
Chapter 15

"Well well well, Zhang Huan, you truly are a piece of shit." Wen said as he looked at a computer.

He had bought an apartment and was sitting in there after buying a laptop for himself as he smiled. With his abilities he easily managed to learn about the dealings that were done by Zhang Huan as he saw the many shady things that he has done.

He has participated in some money laundering, and a few other things. He seems to have cut corners in his company, bribery, the lot. He also saw the bribes he had sent to some of the companies that had rejected him a year back.

"But still, to think that you would be the one to cause some of the fame of the Xiao family to decrease. Of course, there are others." Wen said as he looked at the info.

There were also other families who seemed to have helped him as they seemed to be a bit antagonistic with the Xiao family.

'Did he use their antagonistic relationship with each other to his advantage? Looks like it. Hmm, I can use this to my advantage." Wen said with a smile on his face.

He wasn't going to act on it at the moment. Until he has gotten his life here a bit better. He wasn't thinking about meeting his family, he figured that they would be fine without him. They were always complaining about him being lazy and incompetent compared to other boys and not meeting their expectations.

"I should just enjoy my time. Besides, it's already been a year now so they have already moved on from my death." Wen mused to himself as he smiled.

He thought about what to do and decided to just have a tour of the city and go to its many places, like the museum and other related things. He has all the time in the world after all.

With that in mind he went out of his place and decided to walk there as he enjoyed the time he has on the world. Though he supposed that due to how competative this world it the people don't have much time to appreciate its beauty.

He looked at some news being displayed on a billboard screen about some drug smugglers being caught in China as a wistful smile appeared on his face as he looked at the news. He then reached the museum and entered it.

He smiled at the many Chinese historical items that is being displayed in the museum. As he was walking he stopped as he sharpened his senses to a conversation that was going on in a private room. They were talking about a deal between the owner of the museum and a wealthy man about buying a 300 year old urn. The urn had gone out of style for the people it seems and the owner didn't seem aversed to selling it.

'Hmm, let's take a look at the urn, it is going to be sold off anyway.' Wen thought to himself as he went to the display.

He looked at the urn and his eyes narrowed a bit as he could feel yin energy on the urn, though it wasn't enough to actually do any damage to a living being. It could barely be felt by him and would pose no danger to others. Seeing that he kept on his leisure walk as he passed by other similar items which has some yin energy in then but he didn't do anything as he couldn't actually touch any one of them and since he didn't want to stand out he went on his merry way. He was adept at being normal so it was really easy for him.

After he had seen the items in the museum he went to the zoo and enjoyed his time there as he watched the animals and also gave some extra food for them which he made in their cages. He also communicated with a few of them and also healed the injuries or diseases that they had while also making their bodies very healthy. He was very unhappy about how the lion and tiger and other predatory animals didn't seem to have been fed that much and had revitalized them.

"I'll come and take a look at you guys again." Wen said to them before he walked away from the birds.

He then exited the place and went to an appliance store and bought a gaming PC for himself as he went to his apartment with a smile. He quickly set it up and got ready to play some of the game she bought. But before that he decided to try his luck in the stock market as he opened an account for himself decided to invest in some of it as he watched it. He may have used some of his powers to see the results but who was going to fault him, it wasn't like he was stealing from anybody anyway.

He quickly made some money using it before he decided to stop for then and took out a God of War game and started to play it with a smile on his face. He had always wanted to play it, but due to the fact that he didn't have the equipment and time he wasn't able to. He enjoyed the time playing the game.

The next week, he did almost the same, he played games, used his powers to rat out and bring to justice some evildoers in society while making sure to keep his participation obscure so that no one could link it up with it. He also paid a good amount of money to orphanages to help them.

He had also made sure that the staff of the orphanages which didn't care much about the children were found out and had them fired from their jobs and manipulating things so that kind people would be the ones to get the job there. The people were very happy from his donations as he also made and gave some toys for the children to play with.

'These children shouldn't learn about the struggles of the world at their age. They should just enjoy their childhood.' Wen thought to himself as he smiled at the kids who were happy to get new toys.

He went to a mountain area to feel the mountain air and greenery as he smiled at the nature surrounding him as he liked it. He could feel the chi surrounding him as he smiled at the sensation. His own presence there helped the plants as flowers bloomed, leaves became healthier, plants grew a bit due to it, the birds chirped, the small stream also became a bit clearing when some of his chi cleansed it.

But he stopped in his walk when he felt a string of strong yin energy in the chi flow of the mountain so he looked at it and found it to be from a cluster of chi energy a few miles away from the mountain.

"Guess I have found a job after all." Wen said to himself as he looked at the direction.

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