


Priya was very amused by their interactions, and also a little guilty for her oversight.

It was just that she didn't tell them about the bread because she thought they wouldn't have much of a choice anyway. After all… if you're hungry, you wouldn't be choosy.

But it seemed she still underestimated this group.

They soon left the 'scam restaurant' (as Harold called it) and Priya walked them to the other side to a similar building about a hundred meters away.

It was a little plainer in design outside, but inside was a bit more lively. There were cabinets filled with wooden weapons like wood sword, wood spear, as well as bow and arrow.

Harold walked over to the nearest display that attracted him.

[Would you like to buy a wooden spear for 10 silver? Yes | No]

Harold stared at the screen guardedly, as if seeing himself getting scammed again. "Can't we see the specs?"

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