
Chapter 6: He who is Hated

As the dust settled, blood flowed, pooling together into large puddles. The scene of carnage that had unfolded mere seconds ago remained at the forefront of everyone's mind.

An atmosphere of gloom settled over the battlefield, they all gazed at Aziel's figure, a mixture of shock, fear, and relief flooding their hearts.

Fear because of the fact that his performance during–what can only be called a one-sided slaughter–was something they'd expect from a kingdom or empire's best elites, or perhaps even the knight commanders.

However, grief overruled all logic when it came to one lone adventurer briskly stomping up toward him, a furious expression on his face. The man was only a bit shorter than Aziel, the ravages of battle evident as blood caked his dirty blonde hair.

"You….! If you were this strong, why didn't you help sooner!? Why couldn't you just save them?! They didn't have to die!"

The man clenched his trembling fists, making way to swing wildly toward Aziel, who only weaved his head slightly to the side with a bored expression.

"You could've saved them, but you didn't! My friends….everyone, it's all your fault!"

His fists tore through the air, aiming straight for Aziel's face, intending to inflict as much pain as he now felt.

The onlookers, with the exception of Lyra and a few others, seemed visibly distraught as they processed his words. Many felt that it made some sense, unconsciously sending accusatory glances toward Aziel, never realizing that they merely sought to blame anyone for this tragedy.

Ducking another punch, Aziel stared into the man's eyes as he finally had enough.

"You bastard! What do you have to say for yours—GAH!"

Leaning in past the outstretched arm, he drove his knee straight into the man's gut, cutting off his words and sending him reeling back in pain.

Yet, Aziel still wasn't finished, his leg lashed out like a snake, coiling into a Brazilian kick and instantly connected with the adventurer, lifting him off the ground as his head snapped backward.

"First of all…..watch how you speak to me, bitch."

Aziel's voice reached their ears as the adventurer was sent flying a few feet away, crashing into the ground in a miserable heap. A few of the spectators wanted to stop what was bound to follow, but they could only stand there, helpless, silently withdrawing their outstretched arms.

The adventurer struggled to push himself off the ground, his disoriented mind felt the world spinning around him. Blinking rapidly as his vision finally cleared enough to see in front of him.

Everyone watched as Aziel approached the man, not a sound was made even as he stepped in a puddle of blood.

"Second….don't come walking up on me like I owe you something, I'll kill you."

His tranquil voice echoed in the adventurer's head, forcing him to look up at the tall figure casually standing above him.


The man gasped, feeling Aziel's slender fingers wrap around his throat, squirming violently as he was hoisted into the air with the ease of lifting a fork. No matter how hard he tried, his efforts of escaping Aziel's grasp proved futile.

"Did you believe I'd just listen to you because you're mad? Stop bullshitting, you're incompetent."


Blood flew from his mouth alongside a few teeth, his lip now busted from Aziel's slap.

"Blaming me for shit that you're responsible for preventing, does it look like it's my job to save you….?"



The man's pleas were completely ignored. Everyone grimaced, flinching as another slap landed. Any more of this would no doubt result in the man's death, but of course, Aziel showed no sign of hesitation even while knowing that fact.

"You had the nerve to waste my damn time, yet I don't see any money. You think too highly of yourself."

Just as he raised his hand to slap him again, Lyra's voice interrupted him, earning her the gratitude of everyone present.

"A-Aziel-san…don't you think that's enough….?"

Turning his head in her direction, he glanced at her out of the corner of his eyes. Her gaze didn't waver even at the sight of his brutality, indicating that she harbored no fear toward him.

"You think so….?" He asked, sarcasm and curiosity mingled in his tone.

Seeing this as an opportunity, Lyra nodded solemnly, wholly disregarding his current attitude. Although she'd only known him for a short few days, she believed he knew the correct course of action that should be taken at this point in time.

They both stared into each other's eyes as a few moments of silence reigned, before Aziel tossed the adventurer into the dirt like discarded trash.

There were pros and cons to every decision, and even if he felt that either option wouldn't result in his loss, it was always better to choose the easiest route if it promised the same benefits.

After all, couldn't he just kill the man when no one was looking?

Grudges shouldn't be allowed to fester.

"….If Lyra said it, it must be true, huh."

Leaving behind a slightly mocking remark, he shifted his attention towards the caravan leader, Ellis.

Lyra's body stiffened, her eyes widening in shock as she watched Aziel walk off. It was the first time he'd ever called her by her name.

Was there another meaning behind it?

Shaking her head, she ignored the knots threatening to entangle her heart and went to tend to the wounded.

Today's events brought everyone to a somber mood, making them hesitate to proceed with even the simplest actions, but it seemed Aziel on the other hand, was only just getting started.

Ellis straightened out his posture, greeting Aziel with a somewhat bitter expression. The situation was far too impactful for him to hide his distress.

"Aziel-dono, I'm sure I speak for everyone here when I say this; I am truly grateful for your heroic efforts during this time, we couldn't have pulled through without you."

Though he only spoke the truth, his troubled tone betrayed his true feelings on the matter.

Patting his shoulder, Aziel looked down at him with fake understanding.

"That sounds about right, huh. And uh….Should I be expecting your cooperation in the near future?"

"A-ahaha…of course, of course. You can be sure of that."

Hearing Aziel's suggestive remark, Ellis could only laugh in vexation. It wasn't that he had much of a problem owing a favor, but it was as if Aziel intentionally made it difficult to like him.

Despite the fact that he always spoke in the same manner, his endeavors proved successful the majority of the time. He carefully chose when to advance and retreat, obtaining what he wanted without any repercussions.

To describe the individual Aziel Nox in a few words, it would no doubt be 'An unstoppable force'.

Rubbing his forehead in exasperation, Ellis proceeded to set up camp alongside everyone else. The full moon peeked through the clouds above, its distant glow casting a dark shadow over this inauspicious night.


As the noon-day sun hung at its zenith, a long line of carriages and wagons traveled over multiple small hills, before a grand mountain that towered above all others in its surroundings finally came into view.

The divine mountain, a symbol of the church's influence, sat just behind the Heiligh Kingdom, indicating their close ties to one another.

Within one of the carriages, Aziel opened his eyes, gazing at the distant outer walls of the kingdom that grew closer with each passing second.

"Haaa….we're finally here…! I thought it would never end…."

Sitting across from him, one of the men from the adventurer trio suddenly voiced in evident relief, his haggard appearance spoke volumes of everyone's current state.

The sight of the familiar large gates made them sink back in their seats, realizing that this hellish journey had reached its end.

Multiple rows of vehicles remained stationed outside as soldiers checked the status plate's of those waiting to enter.

The surviving adventurers within the caravan all began walking on foot, marking the conclusion of the expedition. Upon completing the request from the guild, they'd only have to submit the adequate documentation to receive their payment.

Aziel stepped down from the carriage, the adventurer trio following close behind. It was now time to acquire what he set out for and shape the future of this world to his liking.

I hope you enjoyed this short chapter! This was all I was feeling today, sadly. Hoepfully, I can push out a longer chapter tomorrow, but we'll see how it goes. If you enjoy reading, please leave a review. It serves as good motivation. Thanks!

Depraved_Chapcreators' thoughts
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