
Send Stephie

Ella returned to her bedroom. Alice was still asleep. Ella begun reading the Journal of international business to pass time. 'I'll need to return to my Palmer's Inc head office after my wedding, I can't let daddy die in the company.' Ella thought to herself.

Ella did not notice when Alice woke up, because Alice sat in silence observing her friend. Finally some almost an hour later, Ella yawned and put her book down. Alice cleared her throat. Ella smiled at her friend. "How long was I out for?" Asked Alice. "Not long at all. Are you hungry?" Asked Ella. "Yeah, but I just need to freshen up." As Alice said that, her phone began ringing. She looked at the screen and saw it was her father and rejected the call. The phone rang again, this time Ella answered but did not say anything.

Suddenly a loud booming voice was heard "you stupid little whore, what have you done? Where are you? I should have drowned you at birth!" Shouted Lloyd. "It's a pity there's no pill for regret, isn't it daddy dearest?" Asked Alice. Lloyd could've fainted from anger. To say he was livid with anger would be an understatement, and it wasn't just anger, it was anger laced with fear; but that's a story for another day.

About 5 hours ago he received a call from Malik asking where was the virgin he'd been promised. Malik told him that his men have never disobeyed or betrayed him before, that they've never not completed a job, nor have they ever disappeared on him but today he's unable to reach them. Malik told Lloyd he better find out what happened otherwise he would be visiting Snr Jamieson to collect his money.

About 30 minutes after that call, as Lloyd was trying to make things make sense, he received a call from his father demanding he makes his way to the main house if he knows what's good for him. Lloyd attempted to call his personal Assistant to find out if anything had happened at the company, but his PA did not answer his calls. Lloyd could not shake this dread that sank at the bottom of his stomach. He asked his wife and daughter if they'd spoken with Alice, though he could tell something was off with the both of them when they said no, he didn't think much of it. Stephanie, his princess said she would go shopping with her friends and left.

Lloyd told his wife he had to go see his father and that she should keep an eye on James. You see Lloyd never really cared for daughters as he felt they were spilt milk at best, a means to a business marriage. They could bring no benefits to the family except in a form of tying them to another wealthy family, preferably one wealthier than theirs; in his eyes it was a pity his daughter could not befriend the young miss of the Palmers. The only reason he even took Alice from her mother was because Ramona told him they'd need a carer for their children. The only reason he kept Stephanie was to entertain his wife and stop her from ruining his son and only heir.

Lloyd went to his father's house. The house help all looked him wearily. Snr Jamieson cared very much about his image, and Lloyd selling Alice to the brothel, no matter how much they detested that little farm animal, if it were to get out that Alice was not House help but Lloyd's daughter; it would spell disaster for the Jamieson name. As Lloyd walked through into the tearoom, he felt hot liquid and sharp pain at his temple, followed by glass hitting the floor. Lloyd seem to realise the gravity of the situation.

"You imbecile, how could I be so unfortunate as to have a son like you." Bellowed Snr Jamieson. "Why did I even bother saving your dumb ass? I should've let them deal with you!" He heaved, clutching his chest. "What's the matter dad?" Asked Lloyd. "You still have the guts to ask? Lloyd what do you take me for?" Asked Snr Jamieson. "Where is that good for nothing bastard of yours? Why did you sell her, go get her back right now!"He he demanded.

"Dad, you don't have to worry about Alice, she will not be a bother to us." Said Lloyd. Snr Jamieson was so angry he could spew blood. "A bother? Do you think I don't know what you've done?" Bellowed Snr Jamieson. "Do you know that I have received a request from the McCann's for Alice to have lunch with their matriarch? The invitation made it seem as if they hold her high. They know she is your daughter!Now I'll ask you once more where is your bastard?" A moment of realisation covered Lloyd's eyes. "Dad, Alice …. I've sold her. Just send Stephie, she's just as beautiful and even better, she's well groomed. She might even catch Xavier's eye."

As Snr Jamieson release the teapot to his son's face and like he'd just registered his son's words, he swallowed the following words. He hadn't thought of this, 'sending Stephie, after all the money spent on etiquette classes and the fact that her mother and father were from high class families, who'd turn her away?' He thought it was a great idea, 'why should an ill born be able access such a family. Stephie could even attain the love of young Xavier. Wouldn't it be great to finally step into the same places at the great families of country F as the in-laws to the McCanns. The doors this would open, everyone would want to work with us.' Lloyd Snr nodded; he'd begun daydreaming about all the people he would oppress once his granddaughter got married into the McCanns. He instructed Llyod to tell Stephanie to prepare, and get his wife to accompany her, in two days they'll have tea with the McCann Matriarch. He emphasized Stephie getting Xavier to fall in love with her or at least bed him. He really didn't care as long as his name could be put in the same breath as that family. It'd be even greater if his James could get one of the Palmer's daughters, especially the eldest one to fall in love with him, who would dare to look down on the Jamieson after that?

Lloyd left his father's house. He was so excited he couldn't wait to tell his wife. He wanted to tell her to ensure that Stephanie captures Xavier's eye so that their family business could grow more powerful. It was at this juncture; a text message came. With a picture and the caption "I've been made aware that my men were arrested with broken limbs and your daughter identified them as her kidnappers. It was my fortune that your other daughter was available, as now she'll have to pay for the mishap of my man, this doesn't cover the 1.6 million you owe me. You can still just give me my shares of the Jamieson business, I'm sure your precious daughter is worth it!"

Lloyd dropped the phone. He didn't even look at the picture. He couldn't stop shaking. This felt like a bad dream. How could that imbecile disable 3 grown men and leave unscathed, she should've at least ended up in hospital. Lloyd's head felt dizzy, he couldn't wrap his head today's events. The universe seems to be moving against him. 'How does that little bitch even know the McCann matriarch? What kind of luck is this?' He asked himself. Lloyd picked up his phone and looked at the picture. Stephanie laid there, in lingerie and she looked out of it, and she was tied up. Now if Lloyd knew his daughters hobbies he would not be sweating as much in fact he'd probably just sell her, another story for another day.

It was here that he picked up his phone and dialled his eldest daughter's number. Lloyd felt like he was having a nightmare. Nothing seemed to be going right for him. Alice's attitude when she picked up her phone sent him over. So, she was not lying in a ditch as he'd hoped, she was not in ICU. So where was she? ….

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