
Chapter 385 Leadership Inspection

The call connected.

Yang Yaowen activated the speakerphone, setting the volume to maximum.

Yang Yaowu's voice came through the phone, "Yaowen, the situation is looking very good. Lai Mei Fitness has made a move, but their response is laughable, they actually applied for administrative review, haha!"

Administrative review is when you don't agree with certain actions taken by officials against you and you file an appeal.

After receiving an administrative review, officials will re-examine the justness and legality of the action.

However, this review process can be rather troublesome and there's a high degree of uncertainty with regards to the timeline.

This time, Lai Mei Fitness was specifically targeted by the Yang family; delaying the process for several months with the Yang family's influence would not be an issue.

And before the review result comes out, the previous actions remain effective.

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