

Areis whose expression was dismayed at the poor showing of the heroes, watched Adam that won the endurance test, his expression curious.

He considered how well Adam would do this time around.

His gaze sharp, as his thoughts mused: 'Would he be brave? Or would, despite his grit, when faced with a monster run away like a coward?'

Scratching his chin, he spectated.


Adam gazed at the cage.

It was his turn to be tested.

Adam knowing that the fear contained in his heart would only be bolstered by dragging his feet. He approached, neither slowly, nor swiftly, towards the cage.

In moments, he was face to face with the goblin. It looked at him, as one would look at a freshly caught fish, which was unable to escape being hooked.

The corners of its mouth expressing its utmost joy, the corners of its mouth resembling bent paper.

Sweat raced down the back of his neck. Although Adam did the best to slow his breathing, he could not retain a calm expression.

The source of his fear was in front of him.

His goal was not to antagonize the goblin, or allow it the pleasure of amusement. He did not look away, he would be fighting monsters in the future, including goblins such as the one in front of him.

A human who didn't get angry, who didn't cry, who didn't express fear, Adam felt would not hold the interest of the goblins.

Adam noticed, that the goblin not getting an immediate response from him, causing any notable reaction, sunk the goblins lips into a frown.

He knew, as the goblins had done so before, likely would try to attack him. A ploy to cause his emotions to unravel. Adam tried to return calmness to his state of mind.

The goblin watched Adam, a contemplative expression on its face left its brow sunken.

Adam was not able to still his racing heart completely, repulsed by the goblin's stench, his gaze anxious and repelled by its mania.

His back, he could feel was rippled with sweat.

If he didn't want to be treated like the other heroes, he had to keep in control of his emotions.

A lack of control, the glowing eyes of the goblin warning him, had not gone unnoticed.

The reverberations of his heart picking up having observed the goblin's mood pick back up.

Adam's fear was seen.

Seeking to rein in his fight or flight instinct, as he was viewed as prey, he curled his hands into fists.

It allowed him to channel his frustration, and his fear, that could be mistaken for anger, were his legs not tremoring.

Suddenly, one of the goblin's arms shot forward, having passed through an opening between the cages' bars.

Adam gulped, narrowly fighting back the urge to get out of the way when the claws appeared near his throat. The claws grouped together like a bouquet of flowers.

The infinitesimally small distance from the goblins claws to his throat, caused his heart to beat madly, taking from him the minute amount of calm he kept.

His heartbeat puttered incessantly.

Having willed his body to not move, rejecting his baser instincts, the overwhelming threat to his life from his stillness intensified his fear. His lips now quivering.

The goblin had a toy to control and play with. He could feel his eyes dampen. The idea that he could not defy his feelings he wanted to deny made him feel helpless.

Fear being mental was not something he could reject as one wished.

In his thoughts, where terror was rampant, his resistance was being plucked.

The overbearing fear rushing through him like a stream.

Whether he liked it or not, Adam was here. He could be scared, however would greater fear lead him astray from his desire?

Thinking of it, the test being about bravery meant that fear was to be acknowledged, but not wallowed in.

Fear that was to be overcome. If one is not scared at all, that is rashness. If one has anxieties, that is an opportunity to be brave.

His thoughts wandered, thinking about the need for bravery. His position now wasn't unique, his danger was a component of a test.

Actual lives were at stake that did not have a chance to even flee. Monsters were an obstacle, but caged goblins were not a real threat.

A flash of realization in his eyes, the terror in his heart dying down.

That's right. He would not be a prisoner of his emotions, nor this goblin.

The goblin, having gone for the throat, and having him still standing there, roused uncertainty, voicing: "Human not running. That disappointing."

Adam squeezed his fists tighter, his fear no longer chaining him.

Pushing through doubt, Adam firmly gazing at the goblin, he started speaking: "Everyone has fear, either it can be fought through, or used an excuse to not change."

Adam looked down, muttering: "I am too used to the latter,"

Tasting the words he wanted to say, he continued, his voice picking up in volume, his gaze returned to the goblin: "So im trying the former."

A crisp alert entered his ears, his mental state felt like it shifted, but his focus remained.

The goblin's expression was confused, but gradually changed to understanding, stating their realization: "You usually scaredy cat so you try be statue now. Me understand."

As Adam shook his head, he heard laughter behind him. Turning around, Adam saw

Areis whose cheeks were red, his hands on his mouth trying to suppress a cackle.

A long while later, Areis wiped tears from his eyes, his laughing fit over.

A smirk on his face now, Areis spoke: "Yes. A statue. No, I jest, Adam, you are hero material."

Peering over the far smaller group of dispirited heroes, Areis turned back to look at Adam, addressing him: "Well done, you have finished the 2nd test, the test of bravery in first place too. In the process, we removed unsuitable heroes."

His focus now fully on Adam, Areis went on: "Like the first test, the 2nd test comes with a prize, this time it's a set of armor, similar to the weapon, that will be forged based on your request."

Adam replied: "As with the weapon, I will think about what I want. Thank you."

Speaking to everyone again, Areis affirmed: "Heroes, there is one more test ahead."

Silence lasted for a few seconds, before further stating: "The final test is to survive in the woods for a week."

Adam was relieved, it actually sounded better than the last two tests.

It seemed like it would test people's resourcefulness.

Areis concluded: "Starting tomorrow, You will have a day of rest, to recover mentally. Then, you will be dispatched to the woods."

After gathering their energy, everyone returned to the castle, darkened by the lowering sun.

The remaining heroes didn't eat much, still out of it because of the 2nd test, leaving the mood somber.

Adam didn't feel like talking, and went directly back to his room after to lay down and think.

Although not dispirited, he did learn a lot about himself, and how he had the strength to change.

The notification that he ignored in the test before, now having his full attention.

[Ding! For overcoming your fear, you have been rewarded with the [Dauntless Courage] skill! ]

Adam eyed the blue notification hovering in his vision.

He observed that since his return, his doubts that supplanted fear within him, making him want to run, were crushed. A bright-gold dense barricade relaying domineering optimism was constructed in his mind, sweeping away negativity and subduing his concerns.

With this, he could change bring even greater changes to his life.

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