
Chapter 04

(First Person POV)

I was quite satisfied about how things had turned out. I became worried when Lady Ashbury started saying goodbye to me as well but fortunately, Dr. Reid was able to talk her down from the hypothetical but very real 'ledge'.

Just as they were about to kiss, I watched as time slowed down and gradually came to a stop.

Elisabeth had her eyes closed as she stood there, expectant. I could move around independent from everything. It seemed that whatever force had stopped time had no power over me

I caressed Elisabeth's face gently as I reminisced silently on what she had been through. I made a vow to myself that from now on, I would there to protect her and never let her get hurt again.

I kissed her forehead before moving away from her and examining the room.

The fire that had been roaring in the background, unrestricted seemed to have been tamed.

Despite it's static state, the heat from the flames were still very prevalent as my hand burn slightly when I reached out.

This surprised me as the air current that had subtly been flowing through the room had died suddenly. The fire wasn't being fed any oxygen but it still remained hot.

While I pondered the concept of a hot 'frozen' flame, a shadow slipped out from behind me and stood quietly before me.

⎡Your wish was quite ingenious and impossibly strong. He said you'd surprised me but this is something else.

The mere fact that you've already adapted and become immune to his Time power is both incredibly shocking and worrying⎦

The sound of a voice in this situation surprised and as I turned around, I was shocked. Not by it's shadowy attribute or sudden appearance but by it's eerily familiar face. Stood before me was a face I had come to know as well as myself.

Dr. Jonathan Reid.

I looked at myself and saw that I was still in my body. I walked forward and stood in front of him as we silently stared at each other.

I was confused but still guarded. Despite my calm exterior, I was tense as I prepared myself for his move

I assumed this was going to be a battle where both our psyches fought for domination.

I felt conflicted and remorseful about what I planned to do but I had promised to protect Elisabeth and this life from anyone who threatened its existence, including myself.

Looking at me amused, the good Doctor smirked before opening his mouth to speak.

⎡I respect your resolve, my friend. You do not need to fight. I am merely a spirit remnant of the original Jonathan Reid⎦

"I see" I said as I relaxed visually but still alert "Are you aware of your existence?"

⎡Sentient? Yes I am but only just. I know only as much as I need. You could consider me a responsive recording. I am aware that once I deliver my message, I will cease to exist.⎦

"That sounds... horrible. Are you alright?" I asked, feeling genuinely disturbed

The Doctor smiled at my words. I looked at his face but instead of feeling sad or upset, Dr. Reid looked... relieved? 

⎡He was right. You truly are a kind soul. I saw the pain in your eyes as you prepared to face me and the honest concern towards a potential enemy that threatened your new existence. I can peacefully leave everything to you.⎦

"Who was right? Who is he?"

⎡You should know him well. Your Benefactor and creator. I was the one who asked for the opportunity to meet you before passing on.]

"Mr. Light did this to you?"

⎡When my Turning failed, I was left alone in a landfill, waiting to die a slow and painful death. Just as felt my last breath slip away, he appeared.

Quite literally as a light in the darkness. He offered to facilitate my journey into the next life in exchange for my existence in this one.⎦

"And you just accepted?! What if he was a demon or a con man?"

⎡You are quite bold to speak about him like that but then again, a soul that was brave enough to give a Being of that magnitude a funny name would need to be at least that crazy.⎦

"Hey! At least Lady Ashbury didn't call me a fool for turning my back on a immortal enemy after knocking it down" I bit back, jokingly

⎡Yes, you are right! Then I guess we are both fools, haha. Two ignorant fools who only wished to live peaceful and happy lives.⎦

"Will you be alright? Knowing that you will need to die again, even as a spirit remnant must not be easy"

⎡You are correct. Since you have experienced it yourself, you can understand how much importance I have placed in meeting you. Although I would not have any power to do anything, I wanted to see the man who would take my place⎦

"And what conclusion did you come to?"

⎡Although you suffered greatly in your life, you have not matured enough to understand your pain. You may not be ready yet but I believe you will be. I will trust in my eyes and your potential. Only time will tell whether my wager is correct.⎦

I felt anger surge through me as Dr. Reid spoke casually about my pain. All those years of suffering I had endured without a single complaint. If someone like me, who had stared death in the face countless times did not understand pain then who would?

But If I had learned one thing after living through his life, it was that Dr. Reid was not someone who spoke thoughtlessly.

Irate but curious, I asked what he meant. Dr. Reid just smiled and shook his head as though pacifying a child.

⎡To understand pain is to realize that suffering is not evil or a curse but a natural phenomenon that everyone must face. If you are willing to understand your pain and accept it, it can be a great teacher.⎦

"I can accept that pain is natural but what could it possibly teach?"

⎡Empathy and Compassion⎦

"... "

⎡Understanding that everyone around you is suffering in their own way. As a Doctor, my responsibility is not only to heal but to help. Death was never your enemy, Jonathan. We fear death so much that we fail to realize what it truly is.⎦

"What is death really, Doctor?"

⎡A natural part of life. That it is because our a mortal lives are so short that Life has so much more meaning and death, so much more weight.

I believe that if we are able to treat life with such gratitude and reverence then we should treat death with certain amount of decency and respect as they share equal efforts in defining what we consider humanity.⎦

"Interesting words coming from a Vampire, don't you think?"

