
How Angels Sing R-18

Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add. 


The moment their battle started, and before Feng could move, the Fallen Angel immediately spread out her Mana Domain, greatly suppressing Feng, while chanting an incantation.

A second later, she finished preparing her attack, a giant magic circle releasing a powerful pressure appearing behind her as she pointed her flawless hand towards Feng.

'She can't be for real.' Feng stared with a blank expression as he recognized the spell Serena was about to hurl at him.

Tier 5 Curse, Seven Hell Redemption! 

Starting right off the bat with a Tier 5 Curse whose power reached the Tier 6 standard, Serena clearly wasn't planning on giving Feng any chances of actually passing the test. 

"Are you ready?" The Fallen Angel's seductive blood-red lips curled into a maniacal grin as the magic circle's glow greatly intensified. 

"Just a sec." Feng requested, several Levellume Capsules appearing in his hand, before he immediately poured the EXP within them into the Seven Luminaries Ring's Aura of Earth. 

The power of a Tier 5 Curse was no joke. 

Mana and space within the area were instantly suppressed, and along with Serena's Mana Domain, which she was no longer relying on the passive properties of to prevent Feng from getting away, there was no chance of him using any type of teleportation to get out of range. 

Dodging was also impossible, as a Tier 5 Fallen Angel's control over Mana and spells was incredible, and she'd definitely change the Cruse's direction in order to kill him. Not to mention, the speed of a Tier 5 Curse may not be something he could handle at the moment. 

Hence, his only choice was to block and survive Seven Hell Redemption. 

This was easier said than done, though, power at the Tier 6 standard not being something he could currently survive against using his own power or techniques. 

Feng's only hope was to level up Absolute Domain to a sufficient standard that it could allow him to live long enough against the Tier 5 Curse and find an opening to escape its range. 

Unfortunately, Feng's plead was entirely ignored, with Serena having only asked offhandedly, not intending to give her opponent any chances as she fired off the Tier 5 Curse before Feng could even finish speaking. 

Thought Acceleration! 

Heavenly Dragon's Power! 

Blade Liberation! 

Boosting his Reaction Speed and attributes, Feng's hands moved at lightning speed, retrieving the EXP storages and directly placing their accumulated experience points in the Seven Luminaries Ring as he watched intense flames erupt from Serena's magic circle and shoot towards him at an incredible speed that would be difficult for him to track in his regular state. 

Levellume Capsules were emptied like there was no tomorrow, his stock of EXP build up by Zero Wing's Mythic Hunt and several days of slaying Superior Mythic monsters afterwards, along with the gathered amount in the Dark Den, disappearing while the Aura of Earth rapidly rose in levels. 

But the speed of the approaching flames cast by the Tier 5 Fallen Angel wasn't to be underestimated, reaching Feng in a matter of moments. 

Thankfully, just as the Seven Hell Redemption Curse was about to collide with him, Feng upgraded the Aura of Earth to Tier 3 Level 1; using up most of his EXP in the process and not having enough to upgrade anymore by even one level. 

Absolute Domain! 


Cracks instantly spread across the golden barrier formed by Absolute Domain like a thick spiderweb when the flame beam struck Feng, who got launched backwards like a cannonball, sticking the magic barrier that served as the border of their battle grounds. 

At Tier 3, Absolute Domain could mostly negate attacks at the Tier 5 standard without becoming damaged with it even being capable of enduring the bombardment of Tier 5 Peak standard power for a short amount of time. 

Undoubtedly, this was an amazing ability, but it barely allowed Feng to survive one strike at the Tier 6 standard's very beginning. 

Intense flames continued to spread after the beam of fire collided with Feng from where the Tier 5 Curse's recipient had been standing, however, and they didn't stop until Feng was about to be devoured by them. 

After the first strike, a large portion of Seven Hell Redemption's power had been taken away, but the incoming flames still had power around the Tier 5 Peak standard. With Absolute Domain's current condition, it was unlikely to remain standing within less than second. 

Feng wasn't as helpless against this threat that didn't reach the Tier 6 standard, though, and he unhesitatingly unsheathed the Pandemonium Lashblade as he activated Flame Born and switched to the Swordsmanship Great Grandmaster Title. 

When the Tier 5 Curse's flames enveloped him, Absolute Domain immediately showing signs of shattering, Feng slashed downwards in front of him with Thundering Flash. 

A sea of lightning was released from the Demon Sword down onto the ground, causing the thunder bolts to spread out in all directions at Feng's front, the lightning sea encompassing both Feng and the flames surrounding him. 

If he had simply sent out Thundering Flash for a frontal confrontation with the flames holding power at the Tier 5 Peak standard, his skill that didn't even fully reach Tier 5 standard would have been extinguished without any suspense. 

Upon being utilized in this way, on the other hand, Thundering Flash had a much more helpful effect. Countless lightning bolts continuously went against the fire thinning through Absolute Domain, and even though each bolt had power nowhere near comparable to the flames, they cut down on the fire's power when concentrated at such a small space. 

By the time all of the thunder dissipated and Absolute Domain's barrier was finally unable to remain standing any longer, Seven Hell Redemption's remaining flames were weak enough that Feng, with Flame Born in effect and his own extremely high Defense and Fire Resistance, was unaffected by them. 

However, the Tier 5 Curse wasn't done just yet. All of the remnants from the initial flames suddenly retreated and gathered into one spot. 

There was a reason Feng was so speechless after seeing Serena start off the fight with Seven Hell Redemption. Although its initial attack was only at the beginning standard of Tier 6, which was weaker than many other Tier 5 Curses, this Curse's follow up move was particularly devastating to Feng in this situation. 

As the surroundings fire gathered high in the air, they formed a giant lion head made out of fire. With a loud roar, the lion head released a terrifying pressure that caused Feng's movements to stagnate, before it dove down towards Feng. 

But when he saw the giant lion head and sensed the pressure it radiated, instead of feeling any worry, Feng was relieved. The fire lion merely had power that barely reached the Tier 5 Peak standard, and was within his capabilities to survive. 

Void Shield appeared around Feng in preparation for the incoming fire head, which was about to reach him. 

Just as the lion head was about to bite down on Feng and crash into the ground, Feng used Void Walk and bailed. An enormous explosion resounded throughout the battlefield as a huge dust cloud rose where Feng had just been standing at. 

He, who had escaped through the void, though, was unharmed, and quickly traveled through the dark environment towards his intended destination. 

Seven Hell Redemption was a Tier 5 Curse that started off with an attack at the Tier 6 standard, followed by the aftermath's flames, whose remnants gathered into a final attack that had strength depending on how much of the Curse's power remained unused. 

This final move of the flames forming a giant lion head was the reason Feng hadn't immediately entered the void to dodge the Tier 5 Curse. Without the initial attacks landing, the lion head at the end could have power nearing the Tier 6 Intermediate standard and remain in existence for around half a minute without attacking. 

Normally, players fighting someone who'd use Seven Hell Redemption against them were high-tiered enough to fight back and deal with the Curse's power before it could become a threat, while no one would use a Tier 5 Curse on an opponent as weak as Feng. 

The current situation was quite unique in that sense, while a Tier 5 Curse that sent several waves of attacks with a very high power level like Seven Hell Redemption was the perfect method of taking Feng down, who only had a few means of enduring such powerful attacks. 

