
Plano Town (3)

Octus 5, 3023 A.M., day of Thura, 9:01 a.m.


Branch Temple of Priest building, Plano Town.


"I don't eat…~~


"I don't sleep…~~"


Vivian sang under her breath as she climbed down the stairs. She was in her usual Inquisitor attire and was wearing her half-mask.


"I do nothing but think of you…~~"


When she finally reached the bottom, she turned and headed to the main lobby.


"You keep me under your spell…~~


"You keep me under your spell…~~


"You keep me under your spell…~~"


In the main lobby, there were several booths and counters, and also people.


When it came to the booths and counters, each had a personnel or two. However, not all of them were members of the Temple of Priests because each Branch Chapter Temples will only have 28 Priests -- 2 Red Cloaks, 1 Gray Cloak and 25 White Cloaks -- assigned to it. Because of that, Branch Chapter Temples would hire outsiders, mostly from the ruling Aristocratic Noble family, in order to build stronger friendships or working relationships and also have more political power within the town or village.




I didn't expect that there would be so many people here…


Not counting the personnel, there were at least 20 people, mostly men, who were here to be cured from their hangover with [Cleanse].


Normally, customers would have to pay 1 gold coin or 10 silver coins to be cast with [Cleanse]. However, for this week or during the Feugo Festival, all payments would be sponsored by Viscount Lozario and his family.


"Good morning, Sister Inquisitor Monad. How may I help you?" a Priest in his mid-30s standing behind a booth asked in Zonian.


Last night during dinner, she met all of the Priests and Priestesses assigned in this Branch Chapter Temple so they were already aware of her presence and also the fact that she can't speak Marbleamean.


"Good morning, brother. I want to go outside and explore the city so I need someone who knows the town and can speak Zonian."


The Priest nodded.


"I understand. I'll find someone to accompany you right now."


"Sister Inquisitor Monad?" a new male voice interjected.


She turned around to see who it was.


"Brother Lieutenant Caleb."


Caleb wasn't dressed in his Crusade Armor set and was wearing a White Cloak and civilian clothing.


"Brother Caleb would be fine," he said and then turned to the Priest behind the counter. "Brother Paquito," he said with a nod and smile.


"Brother Caleb," Paquito said with the same gesture.


Caleb returned his gaze to Vivian.


"Are you off to somewhere?"


"I'm planning to explore the town today. So I'm asking Brother Paquito here if he can assign me someone or an assistant who knows the town and can speak Zonian to accompany me."


"Well, if you don't mind, I can accompany you."




As members of the Holy Crusade, Pen, Caleb and Vivian were required to attend the main events of the Feugo Festival as the representatives of the Holy Kingdom. However, most of the main events happen in the afternoon, such as the Feugo Dance and the Feugo Tournament. Outside of those main events, they're free to do anything unless Pen, the highest commanding officer among them, gives them an order.


In the case of Vivian, although she really was interested in exploring the town, another reason why she didn't want to be at the Temple of Priest building or basically anywhere near Pen during her free time was because of her experience back in her original world.


Being with your work boss during your free time is always a huge headache. You can't relax or be too comfortable, you have to expect to be ordered to do some petty errands, and you also have to kiss butt or pretend like you're so interested and excited about whatever your boss has to say even if it doesn't have anything to do with you getting more money, a promotion or some sort of paid leave.


Caleb scratched the back of his head and let out an awkward smile.


"Although I'm not exactly familiar with the town, I'm quite fluent in Marbleamean."


"Um… I don't mind. However, it's not like I'm going on an epic adventure-tour-quest or anything. I'm mostly just going walk around, try some street food that High Brother Gusto mentioned last night, and do some shopping if I find something that I like."


Caleb flexed his bicep.


"No problem! I'm quite used to walking around aimlessly and carrying heavy stuff!" he said and then a dark and serious expression flashed across his face. "I'm serious... One time I was ordered to wander around the Great Plains of Stanza for days to track down a wanted Lesser Demon…"


"I see…" Vivian said as she suppressed the urge to take a step back. She then turned to Paquito who had his eyes closed and was nodding approvingly with a smile on his face.


