
Chapter 365: Three Random Children

It's been slightly more than a week since the incident with Redhaired's territory, and although Janet was kicked out of W.E.N.P., she still had plenty of connections with them, so she was able to unofficially publish her article about me. Thanks to the W.E.N.P.'s global network and whatnot, it didn't take long for word to spread; now, I was just waiting for the moment when I ran into Redhaired, as that would be fun.

"Tsk, are we being attacked again?" Asked Trenza in annoyance as she rolled onto the side while gazing at the ocean below, only to click her tongue.

"Haa, that's the third time today… And it's not even noon yet. Thanks, Captain." Added Trenza sarcastically as she raised her head and glanced at Diddy, who simply yawned.

"Ahh, stop complaining; Grand or Chala will deal with them. Besides, I need to resume my training." Remarked Diddy lightly as he glanced at Trenza before sitting upright, pushing her onto the other side of the hammock while the blanket fell, revealing her nudity.

"Yeah, I know, but they're annoying; I didn't expect much would change when you gave that speech, considering you're an Emperor of the Sea and all, but it seems I underestimated how much the One Piece means to these pirates." Said Trenza calmly with a sigh as she shook her head while watching Diddy stand up, prompting her to do the same.

Nodding at Trenza's words as I partially agreed, I'm just glad we turned out to be wrong; it wouldn't have been fun if my words hadn't stirred something within the pirates. However, I didn't care about these weak, little pirates that kept attacking me; I was more concerned with the four other Emperors; when would they come and try to acquire the eternal pose from me? Only when that happens can I truly say I've won.

"Hmm, what are you doing?" Asked Diddy with a frown as he glanced at Trenza, who was bending over the railing right before him, prompting his eyes to be drawn to her butt.

"Nothing." Replied Trenza lightly with a faint smirk, seemingly waiting for Diddy to make a move, yet she sighed when she saw him leap overboard before submerging himself into the ocean.

"Haa, I thought for sure he would take the bait. Hmm, was my ass not enticing enough?" Muttered Trenza softly as she looked behind her, eyeing her butt, only to shrug her shoulders while hoping back into the hammock.



Feeling powerful vibrations from above, I opened my eyes and raised my head, gazing upwards amidst the darkness at the depths of the seas; even with my impeccable eyes, I couldn't see a single thing, but that hardly affected my ability to maneuver through the ocean.

'What the hell is happening up there?' Thought Diddy with a raised eyebrow while curiously looking upwards, only for a powerful shockwave to cause the very ocean to shake.

My curiosity got the better of me, and I spread my observation haki, yet what I was witnessing wasn't something I was expecting; I was watching as three brown-skinned children with black wings, similar to King, attacked Pandemonium. However, what was strange was the fact that two of them were using familiar devil fruits, and to my knowledge, neither of them had died yet.

'Doflamingo and Crocodile, those two are still alive, correct? Well, Doflamingo might be dead, but I just saw Crocodile at Delta Island, though he was just watching from the sidelines.' Thought Diddy in slight confusion as he watched the three children attack Pandemonium, causing him to click his tongue as he reluctantly stood up.

Whoever these three children were, they were very strong; although we resisted them, it wasn't easy. Bullet and Freyja held their own against two devil fruit-using children, though that left everyone else to deal with the arguably more dangerous child wielding a sword.

'Huh. he seems familiar.' Mused Diddy lightly as he pushed off the seafloor, creating a sonic boom within the water while he speedily swam upwards, effortlessly surpassing the fastest aquatic animal.

While swimming upwards, the vibrations got stronger, and sunlight finally hit my eyes, allowing me to barely see the monstrous sea kings fleeing from my presence, causing me to smirk as I shifted my focus upwards. Once I emerged from the ocean, leaping into the sky, I witnessed the three different fights happening all around, causing me to smirk as I surged my conqueror's haki.

With the release of my haki, everyone stopped as all eyes were shifted to me, yet before I could even open my mouth, I was promptly attacked by a powerful sword wave, prompting me to outstretch my hand as I stopped the attack, though it left a deep gash on my palm.

'Strong.' Thought Diddy lightly with a feral grin as he eyed the sword-wielding child, only for him to suddenly move his body unnaturally.

