
Chapter 78 A Strong Return

Chapter 78 A Strong Return

Grande and Pep left the Mallorca club's general meeting in a rage.

After uttering that line that resembled Tony Leung Ka Fai in "Black Gold", Jose didn't push the two of them too much. Besides, the winter transfer funds are not available now, why should we give them time to raise funds? .

"Son, what do you think they will do?" Alemani asked his son after Grande and Pep left.

"What else can they do, they have two choices now... oh, no, it's three." Jose smiled: "The first is to leave it alone, let me take money to inject capital and get more shares, do this In other words, as long as I invest more in the transfer market every year, I can gradually obtain more shares. Once it exceeds 75%, I can propose an acquisition. Even if the acquisition fails, the shares in their hands will only be Becoming dry stock will not have any impact on our status. I guess... Grande will not just watch this happen, and Pep is not necessarily, after all, he does not have enough money to invest, even if The share of shares is reduced, but the value will not change, and Pep may sit back and watch. It depends on how good his relationship with Grande is."

"The second is to follow up with the capital injection to ensure the right to speak in the club and keep the existing shares. The investment of 15 million is more or less. According to the shares, Grande needs to come up with 4.5 million. , Pep needs to spend 750,000 yuan... Although they can get the money, it is still a bit difficult. Although Grande's Drake Group claims to have a total asset of about 500 million US dollars, that is the total asset. As an investment The company, their cash flow will not be too much, after all, if there is any spare money, it will be invested... What's more, although Grande is the president of Drake, but Drake is not completely his, his personal assets are nothing more than It's only tens of millions, if it compares to this, he must not be able to compare with me."

Hearing his son's eloquence, Alemani nodded slightly, and then asked, "What about the third one?"

"The third... is the best result. After weighing the pros and cons, the two of them sold the shares to me together. At least they can keep the cost and make a fortune. It's a win-win situation. It's a pity, I think most of them are I will not do this, Grande will not be reconciled, if Pep wants to sell shares, he will first sell to Grande instead of me. But 65% of the shares are enough."

"Maybe they will sell it... After all, it is getting more and more difficult for Mallorca to make a profit." Alemani said after thinking about it.

"That's not necessarily true. Maybe Grande is very optimistic about me and thinks that the shares can still be profitable... But I won't let him succeed, hehe." Jose laughed.

"To be honest, if he continues to invest and spend with us, it will be a very troublesome thing." Alemani said after thinking about it - thinking about it makes him feel uncomfortable, he knows that his son is planning to overtake the club. The better it is, of course he hopes to do so, but in this way, the more wealth the club has, doesn't it mean that Grande will earn more? Grande took 30% of the hard work of my own father and son. If it is reasonable for someone with a good relationship, it would be uncomfortable to think about letting this extremely annoying guy take advantage of it.

"He won't get too many cheap ones, at least I won't let him get any dividends. At that time, as long as his company's turnover is not working, the only way is to transfer the shares... Even if he gets more profits at that time , it won't make it too easy for him, at least he has to spend some money every year." Jose said with a sneer.

After Mallorca's personnel changes were reported, it immediately caused a huge response!

Jose, who was only an acting head coach last season, was forced to recuperate due to overwork after winning an extremely brilliant UEFA Cup for the club, while his successor, Vazquez, led the team with poor results , Jose, who has achieved outstanding results among two poorly performing head coaches, is set off with incomparable brilliance and wisdom.

After five months, Jose's identity has taken a 180-degree turn—from an ordinary acting head coach to owning 65% of the entire Mallorca club. The largest shareholder of shares!

This news immediately shocked the Spanish football world. There is no record of a Spanish club having so many shares owned by a head coach before, but Jose has become the largest shareholder of Mallorca both in terms of system and process. It is impeccable, all the procedures are in place, it has been filed with the Spanish Football Association and the Spanish government, and it is completely legal.

"How much money can a head coach have? The source of this money is very suspicious!" Someone immediately raised such a question.

However, the Spanish government and the Balearic District Council said that the source of Jose's funds was innocent. Although they did not disclose the specific source, this statement has already eliminated all possible doubts and speculations. .

After being unable to say anything about the source of funds for Jose's acquisition of the Mallorca club, the media began to express pessimism about the next development of Mallorca-they don't think Jose can have much money to supplement the team. Although Asensio and Grande basically relied on Mallorca for profit, the financial resources behind them are very strong, and Jose... It is hard to imagine that a young coach in his twenties can How much money is invested in the club...

