right hand, it ignited, the intensity of her gaze drilling into Gladius's eye. Overwhelmed with panic, he tried to shout, but the grip of the vines rendered him voiceless as the terror reached his heart.

A sudden, swift presence caught Avianna's attention—the glint of a sharp arrow aimed directly at her. As she turned, Malek's thick branches extended, forming a protective shield blocking the incoming arrows.

Avianna turned back to Gladius, her resolve unwavering ''Tell your King of yours that this is his punishment,'' She declared coldly as her blazing right hand sliced through Gladius's entire right arm.

Pain washer over Gladius's face like in a shocking surge, his initial shock giving way to a heart-wrenching scream of agony. More arrows loomed in the air, aimed for Avianna, but Malek intervened effortlessly, blocking them with its branches.

Another branch extended, guiding Avianna toward the safety of the tall grass in the woods, with Malek supporting their daring escape. The sacred forest enveloped them like a protective cloak, concealing their presence from the imminent backup. The grass grew taller, and the woods thickened, veiling them from any prying eyes.

Gladius's cries in anguish reverberated through the woods as Avianna's magic dissipated, releasing him from the restrained and the vines. He fell to the ground helplessly, groaning in pain, his blood staining the earth from the grievous wound that had severed his entire right arm.

As the dark magic of his slowly disappeared, his screams echo again as haunting reminders of the prince one pays for underestimating the formidable Avianna Nightshade and the sacred power she wielded.

As the woods embraced them, Avianna spared a final glance at Gladius, her eyes unyielding. She knew this was just the beginning, and she was determined from her new purpose s to protect her sacred home and the child she had come to defend.

With Malek at her side and the forest as her ally, Avianna vanished into the forest's shadows. Gladius's echoed pain still lingered in the air, a chilling testament to the consequences that awaited those who dared to cross paths with Avianna Nightshade, the former hero of the Elven Kingdom.

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