
No one cares about a past that doesn't exist

Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add


As Feng stretched his body after logging off, he noticed that Fire had already logged off and gotten out of bed. Due to the two of them having their own things to do in God's Domain, it wasn't anything unusual to log off separately unless they agreed upon a time before hand. However, after getting dressed and leaving the bedroom, he didn't see Fire working out like she usually does, which he thought was irregular.

At that moment, Fire walked out of the kitchen carrying food while wearing an apron.

"Breakfast is ready." Fire said upon seeing Feng eyeing her weirdly.

"Did you make it? Wait, no, that's impossible..." Feng looked at the food in slight panic, wondering whether or not it was safe to eat, but thought it wasn't the case upon seeing that it looked edible. He knew for a fact that Fire was practically anti-talented when it came to cooking. 

This was a lesson Feng and the rest of Zero Wing's core members learned the hard way from when they were forced by circumstances to survive in the Greater World's wilderness while having to hunt and cook their own food. 

To be fair, very few people in the Greater World had any skills in cooking. After God's Domain came out, people started losing their normal day to day skills, cooking being among them. This was especially true for rich people and those with power. They would simply have other people and technology make food for them. 

The only ones who actually knew how to cook were those who learned the Cooking subclass in God's Domain, either out of fun and boredom or having no other alternative to turn to. Feng was among the wider populace who had no cooking skills, in both the real world and God's Domain, because he either didn't have the money, or the time to try learning. 

Although he could show you twenty different ways to serve instant noodles, and how to make a single cup last you for an entire day, anything else was basically beyond him.

In fact, out of all of Zero Wing's core members who were there, the only one with any cooking skills whatsoever was Violet. Despite that, most could still manage to simply hold the meat they obtained from the hunted creatures over the fire until it was edible. Fire Dance was not among that most. 

At a time when Violet and those who were better at cooking had been preoccupied, Feng thought it would be fine to leave the cooking to Fire, who was free at that moment. Something he would later learn wasn't a good idea, as she had somehow managed to either burn or ruin the food in ways Feng thought were impossible, completely by accident.

Feng had even considered the possibility of Fire attempting to get out of cooking duties by ruining the food on purpose. But, upon seeing the horror-stricken and guilty expression on Fire's face while looking at the abomination she had made, he discarded the thought. In the end they had to hunt for some more food, and have someone else cook it.

After Fire attempted to cook food on a smaller scale a few more times later on, and failing miserably, it was unanimously decided to not allow Fire to cook in any way, shape or form in the future. Fire felt like crying at the time, thinking she was cursed with horrible cooking skills.

"Of course not. I just heated it up." Fire replied, slight annoyance could be heard in her voice upon being reminded of her cooking failures.

"Then why are you wearing an apron?" Feng asked the thing that confused him and caused him to start this conversation.

Fire froze for a moment, before casually answering "Well... I thought it would be inconvenient to have to go out and buy all of our meals, so I made an attempt at cooking, and forgot to take it off."

After looking through their fridge while Feng was still in God's Domain, Fire had noticed that they only had one portion of the meals they previously bought left for this morning. So, she prayed that dying had somehow gotten rid of her curse, and tried to make a meal.

"And how did that end up?" Feng asked curiously as he sat down at the dining table.

"It's ending with us eating what we've already bought, and continuing to buy pre-made meals." Fire answered, avoiding the topic of the damage report that Feng was asking for. Feng felt that Fire's reaction was amusing, so, he merely kept looking at her while smiling and remained silent. Unable to endure the look Feng was giving her after a few seconds, Fire continued "And some of the ingredients we had might be ruined... and one of your pots."

"Oh, that's fine- wait... what do you mean one of my pots? I only ever had one." Feng was about to stop bothering about it, when he suddenly realized that he had only brought one pot from his parents' house for cooking when he came to University, and never bought another one or anything else extra since he had been too poor. 

"Well we weren't going to use it, so it doesn't really matter. Anyway, how did scamming Twilight Echo go?" Fire dismissed the state of Feng's pot and tried to change the topic.

"It went well. They should be sending over the one billion Credits soon." Feng decided to forget about it and went along with Fire's change of topic. His mood improved upon thinking about the Credits he would soon receive. 

Although one billion credits wasn't a small amount, Twilight Echo shouldn't have any problems paying it up. Even if Twilight Echo was unwilling, it'll probably just give in when it finds out that Underworld was behind Dark Star, and even if it doesn't and it tries to negotiate with Underworld, it won't matter whether Underworld agrees or not, since it won't be able to make Lone Tyrant terminate a contract he never made.

"You only went for one billion?" Fire asked, feeling like Feng could have swindled more from Twilight Echo.

"Any more and they might have put some thought into it before agreeing to the terms. It'll be enough for now anyway. I have other methods to obtain plenty of Credits in the future." Feng, on the other hand, figured it would be enough for his current needs. As for the future, he had other people from who he could easily scam some Credits.

The two of them continued chatting while eating breakfast. After they finished, Fire went to the Workshop, planning to buy more pre-made meals they could just heat up and eat on the way back, while Feng waited for Ruoxi to come pick him up. He received a call from her a few minutes later, saying that she was going to give him a ride to the Fellowship Party.

When Feng arrived downstairs of his apartment, he immediately discovered Zhao Ruoxi standing in front of a blue sports car. She wore a pure white dress today, while her hair was tied up into a double ponytail. Her pure and beautiful appearance attracted the attention of every man that walked past her, sending them into a daze as drool leaked out of their mouths.

"Let's go." Zhao Ruoxi smiled sweetly when she noticed Feng walking over.

Feng merely nodded and mentally prepared himself for Ruoxi's driving, he then slid into the passenger seat. Soon after, Zhao Ruoxi stepped on the accelerator, and with a whoosh, the Ferrari Z75 sped along the road of the neighborhood.

Envy filled the eyes of the many pedestrians walking on the street as they watched the Ferrari Z75 speed down the road. They inwardly wished that they too could drive such a sports car one day.

The trip, which should have taken over an hour by car, was reduced to just slightly over 30 minutes by Zhao Ruoxi.

While on the road, Feng was impressed that, despite having practically no training and not playing God's Domain much, Ruoxi's natural reaction speed was still fast enough to drive like that. It was no wonder she quickly improved while playing God's Domain, and managed to reach the Peak of the Domain realm later on. 

The Jin Hai Fellowship Party was being held at a five-star hotel. Although the event was organized by Jin Hai University, the participants were not limited to the students and staff of the university. Other universities and elites of society would also be participating in this event, and it would not be an exaggeration to call this Fellowship Party a gathering of elites.

The Jin Hai Fellowship Party was an annual event held in Jin Hai City. Even though plenty of people wished to participate in this event, not everyone received the chance to actually do so. Moreover, the Fellowship Party held today was unlike any other before it. Aside from having invited personages that participated in Jin Hai City's fighting competition, the event organizers had also invited many experts from gaming workshops this time around.

As to why they would decide to invite such gaming experts, it was mainly due to the growing popularity of God's Domain. People could already see the limitless potential of God's Domain. Hence, many wished to form a good relationship in advance with these gaming experts.

Just as Ruoxi and Feng were about to enter the hotel, Feng was unexpectedly, or expectedly for him, blocked by the security guard at the door.

"I'm sorry, sir, but your name is not on the list of invited guests. You cannot enter this place," the tall and robust security guard leader said in a cold voice, looking at Feng with a sharp gaze.

If a normal person was the focus of the stare of this security guard leader, their hearts would immediately palpitate with fear as they redirected their gaze somewhere else. Yet, even after receiving this security guard's glare, Feng's expression still remained completely indifferent, his lack of reaction confusing this security guard greatly.

"That's not possible. I registered Shi Feng myself. Can you check again?" Ruoxi's brows wrinkled. She had personally gone to the Student Council at the university, and had directly handed two person's worth of participation fees to the Student Council President. How was it possible that she was registered, while Feng was not?

The security guard captain scanned Feng once more. In the end, the results he got still showed him as "Unknown" and that he was not allowed entry. To make sure that nothing was wrong with the machine, he tried it on other people as well, and the results showed that nothing was wrong with the machine.

"That's not right. I registered both of us together. I'll contact He Youcai. Something must've gone wrong somewhere. I'll get him to fix it immediately," Ruoxi said.

"Sorry, but I have to do things according to the rules. Anyone not registered is not allowed to enter. Impromptu registrations are not acceptable, either. These are the rules," the security guard captain said coldly.

"Who is the person responsible here?" Ruoxi asked angrily.

Feng was someone she had personally invited. Now that Feng was barred entry, how could she not get angry?

"Miss, please stop making things difficult for me. This is how the rules have always been. I can't change it just because of one person." The security guard captain could not help but soften his tone when he discerned that Ruoxi's identity was not simple.

At this moment, several people walked out from the hotel. One of them was none other than the person Ruoxi was looking for, the President of the Student Council, He Youcai. Walking beside him were Ling Feilong, Zhou Yuhu, and Qin Shuyu [1].