⎡We must all die one day, Jonathan. Maybe not today or tomorrow but one day, we will all pass. It is only natural. The fear that moved you to choose power over death is the same fear that will ensure you enjoy your life to the fullest.⎦

"I see. I understand your perspective now"

⎡As I knew you would⎦

"Why is that?"

⎡Because you are me. Do not misunderstand my words. You are truly a kind soul and have already passed my test. You are a good man, Jonathan but I believe that you can become greater, if you choose to be. It is your life, after all.⎦

My reaction was a bit strong, I'll admit. Even in my new life, my old one still affected me this much. My sensitivity towards my past sufferings made me regret almost not talking to Dr. Reid.

His words brought me enlightenment but also questions I had yet to answer. Now that I was immortal, what would I do with my life?

I was content enjoying my life with Elisabeth but he knew before I did that I would face this question eventually. Without goals, men lose their way and even undead, those words rang true.

I once dreamt of being a doctor, not to earn money or save lives but to ensure that no child would suffer as I did. As I grew older, my ambitions waned as reality struck. It would seem that life was just as uncaring as death.

This new life had not only given me the opportunity but the supernatural means to even become the greatest doctor 'alive'.

Looking back at Dr. Reid, I watched as he looked at me with a knowing smile, seemingly reading my inner thoughts.

It was quite vexing to always be a step behind the man but following behind a genius had it's perks.

"I've decided to try and become a doctor."

⎡A noble pursuit⎦

"Like you didn't know I was going to say that"

⎡My words only affect those who are willing to listen. You were willing. I believe that you will become an amazing doctor.⎦

"Thank you, Dr. Reid. By the way, do you think you'll miss any of it?"

⎡Any of what?⎦

"This life that you're giving me. Will you miss it? Elisabeth? Old Bridget? Your family?"

⎡Just as your family were promised safety by your Benefactor, so was mine. I can only hope you treat my... our mother well. I heard that the death of my dear Mary had dealt her mental state quite the blow⎦

"Since you call her 'our mother', I promise to care for her until she takes her last breath."

⎡I will believe in you and as for Elisabeth, she will be in good hands. Take care of her.⎦

"Of course. So what now... Jonathan?" I smirked

The soul remnant laughed and pulled a piece of paper out of his coat. He walks forward and hands it to me before gesturing for me to read it.

⎡All the answers you seek will be in there.⎦

I looked down at the letter and started reading:

[Dear Jonathan,

If you are reading this letter then I was unfortunately, unable to see you end the tutorial. I apologise but it would seem that my attention is needed elsewhere.

As a condition, Mr. Reid wished to meet his successor before passing on. As this meeting was 'ordained', I gave him this letter to give to you as well as my final gift.

On the back of this page is the new and improved recipe for the Tears of Angels antidote as well as two sample I've left in Dr. Reid's care. As a bonus to your [Art of Alchemy] skill, I have added knowledge of potions, both mundane and supernatural. Enjoy!

No doubt Dr. Reid has already analysed it's properties and reversed engineered one of the samples, figuring out how to make it. He truly is a gifted individual.

Seriously... I think i was too generous when I gave you his body along with all his natural gifts but it's too late now... sigh]

Jonathan chuckled as he could hear and feel the sarcasm oozing off his words. Someone who could grant immortality wasn't stingy enough for that, especially for Mr. Light who had been nothing but generous.

[Anyway, I hope you enjoy little surprise and give 'em hell! Not literally, of course

Yours Magnificently,

Mr. Light]

As I looked up from my letter, I saw Dr. Reid start to glow as small particles of golden white light seemed to come off his body in specks and float into the air.

Dr. Reid watched the scene calmly with a small smile on his face.

⎡It would seems that the time has come⎦ Dr. Reid spoke, his voice filled with emotion

I already believed he was a great man from his feats but after meeting him in person, my eyes had been opened to the true feelings of the legendary figure and my respect for him grew even more.

Despite our short meeting, I already felt as if I was losing a close friend as my eyes welled up with tears. If he were standing beside me, I could only imagine how much we'd be able to do but that's all they would be, imaginations.

Saddened but bolstered by his departure, I looked him straight in the eye and spoke with as much sincerity as I could muster.

"I will try my best to make you proud"

Dr. Reid just smiled back at me and nodded

⎡You already have, Jonathan. Just never stop believing in yourself and your beliefs⎦

"I won't. Goodbye Dr. Reid"

⎡No, Jonathan⎦ Dr. Reid shook his head 

⎡It is I who must bid you farewell... Doctor Reid⎦

With his final words, his entire being transformed into lights and flowed into my body.

Surprised, I closed my eyes while waiting for the impact but it never came. Instead of the forceful shove I was anticipating, a warm feeling spread through my chest and around my body.

I hadn't felt any different from normal since waking up but now that I had merged with Dr. Reid's spirit remnant, I felt more complete. Like I had regained an integral part of me I never knew was missing. 

I was happy and thanked his spirit remnant for believing in me enough to do this. I promised myself that I would strive to save lives as well as care for them in honour of his memory. 

Feeling renewed with full control of my body and a new sense of purpose, I was ready to finally begin my new life.

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