
It's a good deal.

The news spread like fire.

what is needed to post a picture of my reception on social media? there is an article, on the business page of every newspaper with a Image of mine and Akash. It's going to be a huge impact on my professional career. It is even used that normal citizens of the country never know Sharma and Mehta are involved in illegal activities.

First time in my life, I'm hesitated and nervous about going law firm. even a bit of awkwardness to meet my colleagues whom I'm deceiving for the last 5 years. It's now or never, I need to face the world Today or tomorrow. I signed, keeping the newspaper on the table.

"Are you going somewhere?" Divya questioned me, I'm waiting for the last five minutes waiting for their presence to eat the breakfast. I can't blame them for coming twenty minutes early. "of course going to the office." she bitted her lips listening to my answer.

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