
The hypocritical meeting 2

"In a surprising twist, the once usually frail and timid girl has transformed into a venomous snake," the narrator's voice echoed, setting the tone for the tense encounter about to unfold.

"Blasphemy! How dare you speak to your grandfather in such a manner? Your disrespectful tone reveals a lack of manners and respect for your elders," Meng Wei, the eldest son of the Meng family, thundered. A deep-seated resentment simmered within him, fueled by his brother Meng Yan's overshadowing brilliance.

Meng Wei, once hailed as the family's genius, now seethed with envy as his younger sibling outshone him in every aspect. Be it looks, fortune with women, or cultivation prowess, Meng Yan's accomplishments had turned him into Meng Wei's rival, igniting a fierce rivalry that burned within Meng Wei like a smoldering fire.

Meng Fei, the father of both Meng Yan and Meng Xiao, stepped in, his voice carrying a mix of disappointment and concern. "You should be grateful to your cousin for enabling you to unlock your potential. But instead, you've hurt them and even falsely accused them. Such actions are wicked."

The tension in the room escalated as Grandpa Su emitted a formidable aura, causing Meng Wei to involuntarily stiffen. "Father, I suggest you take action against Meng Xiao for breaking our clan's laws and indirectly disrespecting the family head. She's treading a dangerous path, and I propose she receives 20 lashes from the family's repentance rod and a month of hard labour for biting the hand that feeds her," Meng Fei recommended, struggling to contain his anger.

Meng Xiao's anger flared at the notion of such harsh punishment. Was her uncle trying to have her killed? The rod of repentance was notorious for its severity, even for experienced cultivators. Her thoughts raced; she was new to this world, and now someone seemed intent on ending her life.

In a bold retort, Meng Xiao scoffed, her voice dripping with defiance. "Your pretense is transparent. You're sowing seeds of anger and hatred in Grandfather Su's heart. You're no good son; you're manipulating his power to deal with me. A true scion of a reputable family wouldn't stoop to such treachery."

Meng Fei's face flushed with fury at Meng Xiao's accusations. How he wished he could silence her insolent mouth for good. But before he could react, Grandfather Su stood up from his ornate stone throne, adorned with rare gemstones.

Grandfather Su's voice resonated with authority. "Your lack of discipline and manners is evident. As a consequence, you will be sent to the training academy to cultivate and learn proper behaviour."

Meng Yan, her cousin, pleaded on Meng Xiao's behalf, revealing that she hadn't even started cultivating. A glimmer of hope sparkled in Meng Xiao's eyes; the academy could be her ticket to becoming stronger and exacting her revenge.

Amidst the turmoil, Meng Xiao's mind echoed with questions: What did they mean by being awakened? How would she endure the preparations for her awakening?

"The preparations for her awakening shall begin immediately. She will be awakened within a week and then commence her journey at the academy the following week. Any objections?" Grandfather Su's gaze swept the room, quelling any protests.

With silence reigning, he declared, "Since there are no objections, this meeting is over" Grandpa Su said as he got up and left for his study room.

As the unruly siblings left, they shot Meng Xiao a death glare, as if to say, "It is not over yet." But Meng Xiao just ignored them; the only person in her sight was her father.

Strangely, even though he is not her biological father, she feels an inexplicable connection to him. Could this be what they call a family bond?

In her past life, she was banished by her parents who never showed her love or care. She resorted to stealing to make a living until she was accepted by a group of immortals who taught her the art of combat and cultivation.

"I have something to tell you" Meng Yan added, leading Meng Xiao to her room.

Entering the room, Meng Xiao couldn't contain her curiosity. "What does Father mean by having something to tell me?" she asked eagerly.

"It's about yourself," Meng Yan replied with a serious expression.

Meng Xiao's interest was piqued; she was about to learn a secret about herself. It was reassuring to think she might not be as worthless as she once believed.

"After the war between the god race and the devil clan, only five goddesses remained out of billions in the god realm: the water goddess, fire goddess, sky goddess, earth goddess, and the moon goddess. With no gods left, the god race declined as they couldn't reproduce."

Meng Xiao was astonished. A war of such scale had ravaged this world, nearly wiping out a whole race. What puzzled her was how this war connected to her.

"The goddess blesses humanity with powers once a century, hidden until someone worthy finds it. A token of gratitude for humanity's role in the war.

As the chapter unfolded, the transformation of the timid girl into a viper was not only intriguing but also filled with unexpected turns. The mixture of jealousy, family dynamics, and Meng Xiao's burgeoning determination created a gripping narrative that will leave you readers eager to delve further into her journey.

Even though this is my first novel I will try my best to make the time you spend reading it worth while like and comment down below.

Interactive time

How do you see the attitude of the female lead

1 she is still young and ignorant

2 Sharp tongue but wise

3 wild and unrestricted

Drop a comment and let me hear your thought. And a lot of love from the author 😍😍😍.

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