What is he doing…?


She returned her gaze to Caleb.




I guess it's fine…?


At least he also doesn't look like a creep…


Or a troublemaker…


I think...


"Sure... Do whatever you want."




9:21 a.m.


Streets of Plano Town.


Vivian and Caleb were walking down a busy street filled with street vendors who were selling not only food but different kinds of items such as clothes, toys, etc as well. There were also street performers; some were singing, others were dancing and few were even doing what looked like a puppet show.


Thank God I decided to wear a one-piece sleeveless dress…


It's just too hot…


However, I can still feel people staring at me more than usual…


Are the effects of my blue blood showing already…?


She glanced at her arms.


But I just ate one before leaving the border checkpoint…


To be exact, her fellow personnel at the Third Inner Stanza Border Checkpoint provided her a meat of a blue-colored nervous system as part of their agreement.


It's making me even more self-conscious that the deodorant I put on seems to be losing its effects…


She suppressed the urge to check her armpits. However, she discreetly rubbed their skin against each other underneath her cloak and felt the light sweat.


But to be fair, Vivian and Caleb's appearance was just too eye-catching. Aside from them being members of the Temple of Priests and White Cloaks, Vivian was wearing a half-mask and not everyone knew that she was an Inquisitor because Inquisitors don't usually get assigned in towns and villages and then walk around in public, while Caleb wasn't bad-looking and some would assume he was a foreigner because of the paleness of his skin -- he didn't have the tanned or sun-kissed skin that Marbleameans usually have.


In fact, several women would stare at Caleb. And if he happens to look at them or pass by them, some would giggle and others would run away.


And naturally, because of the women's reactions, some men were staring at him with daggers. But of course, they wouldn't do it when he was in front of them because he was a Priest. However, once they were behind him, that's when they would curse under their breath and then spit on the ground.


Vivian's gaze landed on one of the pouches on her belt pouch.


I can hardly feel the weight because of my stats…


But every time I move, I can feel the weight shifting…


It's annoying…


The item or items that was inside one of her belt pouches was a coin pouch with 50 Marbleam gold and 500 Marbleam silver coins.


1 plat = 10 gold = 100 silvers = 1,000 coppers


Since she would be eating street food, not in restaurants, she can't use the coins inside her Class Crystal and she also can't use big coins.


The average meal of a normal citizen in taverns costs anywhere between 4-7 coppers and that already comes with a mug of beer with 7 coppers as a full meal. So for street food, one skewered meat could go for 1-2 coppers.


I just hope the food is worth it…


And if I get food poisoning…




I can just use [Cleanse]…


"Sister Inquisitor," Caleb's voice rang in her ears.


She turned to him and saw him pointing over one of the food stalls.


"I believe that's the one that High Brother Gusto mentioned last night."


Just like a Luxen City or every city, town and village that Vivian has been in this world, most shops utilize drawings rather than words in advertising themselves. If they do use words, chances are, it's usually a famous, a high-end establishment, or there are too many similar shops nearby that they need to stand out.


In this case, the food stall that Caleb was pointing at not only was showcased via a drawing but also with words. And the words were written in Marbleamean.


However, that wasn't the issue that Vivian was concerned about.


"The line is too long…"


"Well, High Brother Hugo did say the owner has won 7 times already in the Feugo Cookfest and is expected to win this year as well."


"Tch!" Vivian clicked her tongue which caught Caleb in surprise and caused him to look at her.


"But I guess they would let us cut the line?"


Cut the line…?


I wouldn't mind that…


But I would be too embarrassed to do that…


"Let's just try the other stalls," she said before turning and walking away without any warning.


Caleb immediately caught up with Vivian and he secretly stole a glance from her.


Vivian found a food stall that had no customers and she made a quick assessment of its appearance as she stood in front of it.


Looks decent enough I guess…


She glanced at the "sample food" on the side.


