
Information Attack

After flying to the island, I immediately put Ruby on the ground in my house. I was worried about her all the way, but I had to fly slower and at a lower altitude. If I flew at the speed of sound, Ruby might just suffocate.

Moving away from her, I sat on the opposite side of the room and watched the people. As soon as I put Ruby on the floor, people started tending to her. I noticed Dr. Newton and many other people I did not know. Dr. Newton himself was a biologist, not a veterinarian, but Ruby was no ordinary animal either.

My journey back took several hours, during which time Dr. Newton and other people arrived on the island. I was grateful to Marshal for such promptness.

From what I could tell, the biggest problem was the shrapnel. People spent a lot of time trying to get out all the pieces of metal stuck in her under the skin. Fortunately, she was alive, but people were still in a hurry to do everything. If she woke up now, she wouldn't be able to bear the pain of the operation. No one knew what dose of anesthesia she needed or whether anesthesia would affect her at all.

After 5 hours Yun came to me with a sad face.

"Hello. Ruby will be fine. Don't worry," Yun said, but she only smiled slightly as she said these words.

"Then why are you so sad?" There was something strange about Yun, as if she was sad for a completely different reason. Ruby was going to be fine and I could have breathed a sigh of relief, but the look on Yun's face made me wary.

"A lot of bad news is shown on the Internet and on TV," Yun replied.

"What news?"

"Are you sure you want to see this? Won't you be angry?" Yun asked with some fear. She was brave, but not stupid. A titan could crush her without even noticing, and in anger this could happen.

"Is they talk about attack to Ruby?" I wanted to prepare myself not to get angry. I was tired from working on the ax and I felt a lack of energy. I needed to absorb the radiation. In this state, the most I can do is a few fiery breaths. The attack on Ruby only made my morale worse.

"No... There they are talking about your attack on warships. I'm sorry," Yun unconsciously took a few steps back.

This information puzzled me. They attacked first, but in the end they make me guilty. I did attack and sink one of the ships, and I was sure people died there, so there's no point in justifying myself. But in such situations it is important to understand who was the aggressor and who was the victim.

My brain was working fast thinking about what was going on here. It all started with the request of the World Council to return Ruby to them, or even earlier. It is true that the military often misbehaved with me, but they did not save my life more than once.

I couldn't get out of my head the fact that it was not similar to previous conflicts with the military. Those ships deliberately provoked me. This means that they are now trying to inflate this situation to a planetary scale.

If this continues, the people on the island and even the Marshal may suffer. They will provoke me with various nonsense and show the world only my reaction to their provocations, thus destroying my "reputation" and creating the image of an animal trying to dominate humanity.

'Do they want to kill the king?' That thought crossed my mind. Not that I thought of myself as a king or even bothered to dominate. It's just that this saying suited this situation. This was the worst case scenario. If they continue to spread lies, then it can only end in bloodshed.

If people are pumped with lies, they won't rest until they see someone's blood, and in this case it will be my blood...

"Show me what they say about me." I needed to make sure how serious everything was.

"OK. In these news they tell only about the destroyed ship. They completely ignore Ruby's role in this situation. They even deleted my videos I made with Ruby last week. They pretend Ruby doesn't exist at all." Yun spoke while turning on the tablet. She did not turn on the large spotlight that was on the ceiling of the room so as not to disturb the veterinarians.

"…this ugly monster killed my son! He served as a sailor for only one year and he is gone!" A female voice was heard from the tablet. The woman cried and cursed Torterra for killing her son. Then there were a few more people who claimed the same thing, and after that Yun changed the channel.


The next video showed a scene of Torterra attacking the ship. His beam of light, from the tail, roared and cut the ocean in half along with the ship. It was a short video that only showed this moment.

"They only show this scene on all channels. I asked Marshall if he had a video of the ships shooting at you and Ruby, but he said they destroyed his drone. He was only able to record the part where they were shooting at Ruby." Yun said as she switched the channels.

"... fell ill with an unknown disease. Doctors say that some new bacteria has appeared in the water, which is causing severe nausea and intestinal upset. No one knows what kind of bacteria it is, and antibiotics show variable success in fighting the disease. Torterra spent a lot of time in this region. Could it be his fault?"

  "...already ten ships are missing. Searches are underway 24 hours a day, but no wreckage has been found. The Australian Coast Guard has no reports of assistance from sailors. It looks like they just disappeared. Could there be other Titans in the area , like the Torterra or his smaller version that attacked the coast of China? How many other monsters like them exist?"

"...I've lost all my crops! This damned monster walked through my field and the whole field is covered with weeds. Now it's unworkable. I'm bankrupt! What should I do now?"

"...Don't think he's worried about us! No! He's just protecting his territory. He's an animal and you have to remember that. So what, he can talk?! Chimpanzees can sign language too, there's nothing special. Torterra just has a bigger brain."

"...These people are here to support the beast. They are behaving very inappropriately, burning cars and destroying shop windows. They claim that Torterra is their boss and that they will not allow his name to be tarnished. I will not go into details, but these young people don't look very intelligent, but they do a lot of material damage. Who's going to pay for it?"

Yun was switching channels and they were saying something against me on all the channels. The latest news made me smile. There were people who understood everything, but they were made the oddballs and marginals of society.

"Sorry. There is nothing I can do. My channel has been blocked for a month due to a complaint. Until the channel is unblocked, there is nothing I can do." Tears flowed from Yun's eyes. She worked very hard on her channel, but it was closed so easily. She lost everything.

"Do not Cry. I'll figure it out." I answered her.

"What? How will you figure it out?" Yun was surprised. She couldn't see how the giant could get her channel unblocked?

I did not answer her. Slowly standing up, I picked up my new ax that was lying next to me and headed for the exit.

"Why do you need an ax? Oppa? The marshal asked to convey that you do not do stupid things! Hey!" I didn't pay attention to what Yun was shouting at me. Slowly and surely I walked to the edge of the island and dove into the ocean.

Everything Yun showed me said I was under an organized attack. The people who arranged all this want something, and it's useless for them to just destroy my reputation. The only goal they pursue is my death.

These people behind the scenes are preparing society for my execution. They don't want society to be too shocked. If they killed me for no reason, it would be difficult for them to control the situation.

'OK. If you're already making me a monster, then I can only play as a monster!''I had a smile on my face as I sailed to Australia.

The World Council is currently investing an incredible amount of resources into the Wall of Life, and I decided to strike at their pride. If they want to kill me, why sit and wait for them to come to the island for my head. So many people can die. It is better for me to choose where and when this will be.

I was about to tear down the wall they had been building so hard for the past few years. They can say that I am pure evil and will have reason to attack me openly. But smart people will understand that this wall is just a useless thing.

By destroying the wall, I will be able to see what the World Council wants from me. If they're going to attack me, then they've been looking for an excuse all this time. If they don't attack, then I don't care about this whole circus they've put on, but the wall will already be destroyed.


I laughed underwater. I wondered how strong this wall was. In the movie, the Kaiju destroyed the wall in one hour, it seems…

'Yes! Striking first is a good idea.'Thinking like this, I continued swimming.


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