Knowing Absolute Domain would be unable to help him survive an attack at the Tier 6 Intermediate standard was the reason Feng hadn't used Void Walk to dodge the initial effects of the Tier 5 Curse, as while the Nightwalker's Cape does significantly weaken the void's oppression, being a mere Tier 1 player, Feng could only spend a very short amount of time in the void, and would be unable to outlast Seven Hell Redemption's duration. 

This was also why Serena had chosen to use Seven Hell Redemption as her opening move, having already seen Feng previously enter the void to escape from her at the World Summit's entrance, but knowing there was no way a Tier 1 Swordsman could possibly survive in the void's harsh environment for long, she had hoped Feng would immediately attempt to avoid her attack by hiding in the void; thinking that he didn't know the Tier 5 Curse's effects. 

Thus, Feng had no choice but to tank the first attacks and use Void Walk at the end to avoid the fire lion head just as it was about to land on him in order to prevent Serena from controlling the fire lion to not commence the final move when she realized he wasn't planning on taking on the Tier 5 Curse's last effects. 

Using Void Walk at this moment also gave Feng the opportunity to make his next move. 

As soon as he exited the void several yards from Serena at her flank, she, who was currently preparing another Tier 5 Curse to cast at him, immediately turned towards Feng upon sensing his presence. 

What greeted the Fallen Angel was a pitch-black sword flying towards her face. 

Confusion appeared in Serena's mind at first when she saw Feng throw his weapon at her, but the winged lady stopped paying attention to it in the next moment, planning to simply avoid the sword's trajectory while not taking her aquamarine eyes off her human opponent; suspecting the throw was merely a distraction as the Fallen Angel didn't think this adventurer was foolish enough to think this would have any chance at harming her. 

Although the sword flying towards her was fairly fast, having been thrown with Feng's strength while Twofold Berserk was in effect coupled with the Tier 2 Level 9 Precision Throw whose abilities got enhanced by the Pandemonium Lashblade to the Tier 3 standard, such a velocity was like that of snail's pace to the Tier 5 Fallen Angel. 

There was no way this sword that was moving in slow motion to Serena would be capable of posing a threat to her. 

But when the Pandemonium Lashblade arrived close to her and was about to be within arm's reach of Serena, the Fallen Angel suddenly sensed that there was something off about the sword. There was an incredibly dark and sinister aura around it, while Serena could sense an ominous presence within the depths of the pitch-black sword, causing her to switch her gaze towards it. 

Her thoughts were confirmed upon further inspection, as the winged woman was now certain this sword was no ordinary weapon, and she couldn't help but extend her hand to grab it for further investigation when the sword was about to reach her. 

However, the moment Serena's attention was taken off him and focused on the incoming Pandemonium Lashblade, Feng instantly seized the chance, a crystal ball appearing in his free hand, before he chucked it towards the Fallen Angel with his full strength. 

Of course, his actions could never escape Serena's powerful senses, especially not while he was within her Mana Domain's range, and she instantly noticed the second object flying towards her. 

By the time the Fallen Angel's gaze turned to look at the approaching item, though, the crystal ball had already caught up to the Pandemonium Lashblade. 

Despite him making it look like he had thrown his sword at Serena with all he had, Feng had actually held back quite a bit of his strength, while this time he truly threw the ball with the full force that he could muster at the moment. 

Feng had even used an Advanced Bronze Combat Technique to power the throw. 

Although he didn't have any throwing techniques above Advanced rank, Feng had something else that could increase his throwing game, which was the Advanced Bronze Body Combat Technique he had invented during his previous life called Divine Change. 

Divine Change allowed the user to make use of all of their body's muscles in every action taken, greatly enhancing a person's combat power when used. It was an incredible technique that Feng had developed into a Gold Body Combat Technique during the previous timeline, which had made any member of Zero Wing who managed to master it a top-tier expert due to its incredible power and versatility, being capable of empowering any and all of the user's moves when utilized. 

Unfortunately, due to his current limiting strength, he could only execute Divine Change at the standard of an Advanced Bronze Combat Technique, which would allow him to use 15% of his body's muscles. 

Nevertheless, it was still of significant help as he had used it to push the power of his throw even further, enabling it to reach his goal before Serena could stop it. 

As the Fallen Angel gazed at the crystal ball in confusion, wondering why the human had thrown this thing at her as well, she noticed the swirling black aura within the transparent orb. 

For some reason, the dark aura within the crystal ball sent chills down Serena's spine and invoked a sense of fear in her. She wished to immediately destroy the ball and its contents. 

But before she could follow up on that thought, a pale-white, flawless hand materialized from the crystal ball and extended towards the Pandemonium Lashblade, five slender fingers wrapping around the Demon Sword's handle as the hand gripped it tightly. 

While she watched with a dumbfounded look, Serena saw an enchanting body, that surpassed her own, covered by a tight maid outfit that perfectly emphasized the woman's incredible figure materialize after the hand, followed by a breathtaking face that gave one pause and a pair of cold, blood-red eyes. 

Serena wasn't frozen in place because of Celestina's looks, though, but by the incredible primordial aura that was a testament to her frightening strength radiating from the Demon Goddess, causing the Tier 5 Fallen Angel to instinctively freeze in fear. 

When the Demon Empress fiercely swung her chain sword that erupted in pitch-black flames at the Fallen Angel, though, Serena finally snapped out of it as she realized the danger she was in. 

Only, it was a bit late by that point, as Serena not taking advantage of the opportunity to deal a heavy blow on Celestina while she was materializing gave the Demon Empress enough time to prepare a powerful attack. 

Tier 5 Skill, Extermination!

Saint-ranked Mana Technique, Blazing Ruin!

With her own Mana Domain having spread out, Celestina wasn't at all affected by the Tier 5 Fallen Angel's Mana Domain despite being a tier lower than the opposing party, the two Mana Domains overlapping and suppressing one another, both nullifying the other's effects. 

Moreover, after absorbing a very large number of souls belonging to monsters of various tiers, around half being Mythic and Superior Mythic rank monsters, as well as over seventy thousand Immortal Souls, Celestina's strength had recovered by a decent margin, and she now had several Tier 5 Skills and Spells at her disposal; along with her other abilities having vastly increased. 

In one moment of Serena being caught off guard, she had executed a Tier 5 skill and a Saint-ranked Mana Technique, perfectly combining them both in one single and simple movement as she slashed at the opponent before her. 

However, the Demon Goddess's eyes widened when she saw what the opponent she was currently slashing at actually was. 

'This motherfucker dared to put me against a Tier 5 Fallen Angel!' 

Previously, she had been stuck in the Spectral Animacell for over a day after being recalled in it, spending her time bored in the dark space of the soul-capturing tool, when she suddenly received a command through the contract she had signed with Feng. 

It was fairly simple: "Use the strongest move you can possibly muster within a second while wielding the Pandemonium Lashblade regardless of Stamina and Concentration cost and attack in front of you." 

Celestina had assumed her contractor had come across a tough opponent or one he needed to instantly kill, so she didn't put much thought into it and simply prepared to follow the command. 

The Demon Empress had never thought, however, that the creature her contractor was ordering her to attack was a Fallen Angel one tier higher than her. 

Of course, even if she was only Tier 4 at the moment, as long as Celestina could use the full extent of her power, even a real God would not be her match, let alone a mere Tier 5 Fallen Angel. 