"Mar-Good mar-morning, Mar-Honored Mar-Priest mar-and Mar-Honored Mar-Priestess! Mar-How mar-may mar-I mar-take mar-your mar-order?" a female vendor in her late 30s said.


"What is that and how much is one?"


"Mar-You mar-want mar-to mar-buy mar-one, Mar-Honored Mar-Priestess…?" the female vendor said as her gaze bounced between Vivian and Caleb.


"Sister, please allow me to help you," Caleb said and then turned to the lady vendor. "Mar-How mar-much mar-is mar-one mar-xuixo mar-and mar-what mar-is mar-it mar-mixed mar-with?"


Hearing Caleb speak Marbleamean, the female vendor's eyes brightened.


"Mar-It mar-will mar-be mar-coated mar-with mar-a mar-special mar-jam mar-so mar-it's mar-2 mar-coppers, Mar-Honored Mar-Priest! Mar-But mar-for mar-a mar-lovely mar-and mar-beautiful mar-couple, mar-I'll mar-make mar-it mar-3 mar-coppers mar-if mar-you mar-buy mar-two!"


Xuixo was a deep-fried 5-foot-long dough filled with cream on the inside. And after frying, it would be coated with a red-colored jam in honor of the Fire Element or God of Fire.


Caleb turned to Vivian.


"Sister Inquisitor, the dish is called a xuixo and it costs 2 Marbleamean coppers. However, she's willing to sell two pieces to us for 3 coppers."


"Tell her that I'm thankful for the offer and may the God of Light continue to watch over her. However, I don't need it, I want her to earn profit. After that, tell her that I want to buy worth 3 silvers."


"3 silvers?" he said with wide eyes and then calculated inside his head. "That's 15 pieces, right...?"


Vivian nodded.


"Yes, 10 for me and 5 for you."


"Thank you, sister, but I don't need that many. One or two would be enough for me."


Vivian nodded once more.


"I see. I still want 15 pieces -- 13 for me and 2 for you."


"Okay," Caleb said and then turned to the female vendor. "Mar-My mar-sister mar-is mar-thankful mar-for mar-the mar-offer mar-but mar-please mar-charge mar-us mar-2 mar-coppers mar-per mar-xuixo mar-because mar-she mar-wants mar-you mar-to mar-earn mar-profit. Mar-Also, mar-we mar-would mar-like mar-to mar-order mar-15 mar-pieces. Mar-Thank mar-you."


A bright smile appeared on the female vendor's face.


"Mar-Thank mar-you mar-so mar-much, Mar-Honored Mar-Priest mar-and Mar-Honored Mar-Priestess! Mar-May mar-the Mar-Elemental Mar-Gods, mar-especially mar-the Mar-God mar-of Mar-Fire mar-and Mar-God mar-of Mar-Light mar-bless mar-you mar-both! Mar-Also, mar-congratulations mar-on mar-having mar-a mar-very mar-beautiful mar-and mar-generous mar-wife!"


Caleb smiled.


"Mar-She's mar-not mar-my mar-wife. Mar-She's mar-my mar-co-worker."


The female vendor's eyes widened.


"Mar-Oh…! Mar-Please mar-forgive mar-me, Mar-Honored Mar-Priest…!" she said and lowered her head. "I didn't mean to offend you or anything…!"


"Mar-It's mar-fine," Caleb said and smiled as he waved his hand.


The female vendor began preparing the xuixo. She refried the xuixos on the side before taking it out and then coating it with a red-colored jam.


Vivian just finished taking out 3 silver coins from her coin pouch when she turned to Caleb.


"Is there a place here where we can sit down and eat?"


Caleb looked around.


"I believe if we walked a couple of steps away from here, we're bound we find a bench or something."


"Based on this crowd, I doubt if it would even be vacant."


Caleb let out a small chuckle.




"Can you ask her if I can put the xuixo on the counter while I eat them?"




"Huh?" Vivian replied back.


"While you eat them?" 


"Yes, I'm going to eat them here."


"You're going to eat all of them here? Like here, right now? You're not going to take them out?"


