
0246 Lupin & Tom

About half an hour later, the three of them gathered in the cozy common room, which was decorated with festive garlands and a towering Christmas tree.

Harry brought the Firebolt and the Cleansweep Seven that Professor Watson had lent him. If the broomstick was really from Professor Watson, he would at least have to return the Cleansweep Seven to him. Ron also brought the sweater his mother had knitted for Bryan.

"I would rather trade my commemorative coin for this broomstick, Harry." Ron sighed, his excitement fading as they passed through the Fat Lady's portrait hole. He glanced enviously at the sleek and shiny Firebolt, which looked like a masterpiece of alchemy.

"In terms of value, these two things are about the same, Ron." Hermione said disapprovingly in response to Ron's complaint. She adjusted her scarf around her neck, which was a gift from her parents. 

To be honest, after thinking about it for a while, Hermione also thought that the broomstick was likely a gift from Professor Watson. 

Think about it, her favorite thing was books, so Professor Watson had given her a precious and practical magic book with detailed annotations. As for Ron, she and Harry both knew that Ron had a strong attachment to money. Of course, they both knew that it wasn't Ron's fault, because he had always had to use his brothers' hand-me-downs.

Professor Watson obviously understood Ron, so he had given him a valuable commemorative coin, which was issued to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Wizarding Secrecy Act. It was a rare and historical item, and Hermione thought it was very thoughtful of the professor to choose something that related to Ron's father's work.

Ron's father was involved in related work, so Professor Watson obviously hoped that Ron would let go of his impatience and take a serious look at those seemingly ordinary but significant jobs. 

As for Harry, there was no doubt that his favorite thing was Quidditch. He loved flying and playing the thrilling sport, and he was a natural talent. 

But at that time, Harry already had a Nimbus 2000, which was a top-of-the-line broomstick. It was fast, reliable, and elegant, and Harry had been very happy with it. So, giving him a Nimbus 2001 didn't seem to make much sense. It was only a slight improvement, and it would not make much difference in Harry's performance. Therefore, Professor Watson had said he would give Harry a gift, but he needed to wait for the future. He was waiting for a better broomstick to appear.

To some extent, this kind of thinking was reasonable, but Hermione still couldn't let go of her worries. 

The Firebolt had already been on sale during the summer vacation. At that time, Professor Watson and Harry had happened to be staying at the Leaky Cauldron. If he really wanted to give Harry a good broomstick, why did he have to wait until Christmas? Why didn't he buy it then and there, and give it to Harry personally?

On the way, Harry and Ron couldn't take their eyes off the Firebolt. They were discussing a bunch of professional terms, which Hermione was rarely interested in. 

"I think you should be cautious about this broomstick of unknown origin!" Hermione followed behind Harry and Ron, watching the two excited boys, and finally couldn't help but remind them. She felt like she was the only one who had any sense of danger, "I think you haven't forgotten, Harry, Quirrel wanted to make you fall off the broomstick in the first year, and it's been less than two months since your last accident. In my opinion, if someone wants to kill you, giving you a cursed broomstick is the simplest way!"

Harry and Ron's footsteps suddenly stopped, and their excited expressions froze, especially Harry. He alternated between looking at the serious Hermione and looking down at the broomstick in his hand, his expression very comical. 

"You think—" Harry widened his eyes, looking incredulous, "this broomstick… it's Black!"

Ron was also shocked by Hermione's words, but he reacted quickly. After Harry finished speaking, he immediately shouted, "Come on, Hermione!"

Ron waved the sweater he had brought for Professor Watson and seemed a little annoyed by Hermione's wild imagination. He thought she was being paranoid and unreasonable, and he didn't want to listen to her. "Black is a Fugitive, he's wanted all over the country. I'd like to see how he can walk into Gringotts and take out hundreds of galleons, and then walk into a crowded Quidditch shop!"

Harry immediately turned his gaze to Hermione, hoping she could come up with a reasonable explanation. He wanted to believe that the Firebolt was a genuine gift from Professor Watson, and that there was nothing sinister behind it.

"Maybe—" Hermione frowned tightly, trying to think of a plausible scenario. She knew that Ron had a point, and that it was unlikely that Black had anything to do with the broomstick. But she still felt uneasy, and she wanted to be sure. "He asked a friend for help?"

"His friends are all in Azkaban, Hermione." Ron said disdainfully, giving Harry a look that meant she was being overly suspicious. 