But she barely had a fraction of her true strength right now! 

Exchanging a few moves with the Fallen Angel in front of her would be doable if she went all out, but fighting the winged woman was impossible with her current strength. 

Not to mention that this was a breech of contract between them, as one of Celestina's conditions to working for Feng had been that he couldn't place her in overly dangerous situations or make her fight opponents much more powerful than her. 

It was at that moment that the Demon Goddess realized that Feng had found a way to partially get around this condition, as he hadn't actually ordered her to fight Serena, or fight at all. The only command she had received was to attack in front of her with the strongest attack possible considering the situation. 

As soon as she was done with the attack, Celestina was free to run away and do as she pleased unless Feng gives her another order. 

Realizing this and that she couldn't disobey launching an attack at Serena, Celestina decided to simply use her full strength as she put more force into her arms and finish the slash before bailing; faintly believing her master most likely has a plan in mind for the follow up. 

Meanwhile, sensing the power of the demon maid's attack, Serena grew serious. 

With a powerful Tier 5 skill being combined with a Saint-ranked Mana Technique, both being executed perfectly by the Demon Empress, coupled with Celestina's own strength while wielding her main weapon and usage of its Soul Fire, this attack easily had power at the Tier 5 Peak standard and was close to reaching Tier 6. 

Although the attack wouldn't outright kill the Tier 5 Fallen Angel and was only a threat if it landed directly, the fight she was currently in wasn't a simple match, but a test for the human. 

Unknown to the human challenger, the condition for her defeat and him passing the test wasn't all that extreme if one didn't consider the insurmountable difference in their tiers, which was that he simply had to harm her. 

This condition of her getting harmed was somewhat flexible, as the person serving as the test taker's opponent got to decide what extent of damage counted as enough to pass, which would normally depend on the difference in strength between both parties if judged fairly. 

Feng simply doing even a point of damage to her or managing to land an attack would normally be more than enough for him to pass the test considering that she was a Tier 5 Fallen Angel while he was merely a Tier 1 human, but Serena planned on stretching that condition as much as possible. 

However, the current attack coming towards her would definitely reach the sufficient qualifications to count as Feng harming her if she didn't properly defend herself. 

Thinking of so, Serena immediately put her focus into casting a Tier 5 Defensive Curse in order to fully block the female demon's attack, a golden barrier that could endure even Tier 6 attacks forming in front of the winged woman. 

A moment later, the demon and Fallen Angel clashed, space shattering in front of them as a result and making all the surrounding Mana chaotic. 

While Serena was busy dealing with Celestina's attack, Feng appeared behind the Fallen Angel using Instant Strike, the Fragmented Legendary sword he had taken out as a replacement for the Pandemonium Lashblade lighting up with a silver glow as he stabbed it towards Serena's elegant back. 

Considering her strength, it wasn't possible for Feng to fight Serena, as she could simply continuously cast Tier 5 skills and spells at him, completely overwhelming Feng, who didn't have the means to defend against many attacks at the Tier 5 standard, within a short period of time. 

Not to mention that he could only put up some sort of fight against Serena while having Twofold Berserk activated, while Blade Liberation's duration was fairly short. 

Using Celestina to defeat the Tier 5 Fallen Angel wasn't an option either, as aside from him not being able to command her to fight Serena due to their contract's condition, it wasn't possible for the current Demon Empress to defeat her unless a Primordial God-ranked Mana Technique was utilized. 

But a Mana Technique of that caliber was not only difficult and draining for Celestina to use at the moment, it took a decent amount of time to prepare it. Time that Serena would definitely not allow her opponents to have, while Feng had no way of slowing down the winged woman. 

Thus, he had to end the fight right here and now, while this was likely to be his only chance at landing a hit on the Tier 5 Fallen Angel and doing any damage, so Feng stacked everything in one go and used the strongest move he had at the moment. 

Before the Moonchaser that had reached Tier 5 power thanks to the Swordsmanship Great Grandmaster Title could make contact, however, a barrier appeared and blocked his sword's advance. 

Taking on the Demon Goddess's fierce attack coming from her front with one hand, Serena turned slightly and gave Feng a side-eyed glance. In spite of the danger the Great Demon's attack posed, Serena had never stopped paying a portion of her attention to Feng. 

She had already seen that he possess exceptional abilities before the test, and him surviving a powerful Tier 5 Curse completely unscathed, along with being capable of summoning such a powerful demon, reaffirmed her thoughts of this human being far too strong for someone of his tier. 

The attack that she had just blocked was the best example. 

In spite of being a mere Tier 1 Swordsman, the human had executed an attack at the Tier 5 standard. That's completely absurd, yet it happened. 

But now, it was all over. 

To the Fallen Angel's surprise, the Tier 4 female demon didn't continue her attack or do anything else after the Tier 5 Defensive Curse blocked her first attack and shattered, merely retreating as if the fight had nothing to with her.

Serena didn't question it though and merely turned her attention back to that damnable human. 

Even though the barrier she had set up in an instant wasn't strong enough to block Feng's attack, with it piercing through and continuing on towards Serena, the barrier had reduced a part of Moonchaser's power and slowed down the Fragmented Legendary sword. 

Extending her free hand, Serena grabbed the sharp blade with her bare hands, the skill's remaining power completely unable to break her powerful Tier 5 Defense or do any harm. 

'It seems Tier 5 really is stretching it right now.' Bitterly smiling, Feng couldn't help but admit this fact that would cause others to roll their eyes at him for even considering such an impossible-to-achieve goal. 

Despite his amazing equipment, techniques and other means that he had acquired thanks to reincarnating two times, in front of absolute strength, it was still meaningless. Tier 1 was quite limiting, and unless he progressed further, there was no way he could take on beings like Serena. 

Moonchaser pushed to the Tier 5 standard was the best he could achieve right now, yet, even while she was preoccupied by Celestina's attack and he attempted a sneak attack with Twofold Berserk and a Tier 2 Taboo Skill that focuses on improving a player's Attack Speed in an ambush, Serena could still render him powerless with ease. 

Although Feng still had other skills that were usable from his learnt ones and his equipment's, none of them could match the move he had just made unless he used Threefold Berserk, but even then, it still most likely would not have been enough to allow him to land a hit on the Tier 5 Fallen Angel, especially now that she wasn't distracted by Celestina anymore. 

While Feng was lamenting his lack of strength, he sensed that Mana had gathered above him as Serena cast a Tier 5 skill that shot four dark arrows towards him. 

Faced with the incoming attacks, it was doubtful that Void Shield would be capable of enduring them even if it could reduce the damage from Tier 5 sources by 90%, making Feng's death a likely outcome; while Serena was still paying close attention to his every move, and in the event he manages to survive, she'd just finish him off with another spell, or even a basic attack. 

Weirdly enough, though, Feng didn't seem dispirited or disheartened by the current situation, remaining completely calm. 

Feng, being himself, naturally wasn't out of options. Only, Feng wasn't certain if his next gamble will work out, as he had never tried this move against someone like Serena before. But the predicament he was currently in no longer gave Feng any opportunities to hesitate. 

'He let go of it?' Serena looked on in confusion when she saw Feng releasing his grip on the Fragmented Legendary sword he had attacked her with, which was still within her grasp. 