"No, I'm going to eat all of them right here, right now."


Caleb was still processing things inside his head as he turned to the female vendor.


He then recalled Vivian's "healthy appetite" during last night's dinner which surprised a lot of people. However, he simply dismissed it as a one-time thing and forgot about it. After all, in his head, it would be weird to make a mental note of someone else's appetite or eating habits, especially if it's a woman.


He turned to the female vendor.


"Mar-Is mar-it mar-fine mar-if mar-we mar-leave mar-the mar-xuixo mar-here mar-while mar-we mar-eat mar-all mar-of mar-them?"


"Mar-No mar-problem, Mar-Honored Mar-Priest!"


"Mar-Thank mar-you," he said and smiled.


The female vendor finished preparing the first 5 xuixos and served them on top of a wooden plate covered with leaves on the side.


Vivian's eyes turned to slits.


Is that even safe…?


Wood and leaf…?


Why not tissue…?


Or some sort of stick…?


"Sister, this is how you eat it," Caleb said.


He grabbed one of the leaves, wrapped it on a xuixo, picked it up, and then took a bite.


Although the xuixo was still fresh from the fry, thanks to Caleb's superhuman stats, his mouth wasn't affected by the heat. However, it's important to note that sweating because of heat and getting burned are two different things. The same goes for feeling cold because of the cold weather and getting frozen.


"I see," Vivian said.


Good thing I didn't wear any lipstick today…


She replicated what Caleb did.




Instead of biting and then stopping for a couple of seconds to savor the explosion of flavors inside her mouth, she would only stop for a second before taking another bit.

Both Caleb and the female vendor were caught by surprise. Although the xuixo was only about 5 inches long, for a lady to eat 4 pieces in a flash as if it was nothing was quite a sight.


In the case of the female vendor, when Caleb told her that they were ordering 15 pieces and then also asked if they could leave the food on the counter, she didn't really think about it. In her head, after a few bites or so, they would probably give it away to the people nearby or order her to wrap it with one large leaf and then take it somewhere. 


Vivian just swallowed her third xuxio when she turned to Caleb.


"Why is she not focusing on preparing the rest?"


Caleb turned to the female vendor.


"Mar-Is mar-the mar-next mar-batch mar-ready? Mar-We mar-ordered mar-15 mar-pieces."


"Mar-Oh! Mar-Sorry, Mar-Honored Mar-Priest!" the female vendor said and then quickly started preparing for the next batch.




11:09 a.m.


Vivian got tired of standing and eating at the street food stalls.


She was now sitting outside a restaurant with Caleb but only she was eating while Caleb had a half-empty glass of wine.


In front of Vivian were three dishes.


The first one was patatas bravas which was basically just chopped fried potatoes or what passes off as potatoes in this world partnered with sauce. In this case, since they were are the Feugo Festival, it was a red-colored sauce.


This cost 10 coppers and she only ordered one.


The second dish was called bocadillo. Basically, it was 10-inch long bread and inside it was several thin slices of ham or what the locals here call jamon. And according to the waiter, the meat is from a Tamare and it was dry-cured for 4 years which is supposedly a good time.


This cost 10 coppers each and she ordered two pieces, so 2 silvers.


The third dish was some sort of steak or what the locals call chuleton. And according to the waiter, it was dry-aged for 45 days. Although it was a little over the legal limit, because it shouldn't go beyond 42 days, the waiter said that they have a special legal permit due to the magnificent cooking skills of the chefs.


This cost 2 silvers each and she ordered two pieces, so 4 silvers.


Caleb watched Vivian eat with awe.


It has been almost 2 hours since they left the Temple of Priest building and came here to eat. However, not only has Vivian tried several street food stalls, but she was still eating as if she had a bottomless stomach.


In fact, one of the reasons why Vivian decided to eat at a restaurant was so that she could use the toilet to pee from all the water and wine she drank.


And if Caleb didn't know that Vivian was a member of the Temple of Priests, he would've suspected her to be a demon because of the amount of food she consumed and how her stomach don't seem to bloat -- not that he had any personal experience to witness such things.


