
The last war

"I'm glad to see you here, Jacob." Said Alma Coin with a smile, expressing her joy at seeing Jacob.

"President Coin, all the districts have fallen, and right now, my troops are resting to launch the final offensive that will end the Capitol's leadership."

"Your troops?" Murmured Alma Coin, understanding Jacob's message in saying that.

Jacob, on the other hand, turned towards everyone and said, "I'm not a man who dwells on history and uses it to harbor resentment towards anyone, but it's important that we all be on the same page and be aware of the dark days."

Alma Coin felt a cold sweat run down her back upon hearing Jacob's words. Where is he going with talking about history?

"Dark days." Jacob murmured with an unusually serious expression that compelled everyone to fall silent. "Realizing that the rebels had lost their advantage, District 13 decided to abandon their allies in the other districts and secure their own independence. They seized a significant portion of the Capitol's nuclear arsenal and attacked the city. Understanding that the Capitol still possessed its separate nuclear arsenal in the west, District 13, in a desperate attempt, threatened mutual assured destruction unless the Capitol reached an agreement."

"The leaders of District 13 proposed that the Capitol allow them to quietly separate from Panem as an independent state, in exchange for withdrawing their support from the rebel war effort and presenting the illusion that the Capitol had destroyed the district. With no other viable alternative and unwilling to escalate the rebellion into a nuclear war, the Capitol reluctantly accepted the terms of the ceasefire."

Jacob fell silent to let his words sink in for the others, then, seeing a dead silence, he decided to continue with this story that everyone needed to be aware of. "District 13 withdrew all its military forces and assets to the district, relocating its army and population to an existing underground complex."

"They then allowed the Capitol to cut off all access to the district from the rest of Panem, demolishing the infrastructure above through repeated carpet bombings. The Capitol then used the devastated ruins of District 13 as propaganda to showcase the consequences of rebellion."

"With the complete loss of support from District 13's armed forces, the remaining districts couldn't hope to resist the Capitol's forces any longer. In this final phase of the war, the Dark Days, the Capitol swiftly overpowered all rebel resistance in Panem as the rebellion collapsed under the Capitol's numerical and armament superiority. One by one, the remaining districts were pacified until they finally came under the firm control of the Capitol."

Jacob, wherever he appeared, manipulated history for his benefit, but now he was telling the truth of what had happened in the past.

"What is the meaning of saying these words, Jacob Barber!" Alma Coin, who had remained silent since Jacob began speaking, protested.

"It's not about revenge!" Jacob's words were so strong that the men behind Alma Coin raised their weapons towards Jacob, while Jacob's men in the surroundings raised their weapons towards Alma Coin and her men.

"Don't panic!" Katniss shouted after seeing the chaos among the people around them.

"It seems your intentions are clear, Jacob. You want to seek revenge against District 13 for events that occurred in the past. You must be more mature. If we hadn't done that, we wouldn't have come this far." Alma Coin tried to reason.

Jacob shook his head and said, "If I were that foolish, I wouldn't have liberated all the districts in less than a month, Alma Coin... You know why I'm here. Sending me to be killed during the war is cruel on your part."

"Alma Coin ordered Jacob to be killed?"

"It can't be!"

"How is this possible?"

Everyone began whispering uncontrollably, their gazes turning towards Alma Coin, and she immediately refuted, "You're lying!"

"I have evidence!" Jacob looked at everyone and said, "I am a fair person, so I want justice to be served by District 13 itself, and for you to decide whom to follow."

"[Recreated a conversation using artificial intelligence, target identified: Alma Coin... A false projection has been created, emitting sounds and images!]"

That was when Jacob gave the green light for his AI assistant to intervene with its new abilities, which included creating realistic false scenes using artificial intelligence, not only imitating the voices of targeted individuals but also creating realistic scenes.

As time passed, Jacob discovered that his intelligent assistant had much more power, and its abilities reached new heights. By creating this scene, Jacob would not only save himself from an extensive explanation of why Alma Coin is an evil woman but also resolve any doubts about his intentions.

Then a projection appeared in the spacious place, showing Alma Coin talking about Jacob and Katniss with Commander Boggs at her right hand. She ordered him to let Jacob and Katniss die, as she hoped for their deaths to gain control of all of Panem in the near future.

"That never happened!" Alma Coin shouted in absolute terror. How did Jacob get hold of that? He has a good enough memory to know that it didn't actually occur that way. But now, everyone around seemed to disbelieve her, and even the people pointing their weapons at Jacob lowered them.

"Alma Coin, me and everyone who fought seeks a future where everyone is free to live wherever they please, where food and water are available to all without the need for them to struggle to obtain it." Jacob signaled for everyone to lower their weapons.

"You're lying!"