There had been no struggle from the human as he hadn't even bother to attempt retrieving his sword from her, which would have been fruitless due to the insurmountable difference between their strengths, and decisively chose to simply give up on it. 

However, beyond her imaginations, the human hadn't chosen to try distancing himself from her or the incoming spears, which had already landed on the barrier formed around him and broken through with only a moment of delay, after leaving behind his sword. 

Instead, his hand only rose slightly so that it was above the sword he had just been holding and her own hand, while one of the rings on it flashed in the next moment, as a sword with a golden hilt and a diamond blade appeared within his hand. 

As soon as Feng grasped the golden hilt, he immediately swung down the sword towards Serena's outstretched arm with all of his strength. 

Only a disdainful look appeared in Serena's eyes upon seeing Feng's actions, thinking that it was a last ditch attempt to land a blow on her after not sensing any powerful aura from the new sword, easily being able to tell that it was too weak of a weapon to even scratch her skin, let alone do any damage to a Tier 5 Fallen Angel like herself. 

Moreover, with the speed he was moving, the dark arrows would reach the human before the sword manages to even get close to her. 

It wasn't incorrect for Serena to assume that, as the Destroyer of Immortality was currently only a Level 20 Tier 1 sword with attributes comparable to a mere Epic Weapon. 

Such a thing was nowhere near capable of doing any harm to a Tier 5 Fallen Angel, with only Fragmented Legendary Weapons and the like having a chance at achieving anything against an opponent like her. 

That was under the condition they could actually land a hit on her, of course. 

The Destroyer of Immortality wasn't at all a regular weapon that could be judged with common sense, however, but a godly tool meant for slaying the most powerful of the Gods. 

Suddenly, a swordlight appeared next to each of the dark arrows, whose strength had been greatly reduced by Void Shield, and struck the incoming projectiles from the side, causing their trajectory to switch ever so slightly as they now harmlessly flew past Feng. 

Meanwhile, a faint, bloody glow appeared on the edges of the Destroyer of Immortality's transparent blade. 

Slashing Domain! x4 

Immortality Slayer! 

Serena finally sensed that something was off, a feeling of grave danger washing over her as the diamond blade of the Legacy Weapon destabilized her Mana Domain where ever it passed and made contact with the Fallen Angel's unblemished skin. 

Like cutting through paper, the Destroyer of Immortality easily slashed into Serena's arm, causing crimson blood to flow from the wound as it effortlessly dug a few centimeters in deeper, before suddenly stopping as if it had come across a hard object. 

When Feng was about to put more force into the sword and cut further, he suddenly felt as if he had struck air, noticing that the Fallen Angel had already moved and instantly distanced herself from him at a speed Feng hadn't even been able to keep up with. 

She ended up retreating all the way to the border of the arena they were in, those aquamarine eyes overflowing with fear as Serena kept her gaze locked on the Destroyer of Immortality. 

A wound like this was a minor thing, while the small damage she had received, which wasn't even in the double digits, would be recovered within a matter of seconds, and although such a weapon that could allow a Tier 1 human to accomplish something like this against her was impressive, that wasn't what had terrified Serena so badly. 

What damage that sword had caused on the surface level might seem insignificant, but the true danger it posed to her wasn't something that could be seen with the naked eye. 

Serena inspected herself for the injuries she had sustained, and sensed that apart from her physical body having been cut, there was a gash on her Mana Body where the sword's blade had struck her. 

Damaging a person's Mana Body was incredibly difficult, with it being impossible for low tier creatures to achieve, but this adventurer had managed to leave a cut on it. 

Of course, the winged woman didn't think for a second that this was due to Feng's own strength, and knew that he had managed to accomplish such a thing thanks to that sword, which she had originally dismissed as an insignificant weapon. 

The Fallen Angel couldn't help but question how this seemingly weak sword could give a Tier 1 creature the ability to damage her Mana Body, as when she inspected the Legacy Weapon more closely and tried to find out its secrets, she sensed nothing out of the ordinary from the diamond blade; it having already returned to its original state like when the human had first taken it out. 

"Miss Serena, this means that I passed the test, right?" Feng looked towards the winged woman, who now seemed more like a frightened rabbit than a menacing Fallen Angel that instilled fear into the hearts of all humans, after having already deactivating Immortality Slayer the moment that Serena had distanced herself, with a faint smile and questioned. 

Although he knew from his previous life that he only needed to harm Serena in order to defeat her in this trial, Feng was unsure if that requirement had changed after the Fallen Angel had decided to conduct the test with her own arrangements. 

After all, injuring a Tier 1 creature and injuring a Tier 5 creature were two entirely different concepts due to the differences between both beings. 

Nevertheless, him leaving such a wound on both her physical body and Mana Body should be enough to count as his victory. 

"Mhm. Since you were able to injure me, it is your win." Serena nodded and confirmed absentmindedly, still too preoccupied with what had just happened to question how Feng knew the requirements for passing the second option's test when she had never told him, or to fully grasp what she had just announced. 

This extent of damage that Feng had done to her definitely qualified as a passing mark for the test, so Serena had no choice but to admit defeat. 

However, a moment later, the Fallen Angel's brain caught up with her words and their meaning, the implications of her losing to this human, a previously inconceivable notion, dawning on her. 

Before Serena could could come back to her senses, Feng suddenly appeared inches from her utilizing his incredible speed while still in Twofold Berserk and activating God Speed along with Ethereal Blitz, his hand going past the Fallen Angel's head and slamming against the barrier behind her. 

Serena jumped in surprise at the sound and at Feng suddenly appearing in front of her, nervously looking slightly up at the human who now seemed to be towering over her, his smile that didn't have a smidget of pure intentions giving a bad premonition to the winged lady. 

"Well then," Feng extended his hand and hooked the Fallen Angel's flawless chin, meeting her aquamarine eyes that were currently looking all over the place as they overflowed with anxiety, clearly not mentally prepared for what was to come in spite of having so confidently placed herself as part of the prize for passing the test, "I shall be claiming my reward now." 

Saying so, Feng leaned in and took Serena's supple lips, the girl's eyes widening as her first kiss got taken. 

(R-18 scene incoming. Skip ahead to the next chapter if you don't wanna read it) 

As Feng enjoyed the taste of the Fallen Angel's lips, Serena grabbed at his cloak, attempting to gain some control over the situation while her face became flushed. 

Feng didn't take his time either, immediately unequipping all of his armor as he pushed Serena against the arena's barrier with one hand wrapping around her willowy waist and the other taking ahold of those bountiful breasts through the revealing leather outfit on her, all the while his tongue pried open her lips and dove in deep as Feng took in her sweet saliva. 

Even though she was a Tier 5 Fallen Angel that had no need for air, Serena felt herself being out of breath, Feng's domineering tongue forcing her own into submission as it made rounds tasting the inside of her mouth. 

Having no idea how to react to this forceful approach, Serena could only take in and accept Feng's advances, her grip on his cloak tightening as a reflexive response to being subjected to his assertive movements, the Fallen Angel's eyes closing from both the uncertainty of what this human was about to do to her and the faint pleasure of experiencing this sensual feeling for the first time. 

In spite of the way she dressed and her somewhat seductive temperament, Serena was, in fact, a completely innocent virgin with zero sexual experience; not to mention that she was relatively young compared to other Fallen Angels, especially those at Tier 5. 