As a member of the Temple of Priests, although he has encountered demons during his Holy Crusade, he has only heard about their insatiable hunger -- and this is assuming they're not part of the Temple of Necromancers and have already unlocked the [Undead Ascension] Class Magic. Whenever he meets a demon, it always breaks into a fight so there was no chance for him to observe, study or mingle with them.


"You know, sister, there are some food establishments that offer contests where a patron can participate in some sort of food race. And if they can finish the dish under a certain amount of time, they won't have to pay and will be given a trophy to commemorate their achievement. But if they fail to finish the dish within the given allotted time, they would have to pay for the dish."


Vivian picked up her glass of wine and took a sip to help her swallow the food inside her mouth.


"I see. Unfortunately, I'm not interested in such things. Also, I believe the dishes in food contests like that aren't even tasty or poorly cooked."


At least that's what I experienced with all-you-can-eat buffets back in my original world…


Caleb lowered his head a bit.


"Please forgive me, sister, I didn't mean to insult you or anything. In fact, I would admit, I wasn't even aware that there are issues like that."


Vivian squinted her eyes behind her Inquisitor Half-Mask.


Is this guy lying…?


However, he does look like he came from a rich family…


Just the way he carries himself…


In fact, not only does he have an air similar to those Aristocratic Nobles…


But he's also too comfortable with them…




Now that I think about it…


I remember Gusto mentioning yesterday afternoon inside the carriage that he's from an old and prestigious Priest family related to several Light Saints and Cardinals…


Even during last night's dinner, everyone seems to be too friendly with him…


I want to ask him a couple of personal questions…


But if I were to do that, I should be expecting the same treatment…


She let out a sweet smile.


"There's nothing to ask for forgiveness, brother."


Fuck it…


I'll just focus on eating…


She resumed eating.


When she was finally done, a few minutes later, she took out a pocket watch.

11:24 a.m.


Time moves so fast…




Caleb, who was quietly observing the people passing by, turned his head to her.


"Yes, sister?"


"What time do we need to go to the Feugo Tournament?"


"We should at least be ready and at the Temple around 12:30 p.m., and then we would leave at 12:45 p.m. However, given that this is the Feugo Tournament, the most popular event of the Feugo Festival, I believe we should be ready at 12:00 because there's going to be a lot of traffic."


"I see."


"What time is it?"






Vivian signaled at a waiter nearby.




Vivian and Caleb were walking down a street and on their way back to the Temple.




I feel so dirty from all the sweat…


I also feel sleepy…


I'm definitely going to take a bath once get back…


She let out a sigh.


Why do I need to attend that shitty tournament…?


What a fucking waste of time…


Caleb suddenly stopped.




"Hmm?" Vivian mumbled as she turned to him.


Caleb wore a serious expression on his face as he was looking at something else.




A crowd formed a large circle in the middle of the street. However, instead of a joyous and festive atmosphere, it was a solemn one with tinge of blood in the air.


In the middle of the circle, a bruised and bloody young man in his late teens was on his knees while being held by a man in his late 20s with red hair and a roguish demeanor wearing an intricate set of leather and plate armor and a flamboyant hat with feathers. 


In front of them was a man in his early 20s with black hair and tanned skin and was wearing what looked like a nobleman's hunting attire. And behind him were 4 other people who were around the same age as the man with red hair and they were also wearing a set of leather and plate armor.


If someone were to ask Vivian who these people are, she could more or less answer it.


The man in his early 20s was Alejandro, one of the grandsons of Viscount Lozario. She met him once at the border checkpoint when he was trying to cross and enter the Great Plain of Stanza to hunt.


Meanwhile, the man in his late 20s with red hair and a roguish demeanor was none other than Emiliano, the leader of the Mercenary group called Nessuno from La Spada Kingdom. And the people behind Alejandro were the members of his group. She too met them at the border checkpoint when they were trying to cross and enter the Marbleam Kingdom with 4 corpses of Lesser Demons.


