
Chapter 22: Master & Disciple's Conversation

"I-I see why you would have such a big reaction now, but that's only because you're comparing me to a Common class, and I don't mean to be arrogant, but common is merely common; there is nothing unique about it." Said Alexander while glancing at the still-shocked Lavender.

"I suppose you're right, but even for a Legendary and Mythical Class, the amount of status points you acquire per level is still vastly superior; If my calculations are correct, your Class, [Hero}, gives you 3 status points, which is considered the base as that's what a common Class gets, plus an additional 45. So in total, you get 48 status points per level, compared to a Mythical class that gets 32 or a Legendary class that gets 21 status points per level; you're far ahead of the curve." Explained Lavender as she glanced at Alexander, only to sigh.

'When Master explains it like that, it's quite difficult not to be shocked by the sheer difference in status points that I acquire compared to everyone else.' Thought Alexander, though he still couldn't fully comprehend how truly powerful his Class was.

"I appreciate the Information Master, but back to what I was saying earlier, before you almost collapsed in astonishment, how do I allocate my available status points to my desired stat?" Asked Alexander while observing his status panel as he brought the conversation full circle.

"For the record, anyone in my position would've reacted the same way, if not worse; However, to your earlier question, which sparked this conversation, yes. To allocate your status points to your desired stat, just mentally command your status panel, just like how you command it to appear and disappear." Replied Lavender with a click of her tongue.

Nodding at Master's words, I summoned my status panel and started pondering which stats to allocate my status points to.

"However, I'd advise against doing that right now." Added Lavender when she noticed Alexander's pondering expression.

"Hmm, why do you say that? Wouldn't it be better to use them immediately?" Asked Alexander in confusion as he closed his status panel.

"Yes, there is nothing wrong with using your status points immediately; I always did the same; in my line of work, you'd never know who could be lurking in the shadows, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to kill you. However, what I mean is, what will your profession be? You've told me you don't wish to be a mage, but do you have anything else in mind?" Stated Lavender as she glanced at Alexander, only to see his troubled expression.

"You clearly don't have a profession in mind right now, so until then; you should save your status points until you decide your calling. Since the moment you allocate your status points, it is nearly impossible to change anything." Replied Lavender seriously.

'I suppose Master is right; it's not like I'm in need of power right now; besides, if something bad happens and Master isn't able to prevent it, I won't be able to do anything either, even if I were to use my status points.' Thought Alexander as he listened to Lavender's advice.

Having walked through the forest for some time, we eventually arrived back at the clearing with our treehouse in the center; however, while we were doing so, I asked Master something I've been meaning to ask ever since I first laid eyes on that stone-centipede.

"Master, that stone centipede that I fought earlier, something seemed off about it; its very presence caused me to feel uncomfortable. However, the most alarming thing was that I couldn't understand it. I haven't spoken to many insects, but I would at least be able to comprehend some of its words, yet the only noise he produced were incomprehensible screeches." Said Alexander with furrowed brows and slight unease as its image appeared in his mind.

"Feeling uncomfortable in their presence is normal; I've been doing this for over two millenniums, and I still feel uncomfortable when near them; it's just something you'll have to get used to if you wish to become an adventure. However, even though you have the skill, [Omni-lingual], which allows you to comprehend every language, it only makes sense you wouldn't understand it as it has no soul to speak of." Remarked Lavender, though her words only filled Alexander with confusion.

"No soul? How can that even make any sense? If that stone centipede had no soul, it should've been dead; yet it was obviously full of life as it came charging at me with the intent to kill." Said Alexander as he fell deeper into a pit of confusion.

"Confusing, I know; I was very much the same when I first learned of it. However, that is the truth, and that is why we call them monsters since they are nothing but soulless animals driven purely by instinct and their innate hate toward any creature with a soul." Stated Lavender with a lack of empathy and a cold expression.

Hearing Master speak so coldly and emotionless was a first, yet at the same time, it was slightly freighting as I've only ever seen her cheerful and full of energy; the rare times I do see her sad and or angry, it's never been as intense as it is now.