She had spent most of her life building up her strength in the main headquarters of the Fallen Angels due to her talent and therefore had very little life experience apart from battle and the knowledge she had learned. The most Serena knew about mating was some basic stuff, that it was done between a male and female for the purpose of having offsprings, and, apparently, some creatures like humans doing it for pleasure. 

It wasn't until the Fallen Archangel who had originally been the administrator of the World Summit and guardian of the Bible of Darkness got recalled to outside of this God's Domain due to an emergency several hundred years ago that Serena was tasked with being the Fallen Archangel's temporary replacement by her Ladyship and truly left her home for the first time. 

Spending all that time bored while governing over this place that rarely got any interesting visitors, the Tier 5 Fallen Angel was naturally eager and curious when someone like Feng appeared through an unconventional method in the World Summit, especially after seeing a mere Tier 1 human manage to survive her attack, which was why Serena hadn't immediately fulfilled her duty as the World Summit's administrator and killed Feng. 

However, who would have thought that things would end up like this due to such a simple lapse in judgement on her part... 

Now that the situation has already progressed to this stage of her about to be mated by this human who had bested her, the innocent Fallen Angel's previous mighty behavior was nowhere to be seen and she was clueless about how to proceed, or how to escape her predicament. 

Her face becoming more red by the second, Serena felt herself get lifted by the human while his tongue continued rampaging throughout her small mouth, before he moved even closer to her with his chest pressing against her and keeping the Fallen Angel off the ground. 

Feng's hands moved across Serena's soft body, gripping both sides of her tight leather coverings and pulling in opposite directions until it ripped all the way down, revealing the Fallen Angel's giant melons in all their glory along with her jade-like belly. 

The beautiful, unblemished skin of the lady in front of him, as well as the two treacherous, round mountains and their pink peaks caused a stir within Feng, his general, sensing that it was time for him to do his duty after the fight had ended and the real battle was about to begin, immediately standing tall. 

He also couldn't help but wish to see more, resulting in Feng pulling down on Serena's clothing, dropping it to her hips and close to putting the Fallen Angel's secret garden in clear view. 

With her body, that had never before been seen by anyone, being revealed so abruptly, Serena's rising embarrassment and nervousness reached a boiling point. Feeling that Feng was about to completely undress her, Serena's pure heart finally couldn't take it anymore and she immediately grabbed his wrists and stopped him from pulling her clothing any further off. 

The moment she did so, however, the Fallen Angel instantly lost strength in her arms, while an intense pain emanated from her chest and throughout her mind. Serena realized the reason for the sudden pain as soon as it appeared, knowing this was the result of her disobeying Feng's will when she had said that he could do whatever he wanted with her if he passed the test. 

Only then did Serena truly understand the consequences of betting herself as a reward through the Shrine's system and losing. She now no longer had a say in whatever Feng did to her, regardless if she wanted it or not; with a painful punishment being dealt if she went back on her words. 

In a way, it could be said this was her punishment for failing to kill Feng in the first place, now practically becoming his belonging due to the loose way she had phrased the extra reward. 

Helplessness began to fill the Tier 5 Fallen Angel's mind upon finally realizing what the reality of her situation was. 

But just as she was about to let go of Feng and let him continue doing as he pleased in order for the otherworldly pain to disappear, Serena suddenly felt it go away, as Feng started going along with her movements and stopped removing her clothing, even pulling it up slightly so that it doesn't slide off; greatly surprising the Fallen Angel. 

She currently had no way of resisting any of his whims, and Feng had no reason to stop. Countless others would take full advantage of such an opportunity to make use of a beautiful Tier 5 Fallen Angel such as herself, yet Feng stopped completely as soon as she showed signs of unwillingness, without any hesitation. 

After all, Feng was no rapist. 

Even though he could understand how some people got pleasure from using their superior strength to force themselves onto others against their will, it wasn't really Feng's thing or something he enjoyed. 

If Serena really didn't want to get into anything sexual, regardless of her having agreed to a condition that enabled him to do anything he wanted to her without any consequences, Feng naturally wouldn't force her. 

The condition of him doing as he pleased with her didn't mean that Feng needed to fuck the Fallen Angel, and he could use it for other means. 

In this situation, though, Feng could tell that Serena wasn't exactly against the idea of having sex at the moment, a part of her feeling that it was her punishment and duty to do the deed with him after losing, and another part of the Fallen Angel curious and eager about the experience, wanting to know what it feels like. 

Meanwhile, her stopping him was simply due to it all happening too suddenly and abruptly, while Feng only needed to help her relax a bit so that they could get it on. 

With that in mind, Feng deepened their kiss, this time there being a gentle feeling in it, while his hands, whose wrists were still being held by the beauty pressed against him, caressed her meaty thighs and perky backside with gentle strokes.

Apart from the Tier 5 Fallen Angel who was currently wrecked with nervousness and embarrassment, though, the Tier 4 Demon Goddess's cheeks were similarly flushed by her master's actions.

Originally, after noticing that the fight had ended, Celestina had strode towards Feng in an angry huff, planning to give him a piece of her mind for suddenly throwing her out and making her attack a Tier 5 Fallen Angel in spite of her current limited strength.

However, when she almost reached her contractor who seemed to be doing something with the Fallen Angel, all of the Demon Empress's boiling anger dissipated in an instant like someone had poured freezing water over her.

To Celestina's shock, she witnessed an unimaginable scene of that bastard human making out with the Fallen Angel and even brazenly touching her body, while the winged woman did nothing to resist or stop his actions.

In fact, the human's actions only grew more deprived, going as far as taking off the Fallen Angel's clothing.

This sight left the Demon Goddess goggling as she became completely stunned.

A Tier 5 Higher Being was actually letting herself be played around with by a lowly human, not to mention a mere Tier 1 one.

Such a thing was inconceivable to the mighty Demon Empress, and as the debaucherous act progressed while she could only watch on in dumbstruck silence, Celestina once again found herself growing embarrassed and blushing from the recurring theme of her watching her contractor do another girl right in front of her.

After some time slowly passed, Feng finally released Serena's lips, allowing the girl to breath in some air with strained gasps, while Feng trailed down her snowy neck with his lips, sending stimulating signals throughout the Fallen Angel's entire body which had become fairly hot and sensitive by now during Feng's sensational tongue and hand movements.

He soon descended to the two bountiful melons, causing faint, muffled moans to nearly come out of Serena's mouth as Feng left marks on her breasts, until he finally reached the pointy peaks which had grown mostly hard by now, at which point the inexperienced Fallen Angel couldn't restrain her voice any longer.


The incredible feeling of getting her sensitive nipple sucked on and licked by Feng's skillful tongue caused Serena to release a wonderous moan that was like music to the ears.

This melodic symphony comprised of the Fallen Angel's beautiful voice only grew louder and filled with more pleasure as Feng increased the intensity of tasting the Fallen Angel's pink treats, naturally not forgetting to give some love to Serena's other nipple as well.

Experiencing such stimulating pleasure for the first time resulted in Serena's body both tensing and relaxing at the same time, her grip on Feng's wrists loosening and letting his arms continue on their journey to undress her.

Feng stopped teasing the Fallen Angel's elastic mounds of flesh and raised his gaze to look at Serena's breathtaking face that was fully red at this point, meeting her aquamarine eyes that were like crystal clear jewels, the nervousness she was feeling evident at first glance.