"I think I heard you arguing?" Suddenly, a head poked out from one of the rooms in the corridor. It was Professor Lupin, with a smile on his face, but he still looked sickly. His pale skin contrasted with his dark hair, which was flecked with grey. The robe that used to fit him snugly was now a size too big, as if a gust of wind could blow him over. He looked like he had lost a lot of weight and strength.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked at each other in astonishment, and then, almost simultaneously, looked around. 

"Hehe, you're not in the wrong place." Lupin smiled and said, reassuring them. "This is just outside Professor Watson's office. I think you must be here to see him, right?"

Harry and Professor Lupin had a close relationship. He had been studying the difficult magic to deal with Dementors with Lupin to fight against them. But encountering Lupin here made Harry feel a bit embarrassed, especially since Ron was holding the sweater that Mrs. Weasley had given to Professor Watson. 

Lupin quickly glanced at the two broomsticks in Harry's hand and the sweater on Ron's arm, and a cold wind blew by, making him shiver. He wrapped his robe around him more tightly, and gestured for the three of them to follow him.

"Then come in and talk, all three of you. There's no reason to stand in the cold corridor and talk." Lupin said, inviting them in. "It's much warmer inside, and I have some tea and biscuits for you."

"Come in, Hermione. Crookshanks will be very happy to see you." Lupin beckoned to Hermione separately, knowing that she had a special bond with the ginger cat.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione hesitated and followed Lupin into Professor Watson's office. As soon as they stepped inside, they felt a wave of heat wash over them. Because of the roaring fireplace, it was very warm in here. Harry felt like he had jumped into a bathtub filled with hot water. 

The office was spacious and elegant, with a large desk, a bookshelf, a wardrobe, and a few paintings on the walls. It looked very different from the other teachers' offices, which were usually cluttered with various objects and papers. Professor Watson's office was neat and tidy, and everything seemed to have its place.

'Professor Watson is probably not at Hogwarts now'—Harry suddenly remembered when he saw Lupin just now. Today was Christmas, and Professor Watson was probably back at the orphanage where he was raised. 

"Oh, Crookshanks, are you okay?" Hermione saw Crookshanks, who had left a permanent dent in the sofa, and rushed over to pick him up, rubbing against him. She hugged him close to her chest, and stroked his fur. Tears of guilt shimmered in her amber eyes. "You must have suffered a lot during this time—"

Hermione choked up. 

After giving Crookshanks a cold stare, Ron turned his head away. In any case, he couldn't forgive the killer of Scabbers. He still blamed Crookshanks for the death of his pet rat, who had been his companion for years.

Looking at the clean and tidy room, for some reason, Harry suddenly thought of the fleeting name that appeared in this position two weeks ago.

Sirius Black!

Harry had never told Ron and Hermione about it because he felt that it was probably just his imagination. Otherwise, he couldn't figure out how it happened. How could Black's name appear here on the Marauder's Map?

'Did Black secretly sneak into this room to deal with Professor Watson?'

God, if Black really had such an idea, Harry would laugh himself awake from dreaming. 

To be honest, Harry didn't dare to say that he understood how powerful Professor Watson was, because so far, he had only seen Professor Watson take action once, when he casually imprisoned the snake in the Chamber of Secrets. But the indifference that emanated from Professor Watson, the kind of indifference towards everything, made people feel his confidence, just like Dumbledore. Harry had never seen a panicked expression on the face of the great headmaster of Hogwarts.


A sudden meow pulled Harry's thoughts out of his own world. He subconsciously looked at Hermione's shoulder and saw that Hermione was also looking at Crookshanks with confusion. After scanning the room, they finally discovered who made the unfamiliar sound on the low camp bed in the innermost part of the office.

It was a black cat, about the same size as Crookshanks. It had sleek fur, green eyes, and a white patch on its chest. 

When Harry looked over, the cat moved its gaze away from the Firebolt and looked at its own face. 

"This cat?" Harry blinked, asking in confusion. 

"Cough, you found it, Harry—" Maybe because he had just stood in the doorway and caught a cold breeze, Lupin coughed hoarsely. He gestured for the three little ones not to worry. He walked over to the bed, and picked up the cat gently. He held it in his arms, and smiled at it fondly.

"It's called Tom, from the wild. It's a very clever little guy. Cough, how should I put it, it can be considered as a Christmas gift from Professor Watson to me." Lupin said, explaining the cat's origin. 

After holding Tom in his arms, Lupin turned around and leaned against the edge of the desk, smiling at the three of them.


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