
Awakening ceremony 1

Meng Xiao who is beautifully dressed for the occasion wearing a long flowing white robe walks to the alter under the watchful eyes of her family members and the lead of her father.

The altar is made up of rocks with a large number of magic beasts tied to it and which serve as the gateway and passage between humans and the gods.

"The ceremony of awakening will begin," an old minister who stood at the highest part of the altar said in a loud voice followed by the sound of the killing of a savage beast.

The blood of the magic beast flowed through a connected vein which leave to a large open ground.

The rich spiritual blood quickly fills the basin ground.

Meng Yan led meng xiao to the basin hole in the ground.

As meng xiao reaches strong heat which comes out from the rich spiritual blood harasses her skin. "Are there planning to boil me" meng xiao thought.

The higher the grade of a magic beast, the more potent its blood. Meng Xiao is both lucky and unlucky. She is lucky because the more potent spiritual blood the higher the rate of success of awakening a powerful sacred mark. And she is unlucky because she needs to enter the boiling pool of blood and absorb the power to baptize herself.

When she remembers the amount of money her father spent on this beast she summons the courage and steps into the pool that is as hot as lava and magma.

Immediately meng xiao steps her foot into the pool.

"Pfft.... "

A rich column of light rush out of the spiritual blood and went straight towards heaven. The light column shredded the clouds and crash into the spacious sky. "The ceremony of awakening has officially begun" the minister's loud voice resounded. He holds a prayer roll and recites it out loud.

Meng Xiao is engulfed by the large amount of spiritual blood which is aggressive and looks like it would tear her apart any moment.

Everyone held their breath, trash is about to become a cultivator "What if she becomes better than us when she manages to pass the awakening ceremony and becomes a cultivator" Clearly no one wants meng xiao to become a competitor. So they all wish she would make a mistake and die.

Among the crowd, Meng Xi and her brother meng yang sat side by side watching the show. They were the ones who wanted meng xiao to die the most for their previous humiliation.

Meng Xiao who is on the verge of being torn apart let out a painful cry.

Hearing his daughter cry and her painful expression Meng Yan felt pained. If only he could just make her skip the painful process he would do it. But he knows that to be awakened one needs to be perseverance and have strong determination and every step of the awakening cannot be skipped.

"Hang in their Xiao'er," Meng Yan thought inwardly.

Meng Xiao who is inside the burning pull shut up. "If I can't pass the test of being awakened how can I be strong, how can I conquer this world and have my revenge against everyone who has harmed me?

Her strong determination help her to pass the test. The boiling pool on a rampage cools down like a tranquil pond.

"You have managed to pass the first step, the second round will begin. Take her to the weapon room and let her pick a suitable weapon for herself for the next round" the minister's voice echo.

Hearing this the face of meng xiao family members turn sour. They just wished for meng xiao to die during the process of the awakening but not only did she not die but she manage to pass the test.

"Don't worry sister, it turns out that she has a strong resolution, but that is not all you need to pass the test. You need to bring back the beast core of a magic beast you killed yourself. Meng Xiao who has a weak physique and a strength of a chicken would not be able to pass the next round" meng yang said to his sister who have a worried expression.

"Let's hope so" meng xi said.

As Meng Xiao passes the test, a gentle smile surfaced on meng sun's face. She is strong-willed. But everyone's attention is on meng xiao so they could not see the shocking change on meng su's face.

Meng Xiao was brought to a room full of weapons.

She saw swords of different types but she just ignore them all of them contain masculinity and no femininity. They are just big but not soft for her liking.

Going to the next round of weapons meng xiao saw bows and arrows, even though she wanted to be an archer she knows nothing about archery and couldn't even hold it properly so she ignore it and continue moving forward. Outside, they were continuously killing the magic beast. Till the person obtain a sacred mark, the connection between the gods and the person who is being awakened must not be broken unless the person suffers a backlash and is rendered useless.

Meng Xiao continues to ignore those weapons, it is either she does not know how to use them or they are too big for her to carry.

Interactive time

What do you think about meng xiao family members

1 They are all a bunch of trash, they see a rising talent but all they wanted was to crush it.

2 some are wise and cherish talent just like meng su

3 I think.

Drop your opinions in the comment section area down below. Lots of love from the author ❤❤❤.

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