Seeing her signal with her eyes to keep going, Feng pulled down Serena's leather coverings while going back to indulging in the Fallen Angel's fine lips, this time the intimate gesture not being as one-sided as Serena attempted to reciprocate in the kiss.

Although it was very sloppy and inexperienced, with the winged lady's blood-red lips quivering slightly, her actions were nonetheless a welcome sign of her becoming more comfortable and relaxed, along with wishing to go further than this.

The tight clothing covering Serena's private parts was soon pulled past her hips and voluptuous thighs, finding that she wore nothing underneath, and revealing her juicy honeypot that was slightly leaking the aroused Fallen Angel's fluids.

Contrary to Feng's expectations upon considering Serena's relatively innocent nature, her pussy was completely clean without any hairs around the entrance, which he wouldn't think she had shaved, so Feng couldn't help but wonder whether Fallen Angels actually grow any down there.

He didn't let those grand mysteries of the universe distract him for long, though, and Feng quickly removed Serena's clothing past her suspended feet, fully taking it off and tossing it to the side.

Now fully naked, the Fallen Angel felt her slightly decreasing embarrassment and shame instantly surpass the previous record, but she did nothing to resist Feng's moves any longer, Serena's snowy skin gaining a reddish hue as her body became hotter, simply choosing to return the passionate kiss and ignore how the warm air, which was actually blazing due to the environment still being akin to a volcano, on her bare skin made her feel.

Feng could feel Serena's rapidly changing feelings through their kiss, and he couldn't help but find it funny how different the current nervous Serena was compared to her usual behavior that he was used to.

Moving slightly back, Feng lowered the Fallen Angel and let her stand on her own, continuing their lips' contact as he took off his jacket and other clothes, up until he was as fully naked as Serena.

The girl's eyes widened when she felt a hard object poke her abdomen, and she couldn't help but break away from her kiss with Feng to glance downwards, noticing that the human had already removed all of his clothes while she had been too preoccupied with the hectic situation's development.

She also saw it. Something that Serena had only ever heard of and never actually seen before.

Her eyes widened even further as she took in the human's large rod, its long shaft and round head pointing up towards her face, the erect one-eyed snake seemingly returning her stare.

Another wave of nervousness passed through the Fallen Angel's body, this time possessing a much different sense than before, with Serena not knowing how something so big could go inside her.

But Feng didn't allow Serena to get cold feet any longer.

Placing one hand on her plump buttocks, Feng's fingers dug into her soft flesh and pulled the Fallen Angel closer to his chest, as if telling the winged woman there was no running away now with his dick rubbing more against her fair skin and growing harder, while he placed his other hand on the Spatial Bag; which he had kept on himself during this time.

After chanting a short incantation in his mind, a large bed appeared right behind Feng.

Knowing his current situation and that he'd occasionally have sex with his women in places that weren't exactly suitable for love making, Feng had made ample preparations for scenarios just like this, purchasing various things like the bed he had just taken out.

With this, he could now do the deed wherever and whenever necessary even if there weren't any suitable spots in the surroundings.

Before Serena could react to the bed's sudden appearance, Feng took a step back with her ass still within his grip, bringing the Fallen Angel along as the naked duo descended on the bed.

Feng sat on the side of the bed while Serena was placed on his lap with her long and slender legs extended out past his sides, causing Serena's sacred flesh to press against Feng's towering meat pole. 

Seeing her private parts come in such close contact with the human's dick, Serena, apart from being nervous, felt a sense of anticipation. 

But Feng wasn't planning on immediately inserting his tool into the Fallen Angel's cave of wonders, first planning to properly stimulate her and get Serena in the right mood. With one of his hands still on Serena's fat ass, Feng's other hand slowly trailed down the Fallen Angel's milky skin, sending sensual signals down Serena's spine, until he arrived at her secret garden. 

His movements were slow and experienced, gently running his fingers along the entrance from all angles, before putting one finger in and teasing Serena's lower lips, rubbing her inner flesh. 

Serena, who had never even used her own fingers for such an act due to never having the need or urge for it, instantly froze from the sensation of the first touches, her body feeling the pleasure from having her private parts played with for the first time, only for her entire being to start twitching with each of Feng's moves. 

She was given no time to get even slightly accustomed to new feeling of sexual pleasure, though, as Feng quickly intensified the pace at which he teased the Fallen Angel's pussy, the walls of her cave growing moist from his pleasurable movements. 

After having plenty of practice with his girls, Feng had grown very skilled at giving women pleasure, and had picked up on various tricks to get the reaction he wanted from them. 

Meanwhile, a girl like Serena who was currently having her first sexual experience, with absolutely zero real knowledge or ever feeling anything of this sort, was like a lamb for slaughter in front of him; regardless of her being a Tier 5 Higher Being. 

As if having her bottom lips teased by Feng's expertly fingers wasn't enough, Serena was attacked from another angle, with Feng going back to playing and sucking on her completely erect nipples, causing Serena's whole body to shake from the rapidly intensifying pleasure that she was currently feeling. 

Even her two pairs of pitch-black wings started frantically flapping out of reflex upon the Fallen Angel not knowing how to or being able to deal with this unknown sensation. 

If not for Feng quickly reacting by wrapping his arm whose hand was firmly grasping the plump buttocks around Serena's waist and keeping her down, she would've started flying up into the air. 

This development of hers only caused Feng to increase the speed and ferocity of the indecent act, his fingers making their way into the beauty's untouched territory, while he had grown more aggressive with using his mouth as Feng's tongue put in its greatest effort towards bringing the maximum amount of pleasure to the girl on his lap. 

Serena voiced no complaints at Feng's stimulating actions, her arms going around his head and bringing it closer into a tight hug, wishing to keep the source of the pleasure coming from her chest in place. 

It wasn't long before Feng could feel the Fallen Angel's walls tighten around his fingers that were teasing her insides, while Serena's moans that were growing louder and with more ecstasy, along with her four wings whose flapping speed had increased to the point of very nearly lifting them from the bed, serving mostly to stir up the wind and cool Feng from the environment's boiling temperature, told Feng that Serena was about to climax. 

Following a loud moan of pure ecstasy sounding out from Serena, with her entire body, the four pitch-black wings included, ceasing all movement instantaneously, clear fluids started flowing out of the Fallen Angel's secret cave whose fleshy walls twitched and contracted. 

Feng's fingers and his groin region were immediately coated in the out-of-breath winged lady's love juices, followed by Serena leaning on him after she finished cumming.

Taking his fingers out of the Fallen Angel's vagina, Feng's attention was drawn to the clear liquid covering his exploration fingers.

Of course, he wasn't surprised that Serena had orgasmed so quickly considering this was her first time ever having her pussy touched as well as his own skills.

And although he was curious if there was any difference between the stuff that came out of a Tier 1 player and a Tier 5 Fallen Angel, the real reason for Feng being intrigued and attracted to the beauty's drizzling liquid was the dense life force and Mana he could sense from it.

Raising his fingers, Feng placed them in his mouth, the Fallen Angel's sweet nectar bringing clarity to Feng's mind as his body grew revigorated.

Feng's eyes widened when he felt himself get filled with energy upon consuming some of Serena's cum, greatly surprised by the benefits he could gain from a small amount of the stuff squirted out by a Tier 5 Higher Being.

