
Long range tactics

Kimimaro was exhausted after all the action from the mission he was mentally exhausted and then on top of that, rushing to the top of the mountain drained his entire physical strength left from the rushing back to the clan.(keep in mind that soldiers pills are not a commodity yet.)

He got inside his house just before the last rays of the sun shine for the last time for the day. He went to the kitchen and directly devoured started half of kilogram of rice. After that he directly started going to his bed to get much deserved rest. But just before he entered in his room a hand grabbed his shoulder.

A heavy pressure was unleashed from behind him. The hairs on the back of his head stood up.

"Where do you think you are going boy. You smell worse than a horse shit. Go directly to the bathroom."

Then he directly was yeeted from the ground, thrown down the stairs like some kind of doll. After three presentations of his diving skills he crashed brutally on the end of the staircase.

"Another happy landing." Kimimaro thought and dragged himself to the bath to clean himself before being thrown again but this time to the stable to sleep with the horses or the sheep.

After scrubbing himself and drying himself to he looked down to the calm waters. There was something new in his eyes that wasn't there before. Was it acceptance of his new fate or the killings changed him somehow, he did not know.  He quickly left the bath and went upstairs to finally sleep.

On the next day even before his grandfather told him he started climbing the mountain. In the afternoon he already returned to the clan.

"Wow, before I needed whole day to climb up and down and now after almost two months I can climb it way faster than before. He returned to his house. And spotted his grandfather drinking tea by himself. On the outside table. He sat infront of him and started arranging the shogi table.

"Gramps I have a problem." Kimimaro said as he did his first move.

"What is it." Zangetsu said as he moved his piece.

"Well even if I get stronger, physically, I don't have as many options for ranged combat. I was lucky on that mission that we didn't face a ninjutsu clan in extensive battle. Yea we fought the Uchiha but the battle was over fast and even if I outsmarted my opponent, in that fight I might not be as lucky the next time, you know, after all he lost because his arrogance not incompetence."

"Hmmm true. And how do you think you can overcome this weakness?" Zangetsu said as he played his piece.

"Well, ninjutsu ofcorse. But that is not an option for now because of my age."

"You are right you are not old enough for ninjutsu.But there is another way."

"And what is this way?" Kimimaro asked as he looked up towards his grandfather."

"Well it is easy.What are the advantages of the Byakugan." Zangetsu said as he played with his moustache.

"Well, no blind spots, long vision, and seeing chakra movement." Kimimaro said

"Indeed. Now let's just say if you for example. Can see someone for at least three hundred meters. What will you do to kill him?"

"I will ambush him ofcorse." Kimimaro replied.

"Well yes but there is even a way, which is safer, and more silent."

"And what is it?"Kimimaro said with little frustration when he saw that he entered in a trap on the board."

"A very simple weapon that accompanied the human civilisation from times immemorial."

"An axe?" Kimimaro said with confusion.

"No you stupid child, a bow. Imagine this you are three hundred meters distance from your enemies, you clearly see them but they don't. You sent an arrow towards the sky, and twenty seconds poof you have once less enemy, who didn't even understood how he died."

Kimimaro eyes lit up. Yes how can he be so stupid.

"Yea that's great idea but that is for long range longer than fifty meters. What about closer to that, Kimimaro asked while still thinking about the bow."

"Well you already know Teshī Sendān, so you must refine your Shurikenjutsu, and after you are close to twelve we shall expand your knowledge about jutSUS."

"The winter is coming so there won't be any escorting missions so you might as well refine your skills and learn to use the bow.I will buy you one seventy pound bow.(It is actually not that hard to use after some training for a kid. (My bow is one hundred ten and it is not that hard to pull it.)

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