

I know the very essence of death..I fear it yet I'm so captivated by the very concept….is there a true end? or are our souls recycled and we start a new one?

I want to understand this string of thoughts I want to explore the very depths of this concept till I understand death in its entirety.

Death is simply a form of existence that humans cannot understand, it is the end and all things shall end…This is the Mortemism school of thought.

Death is the end and all things should end, an inveabitly faith that even the gods fear such a faith, no matter how much we try to fight against it there shall always be an end.

Logan closed the book with a sigh…a month had passed and he had spent that time trying to gain more insight but he hadn't gotten any chance to gain any.

so he had thought to read up on this world's phoslogy, most of them had to do with who they worshiped such as the church of cosmos

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