During the time he had previously waited for Serena to mentally prepare herself before getting stripped butt naked, his Twofold Berserk had ended, placing Feng in a Heavily Weakened state and decreasing his attributes by 80%.

Apart from the debuff of using Twofold Berserk, Feng's body was also suffering from the backlash of first enduring the Tier 5 Fallen Angel's attack, then from using Thundering Flash and Moonchaser while the skills were buffed by the Swordsmanship Great Grandmaster Title, along with his Concentration being drained by the Immortality Slayer Origin Skill.

Even though it was only Tier 1 at the moment while Feng had Tier 4 Concentration, it still placed a heavy burden on him to activate it in such a situation while already pushing himself to the limit.

Thankfully, Feng was an expert at adapting, and he managed to get the inexperienced Fallen Angel off without showing any signs of pain or weakness.

After consuming Serena's juices, though, he instantly felt much better, with even a small portion of his Concentration recovering from it.

When he wanted to try out some more by returning his fingers in the warm cave that had now turned moist, Feng realized that most of the fluids had already flowed out, staining him and the bedsheets.

As a result, Feng had a change of plans.

Originally, Feng had intended to get the Fallen Angel's insides wet in preparation before immediately going in for the kill, but now, Feng had something else that he wanted to experiment with and check first.

Placing both hands on Serena's waist, Feng moved her from his lap, climbing all the way to the bed's center and setting down the Fallen Angel, who has recovered a bit by now and was looking up at him with a vulnerable expression, while her eyes held anticipation and expectation within them, along with a faint, yet deep, sense of lust.

"Turn around and get on all fours." Feng commanded in a tone that would make one wonder who the real powerhouse here was, as if the Tier 5 Fallen Angel laying below Feng couldn't kill him at a moments notice.

However, Serena showed zero hesitation or resistance as she happily turned over and positioned herself in front of Feng with both hands and knees placed on the bed while eagerly sticking out her shapely ass without even needing the penalty for losing to force or influence her; the Fallen Angel fully presenting herself for Feng to take by her own free will.

Serena figured that, since she had no say in what happens anymore, she might as well go along with everything Feng wanted and enjoy her first experience. In any case, it wasn't like this was all that bad, and Serena knew from the way this human had used his fingers to make her climax just now that she could at least expect a good and pleasurable time.

Thus, she immediately complied with Feng's order and got on all fours when he told her.

Feng couldn't help but admire Serena's wonderous assets from this angle, grabbing a handful of those snowy cheeks and feeling their softness as he moved and spread them apart, revealing the winged woman's pink slit.

His next actions disappointed Serena, who was expecting Feng to stick his long rod inside her, though, as he separated the Fallen Angel's bottom cheeks to the limit and brought his mouth to her secret cave's entrance.

Upon realizing Feng wasn't going to immediately give her the D and satisfy her newfound lust and sexual urges that she didn't even know she had, Serena had been disheartened for a moment, and began wondering how she could entice the human into quickly scratching the itch plaguing her private parts.

As Feng's tongue suddenly entered and began stimulating her sensitive lady parts, Serena's thoughts changed instantaneously, her eyes widening as the Fallen Angel had no idea how much the pleasure from her private region would increase after her pussy became more sensitive from orgasming.

Thanks to his previous exploration of Serena's fleshy cave, Feng had already learned of a few weak spots the Fallen Angel possessed, so as his mouth and tongue made contact with the very sensitive entrance and insides before him, the sensational pleasure passing through her nerves nearly made Serena cum again within a few seconds.

But Serena wasn't a Tier 5 powerhouse for nothing.

Although the first round of Feng teasing her pussy had caught her off guard, with Serena not being able to hold back from climaxing after a short finger banging from Feng, after getting a chance to recover and regain her bearings, the Tier 5 Fallen Angel wouldn't falter to his pleasuring skills as easily even with the intensified sensitivity of her moist vagina. 

Serena, with her powerful Concentration and will power, could definitely resist the intense pleasure and urge to let loose the floods building up within her.

Or at least, that's what she thought.

The moment Feng noticed that Serena was attempting to restrain herself, he upped his movements, his tongue going deeper as he started kissing and sucking on her pussy's entrance, while one of his hands moved from the fat buttocks it was holding and went around to the Fallen Angel's protruding clit. 


Trying to use her will power as a means of preventing herself from cumming prematurely and have some time to enjoy this pleasure seemed like wishful thinking to Serena now, as she couldn't resist moaning loudly the moment Feng's finger brushed across her erect pearl, while his tongue began intensely moving inside her secret cave, further stimulating her. 

As a result, Serena could feel herself coming close to climaxing within only a couple of seconds, the intense pleasure once again shocking the Fallen Angel and turning her world upside down from what she had thought was possible for her to experience. 

Feng could sense her approaching orgasm as well from how her walls were twitching, so he increased his speed once again, holding Serena's clit between his fingers and giving it a light squeeze. 

"I'm- AHhh~♡!" The Fallen Angel's words were interrupted by a powerful moan erupting from deep inside her. 

Meanwhile, the fluids gushing out of her passage poured directly into Feng's mouth, which he naturally drank to completion, feeling his Concentration and strained body rapidly recovering as he took in Serena's juices. 

Even when she stopped orgasming, Feng continued slurping out her vaginal fluids for a few seconds, no longer feeling the after affects of pushing himself to the limit while in a state of Twofold Berserk. 

"This should be enough," Running his finger across her wet entrance and seeing that it was now sufficiently slippery, Feng straightened his back, positioning his cock in front of her bottom lips as he rubbed the wet slit with the rod's head, asking "Are you ready?" 

Serena's response was a simple glance back at him, the desire in her aquamarine eyes having replaced all of her former nervousness and anxiety after being made to cum two times in a row, and she stuck out her perky butt further out towards Feng to show her eagerness. 

Taking that as a go sign, Feng didn't plan on teasing the Fallen Angel any further upon seeing the lustful state she was falling into, aiming his spear at the deep dark unknowns of a Tier 5 Higher Being's insides, Feng pushed forward. 

However, he suddenly came across a serious problem. 

While attempting to put his penis inside of Serena, Feng found it difficult to even make an inch of progress, the Fallen Angel's pleasure hole being too tight and the cave's walls too hard to stretch apart, making shoving his rod through Serena's passage an arduous challenge. 

It was at that moment that Feng was reminded of the gap in strength between him and Serena. 

As creatures rise in tiers, their attributes and Physique massively increase, with each tier giving a greater boost than the previous. 

Being a Tier 5 Fallen Angel, Serena's Physique far surpasses that of other Tier 5 beings, and when a person's Physique grows more powerful, every one of their physical aspects improve. 

This included the insides of a person's overall body structure, private parts like a male's dick and a female's vagina becoming tougher and firmer. 

The increase wasn't huge as it was not even close to the durability of a person's outer body, and usually didn't really matter. 

But now, it created quite a problem for Feng, putting him in a tight spot... or, well, stopping his entry into a tight spot. 

Although Feng's attributes were powerful, and his Physique far outmatched anyone on the same tier, having reached the Tier 3 standard during this time thanks to his powerful equipment and consuming hundreds of Chocolate Sticks, it was still nowhere close to rivaling Serena's. 

Thus, even sticking his dick inside her was incredibly difficult, as her walls stood strong against his forceful invasion of Serena's secret place. 