"Fellow student Zhao Ruoxi, what urgent matters do you have? Why are you looking for me so frantically?" He Youcai asked.

Ruoxi then gave a short summary of what had happened.

"I am truly sorry about this, fellow student Zhao Ruoxi. I never would have imagined that such a mistake would occur in the registrations. I sincerely apologize, but since things have already gotten to this point, I am helpless as well; these are the rules that the school set long ago. Regarding your loss, I'll compensate you with double the amount you paid." He Youcai sent a glance at Feng, a smile on his face as he spoke.

Standing to one side, both Ling Feilong and Zhou Yuhu looked at Feng with mocking smiles on their faces. Even an idiot could tell that this matter had something to do with them.

"Helpless about it?" Ruoxi's eyes widened in rage. "He Youcai, this is your mistake! You need to think of a way to fix this!"

At this moment, Ling Feilong stood out and interrupted, saying in a gentle tone, "Ruoxi, you know that this is only a small mistake. Something must've gone wrong with the system, so you can't just put the blame on He Youcai."

"Then what should Shi Feng do? Since you already know something went wrong, does that mean Shi Feng is allowed to go in now?" Ruoxi completely ignored Ling Feilong, directly asking He Youcai, "In any case, you can prove that Shi Feng has indeed registered for this event. Shi Feng also has no problem proving that he is a student of our school. Don't tell me that this is still not enough?"

"Fellow student Zhao Ruoxi, I can indeed verify that Shi Feng has registered for this event. However, whether he can enter or not is not up to a Student Council President like me to decide. You have to ask this big brother security guard here." He Youcai shifted his gaze towards the security guard leader, instantly pushing all responsibility on the security guard. He Youcai then revealed a bitter smile, making the situation seem as if it had nothing to do with him.

The security guard's mouth clearly twitched when he listened to He Youcai's words.

He Youcai obviously did not help Feng register for this event to begin with, yet He Youcai was pushing everything on him now? If He Youcai insisted that Feng be allowed into the hotel, what could a mere security guard captain like him do?

He Youcai had already made his intentions very clear.

Absolutely not allowed—that was He Youcai's answer.

However, looking at Ruoxi, she too did not seem like someone he could provoke. Otherwise, why would He Youcai even bother making so many superficial excuses?

Caught in a dilemma, this security guard captain did not know which would be the wiser choice to make.

Currently, Ruoxi's wrathful gaze had already shifted to the security guard captain. She asked in a grim tone, "What do you say?"

"Me?" Even though he had experienced many battlefields before, the security guard captain could not help but hesitate at this moment. In the end, however, he still said strictly, "I have my responsibilities. Miss, please don't make things difficult for me."


"Class Monitor, it's fine. This matter can't be helped. If I can't enter, so be it."

Feng held back the raging Ruoxi. He didn't even bother glancing at the side characters. As far as he was concerned, Ling Feilong and Zhuo Yuhu had already served their purpose in life by providing him a chance to get Ruoxi to invite him to the Fellowship Party. As for his highschool crush and He Youcai, they too were irrelevant. They were now just faces in the mob that will die in the future along with Earth.

The only reason he was letting this play out was for Ruoxi to go inside so he could start recruiting members for Zero Wing.

"It is great that fellow student Shi Feng can understand my troubles. This was truly an accident. I guarantee that there will not be a similar situation like this the next time," He Youcai sneered.

"Right. A situation like this won't happen the next time," Zhou Yuhu laughed loudly.

Ling Feilong sent a contemptuous smile at Feng, before saying in a gentle tone to Ruoxi, "Ruoxi, let's go. Uncle Jianhua has been anxiously waiting for you for a while now."

"Why is Uncle Jianhua here?" Ruoxi was clearly surprised when she heard this name. However, when she thought about how Feng's problem still remained unsolved, a sudden inspiration flashed across her mind. "That's right! Uncle Jianhua is one of the sponsors for the Fellowship Party! He should be able to get you in!"

"Shi Feng, wait here. I'll ask Uncle Jianhua to come immediately. That way, you'll definitely be able to enter."

Feng nodded his head in reply. He then watched as Ruoxi frantically walked into the hotel, before turning around and starting to leave.

Seeing that Ruoxi had left, He Youcai revealed a mocking smile and was about to say something, when he noticed that Feng didn't pay any attention to him and was leaving. Feeling slightly annoyed by Feng's indifference, he told the security guard leader, "Remember, he is not allowed to set even a foot in this building. Otherwise, you can just pack up and leave."


Finished speaking, He Youcai and the others walked back into the hotel, their laughter filling the air as they left. 

Feng visited a nearby printing shop. Soon after, he set up a large sign a short distance away from the venue of the Fellowship Party.

"Zero Wing Guild recruiting new members! Serious inquiries only!"

Although the color of the words on the sign was monochrome and looked somewhat shabby, it still clearly conveyed the meaning Feng wanted. As to whether or not others would recognize the sign for what it was...

Feng was not worried about that one little bit. After all, Zero Wing's fame was not limited to just White River City, but the entire Star-Moon Kingdom. On the official forums of the Star-Moon Kingdom, Zero Wing's popularity had long since gone off the charts.

Not to mention having eight players occupying the top positions on the Ranking List, the levels of these players had even exceeded everyone's imaginations.

The lowest leveled player among them was Level 20. This was a level that elicited awe in others. Even when ranked throughout the entire Star-Moon Kingdom, these eight players would still be the top eight players. Not to mention a first-rate Guild, even an apex first-rate Guild could not achieve such a feat.

How could people not yearn to join such a Guild?

Hence, many independent players wished they could join Zero Wing. There were even thousands of threads posted on the forums by independent players, all of them expressing their intentions to join Zero Wing. However, Zero Wing only recruited members at White River City, so not everyone could actually join the Guild.

Shortly after the sign was raised, it had already started attracting attention.

"Little Hao, look at that sign! It's actually Zero Wing recruiting members!"

"Zero Wing Guild? How is that possible? That Guild is very mysterious. I heard that the strength of the eight great experts of that Guild is several times more amazing than even the experts of first-rate Guilds. How could they be recruiting members at this place? If it really is Zero Wing recruiting, I will definitely be the first one to apply."

The passersby who noticed this sign immediately started a discussion among themselves. After all, Zero Wing was simply too famous right now. They could only be described with words such as "mysterious" and "strong."


Meanwhile, in one of the lounges on the tenth floor of the hotel was an old man dressed in luxurious clothing. Although the man was already in his fifties, he had a keenness that belied his age, his sharp gaze capable of seeing through people's hearts. This person was none other than Zhao Jianhua.

"Second Uncle, why have you come here today?" Ruoxi smiled sweetly at this old man after entering the room.

Zhao Jianhua was the younger brother of Ruoxi's father. He was also one of the board members of the Zhao Group. However, Zhao Jianhua did not have any children of his own, so he had always loved Ruoxi dearly as if she were his own daughter, treating her like the most delicate flower in the world.

"Of course I am here to take a look at you. You're always staying at school recently, not bothering to even pay a visit back home," Zhao Jianhua replied with a doting smile.

"Second Uncle, you're one of the sponsors for this get-together, right? I have a friend who wishes to join this event as well. Could you let him in?" Ruoxi said sweetly, grabbing and shaking Zhao Jianhua's arm.

"Are you referring to that Shi Feng?" Zhao Jianhua's brows wrinkled, his expression sinking immediately.

"How did you know, Second Uncle?" Ruoxi asked curiously.

"I was the one who arranged for him to be barred from entering. He is merely a mediocre person that came from an ordinary family. You shouldn't associate with such a person. You are the Zhao Group's successor, an elite standing at the very top of the pyramid of society. Others will gossip about you if they learn that you are associating with this kind of person.

"I am very clear about people like this Shi Feng. People like him will do whatever it takes to get ahead, and there is no limit to the amount of flattery he'll spout. He does not like you at all; he simply covets the assets of the Zhao Group. I definitely won't allow him to continue tricking you. As for Shi Feng's side of things, I will speak with him personally."

Ruoxi was silent for a long time after receiving Zhao Jianhua's lecture. She never would have thought that her second uncle, who had always pampered her to the extreme, would say such words to her. Moreover, he had described Feng as such an ugly person. There was clearly a serious misunderstanding here; someone had definitely worked on him.

"Second Uncle, whom did you hear this from?" Ruoxi did not immediately refute Zhao Jianhua. Instead, she wanted to find out just what was going on right now.

"It isn't important who told me about it. Ruoxi, in the future, you are not allowed to associate with people like Shi Feng anymore. This is also elder brother's wish." Ruoxi had already been corrupted by Feng, and nothing he said would actually change her mind. Hence, he needed to take decisive measures to end their relationship once and for all. Afterwards, he would approach Feng and have him completely distance himself from Ruoxi.

Meanwhile, Ruoxi found herself stuck between laughter and tears. She knew that her second uncle was saying these things for her own good. However, she and Feng clearly weren't in the kind of relationship her second uncle thought they were in; they were merely classmates. Yet, judging from her second uncle's words, it sounded as if she and Feng's relationship had already reached the point where they were inseparable lovers joined together at the hip. Ruoxi couldn't help but laugh as she said, "Second Uncle, since when did you start providing cover for someone? Let me guess... this person must be Ling Feilong, right?"