'Although Master looks scary, her cold expression gives off a different charm.' Thought Alexander while sneakily peeking at Lavender's emotionless face.

I still found it hard to believe that soulless beings could exist and somehow live; however, knowing they were nothing but empty vessels was very calming, as I no longer felt bad for killing that stone centipede.

"Speaking of souls, Master, I noticed that the centipede had a trait called [Soul Sense], so does that mean it can hunt down anyone with a soul?" Asked Alexander, to which Lavender's cold expression swiftly vanished.

"Yes, and every single monster has that same exact trait; however, depending on the tier of the dungeon, it'll be of a different rank. The dungeon we were just in was merely a Common rank dungeon, so the monster's trait, [Soul Sense], will only be of the common rank, and I'm sure you can figure out the higher tier dungeons on your own." Replied Lavender as she approached the treehouse, and instead of climbing the tree like Alexander, she submerged herself in the tree.

"Although we got tremendously off track since I've increased the difficulty in your training, it should prove to be much more effective now. While you're training, I will continue experimenting with your Ichor; its properties are fascinating, to say the least." Added Lavender lightly as she fully submerged herself in the tree.

'Oh yeah, I had completely forgotten about my training; we really did get off track.' Thought Alexander while looking at the sky.

Turning around, I began walking away, heading toward the desolate hill where my training takes place; however, while doing so, I started pondering on my future profession.

'Well, obviously, since I wish to adventure and explore the world, I'll need to be quite powerful to avoid or survive certain situations, which may or may not happen. While I'm at it, why not also follow in Master's footsteps a little and become a certified adventurer? Besides, whenever Master speaks about her adventuring days, it seems to be a very lucrative job.' Pondered Alexander with a thoughtful expression while walking through the forest.

I was very fond of my idea, even if being an adventurer was quite dangerous; however, since I'm leaning towards being an adventurer like Master, I'll need to start focusing on a particular fighting style, whether it involves becoming a mage, a warrior, or whatever other options there were.

Feeling my heart suddenly beat faster, I stopped walking and rested my hand atop my chest while intently focusing on my heart as I listened to its words, or more like feelings since it can't speak, only communicate through raw emotion.

"Hmm, Master? Ahh, yes, that makes sense; Master would be the perfect and only person to ask, though while I'm leaning toward being a warrior, I'm sure she could better guide me in the correct direction. However, I'll ask her later after I complete my training for today." Said Alexander to himself as he continued walking.



Arriving at the base of the rocky hill, I make my way up and approach the massive mana crystal; once I'm near the crystal, I take a deep breath and close my eyes as I prepare myself a little before placing both hands atop the crystal.

The moment both of my hands touched the smooth crystal, I instantly sensed the crystal pull the mana, which was located in my heart, to my hands before absorbing it. Feeling the power behind the crystal's absorption, I was slightly startled as it was nearly three times as powerful as before, which is a very massive jump in not only this specific training but all types of training. I mean, imagine if your physical trainer just suddenly upped your bench by three times the usual; I'm sure you'd also be startled at the very least.

'Why did Master increase the difficulty by such a large margin?' Thought Alexander as he concentrated on keeping his mana inside his body, though he only managed to slow it down.

With this sudden spike in difficulty, I couldn't even hold out for five minutes before my mana got dangerously low; at that point, I reluctantly retracted my hands while taking big gulps of air.

"Going from being able to keep my hands on the crystal for as long as I wanted to not even being able to handle 5 minutes is a little depressing." Remarked Alexander with a sigh while sitting on the ground to recuperate, which he managed to do within several seconds.

'Being able to heal from mild exhaustion in only several seconds is nice, but I wish it were also extended to how quickly my mana regenerated. Master probably knows something that'll help; she's a mage, after all.' Thought Alexander while doing physical training as he waited for his mana to regenerate.


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Elven Legacy (Chapter 147: Revenge?/ Volume 5, Part 1 End!) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 27: Lavenders Wrath) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 40: Raid On Briss Kingdom) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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