Snaking my body through the several strings that lined the sky, I brandished my nails before cutting right through them all, freeing me as I floated in the air while eyeing the Doflamingo look-alike, only for me to shift my focus to the Crocodile wannabe, and as if right on queue, he attacked, summoning a massive pillar as it surged toward me. When it got close, it morphed into a knight wielding a sword before it unsheathed its sword and attacked me, though, with a powerful kick toward its chest, I cleaved it in half with a sharp blade of wind.

"Hehe, such strong enemies." Muttered Diddy with a grin as he licked his lips and brandished his nails while eyeing the three children, only for them to suddenly regroup.

"Come, let us return home; we're only supposed to test our strength." Said the child, wielding a sword as he glanced at the other two while grabbing something from his pocket, prompting the two others to follow suit.

I didn't know what they were talking about, but I didn't care; kicking the air, I lunged right for them with a feral grin, yet, just as I was about to slash them in half, my nails when right through their bodies, causing me to immediately stop as I turned and looked at where they should be standing.

"The fuck!?" Exclaimed Diddy in confusion as he eyed the spot where the three children were previously standing, prompting Bullet, Freyja, and everyone else to be taken aback.

"Did they just vanish?" Asked Scar in confusion as he glanced between Sebas and Diddy, though neither responded.

"I can't sense them anywhere around us. Did they just vanish like that? I mean, I don't blame them, but still, they just appeared out of nowhere, and now they're leaving like that as well?" Remarked Trenza as she opened her eyes, scratching her head while observing her surroundings in confusion.

"Hmph, everything is getting crazier than usual." Said Mael in slight annoyance as he folded his arms and shook his head.



While the Frenzy Pirates were dealing with the confusing disappearance of three powerful children, the rest of the world was making moves to deal with them as they were the closest to One Piece, and such a notion struck terror in even non-marines.



"Worororo! So you're still upset with your defeat at Chaos Kong's hands?" Asked Kaido with a faint smirk as he guzzled barrels of alcohol while eyeing the transponder snail in the distance.

"He'll come for you soon enough, Kaido! If we don't team up, you'll also be defeated!" Stated Linlin viciously as she spoke into the transponder snail, only for Kaido's laughter to echo through the microphone.

"Wororo, he already has. Heh, that bastard gave me one hell of a fight, worororo; I can't wait for him to return!" Declared Kaido loudly with a chuckle as he tossed the sixth barrel into the distance before grabbing another while staring into the transponder snail.

"Hmph, well, even so, he's growing too fast! Just a year ago, he couldn't even stand against me, and now, he's… Anyways, it doesn't matter! Next time he returns, he'll be much stronger than before; if you don't team up with us, you'll lose!" Remarked Linlin aggressively as she clenched her fist, yet the same laughter as before was heard.

"Worororo, that sounds good! Now leave me be, you old hag; I've got things to do." Said Kaido calmly with an eager smile, only for him to grunt as only static was heard, causing Linlin to nearly throw a fit.

"Tch, stupid meat-head! You wouldn't be alive if it weren't for me!" Yelled Linlin furiously as her body trembled in anger, yet in the end, she shut off her transponder snail, almost crushing it in the process.

"Zehahaha, we don't need him anyways; the two of us should be plenty to deal with a singular Emperor. Chaos Kong can't claim the One Piece!" Said Blackbeard with a wicked grin as he eagerly looked at Linlin, who nodded in agreement, though she still had difficulty calming down.

"Yes, you're right; I just wished to prevent Diddy from escaping; that bastard can be slippery. Between the two of us and our pirate crews, it should be more than what anyone can resist. However, I might be able to get Redhaired to join." Stated Linlin with a deep frown as she gazed at herself before glancing at the newspaper with Diddy, only to grin wickedly alongside Blackbeard.

"Zehahaha, Redhaired would be a great addition, but knowing him, I highly doubt it. But who said we need him to join us? After what Chaos kong had just done, Redhaired will be eager to fight him, when that happens, all we must do is swoop in and join the fun. I'm sure he wouldn't refuse our sudden intrusion." Stated Blackbeard with a sinister smile as he wickedly laughed while rubbing his hand, his words causing Linlin to viciously smile at his plan.


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Elven Legacy (Chapter 331: Astute Elaine) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 213: New House, Same Argument) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 375: Powerful Fights!)|| Marvel's Black Steel (Chapter 204: Victory!) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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