"That's right. It is indeed Ling Feilong." Since Ruoxi had already guessed correctly, Zhao Jianhua did not contradict her. Instead, he straightforwardly argued, "Shi Feng is only a nobody. On the other hand, I feel that this child, Feilong, is not bad. Not only does he look good, he is also ambitious and possesses great skills in fighting. Nowadays, the popularity of God's Domain has already reached never-before-seen heights, and I hear that Feilong brat is even in the upper echelon of the Shadow Guild. He also has a very good insight towards the future. Yet, instead of choosing a youth with good potential like him, you chose to go with an incompetent person. I am sure elder brother would stand together with me on this matter as well."

"Second Uncle, you're really misunderstanding things here! There isn't anything between me and Shi Feng!" Ruoxi was utterly at a loss for words. Rather, she felt furious about Ling Feilong's actions. However, she was inwardly rejoicing as well right now. Thanks to Feng's appearance, she could finally see Ling Feilong's true colors clearly.

"Misunderstand? Your second uncle possesses discerning eyes, and I very much understand your situation. In any case, I will absolutely not allow that brat to enter this event. I am still capable of that, at least." Zhao Jianhua did not believe Ruoxi's words. He knew how very sly Ruoxi had been since her childhood. In any case, he refused to be fooled in this matter.

While Zhao Jianhua and Ruoxi were having their discussion, Ling Feilong, who was outside the door, eavesdropping on their conversation, secretly felt delighted.

"Youcai, you've done well this time. I'll put in a few good words for you when I meet up with Brother Zhang next time. After you graduate, just come to Shadow," Ling Feilong said with satisfaction, patting He Youcai, who stood beside him in a deferential manner.

"This is but a trivial matter. In the future, I will be relying on Brother Long for support," He Youcai said with a smile.

Only, neither He Youcai nor Ling Feilong knew that, at this moment, the hotel's surroundings had become extremely lively. Originally, the Jin Hai Fellowship Party was a well-known event throughout Jin Hai City. Hence, many reporters and media outlets would show up to cover it. There was also no lack of onlookers hanging around the event venue.

However, the outside of the event venue was much livelier compared to previous years. Instead of just a small crowd, there was a sea of people here. Young and old, tall and short, all kinds of people could be seen lining up on the streets. Some of the uninformed passersby even thought an international celebrity had showed up at this place. It made them wonder just what these people were lining up for.

"Little brother, what's happening in front? Why are there so many people lining up here?"

"Huh? You don't know? The Zero Wing Guild is recruiting members."

"Zero Wing Guild? What's that?"

"Of course it is Star-Moon Kingdom's most amazing and mysterious Guild!"

"What's Star-Moon Kingdom?"

"Crap! Have you even played God's Domain before? You don't even know that? Which hole did you crawl out from?"


The passersby mostly consisted of office workers, and they usually worked from 9am to 5pm. Their lives were mostly taken up by their work, so how would they find the time to play a game? Naturally, they would not know anything about God's Domain. However, when these office workers looked at the hundreds of people lining up, many of them started feeling confused about the game called God's Domain. They wondered just what sort of game God's Domain was, to actually have such a strong influence on so many people.

It was simply a Guild from a game recruiting members. Yet, there were actually several hundred people applying to join. Moreover, the numbers were still increasing without end. In a short moment, the number of people applying might even break through to the thousands. However, the most unfathomable thing was that even the reporters from television stations were running over to carry out a live broadcast on this situation.

Just what sort of situation was this?

"Isn't it just membership recruitment for a Guild in a game? You can't even earn a cent from playing a game, so what's the point of wasting so much time lining up? What foolish people," one of the passersby who was a white-collared elite mockingly laughed.

The instant this white-collar elite said those words, many of the people lining up immediately turned contemptuous gazes at him, as if they were looking at an idiot.

"What an idiot. He doesn't even know what membership recruitment by a Guild in God's Domain means. No doubt he'll be in the rat race all his life."

"What are you minding him for? How would he know that when a Guild is recruiting members in reality, they are also recruiting professional players for the Guild's gaming workshop. A white-collar elite like him would be earning four to five thousand Credits a month. He would naturally look down on us part-timers who can only make two to three thousand Credits a month."

"What are you saying? That's the salary for an outer member of a Guild. If we become official members, then we'll have a minimum salary of 5,000 a month. Meanwhile, elite members could get at least 10,000. Zero Wing is also recruiting quite a lot of members this time. They're recruiting 300 outer members, 100 official members, and 20 elite members. With so many available spots, we might even get a chance to join Zero Wing."

"I guess you're right. I also hear that core members get a base salary of 50,000 Credits. I wonder just how much the eight great experts of Zero Wing are earning each month."

"I hear that their salaries are over 10 million. Previously, there had been a financial corporation that offered them an astronomical amount of 8 million, yet, none of the eight experts had even reacted to it. Zero Wing's wealth is simply unimaginable."

The players lining up started a discussion among themselves. However, the white-collar elite was no longer as calm as he was before. After all, he had only managed to obtain a monthly salary of 5,000 Credits after attending countless interviews and working for his current company for three years. Yet, he was barely comparable to an official member of a gaming guild. Moreover, these gamers were only working part-time during the night. Suddenly, this office-worker had the urge to join the queue as well.

While Feng was interviewing player after player on the street, his actions had also attracted the attention of the guests participating in the Fellowship Party. It was especially true for the large-scale Workshops in Jin Hai City. Some of the professional fighters that planned to start their career in God's Domain also grew interested by this sight.

"Hahaha! Zero Wing has actually showed up at this place! Attending this Fellowship Party this time wasn't a waste of my time at all!"

"Zero Wing Guild? Let's hurry up and meet up with that person! This is a great chance for our Workshop! Who knows how many people and financial corporations are trying but failing to meet someone in the upper echelons of the Guild. We are truly fortunate to be able to meet one at this event."

On the highest floor, the 36th floor, of the Golden Bridge Hotel, the Jin Hai Fellowship Party had officially started.

Most of the participants present at this event were well-known figures from various sectors of Jin Hai City. On the contrary, only a minority consisted of students who were about to graduate from Jin Hai University.

The Jin Hai Fellowship Party held this year was the grandest one yet, and the number of people invited this year was also the highest compared to past occasions. As a result, the soon-to-be graduates of Jin Hai University were provided with more career prospects. This was especially true for players of God's Domain. Many people from all walks of life had an optimistic view on God's Domain's future, because aside from allowing its players to experience battles and adventures, God's Domain also allowed players to enjoy various lifestyles and forms of entertainment. The array of activities one could experience in God's Domain was much more abundant than in the real world, and this aspect of the game allowed many corporations in the real world to integrate and develop themselves in the game.

Currently, there was an energetic old man in his sixties, who wore a white tunic, sitting at a corner of the event venue. Meanwhile, surrounding the old man were some of the most influential and powerful figures of Jin Hai City. Ruoxi's second uncle, Zhao Jianhua, was seated among these people as well.

"Are they not here yet?" the old man in the white tunic suddenly asked He Youcai who stood beside him.

"They've already arrived, but..." He Youcai's expression faltered as he hesitated on his words.

The elderly man before him was both the Headmaster and Chairman of Jin Hai University, Xu Wenqing, and he was a very influential man in Jin Hai City. 

"Speak," Xu Wenqing suddenly said in a cold voice.

"They're outside right now..." He Youcai answered feebly, the sudden pressure making the knees of an inexperienced youth like him go weak.

"Since they're already outside, why aren't they coming in?" Xu Wenqing questioned, "Don't tell me they want this decrepit old man to invite them in?"

"Who do they think they are? They actually want Elder Xu to invite them in? Do they think that, just because they're good at playing a game, they can disregard us?" Zhao Jianhua angrily said.

"You few, go take a look at the situation and call them up. Tell them that I said so." Xu Wenqing felt that something was amiss after light contemplation. Aside from the professional players from gaming workshops, quite a few well-known figures from fighting competitions were still absent from the event as well.

"Yes." Receiving the command, Xu Wenqing's bodyguards, who stood by his side, immediately took the elevator down the hotel. These bodyguards wore black suits and black sunglasses, and all of them had tall and robust bodies.

"I don't understand what is going through these people's minds. What's the point of staying downstairs instead of coming up? Has something happened downstairs?" Zhao Jianhua felt furious at the absentees, and his view of professional gamers lowered even further now. In his opinion, no matter how good a gamer was, they were, in the end, still gamers. Without corporations supporting and financing them, they would only remain as small fries in society.

"I, too, am curious. Just what sort of mentality do young people have nowadays? Maybe we old folks are no longer able to keep up with the changing times?" said a middle-aged man dressed in black martial artist clothing with a self-deprecating laugh.