He previously didn't notice this complication while only using his fingers and tongue due to him not attempting to go in deep and having much more control over those two body parts, with his fingers having bones which made movement and control easy. 

However, in spite of how hard it was, his boner didn't have any bones or muscles he could make use of in this situation to help for penetration. 

His failure to account for this devastating factor now landed Feng in an awkward predicament, where he was unable to make much progress inside the Fallen Angel's pussy, not to mention pierce through her hymen, if he even manages to reach it. 

If he could not overcome this obstacle, Serena, who was currently eagerly waiting for Feng to satisfy her awakened primal urges, would no doubt grow upset and disappointed with him, while Feng would lose the opportunity he had expended much effort to obtain. 

Nevertheless, Feng was a man beyond men and an expert beyond experts, so, using 100% of his brain power, he quickly came up with a method to solve this problem. 

With a serious expression, he pulled back his waist, carefully adjusting his aim, before powerfully thrusting forward into the Fallen Angel presented before him with all his might. 

Advanced Bronze Body Technique, Divine Change! 

Utilizing Divine Change, Feng used over 15% of his body's muscles for the thrust, with the focus on moving them through his cock in a single direction and point towards Serena's pussy, the power of his thrust and piercing power reaching a level even Tier 5 powerhouses shouldn't think of achieving using normal methods. 

And his custom invented Combat Technique did not disappoint Feng, the previously unmovable walls of the Tier 5 Fallen Angel's secret cave not being able to withstand the force of his thrust this time around as Feng's rod steadfastly pushed through Serena's tightness with relative ease. 

His momentum was only slowed for a second as Feng's little brother hit a barrier, but, with the thrust's remaining force, he managed to pierce through before coming to a halt; while a thin line of crimson blood slowly trickled out and ran down Serena's inner thigh. 

The winged girl definitely felt that, experiencing pain for the first time ever since Feng had started giving her immense pleasure upon having her virginity taken so suddenly, not expecting she, as a Tier 5 Higher Being, would feel such intense pain from something like this. 

Though, the pain was quickly overshadowed by pleasure Serena didn't even know was possible, having thought that, even if getting a dick inside her would feel amazing, it wouldn't feel too much better than the pleasure Feng had previously shattered her worldview with. 

Only now did Serena realize how wrong her immature assumptions had been. 

Having her bottom lips and flesh parted by the long and hard thing inside her sent unimaginable waves of pleasure throughout Serena's body, the sheer girth and length of the human's cock bringing a foreign sense of satisfaction to the Fallen Angel, as if an emptiness inside her had finally been filled after all this time; the itch that had appeared after her body had become aroused also disappearing in a satisfying instant. 

The unexpected otherworldly pleasure nearly made Serena cum right then and there despite having already climaxed only a couple of seconds ago, but she managed to hold on with the little remaining will power that she had. 

Still, it was a struggle, and Feng could probably make her finish with a few more of such mighty thrusts. 

His dick staying completely still while plunged inside of Serena's pussy, however, Feng wasn't having an easy time either. 

Feeling her tight and narrow insides around his rod, Feng felt himself getting pushed to the edge as Serena's walls squeezed him. 

Due to the difference in Physique between them that had made ramming his meat pole inside of Serena difficult, the Tier 5 Fallen Angel's walls were far tougher than his dick, resulting in it feeling like his cock was about to be crushed under the pressure of Serena's insides. 

There was no pain or sense of discomfort, though, merely pleasure in spite of the feeling, and possibility, of his rod about to be ripped off by Serena's warm and moist pussy that was contracting around his penis. 

Feng's mind stagnated from the feeling of tightness he was experiencing inside of the cramped space his little brother was forging his way through, and he quickly realized that there was something off about the pleasure he was feeling. 

Although Serena was a thousand year old virgin with no sexual history up until Feng deflowered her just now, and Feng guessed that she had never even masturbated before, resulting in her being incredibly tight, Feng was certain that, in reality, Violet's pussy had been tighter when he had taken her virginity. 

The difference in hers and Serena's tightness was of a decent amount, yet the pleasure he received from putting his dick inside the Fallen Angel while devouring her sacred fruit and it squeezing him was greater for some reason; as if Serena was tighter and more comfortable than the other four. 

He was also certain that this unequal measure in pleasure didn't have anything to do with his preferences or mind. 

Instead, it felt more like a primal satisfaction that came instinctively from copulating with a being of a much higher life standing than him, the infatuating feeling of entering Serena's virgin vagina nearly making Feng lose himself. 

If another Tier 1 male player that didn't have the will power Feng had was in the process of sticking his member into a Tier 5 Fallen Angel, he'd undoubtedly fall prey to his desires and go wild, fucking purely on instinct according to the primitive urges buried within him. 

Even Feng was currently struggling to control himself upon experiencing this sensation for the first time, feeling an instinctual need to bury his cock deeper in the woman before him for the purpose of mating and conceiving a powerful offspring, and had Feng been in this situation before he started regularly having sex with Fire, he most likely would not have been able to resist this powerful temptation. 

In his current state, where he was now fucking as he pleases with four incredible beauties, though, Feng managed to get a grip on himself after only a bit of his mind blanking out, before starting to move at his own pace upon seeing that Serena wasn't having any trouble or misgivings with the pain of getting her hymen smashed through in one swift thrust. 

As he pulled his waist back, Feng could feel Serena's walls clinging tightly around his little brother that was retreating from her secret cave, and when he thrusted forward once more, the resistance Feng's general encountered from the Tier 5 Fallen Angel's insides had greatly decreased after having already entered it for the first time. 

Feng didn't even need to use Divine Change for the follow up pumping, his dick sliding inside easier and reaching deeper with each of his thrusts as Serena's pussy got accustomed to his dick being inside and getting wetter the more pleasure she experienced. 

Once again, Serena's former beliefs of having felt the peak of pleasure after getting her eaten out by Feng were thoroughly shattered. 

"H- Ahh~♡! Ohh AHhHh~♡! Holy- AH♡ -feels so gouhd!♡ AHHH~♡! YeS♡! AhhHH~♡! " 

Her loud moans far surpassed anything that had come out of her mouth during the previous two times when Feng was only scratching the surface of the unexplored territory that is Serena's virgin pussy. 

None of the Fallen Angel's composure remained anymore within less than half a minute of Feng pounding her kitty, his pace having increased by a large margin as Serena's insides got looser and more lubricated, resulting in the sound of flesh colliding against flesh to echo throughout the surroundings. 

All of Serena's previous dignity and embarrassment had already disappeared by now, with her flushed face morphing into an expression of absolute bliss the deeper Feng's rod messed up her insides, while the Fallen Angel could no longer be bothered to try keeping in her moans, her mouth fully opened with even her tongue slightly sticking out as Serena allowed the sounds of pleasure to come out of her in full volume. 

As if she had been brainwashed and corrupted by Feng's naked sword, Serena completely fell from grace. 

The only thing in her mind right now was the pleasure she felt as Feng pounded her cunt, with even her eyes turning misty as Serena's mind started going blank and she began having trouble focusing on anything else; failing to notice the figure of the female demon she had previously exchanged blows with a few yards away from the bed. 

Unlike the Fallen Angel, Celestina's embarrassment hadn't decreased in the least, only rising as she gazed at Serena's erotic expression. 


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