
A hidden temple

"Now for the final and last experiment sir!" Brandon waved his arms, unveiling another of his gadgets to help Ben in his journey. 

At first, Ben's reaction was of surprise, then it changed as he chuckled and smiled, "You've got to be the coolest person in this world bro." 

With that said Ben simply sat on a silver black, futuristic-looking bike. As he turned the ignition on, the bike began to vibrate, slowly lifting off the ground, and levitating half a meter up in the air. 

Ben cross-checked all the things he needed to do, and left on from the back door of the lab, directly opening somewhere in the wide snow. The vehicle roared in the snow as he kept moving with accelerating speed until he disappeared into the white snow. 

As Ben left, the smile on Brandon's face faded into grim seriousness. He closed the back door and walked back inside the basement. As he kept walking, he unclothed his white robe and gloves. 

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