This man was Jin Hai City's well-known martial arts master, Chen Wu. Several years ago, Chen Wu was the reigning champion of Jin Hai City's fighting competition. He was the uncontested number one back then. However, now that he was older, he no longer participated in any fighting competitions. Instead, he had started his own dojo in Jin Hai City, which was very well-received.

"Master Chen Wu must be joking. Young people nowadays just don't know the immensity of heaven and earth. It is only a virtual reality game. With Master Chen Wu's skills, if you entered that game called God's Domain, you can easily become one of the apex experts there," Zhao Jianhua said.

"The real world and the virtual world are different things entirely. Moreover, times have changed. The future belongs to the younger folk now." Chen Wu shook his head.

After Chen Wu and Zhao Jianhua chatted for a bit, Xu Wenqing received a call from one of his bodyguards.

"Elder Xu, the people down here say that they have an important matter they need to do right now. They will need some time before they can go up."

"Important matter? What could be more important than the Fellowship Party this time? Don't they want the sponsorship and support from other corporations anymore?" Xu Wenqing's tone turned grim. Although he did not show it on his face, many who knew Xu Wenqing's temper immediately realized he was angry.

"It seems that they are trying to meet with one of Zero Wing Guild's upper management. However, there are too many people lining up right now, so it will be some time before they are done."

"Zero Wing Guild? Is it a Guild from God's Domain?" Xu Wenqing asked, curious.

Wasn't it just a gaming guild? Was there a need for so many famous gaming workshops to try to suck up to it?

Could this Zero Wing Guild be a very powerful existence within God's Domain?

Although Xu Wenqing did not play virtual reality games himself, he was still familiar with the well-known Guilds within the virtual reality world. Even so, Zero Wing was not among the famous Guilds he knew of.

"They say that Zero Wing is an extremely famous Guild in Star-Moon Kingdom. In certain aspects, Zero Wing is even superior to first-rate Guilds. Many corporations are also wishing to meet the upper management of Zero Wing. However, due to Zero Wing being overly mysterious, nobody has ever found a chance to make contact, so none of them want to miss this chance right now."

"Putting it in such a way, this means that Zero Wing Guild isn't an existence that can be ignored." Xu Wenqing grew interested in this Zero Wing Guild, especially since such a Guild had appeared in a city like Jin Hai City. "To think that such an amazing Guild has appeared in our Jin Hai City without this old man knowing. Since it is so, invite this representative of Zero Wing Guild to come up and have a chat. This old man wishes to see just what kind of person this representative is."

Moreover, it would not be a good thing to have so many participants of the Fellowship Party staying downstairs instead of being present at the actual event. He might as well have the representative of Zero Wing come up. That way, the guests from other gaming workshops could also participate in the Fellowship Party.

Everyone was shocked when they heard Xu Wenqing actually inviting an unknown guild representative to the Fellowship Party.


Meanwhile, outside the Golden Bridge Hotel, Xu Wenqing's bodyguards had already met up with Feng. They then relayed their employer's intentions to Feng, inviting him upstairs.

However, to these bodyguards' surprise, Feng immediately rejected the invitation.

"Mister Shi Feng, Elder Xu is wholeheartedly inviting you to join him upstairs. I guarantee that you will not be disappointed," the leader of the bodyguards patiently persuaded Feng.

"I understand. However, I am still not done with the recruitment here. Also, even if I do agree, you'll have to ask the people lining up here if they'll agree to let me go." Feng smiled as he pointed at the long line in front of him consisting of over a thousand people. He then continued, "Moreover, even if I am willing to go with you, someone inside will also chase me out again. That person has threatened me and said that I am not allowed to set even a foot in the hotel. I still have many people I need to interview, so please stop making things difficult for me."

Xu Wenqing's bodyguards were immediately rendered speechless. Wasn't this just blatant disregard of them? However, they had no choice but to report this matter back to Xu Wenqing.


"What? Someone is threatening him from entering?" Xu Wenqing couldn't help but laugh when he heard these words. He then said, "Then, tell him that, as long as this old man is here, I guarantee that nothing will happen to him in this Fellowship Party, and nobody will dare chase him out."

"However, he still says that he doesn't dare enter. He doesn't wish to be chased out for a second time," the bodyguard said helplessly.

"Chased out for a second time? Does that mean he was originally a guest of this Fellowship Party?"


Xu Wenqing was stunned. However, anger immediately shot to his head when he finally reacted. Someone had actually dared to chase out a guest that he invited! Wasn't this just giving him a slap across his old face?

"Who? Who dares chase away a guest I invited?" At this moment, Xu Wenqing's voice turned extremely chilling. Although he was not a martial artist himself, the pressure he emitted caused many of those present to become fearful.

The bodyguard trembled as he slowly said, "He Youcai."

"Good! Very good!" Although Xu Wenqing was smiling, the tone he spoke with was as chilling as the winter cold.

At this moment, even an idiot could tell that Xu Wenqing was furious.

Due to the conversation being held over the phone, nobody but Xu Wenqing himself could hear what his bodyguard had said. However, based on the words Xu Wenqing had spoken, the people around him knew that someone had done something to badly anger Xu Wenqing.

Where a matter such as chasing away an invited guest was concerned, neither Chen Wu nor Zhao Jianhua had such courage to do so, as doing so was equivalent to giving Xu Wenqing a slap across his face. Everyone valued their prestige. Since this person had dared give Xu Wenqing a slap, then this person shouldn't expect Xu Wenqing to welcome it with a smile.

At this moment, Zhao Jianhua, Chen Wu, and everyone else started feeling pity for the person that angered Xu Wenqing. However, they were also very curious about the person that dared to chase away an invited guest. They wanted to know just who this daring person was.

"He Youcai, come over here." Xu Wenqing looked at He Youcai, who was cluelessly standing at one side.

Confused, He Youcai thought Xu Wenqing had some orders for him to carry out, failing to notice that Xu Wenqing's chilling intent was directed at him.

"Go downstairs and invite that person up here. If he isn't willing to come up, then you don't have to come back, either," Xu Wenqing said coldly.

"Headmaster, this..." He Youcai was utterly confused about the meaning of Xu Wenqing's words.

"You'll naturally understand after you go downstairs." Xu Wenqing sent a glance at the bodyguard beside him. The bodyguard intuitively understood Xu Wenqing's intentions, and he immediately grabbed He Youcai and dragged him towards the elevator.

"Headmaster Xu, there must be a misunderstanding somewhere! I really didn't do something like that!" He Youcai shouted in a panic, the fat on his body jiggling.

"This brat sure has guts," Zhao Jianhua said in an ambiguous tone. It was unknown whether he was actually praising He Youcai, or disparaging him. However, everyone else was in full agreement with Zhao Jianhua's words.

The bystanders could clearly tell that this incident was caused by He Youcai.

This incident had truly given them a shock. He Youcai was merely a Student Council President—an insignificant existence—yet he had actually dared to recklessly abuse the little power he was given. If He Youcai did not deal with this matter perfectly, then his best option to save himself was to pack up and leave Jin Hai City. Otherwise, only a tragic end awaited him.


Meanwhile, Zero Wing's recruitment location had already become the most eye-catching sight on this street. Before he knew it, Feng had recruited many new people for his Guild. Some well-known Workshops in Jin Hai City were even included among them. The members of these Workshops were all relatively skilled for current players.

Moreover, there were a few among them who would go on to become elite members of Zero Wing or members of the management team

Suddenly, He Youcai came walking over.

"Why is it you?" He Youcai was immediately dumbfounded when he discovered the person he had been sent to invite actually turned out to be Feng.

In He Youcai's opinion, Feng was simply an ordinary student. His and Xu Wenqing's statuses were worlds apart from each other, and it was impossible for Xu Wenqing to actually send a personal invitation to Feng. Yet, the impossible had actually happened now...

Meanwhile, Feng didn't bother to look in He Youcai direction, he kept interviewing people while merely asking "President He, what brings you here? Don't tell me you wish to chase me away from this street as well?"

"This is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding! Fellow student Shi Feng, how could I possibly dare to chase you away? All of this is simply a misunderstanding! Previously, due to an error to the system, your information was not properly registered. However, everything is fine now. Fellow student Shi Feng, you can now participate in the Fellowship Party as well!" He Youcai said with a fawning smile.

"Nah, don't feel like it. You already wasted my time by chasing me out previously. I had to go all the way across the street, waste time and money to buy this sign and then waste energy to write on it. Now that I've already gotten comfortable here, you want me to stop doing my job and waste more of my time and energy to follow you? Do you really think you're worth all that time and effort?" Feng asked indifferently

Hearing Feng's words, He Youcai's face instantly paled and he couldn't help but feel dumbfounded. Let alone him, even the people listening were rendered speechless. Feng had spoken like he had to travel across the world and waste years because of He Youcai.

He Youcai started to feel scared. Feng clearly had no intention of following him to the party. He Youcai was merely a Student Council President. Now that Xu Wenqing had already spoken, if He Youcai did not deal with this matter properly, his future would be over. Moreover, with Xu Wenqing's horrific reach, He Youcai did not even dare to think about having a future.