"He's not lying!" Said a voice belonging to Boggs, who entered through the door behind Alma Coin. He had a hardened expression as he spoke, "When you talked to me about hoping for the death of Jacob and Katniss, I truly doubted it. I questioned you, and you said it was something that had to happen. In these past days leading the war, I've never seen another man as committed as Jacob and Katniss."

"They desire the liberation of Panem more than anyone else, and I, along with many others in this place, have decided to follow them. They will be the future rulers of Panem." Boggs said after briefly glancing at Jacob.

After the fall of District 1, Boggs had made the decision to follow Jacob and protect Katniss, just as Jacob had asked him to. Knowing that Jacob had no desire to rule, he knew it was right to follow him.

"My name is Jacob Barber, and I will lead this revolution until my hands bleed and my heart stops beating. I promise you, all districts from 1 to 13 will be free. All the tasks and work will not be done out of obligation but out of desire. Everyone will be free in the final attack on the Capitol!"

"We will follow you, Jacob and Katniss. You are the future of Panem!"

Alma Coin saw with her own eyes how easily all her authority in District 13 was taken away. All the high-ranking officials were removed from their positions in such a short time.

"Under my word, all of you will be safe!" Jacob said. Then he looked at Alma Coin and said, "The attempted assassination will not be condemned with your death. I want you to witness a new dawn and reflect on your mistakes."

Jacob looked at everyone celebrating and thought, "Of course, all the high-ranking officials of District 13 will be eliminated."

"[All systems of District 13 have been infiltrated. Control of their radars and organizational systems has been taken, and new employees have been deployed to replace the high-ranking officials who were stripped of their authority!]"

In the command center of District 13, several soldiers entered and looked at the communication leader. "Mr. Blouse, your authority has been revoked, and you are under arrest until further notice!"

In this way, all the high-ranking officials were sent to a prison where they would be silently eliminated.


In the following days, there were several airstrikes in District 13, but everyone entered the bunkers, and there weren't many problems. As for the other districts, the hovercrafts took care of the job. The mutations sent to the districts were controlled by Jacob's intelligent assistant, and all of them were directed toward the Capitol.

District 2 Plaza.

There were around five thousand people, all of them carrying weapons and being real soldiers who were in District 13. Among them, Jacob could see Gale, Peeta, and many others he knew. At the front were Boggs, Katniss, Enobaria, and Finnick. As for Brutus, he was still in a coma after his operation, but being in District 13 ensured his safety.

Jacob, standing in front of everyone, felt a new sensation. "Dear brothers and sisters of the thirteen districts of Panem!"

"Today we gather here, united by a common purpose: freedom and justice for all. After years of oppression and dark days, the districts of Panem are closer than ever to staging a coup against the Capitol and reclaiming the future that has been stolen from us."

"As I look around me, I see brave men and women from the thirteen districts, ready to fight for dignity and hope. Each of you is a key piece in this puzzle, and together, we have the power to overthrow our oppressors and build a new dawn."

"Our path has not been easy. We have faced unimaginable challenges and lost loved ones in this battle for freedom. But our scars make us stronger, our losses drive us forward, and our determination is unwavering."

"Today, I tell you that the Capitol can no longer ignore the deafening roar of rebellion rising in every corner of Panem. We are an army of hope, composed of courageous people who have endured oppression and witnessed firsthand the injustices committed by those in power."

"We will not allow the Capitol to continue ruling with impunity. The time has come to reclaim what is rightfully ours: the freedom to determine our own destiny, the freedom to live without fear, and the freedom to build a future where each of us has a voice and a vote."

"Brothers and sisters, I ask you to prepare for battle. A difficult fight awaits us, but I am convinced that together we can defeat the Capitol and put an end to their reign of terror. Our enemies are strong, but our cause is just and our determination is unwavering."

"Remember that we are more than an army; we are a family united by the desire for a better world. We will support each other, protect each other, and fight side by side until the very end."

"The Capitol has underestimated the districts for far too long. It is time to show them that we are strong, that we are brave, and that we are willing to pay any price for freedom. Let us not be paralyzed by fear; let us advance together and show the Capitol that their tyranny is coming to an end."

"Brothers and sisters, the future of Panem is in our hands. Difficult times lie ahead, but we must not falter. Let us march forward with courage, with determination, and with the certainty that victory is within our reach."

"May the flame of rebellion burn in our hearts, and may the Capitol tremble before our wrath! Together, we will overcome any obstacle and usher in an era of justice and freedom in Panem."

"Together, we are invincible! Let us fight for a better future!"

"May luck be on our side!" Jacob shouted at the top of his lungs, feeling tears welling up in his eyes as he saw everyone looking at him as a figure to follow.

At that moment, everyone placed their right hand to their lips, using their three middle fingers to make the salute of District 12, demonstrating their unity and respect. As Jacob turned his head to the side, he saw Rue and Foxface by his side, with Thresh also standing beside him, offering support and smiling.

Today, the final battle was about to begin!

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