However, after the Mallorca fans got the news, they were stunned for a moment, and then collectively began to be overjoyed!

As I said before, because of being sandwiched between two coaches who left Mallorca fans speechless, Jose's achievements are even more dazzling as if he has been given a halo of blessing. Mallorca fans look forward to his return It's not a day or two, but they are not sure whether Jose will continue to stay in Mallorca-after all, with his achievements in the second half of last season, it is not impossible to coach a bigger club- And now not afraid! He became Mallorca's largest shareholder, how could he possibly coach other teams? He will only coach Mallorca in the end, and he will have plenty of time to make Mallorca even more brilliant!

Mallorca fans are even more excited about the fact that Jose has become the largest shareholder in Mallorca. Not as strong as Catalonia and Bilbao, etc., but as an autonomous region, their local plot is still very strong. Previously, the shares of Mallorca were controlled by a group of foreigners, and every year Taking most of the profits into their own hands, Mallorca fans are already very dissatisfied with this situation, but they can't do anything. Now, Jose, a pure Mallorcan, has become the big boss of Mallorca. Shareholders make them extremely happy!

Even many impatient fans have prepared a banner welcoming Jose's return, planning to display it in the stands when he coaches the team again...

But at this time, Jose didn't intend to appear immediately.

Firstly, Vazquez's performance in leading the team is not too bad; secondly, it's not good to fire the head coach immediately after becoming a major shareholder of Mallorca. Jose doesn't want to coach in Spain in the future. There was some resistance in the circle; Sanlai, he planned to do something before the winter break.

The investment of 15 million U.S. dollars is not too much, but it is not much. Although it can't buy a leg of Figo, it can still play a huge role in some aspects.

In the current Mallorca, the team has a lot of hidden dangers. Aging is only one aspect. There is a lack of shooters who can score goals and a better midfield core...Although Jose relied on last season and now only two people are missing. The lineup won 42 league points and a glittering UEFA Cup championship, but Jose knew in his heart that the outstanding performance of last season might be the last afterglow of this group of veterans, although it was only less than half a year later, but The originally strong defense line has also begun to show signs of weathering...

If you want to achieve better results in the second half of the season, then strengthening the lineup is naturally imperative.

Regarding this point, Jose already has a few good candidates in mind. Mallorca's lineup does not need to be overhauled. It is not good to repair too much in the middle of the season, but it is still possible to make up for the vacancies in a few key positions. Yes, just a small fix is ​​needed, and Mallorca's overall strength will be completely different.

Now, he, Mallorca's newly appointed technical director, has to do something else to make himself worthy of the title of technical director.

"The change of the club's top management will not affect the operation of the team." On November 7th, the Mallorca Club officially announced that Jose Alemani became the club's largest shareholder and concurrently served as Mallorca's technical director. The day after the resignation, the Mallorca club held a press conference to answer some recent changes in the club.

There was neither Jose nor the second shareholder Grande who appeared at the press conference. Only the old Alemani sat on the stage, smiling like a Buddha.

"Jose didn't think about becoming the head coach of Mallorca, although as long as Mallorca needs it, he will be obliged to give everything he has. But now Coach Vazquez has not made a big mistake. Lorca's management also believes that coach Vazquez can do better in the future."

Alemani Sr. said this with a smile, leaving Mallorca fans slightly disappointed but with great hope now that Jose said he would return whenever Mallorca needed him. , then he will definitely not just watch Mallorca perform poorly, as long as this is the case, then there is no problem!

When the Mallorca fans were both disappointed and looking forward to it, Stankovic looked very disappointed.

Originally agreed to transfer and leave Mallorca, who has played for five seasons, because the head coach did not reuse him, but now, Jose is back! It also basically gained control of the club! In other words, Jose will be able to spend almost his entire coaching career in Mallorca next! With the level of pleasant cooperation last season, I should be able to perform better under Jose's men, but now, the contract has been signed, and there is no turning back...

If he had known that Jose was going to take over a few days earlier, Stankovic would not have signed the contract. If the Alemani and his sons had known about the offer from Marseille at the time, Jose would have taken the initiative to find out. Stankovic kept him - but this series of erroneous things made Stankovic leave Mallorca...

While Jose is making a strong comeback, Yugoslavian veteran Stankovic, who has played for the team for five and a half seasons, is about to leave Mallorca.

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