Noticing Xu Wenqing's bodyguard coldly looking at him, He Youcai's body shuddered with fear. Immediately, he did something that shocked everyone around him, except for Feng who remained indifferent.

He Youcai immediately knelt before Feng, hugging Feng's thigh as he cried like a little girl, saying, "Fellow student Shi Feng... No! Brother Feng! I was the one in the wrong! I have eyes but failed to recognize Mount Taishan! I am deserving of death! How could I have been so blind to actually listen to the words of that bastard, Ling Feilong! Brother Feng, I apologize to you! Please! If it can help cool your temper, please beat me up as much as you wish! As long as Brother Feng is willing to go upstairs with me!"

Even the bystanders were dumbfounded by this scene.

Did he really think he was invincible just because he was shameless?!

"But what about this sign? Some poor tree had to suffer for the paper to be made, and I had to waste money to buy it. Now you want me to simply throw it away? Do you have no respect for mother nature?" Feng spoke with disdain as he reprimanded He Youcai. Someone overhearing this would guess that He Youcai had destroyed an entire ecosystem.

"Of course not, Brother Feng. I'll personally make sure that the sign is well preserved. As for the money, I'll compensate you with double- no triple of what you spent on it." He Youcai immediately cried out. Although he could tell that Feng was merely playing with him, he had to convince Feng to follow him upstairs no matter what.

"How generous of you. Alright then, the sign cost me 10,000 Credits. Since you offered to compensate me with triple, as long as you can pay me 30,000 Credits and clearly repeat what you previously said to Headmaster Xu, I'll come along with you." Feng said indifferently as he kicked He Youcai away and asked for around 6,000 times of what he actually spent on the sign.

"How could you do this to me?" Instantly, He Youcai recovered his previous smiling appearance, making it look as if none of the embarrassing scene from before had actually happened. However, there was a hint of hatred hidden beneath his eyes as he looked at Feng.

He Youcai had already embarrassed Xu Wenqing. If he told Xu Wenqing of this matter, then he would be adding Ling Feilong to the list of people he had offended. Moreover, Ling Feilong was supported by Zhao Jianhua, who was an even more frightening existence. Even if Xu Wenqing were to forgive him, Ling Feilong and Zhao Jianhua would definitely not let him off.

Not to mention the compensation of 30,000 Credits. He Youcai was only a university student, so 30,000 Credits would be practically all of his savings. Of course, He Youcai didn't believe for a second that the sign actually cost that much. However he couldn't say that Feng was lying, or else Feng might directly refuse to follow him upstairs.

Feng was simply too cruel for wanting him to do such a thing!

"Why can't I do such a thing? I am only asking you to properly compensate me and tell the truth. Now, tell me, what is your decision?" Feng smiled coldly, completely ignoring the poisonous glare He Youcai was sending him.

After some contemplation, He Youcai took a few deep breaths before coming to a decision. He then shifted his eyes towards Feng, a malicious glint in his eyes as he said, "I can agree to your demands; however, you must allow me to join Zero Wing."

"So, what I'm hearing is that you don't want to fix your future?" Feng then raised his brows, stating, "My patience is limited. I will give you three seconds to consider."

"Alright! I'll speak!" He Youcai quickly made his choice. Compared to Ling Feilong and Zhao Jianhua, he was even more afraid of Xu Wenqing. After all, Xu Wenqing's influence was simply too extensive.

Soon after, He Youcai transferred 30,000 Credits to Feng, who then followed him and Xu Wenqing's bodyguard into the hotel and took the elevator up to the 36th floor.

Feng's arrival at the event venue immediately attracted a majority of the participants' attention.

Due to Xu Wenqing's rage, many of the guests present had already found out about the incident concerning Feng. They were very curious to see just what sort of person warranted a personal invitation from Xu Wenqing himself.

Under the bodyguard's lead, Feng and He Youcai arrived before Xu Wenqing.

When an ordinary youth in black sportswear with his hands in his pockets appeared before them, everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes. They started attentively evaluating Feng, intent on discerning the secrets hidden behind Feng's ordinary appearance.

To their disappointment, however, be it Feng's attire or aura, both were similarly plain and ordinary.

"Shi Feng? Why are you here?" Ling Feilong couldn't help but grow astonished. Originally, he had intended to use this Fellowship Party to form a deeper connection with Zhao Jianhua. However, he never imagined that Feng could actually make it into the event. The current situation went far beyond his expectations.

Feng ignored the side character and looked towards who most in Jin Hai City would consider important people.

"Shi Feng, it's great that you made it! Originally, I planned to go down and look for you, but it seems that won't be necessary now!" Ruoxi said excitedly when she saw the new arrival was Feng. Were it not for Zhao Jianhua holding her back, preventing her from leaving, she would have long since left this boring Fellowship Party.

Sitting beside Ruoxi, Zhao Jianhua immediately turned grim when he heard Ruoxi's words. Previously, Ruoxi had pestered him endlessly for him to let Feng come up, angering him greatly. Never would Zhao Jianhua have thought that, not only did this commoner not give up, he had actually entered the event venue now.

'Didn't I tell the ones below not to let him in? How did he manage to get in?' Zhao Jianhua's mind was filled with questions; he failed to realize that Feng was none other than the Zero Wing representative that Xu Wenqing had invited.

"Young man, come over here and take a seat. This old man is called Xu Wenqing, the current Headmaster of Jin Hai University." Xu Wenqing slowly stood up and formally introduced himself.

"Shi Feng, a fourth year student of Jin Hai University," Feng replied indifferently.

"You are a student of our school? Indeed, the young will surpass the old. So young, yet you've already entered the middle management of the Zero Wing Guild," Xu Wenqing said, slightly surprised. He did not believe Feng had a very high position in the Zero Wing Guild. However, normally, only those in middle management or higher had the right to recruit members. Feng had yet to graduate from university, yet he had already managed to become a middle manager of a mysterious Guild. In the eyes of commoners, this could be considered a great achievement. At the very least, Feng was much more successful than most of the students present at the Fellowship Party today.

Xu Wenqing's amiable bearing and praise towards Feng slightly surprised Chen Wu and Zhao Jianhua, who sat close to Xu Wenqing. They never thought Xu Wenqing would praise a younger generation like so, a plain and ordinary youth like Feng, no less. For a second, they even thought that their ears were playing tricks on them.

Even when faced with Zhang Luowei, the person with the brightest future in Jin Hai University, Xu Wenqing had simply said the words "not bad"...

Although they were shocked by the fact that a person like Feng was a middle manager of a Guild, an achievement like this did not warrant such praise from Xu Wenqing himself. After all, Xu Wenqing was a very influential character in Jin Hai City.

However, Xu Wenqing held an optimistic view on Feng's future. Feng's temperament, which was as calm as the great ocean, especially solidified this opinion of his. This was not something a youth like him should have, or to put it bluntly, it should be impossible for a youth like Feng to possess such a temperament.

If not for the fact that Xu Wenqing had met with countless people, and had seen all sorts of people throughout his life, he too would not have discovered this particular trait of Feng's.

Moreover, despite being the center of everyone's attention, Feng remained completely indifferent to his surroundings, not even bothering to take his hands out of his pockets. Being able to treat everyone here with such indifference showed that Feng didn't think much of anyone here. Although he wasn't exactly pleased with being looked down upon by a youth, it also caused him to be more cautious and curious towards Feng. After all, since he was so indifferent, he definitely must have the power or backing to afford that kind of attitude. 

Being capable of entering the middle management of such a powerful Guild clearly showcased Feng's ability. Before long, Feng would definitely enter the upper management of the Guild, hence why Xu Wenqing was being so courteous with Feng.

"Headmaster must be joking." Feng laughed.

After Xu Wenqing exchanged a few words with Feng, Xu Wenqing shifted his gaze once more to He Youcai, who was currently trembling where he stood. Xu Wenqing demanded coldly, "Speak. What happened?"

Although Xu Wenqing's voice was soft, it was filled with oppressiveness. Frightened, He Youcai no longer dared hide anything from him.

"Ling Feilong was the one that told me to do everything! He said he did not wish to see Shi Feng entangled with fellow student Zhao Ruoxi! Hence, under his coercion, I did not register Shi Feng for the Fellowship Party." He Youcai immediately pointed towards Ling Feilong, denouncing him. At this moment, he no longer cared about the consequences of his words.

Immediately, everyone's attention shifted to Ling Feilong.

Ling Feilong instantly felt a huge pressure bearing down on him.

At this moment, Ling Feilong felt utterly powerless, his breathing faltering. He was at a complete loss for words right now; anything he said would easily offend others. He also never imagined that Feng would have the Zero Wing Guild as his backing.

"Since you have nothing to say for yourself, then please leave this place. The Jin Hai Fellowship Party does not welcome you," Xu Wenqing said abruptly in a deep tone, the rage contained within his words clear for all to hear. Looking at Ling Feilong's expression, it was obvious what He Youcai had said was the truth.

Following which, two robust bodyguards walked towards Ling Feilong, clearly intending to send Ling Feilong on his way.