Alejandro stepped forward and crouched down in front of the bruised and bloody young man.


"I will admit, I'm not surprised that there would be thieves who would try to pickpocket during the festival.


"But for you to pickpocket people while they were greeting me? I must say, that I'm really surprised.


"However, I also feel so insulted. I didn't know I had such a poor and weak reputation in the eyes of the criminals."


He activated a skill.


[Mana Sword].


A sword made out of blue mana manifested on his right hand.


He turned to Emiliano.


"Hold out his right arm."


Emiliano nodded and did what he was told.




"Ahh…...!" the thief could only let out a weak groan as his right arm was sliced off and blood spraying because he was already badly bruised to begin with.


An irritated look appeared on Alejandro's face.


"Heal him!"


Emiliano cast a spell.




A faint yellow light appeared on the thief's body and most of his wounds were healed. However, his right arm, or what was left of it, was still bleeding.


Emiliano cast another one.




This time around, 90% of the thief's wounds and bruises disappeared. However, his arm did not regenerate. Even with his Bard's AOE Class Magic healing spell [Lullaby] won't work. Only something like the Priest's [Greater Heal] can repair lost limbs.


"MY LORD, FORGIVE ME!!! PLEASE HAVE MERCY!!!" the thief begged.




Emiliano slapped the back of the thief's head. And due to the gap in their Physical Force, the thief was left in a daze.


Emiliano then held out the thief's left arm.


Alejandro smiled as he activated a spell.


[Enchant Fire].


Red flames wrapped around his Mana Sword and he raised it.


"Now for the finale.


"If your body turns to ash, you can only blame yourself for disrespecting me.


"But if it doesn't, I'll pay for your resurrection and make sure you rot in prison for the rest of your life."




He was about to strike down when someone caught his wrist.


"That's enough," a male voice said.


Alejandro moved his head and his eyes turned to slits.




It was Caleb.


Alejandro tried to move his wrist but he could barely move it, which caught him in a surprise.


As an Aristocratic Noble who is part of the main family, despite him still in his early 20s, his Physical and Magic Force were already at Rainbow Steel. Caleb, on the other hand, was in his late 20s. And based on that interaction earlier, Alejandro estimated that his Physical Force was around two Grades higher than his.


However, it's also important to note that not all Aristocratic Nobles have the work ethic to train. Some need a lot of "persuasion" just so they would train.


"How dare you touch me, foreigner! Unhand me, peasant!"


"I will, if you promise to cease this senseless violence."


Alejandro turned to Emiliano and his group.


"What are you waiting for?!"


Emiliano let go of the thief before taking off his hat and lowering his head.


"My Lord, this Honored Priest is one of the special guests of your grandfather from the Holy Kingdom and he's with two Inquisitors, one of them a Gold Cloak," he said and then turned to Caleb. "Honored Priest, please unhand our employer or we will be forced to perform our duties."


"Zon-Brother, zon-that's zon-enough," a female voice interjected.


Everyone turned and landed their gaze on Vivian who was walking towards them.


When she finally got to them, she picked up the thief with one hand and raised him up.






She chopped off the neck with her other hand, causing the head to fall down and roll over.




She let go of the body and then turned to Caleb and Alejandro who both had a surprised and confused expression on their faces.


"Zon-A zon-criminal zon-is zon-a zon-criminal.


"Zon-But zon-most zon-importantly, zon-this zon-is zon-the Mar-Marbleam Mar-Kingdom, zon-not zon-the Mar-Holy Mar-Kingdom zon-or zon-a zon-subsidiary zon-kingdom, zon-and zon-we're zon-guests zon-here. Zon-We zon-should zon-respect zon-the zon-laws zon-and zon-traditions zon-of zon-this zon-kingdom.


"Zon-Do zon-you zon-understand zon-me, zon-brother?"


When Caleb let go of Alejandro's wrist, Vivian turned to Alejandro.


