

"But why do I have to wear armor?"

Gavin sighed. "We are going into a potential fight." He explained foe the seventh or eighth time today

"But I never had to wear armor as a jedi" Kalifa complained.

"Just because the Jedi believe themselves all knowing doesn't mean they are always right." Gavin answered.

"But it's uncomfortable." She complained.

"I'll have SAM rework the armor again." Gavin responded.

"Why are we on Corellia?" Kalifa asked.

"We are looking for a Corellian Jedi." Said Gavin. "Recent intelligence says he is joining with another small group of Jedi and going after a rouge cell of jedi that are using a sith holocron."

"Seems you found the Jedi." A voice said from behind them.

Turning they saw a salt and pepper hairs middle aged man. He was wearing pants and a shirt. The traditional Jedi robe was no where to be seen.

Following Halcyon to a cantina. They sat in a booth in the corner. "How did you hear about this? We haven't informed the council."

"A force vision sent us." Gavin fell back on tried and true excuse. "We were told to seek you out."

"Convenient" Halcyon responded cynically.

"We are here to help." Gavin said.

"If you are then fine we leave in the morning." Halcyon stated. "We tracked them to a desert planet in the outer rim. Be at the hangar in secor 42"

"We will be there."Gavin promised.

*short chapters this week. Good news I'm done with cdl school bad news I'm in training and that is taking most of my time. I'll update this weekend with a regular sized chapter