"Elder Xu, please wait a moment," Zhao Jianhua suddenly spoke up.

Meanwhile, standing beside Zhao Jianhua were two of Shadow's major shareholders, Lan Hailong and Zhang Luowei.

Zhao Jianhua's deep voice suddenly caused the splendorous and lively venue to go silent.

Everyone present knew that, once Xu Wenqing made a decision, nobody was allowed to interfere with it. However, Zhao Jianhua actually stepped in and tried to interrupt Xu Wenqing. Suddenly, the atmosphere within the event hall turned extraordinarily intense, like a minefield where a single misstep could trigger a massive explosion.

In reply to Zhao Jianhua's interruption, Xu Wenqing did not speak any words. Instead, he merely stretched out his hand, halting the two bodyguards from dragging Ling Feilong away. He then returned his focus to Zhao Jianhua, his eyes carrying a questioning look. He wanted to know just what sort of reason Zhao Jianhua had for going against his decision.

Zhao Jianhua was one of the main sponsors for the Jin Hai Fellowship Party. He was also one of the directors of the Zhao Group, a major corporation in Jin Hai City. Hence, Xu Wenqing could not simply ignore Zhao Jianhua's opinion.

"Elder Xu, I am the one who allowed Ling Feilong to prevent Shi Feng from entering this place. Moreover, I feel that I did not make any mistake in this decision. Please don't make things difficult for Feilong." Zhao Jianhua then added with a laugh, "As for the reason why I didn't allow Shi Feng to enter, it was simply because I did not want him to continue associating with Ruoxi. Please understand my decision, Elder Xu."

"Second Uncle, I've already said that our relationship isn't what you imagined it to be!" Ruoxi argued immediately, her crescent brows slightly wrinkled.

Listening to the niece and uncle pair bickering with each other, Xu Wenqing, with his many years of experience, instantly figured out the crux of the matter. Suddenly, he laughed and said, "It is indeed good to be young. Since it is a matter between young people, then I will not intervene."

Ling Feilong immediately let out a sigh of relief when he heard Xu Wenqing's words. If he were truly chased out of the Fellowship Party, then his reputation would be in tatters. Fortunately, he had Zhao Jianhua on his side. Ling Feilong gave Feng a look that seemed to say "So what if you received praise from Elder Xu? Aren't I still completely fine right now?"

Naturally, he was ignored.

At this moment, the elegant and handsome-looking Lan Hailong sent a glance at Zhang Luowei, who currently stood beside him.

"Fellow student Shi Feng, please wait a moment." Zhang Luowei stepped forward, hurrying to Feng as he shouted, "I have been looking forward to meeting with Zero Wing for a long time now. I never would have thought I would get the chance to do so at this Fellowship Party. I hear that Zero Wing has plenty of experts, and each and every one of them has extraordinary skills. Fellow student Shi Feng, as a middle manager of Zero Wing, I believe that you must definitely be skilled. Hence, I wish to seek some pointers from you. We can also take it as an entertainment for this Fellowship Party. I wonder, what is fellow student Shi Feng's opinion on this matter?"

Hearing Zhang Luowei's suggestion, glints flashed through Xu Wenqing's, Zhao Jianhua's, Chen Wu's, and everyone else's eyes. They felt that it was a good suggestion. However, they still chose to remain silent as this was a matter for the younger generation; it wouldn't be good for old folks like them to intervene.

Among those who showed interest in Zhang Luowei's suggestion, Zhao Jianhua was the most eager for it to take place. Zhao Jianhua knew very well how amazing Zhang Luowei was. After all, even a martial arts master like Chen Wu looked favorably upon Zhang Luowei. Within a few years, Zhang Luowei would definitely become the fighting champion of Jin Hai City. Meanwhile, if Feng embarrassed himself in front of Ruoxi right now, at the very minimum, he could make Ruoxi understand how ordinary Feng actually was. Once she knew that they were people of two different worlds, she might even decide to give up on her relationship with Feng.

"Is this going to be a martial arts competition?!"

"Excellent! To think that I'll get the chance to witness Jin Hai University's champion fighter exchanging moves with an expert from Zero Wing; the money I paid to join this Fellowship Party is totally worth it!"

Anticipation started filling the eyes of everyone present within the event venue.

"Hahaha! Fellow student Shi Feng, see how everyone is looking forward to an exchange between you and Luowei! It wouldn't be good to disappoint everyone, right? You can rest assured, though, since this is only an exchange of pointers, we won't go too far in this competition. We are only doing this to liven things up at this party," Lan Hailong chimed in with a laugh. He continued, "I am also a board member of Shadow, and in regard to a Guild as powerful as Zero Wing, I had always wanted to learn a thing or two from you all. I wish to take a look at the gap between us so that I can turn Shadow into a Guild that would not lose out to Zero Wing. I hope fellow student Shi Feng will not refuse this competition."

"How could you say such a thing?" Ruoxi asked, dissatisfaction in her tone. "Shi Feng is a gaming expert, not some fighting expert. What point would there be for the two of them to have a match with each other?"

Immediately, many people among the audience came to a realization. Although Feng was amazing inside a game, that did not mean he would be equally amazing at fighting in real life. Even if Zhang Luowei defeated him, that did not prove that Zhang Luowei was strong inside the game.

"Fellow student Zhao Ruoxi, you must be joking. God's Domain is a virtual reality game, and every aspect of the game is extremely realistic; I believe that anyone who has experienced combat in God's Domain would know this. Although being good at fighting in real life does not necessarily make someone good at the game, the same cannot be said for the opposite. If one is good at the game, then it shows that they are equally skilled at fighting in real life. In fact, I know just how amazing fellow student Shi Feng is. After all, he was able to defeat Zhou Yuhu, the student who placed third in Jin Hai University's fighting competition. With such strength, it would be a pity for the two of them to not compete against each other." Lan Hailong smiled calmly. Contrary to his words, he had absolute confidence in Zhang Luowei obtaining victory. As for Feng, although he was relatively powerful himself, he was definitely not a match for Zhang Luowei. The reason being, Zhang Luowei had already reached the standards of a professional. He was on an entirely different level when compared to Zhou Yuhu.

"What?! That Zhou Yuhu was actually defeated by Shi Feng? No wonder he managed to become a middle manager of Zero Wing. As expected, Zero Wing is powerful!"

Many of those present in the event hall was shocked by this revelation, their anticipation towards the competition between Feng and Zhang Luowei growing even more intense.

"It seems that I really can't underestimate young people. To think that he would choose to keep himself hidden despite possessing such skills. It is truly rare for a youngster like him to have such a humble heart," Xu Wenqing commented, his evaluation of Feng rising even higher now. "With such a temperament, his future achievements would definitely be extraordinary. Chief Zhao, don't you think your requirements are a little too high? You should just let the younger folk handle themselves; it wouldn't be right for us older generations to constantly stick a hand into their matters."

"It can't be true, right? He managed to defeat Zhou Yuhu with a small body like that?" Zhao Jianhua looked at Feng suspiciously. He had a good grasp on the standards of the fighting competition held in Jin Hai University. It was also the reason why he admired Ling Feilong's achievement of obtaining ninth place in the competition.

"Alright, then. Since everyone is looking forward to it so much, how could I bear to refuse?" Feng laughed. Since the bugs keep coming to annoy him, he'll naturally crush them mercilessly. And since his current physique and strength were many times greater then when he fought Zhang Luowei in the previous timeline, he naturally won't let him get away with surface wounds like last time.

"The brat actually agreed. It seems he still has some courage to him." Zhao Jianhua's opinion of Feng changed slightly.

Standing beside Zhao Jianhua, Ruoxi grew panicked.

'Why is this Shi Feng acting so foolishly?' Ruoxi was inwardly speechless at Feng's decision. 'Lan Hailong merely flattered him a little, yet he's already acting so cocky. Doesn't he know that Zhang Luowei is a real martial arts expert?'

As the audience started cheering and discussing the competition, the staff members of the event went ahead with preparing a fighting ring for the competition.

"Who do you think will win?"

"Of course it is Zhang Luowei! He is my idol! During the university's fighting competition, he obtained first place with great ease. None of the contestants could take three moves from him before being defeated. Although Shi Feng is also very strong, he doesn't have much of a presence; I can feel nothing from him at all, as if he doesn't even exist. Zhang Luowei, on the other hand, is like a cruel and ferocious beast. When I stood near him, I could feel a heavy pressure bearing down on me. When his eyes landed on me, I even felt a shiver go down my spine."

"I agree. Shi Feng might be an expert in God's Domain, but this is a real-life martial arts competition. It would be good if he could survive ten moves from Zhang Luowei. If this fight was held in God's Domain, however, it would definitely be an interesting duel."


While everyone was feeling pessimistic about Feng's chances of winning, Zhou Yuhu, who was resting at a corner of the event hall, walked up to Zhang Luowei's side.