"Zon-Lord Zon-Alejandro, zon-please zon-forgive zon-the zon-actions zon-of zon-my zon-brother. Zon-I zon-hope zon-that zon-the zon-Marbleam zon-Kingdom, zon-your zon-faction, zon-and zon-your zon-family zon-will zon-continue zon-to zon-have zon-a zon-friendly zon-and zon-prosperous zon-relationship zon-with zon-the Zon-Holy Zon-Kingdom, zon-the Zon-Temple zon-of Zon-Priests zon-and zon-the Zon-Holy Zon-Crusade."


Alejandro glanced at the headless thief for a moment before returning his gaze to Vivian.


As an Aristocratic Noble located in the southern region of the Marbleam Kingdom, he had his fair share of meeting Inquisitors assigned at the Inner Stanza Border Checkpoints. And based on what he knows about Inquisitors, they weren't known for their fighting prowess. Instead, they were more known for their intelligence and investigative skills which they have to use in rooting out any form of corruption within the Temple of Priests. Moreover, when it comes to political power, they're equal to a Red Cloak. Because of these things, from his point of view or the way he sees it, Inquisitors are trapped in this awkward position where Priests fear and respect them, but only to a certain extent.


However, this was his first time meeting an Inquisitor who didn't even flinch when killing someone. And despite her wearing a half-mask, it was still obvious. Even her voice, when she spoke earlier, there was no fear, nervousness or excitement -- she was simply too calm and too relaxed, not to mention she was a member of the Temple of Priests where the core of learning their Class Magic is to ease the pain and suffering of others. With that, he arrived at two conclusions or possibilities.


This Inquisitor is so dedicated to her job.


Or this Inquisitor is a cold-blooded killer.


Even Caleb, Emiliano and his group, and the people around more or less reached the same conclusion.


"May I ask your name, Priestess Inquisitor?"


"Sister Inquisitor Monad."





Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


By the way, I posted the drafts of Chapters 278-313 which is up to the end of Volume II for free at my Patreon account.


Please note that those are just drafts and I didn't even edit them so there will still be changes once I post them here.

I would like to thank these Top 5 Immortal Power Voters:

First Seat: DaoistL27fr7

• Second Seat: DaoistowxxrO

• Third Seat: Higime142

• Fourth Seat: Leitor_Morto

• Fifth Seat: Immortal_Shades (I don't even know why I'm #5 when I don't even vote and it doesn't even add-up on the daily tally)

And in case you really like what I do and want to support me even further, do consider joining my Patreon group worth $2 a month. 


This novel would never have a chance to get a contract because of WebNovel's rules. Despite that, I still don't want to drop this novel because of that. First of all, I'm not saying I don't want to be a famous writer or have monetary gains because, I'm not gonna lie, those things would be very nice. However, as I mentioned at the end of Volume I, my main reason for writing this novel came out of my own selfish desire to read a novel about grinding. Hell, even my first novel was the same though I can't remember the exact reason why. I think it was because I ran out of reading WebNovels with evil protagonists? Furthermore, no one in my real or personal life even knows that I'm writing novels (they just assume I'm just a weirdo who spends countless of hours staring at his laptop everyday lmao).


With that being said, I would like to give my special thanks for this month's Immortal Patron(s):




I also created social media accounts for Vivian:

Instagram: vivian_lightstorm

Facebook: Vivian Vivian

TikTok: vivian.lightstorm

On these socials, I will be posting extra details about Vivian and the world she inhabits that I couldn't post here in WebNovel because it would break the story's immersion and other reasons such as the limitations of the WebNovel site.

Thank you once again and I will see you in the next chapter :)







Hi, sorry for not fulfilling my promise last Friday. Unfortunately, I got stuck. As I mentioned last time, I’m rewriting the Plano Town arc. And one of the biggest problems I encountered was that I couldn’t think of a cool way to tie Vivian with the events/plot in an active, consistent and believable manner. I’m sorry, this is the best I can do, I've failed. These 3 chapters I’ve posted are for last week. I’ll post another 3 for this week once I'm done rewriting. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience :(

Immortal_Shadescreators' thoughts
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