
Chapter 62    

The angel nodded, "Yes. He's the one who gave up. While you got the sin of greed and the other guy got envy, this poor soul picked lust. Imagine trying to find love as a 11-year-old."

"Lust isn't love though… they are completely different things."

"Yes. They are different but according to him, lust equates to craving for the person he loves."

Alex didn't know what to say so he simply nodded.

"Oh yea, what about him?"

"He will be sent to your world. His mission is to assist Harry Potter and there is nothing I can do about it as the others decided upon it. But there is good news."

Alex didn't really feel any better when he heard the last part as he could already tell that the angel in front of him didn't really have much authority among her peers.

"What is it…."

"He will receive one of the three knowledge packages. You received the knowledge package of the whole Harry Potter series at the start. The good news is that you get to choose what he gets as it really is unfair to you otherwise."

"So that's what I received… alright. Tell me about the packages."

The angel nodded and a screen appeared in front of him which had three bullet points written on it.


1) Candidate receives knowledge and expertise on Occlumency.

2) Candidate receives all information on the character Harry Potter and Tom Riddle.

3) Candidate receives spell efficiency of the future version of Harry Potter.


Alex read them all and felt a bit relieved as they weren't too excessive except one.

"Before I pick, I would like to ask if this guy knows about me or if he will act against me."

"He knows nothing about you nor the changes you have made to your world as his memories of his experience will be erased. He will be sent there to occupy one of the students' bodies and support Harry Potter. Whether he will act against you or not will depend on you. If you go against Harry, he will probably stand in your way."

A slight smile formed on his face when he heard her words and readily chose the third option. Giving his potential opponent any kind of information had a certain risk and while Harry's spells were quite problematic, he could come up with ways to deal with them.

The angel snapped her fingers and the contents on the screen changed.

"Pick one of the things listed on the screen. These are things that are awarded to the candidates after they successfully complete a year. The items that will be listed will depend on the candidate's performance throughout the year."

Alex nodded as he read through the long list. Concepts, theory and precise knowledge on different types and kinds of magic that Alex could never think of were on the list along with a few magical artifacts.

There was one thing that caught his eye among the long list as it was something that would greatly help him out in his next few years.

"I'll take this one." He said as he pointed at a listing that was numbered 238.

The angel nodded and the next instant, a few books flew out from nowhere and piled up in front of Alex.

"Basic, advanced and all the secrets of the ancient alchemic way, right in front of you. Oh, and you will have to read them all here before you go back. Just call for me when you're done so I can send you off."

Alex nodded and the angel snapped her fingers, sending him to a large room that was filled with various things including the books he had just seen.

He began reading the books and time passed quickly. He didn't know how much time passed and nor did he care as he knew that he could spend years in the room before he wished to go back.

The studies weren't as easy as he expected them to be as various advanced topics such as ancient runes, potion making, transfiguration, charms and a lot more subjects were linked to alchemy.

It wouldn't have been too hard if it was the exact same thing that he studied but the content in the books was way different. None of the spells were verbal and most of them relied on strong and subtle emotions, which made it extremely hard to perform.

Keeping his emotions in check or controlling them was something Alex never really considered or thought about as he didn't really care too much about the people he met or saw.

His reasoning was simple as he always thought that there was no need to be nice or kind to most people as he would leave the world in a few years.

Many ingredients and items were being used for experimentations and practice according to the instructions in the books. He also noticed that everything refilled itself in a few seconds after he used stuff.

Not having anything to worry about, Alex dedicated all his time to studying and conducting experiments multiple times. He re-read the books more than ten times as he wanted it all to be ingrained in his memory because there were limits to how much he could retain in his head with just one readings session.

He stopped repeating his "memorization cycle" when he was finally able to recall every single thing in his head without any efforts.

Alex looked around and saw that there was no one in the room as always and passed some time playing chess with himself. He stopped after a hundred games and tried to recall the stuff he learnt and memorised before, only to fail.

He sighed but didn't look too frustrated, 'Luckily, I don't have to worry about time constraints… I wish they would just stuff all this knowledge into my brain but looks like they really want to make things harder for me….

While this angel seems to be on my side on the surface, I can never trust these beings. After all, there is no way for me to even touch them right now so there is no need to waste time thinking about this… I'll just do my job for now…'

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