"Brother Zhang, you have to be careful when you are going up against Shi Feng. I've fought with him before. Although he doesn't have remarkable strength, and his physique is no good as well, he is very experienced in combat. He has a very good grasp of when to take action, and his fists and feet are extremely nimble," Zhou Yuhu said.

"Little Hu, you're overthinking things. Even if Shi Feng has reached the level of a professional, I can likewise defeat him with ease. Don't worry, I'll return the shame he brought to you," Zhang Luowei laughed as he clapped Zhou Yuhu's shoulders. He was completely unaffected by Zhou Yuhu's words. When one reached his level of skill, one's determination would be as hard as steel.

Certainly, Zhang Luowei was not underestimating Feng. He had simply reacted this way due to the arrogance of an expert. He would have confidence no matter what kind of enemy he faced.

"Brother Zhang..."

Zhou Yuhu knew that his advice had fallen on deaf ears. However, only those who had personally exchanged moves with Feng would know how frightening he truly was. In truth, Zhou Yuhu had wanted to dissuade Zhang Luowei from having a competition with Feng. Only, after taking into consideration Zhang Luowei's prestige, he had instead chosen to warn him to be careful. However, his words had clearly been in vain.


The staff members had very quickly enclosed an area for the martial arts competition. Although the fighting ring was somewhat smaller than one in an official setting, there was still a space of 100 square meters available. It was sufficient for two people to exchange punches and kicks with each other.

Meanwhile, Xu Wenqing, Zhao Jianhua, Chen Wu, and several other well-known figures in Jin Hai City sat in the section closest to the fighting ring. Everyone else could only stand several meters behind them to observe the fight.

In the ring, Feng and Zhang Luowei stood five meters apart from each other. The former was an ordinary man who had no presence whatsoever with his hands still in his pockets, while the latter was like a muscular beast that looked as if he could swallow a man whole. The imposing aura Zhang Luowei emitted could cause others to tremble in fear.

Meanwhile, the audience around the ring started tensing up, their eyes locked on the two fighters' every movement.

Unlike a fight between ordinary people, which would take a long time to finish, an exchange between experts would end in an instant. Hence, they were deeply afraid of missing out even the slightest detail of the brilliant exchange between the two.

In contrast, Xu Wenqing and the other influential characters were currently talking cheerfully with one another.

"Master Chen Wu, as an ex-professional fighter and a martial arts master, which of the two do you think will win in this competition?" Xu Wenqing asked, a small chuckle escaping his lips as he caressed his beard.

"I can't say for sure. In a martial arts competition, strength and luck are both equally important. If I were to judge solely based on presence and physique, then Zhang Luowei is clearly a cut above Shi Feng. However, I have never personally witnessed how skilled Shi Feng is, so I can't make a clear judgement." Chen Wu shook his head, not providing a definite answer.

"Master Chen Wu, how can your keen eyes fail to make a judgement? Both Shi Feng and Zhang Luowei are just youngsters. Although both of them can greatly improve in the future, you should have some indication of who will win, right?" Zhao Jianhua refused to believe Chen Wu's words. After all, it was clear at first glance who was stronger, and who was weaker. Hence, Zhao Jianhua believed that Chen Wu was simply leaving some face for Feng.

Unfortunately, Zhao Jianhua did not know that martial arts practitioners were usually forthright in their actions, even more so for a martial arts master like Chen Wu. He was always straightforward with his words, and he would never do something like twist his words around. He would only speak whatever was on his mind.

While the few of them were having their cheerful conversations...

The referee in the fighting ring sent a glance at both Feng and Zhang Luowei, before abruptly swiping his hand down between the two fighters. Immediately, he shouted, "Begin!" 

The moment the referee gave the signal, Zhang Luowei took action and immediately charged at Feng.

However, Zhang Luowei did not rush forth like a normal person would, as attacking in a straight line would be too plain and predictable. Instead, he zigzagged as he moved, his footwork constantly changing as he swiftly weaved his way towards Feng.

If it were any ordinary person faced with Zhang Luowei's footwork, they definitely would not know how to react to it properly. They would be enthralled by Zhang Luowei's erratic footwork and allow him to close in on them.

Although Feng could easily see through Zhang Luowei's footwork, he didn't bother to move, or even take his hands out of his pockets for that matter. He just stood there, as indifferent as when he first walked into the ring.

Many among the spectators thought that Feng didn't know how to react to Zhang Luowei's footwork, and that this would quickly end with Feng's loss. 

Zhang Luowei arrived before Feng the next instant and sent a fist towards Feng.

Just as everyone thought that the fight would immediately end there, Zhang Luowei's fist abruptly stopped. At some point, without anyone noticing, Feng had taken out one of his hand from his pockets and grabbed Zhang Luowei' wrist, stopping his attack.

Shock appeared in Zhang Luowei's eyes. He didn't even see when Feng's hands had moved, only realizing that he had been grabbed when it was too late. However, he quickly shook off the thought and swung his other hand, which was similarly grabbed just before landing on Feng. Zhang Luowei then decided to try kicking-


"AHHHH" A loud sound of something breaking resounded through the hall, followed by Zhang Luowei's screams. Feng had simply applied pressure to Zhang Luowei's wrists and easily shattered them.

Feng let go of Zhang Luowei, allowing the latter to fall to his knees, but before he could recover, a heavy kick to his chest sent Zhang Luowei flying across the small arena, slamming into the makeshift border.

The audience looked in shock at the passed out Zhang Luowei, not expecting such a quick and abrupt conclusion to a fight that should have been between two experts. As they focused on the slumped body, they could see Zhang Luowei's broken arms, which seemed like they had been crushed by a weight of multiple tons. The bones that weren't completely crushed cut through his flesh and skin, causing blood to flow out at a dangerous pace. 

Meanwhile, his chest was caved in, resembling the shape of a foot. From the looks of it, most of Zhang Luowei's ribs were broken, perhaps even his lungs were injured. Even right now, it was unknown whether or not he was still breathing. 

The entire gory scene looked like a man had just been attacked and mauled by some kind of monster. As they watched Zhang Luowei's injured body, the audience became covered in cold sweat.

"I might have gone too far. I just never expected him to be so weak." Feng scratched his cheek with one hand, while he had already returned the other in his pocket "Though, with Shadow's power, surely you won't mind if such a weakling died, right?" a cold smile appeared on his previously indifferent face as he looked towards Lan Hailong. 

Lan Hailong gritted his teeth at Feng's mockery. He couldn't say that Zhang Luowei was Shadow's top expert after Feng said such a thing. He could only lower his head and inwardly curse at Feng.

Naturally, Feng had properly controlled his strength, so Zhang Luowei won't die as long as he quickly received medical attention. Though, he'll probably have breathing problems for the rest of his life and be unable to use his hands properly. Not that it mattered much, since he'll only live for a few more years, perhaps even less if Feng's actions speed up the disintegration of Earth.

Something Feng found out in his previous life was that each planet had a limited amount of energy, and the more people with higher Mental Strength there are, the faster it's drained. Although planets could replenish their energy, it's a very slow process, so if the consumption was faster than the recovery, the planet will either collapse in on itself, or simply disintegrate; like in Earth's case.

As Feng had reached the Mental Strength Grandmaster level in his previous life much sooner than one appeared in his first life, and he had helped his guildmates with increasing theirs, the Earth in the second timeline disintegrated within around three and a half years after his reincarnation, even though it remained fine even after ten years in the first timeline.

On Zhang Luowei's side, medical personnel was quickly called to help him. After all, it wouldn't be good if one of the guests died just because of a simple sparring match.

"He actually defeated Zhang Luowei? My eyes aren't playing tricks on me, right?" Zhao Jianhua rubbed his eyes, thinking that he was hallucinating. However, the fact that Zhang Luowei lay on the floor, unmoving, proved that he was not imagining things.

A plain and ordinary person that did not possess the presence of an expert had actually defeated a combat genius. Who could believe such a thing?

"Second Uncle, how are Shi Feng's skills?" Ruoxi proudly asked Zhao Jianhua, who was sitting beside her, her tone making it sound as if Feng's victory was her own victory.

"Strong, very strong. However, I still feel strange when I look at him. Even though I myself am a martial arts practitioner as well, I couldn't tell how Shi Feng had managed to move and attack fast enough that Zhang Luowei wasn't even able able to react" Zhao Jianhua said, his heart filled with questions. He then asked, "Master Chen Wu, do you know what kind of technique he used?"

Zhao Jianhua's expectant gaze made it difficult for Chen Wu to respond.

Previously, he did not have a clear grasp on Feng's actual strength. He had merely felt that it was possible for Feng to have already reached that realm. However, now that he had actually witnessed Feng in action, shock was the only word that could describe his current state.

Chen Wu had not dared to imagine that a young man in his early twenties could already attain such a high understanding of martial arts.

"As the fight was to short, I can't make a good judgment. In Jin Hai City, however, there isn't another youth like him who has cultivated his martial arts to such a level." Chen Wu sighed, a soft chuckle escaping his mouth.

"It can't be, right? Master Chen Wu, aren't you appraising him too highly?" Zhao Jianhua was shocked by Chen Wu's words.

"No, my evaluation is not high at all. Although Shi Feng's physique is on the weak side, in terms of actual combat strength, he would have no problem entering the top ten of the provincial fighting tournament, perhaps even the top five." Chen Wu shook his head, refuting Zhao Jianhua's words.

Chen Wu's words instantly shocked Xu Wenqing and Zhao Jianhua.

'It seems that I have misjudged that little brat. He held such strength in his hands, yet he actually chose to keep it hidden. It is no wonder Ruoxi is placing such importance on him.' At this moment, Zhao Jianhua no longer looked at Feng with anger and contempt; on the contrary, admiration filled his eyes. He then shifted his gaze towards Ling Feilong who sat beside him, thinking in rage, 'This brat, on the other hand, actually dared to use me as a hatchet man. It seems he needs to be taught a lesson.'

Previously, Zhao Jianhua had a favorable opinion of Ling Feilong. He was also clear on the fact that Ling Feilong was trying to pursue Ruoxi. However, he did not block Ling Feilong's actions as the boy was indeed excellent; he had the qualifications necessary to pursue his beloved niece, Ruoxi. Now, however, Zhao Jianhua only felt loathing for Ling Feilong.

At this point, even if Zhao Jianhua was an idiot, he could still tell that Ling Feilong had been using him all along. Previously, Ling Feilong had many a time commented on Feng's shortcomings, his family's poverty, and how Feng was constantly stalking Ruoxi. Ling Feilong had also mentioned that Feng was often bullied by others, that he was a mediocre person, and so on. Now, however, it would seem that the situation was completely different from what Ling Feilong had made it out to be.

In reality, Ling Feilong had no chance of being compared to Feng, hence why Ling Feilong slandered Feng, giving Zhao Jianhua a bad impression of him.

As it were, the gap between Ling Feilong and Feng was like the gap between heaven and earth.

'It seems that my eyes are really growing bad. Indeed, just like Elder Xu had said, young people should be left to deal with their own matters.' Zhao Jianhua no longer planned to interfere in the matters between Feng and Ruoxi, intending to let nature take its course. As for what the final result would look like, that would depend on Ruoxi herself.

Soon after the martial arts competition ended, Feng had undeniably become the main protagonist of the Fellowship Party this time around. Many students from the university came over to greet Feng, hoping to form a connection with him.

Zhang Luowei had suffered an overwhelming defeat, causing everyone's opinion of Shadow to fall significantly. By contrast, Zero Wing had become the sole target of the audience now, and Lan Hailong could do nothing but gnash his teeth at this development.

If Lan Hailong had known from the beginning that Feng was so powerful, he definitely would not have agreed to Zhang Luowei having a match with Feng. At the very least, he could still have recruited some experts or new players with good potential. Now, however, he had lost all drawing power in this event. He could only choose from the leftovers of Zero Wing.

"Fellow student Shi Feng, do you think I can join Zero Wing? Even an outer member of the Guild is fine!"

"Hello, I am Ye Wumian, the president of Jin Hai City's number one Workshop, Green Leaf. I wish to let my entire Workshop join Zero Wing. I wonder if Brother Shi Feng will be willing to accept us? We don't need many positions, only ten official member spots, and fifty outer member spots."

Just as Feng restarted his Guild recruitment, the elite students of the university quickly surrounded him. There were also plenty of Workshop representatives and professional fighters trying to meet with him.

Besides that, Feng had finally managed to locate the Five Demon Generals.

Following which, Feng had the recruited members go to the Workshop and spent the remainder of his day signing contracts and returning memories to those he could.

He first started with the Five Demon Generals, or to be more precise, the Four Demon Generals now. The ones who were left from the original five were Flying Shadow, Su Qianliu, Minor Wind and Rampant Blade[2].

In fact, several of Zero Wing's founding members had died, either in small scale battles or huge wars, some between other humans while others between other races. Although Feng had tried to minimize the casualties, by either coming up with schemes and using special methods or sometimes placing all the burden on himself, he couldn't save everyone; despite trying his best. 

Even though Feng wasn't so naive to think he would always be able to get away with zero casualties on his side, each death still stung. At least, they did at the beginning, before he eventually became numb to it. However, seeing those that had previously given their lives away for him and Zero Wing, it reopened some wounds.

This wasn't merely the case with the Demon General, though. Many of the ones he recruited today had similar fates. Although he can't return the memories of all of them, he still recruited them, planning to retrain them, and have them reach even greater heights than they did in his previous life.

Feng was unsure why, but even after returning the memories of three of them, he still felt completely fine, and thought he could still do a couple more memory returns. Perhaps pushing himself previously has increased his limits, or maybe his mental strength has gotten stronger. However, Feng didn't feel any particular change. Since he was unable to come to any conclusion, Feng continued having more people come in, wanting to test his new limits.

After all of the Four Demon Generals, it was the four core members of the Green Leaf Workshop's turn. Of those four, only Ye Wumian was still alive by the time Feng reincarnated. However, as the other three had only died after Feng had gotten his ability, he was still able to return their memories, albeit not entirely complete.

The three of them were the most confused out of everyone, since the last thing they remembered was dying[3].

Even after returning the four of theirs memories, Feng still felt relatively fine. So he decided to keep going, only stopping after returning the memory of the fifteenth person and realizing that was his current limit.

Though, there was something about the fifteen people who he had returned the memories of that surprised Feng.

Unlike when Feng returned Fire's and the other two's memories, he now had Blackie bring them in, and after he returned their memories, Blackie would give the explanation, while Feng only rested and added a few comments, or answered any questions the person had.

From the beginning, Feng had decided that, should any of them ask about the first timeline, he would answer them truthfully to the best of his knowledge. After that, he would let them decide if they still wished to follow him. If they didn't, he would let them do as they pleased on account of their previous service to Zero Wing, or if they preferred, he would erase the memories of their previous life. After all, since he was the one who returned them, he could erase them just as easily.

However, to Feng's surprise, none of them asked about the first timeline. They didn't seem interested at all, in fact. Unsure of what to make of their disinterest in a life they once led, Feng questioned Blackie about his uncertainties.

When Blackie heard Feng's question he merely smiled and answered "Why would we care about something like that? It technically never even happened, so why does it matter?"

Blackie's reply rendered Feng speechless. Feng suddenly realized that he and the others had different perspectives. To Feng, the first timeline was a life he once led, and it became the foundation for his second life. However, to the others, what happened in that timeline was completely irrelevant.

In truth, it's not that Blackie and the others completely didn't care about the first timeline, but they preferred to focus more on the future. None of them were stupid. Taking into account their knowledge and skills at the time, they could more or less guess what would have happened to them if Feng hadn't recruited them. 

Blackie knew that he would have most likely joined Shadow, and go on to become a manager in it. He guessed that, after that, he would focus solely on God's Domain and managing Shadow, forgoing his physical condition and health. Blackie no longer dared to think any further upon considering that he might have gotten fat and lost his current physique. 

The other fifteen could similarly guess what would have happened to them. All of them came to the conclusion that, regardless of what action they took or what they did, they most likely wouldn't have had the status to get to the Greater World before the time ran out, and they would simply become a part of that disorganized mob that disintegrated along with Earth. 

This was why they didn't bother asking. They could already envision their own fates if they hadn't met and been recruited by Feng.

As for Fire, Violet and Cola, their situation was slightly different. Although Cola knew that he was talented, his conclusion was similar to Blackie's and the other fifteen's.

Meanwhile, Violet didn't even want to think about her fate without meeting Feng upon considering her financial situation and the one Feng had rescued her from when they met. Even though Violet knew that she would have achieved something with her talent, she doubted that she would have been as happy and remained as untainted by the world, which she later on realized was much crueler than she ever could have thought, like when she joined Zero Wing. So, she too decided to not bother with it and just focus on the future.

Fire, on the other hand, had a different thought process than the rest. From the moment she got her memories back and knew that she had died, the only things on her mind were Feng and getting stronger. The thought of what had happened in the first timeline had never even crossed her mind once. 

After establishing that his new limit was fifteen, Feng left the rest of the contracts and management stuff to Blackie and left the Workshop under the guise of having some business to take care of.

The influx of over 400 people had instantly filled up Zero Wing's workplace. Suddenly, the entire Workshop was much livelier, no longer as empty and quiet as before. It was a fitting atmosphere for such a large Workshop.

Feng and Fire returned to his apartment after stopping at a store to buy pre-made meals and more Nutrient Fluids. After eating dinner and having their routine banging session, they downed A-rank Nutrient Fluids and logged into God's Domain. 


1. If you can't remember who they are, don't bother with it, since they're completely irrelevant for the future.

2. By the way, who was the fifth one? I checked the wiki and it said it was a ranger called Sentimental Memories, who I somewhat remember being mentioned once at the Demon Castle, and then never again.

3. I know it doesn't really make sense for them to remember something that happened after Feng saw their souls, but just ignore that plot hole. Imagine that they could remember everything before their death, while those who didn't die remember everything just before Feng reincarnated.

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