
Ch. 189 The Heist ( Part 1 )

( Yuto Pov )

The robot broke through the aircraft as Roman piloted it towards Cinder, who looked disappointed.

" This isn't what I was talking about." She spoke.

" Well, you should've been more specific!" Roman shouted as he exited the robot.

I sighed.

' I knew it...' I thought as I reached under my robes and grabbed the EMP from my inventory.

" Is this it?" I asked as I showed it in front of her.

Cinder smiled as she walked towards me.

" Why yes, thank you." She grabbed the EMP bomb from my hands and put it on the table in front of a whiteboard that had drawn on it.

" I'm guessing another plan of yours?" I asked as I sat down on a nearby chair.

Cinder nodded as she looked at her two friends.

The woman is with emerald hair and begins to put clothes on the table.

' Atlas... sigh.' They were Atlas clothing.

Roman looked bored as he sat inside the robot with Neo sitting in its shoulder.

" So, basically, we're infiltrating Atlas and stealing something that requires you to use the EMP?" I asked.

Cinder nodded as she threw some clothes at me.

" Yes. And we're moving now." She replied.

I looked at the clothes and at her friends who were also looking at their clothes.

I sighed and went to get dressed behind a crate, but instead of changing clothes, I used henge no Jutsu to change appearances.

I walked back to see Roman and Neo not changing as they kept relaxing.

" Not going to change?" I asked.

Roman looked at his scroll as he replied.

" Nah, I'm a professional, I don't need to blend in. Kitty cat." He replied.

" Uh huh. Says the ginger head that ram away when I chased you, like a little mouse. Why don't I just finish the job." I replied as I revealed the hidden blade, which caused Roman to flinch.

" Nooe! No! It's fine." He replied.

Neo started snickering as I went to sit back down.

Cinder and her friends were dressed the same as she looked at Roman.

" And you? Why are you not dressed?" She crossed her arms.

" Don't bother. I'll be fine. " Roman waves his hands as Cinder sighed and left it at that.

" Well, let's go before they realize the EMP missing from the train." Cinder spoke as she entered the broken aircraft.

" Uhm, Cinder. Do you think this will last us to Atlas?" The grey haird man spoke as he saw the dents and holes in the aircraft.

Cinder shrugged as she sat inside the cockpit.

" It may or may not expose while we're in the air." I spoke as I entered beforing looking back to see Roman fitting the robot inside.

" Seriously?"

I sighed once more as Neo shrugged while sitting next to me.

" Yeah... let's hope we don't die before we get there." Emerald spoke as she sat next to Cinder, and the man with great hair sat next to us since there was a hole on the opposite side.

A few minutes passed as I dropped onto the building as the aircraft passed.

I looked at the aircraft on fire in the distance as I shrugged.

" I'm sure they'll handle it." I muttered as I sneaked inside through a window.

It was quiet, but I could still hear voices below.

" Now. Where was the thing she was looking for?" I asked myself as I walked through the hallways.

" Right. Data." I remembered.

' Hmm, is it me, or does it feel like I'm forgetting a lot of stuff lately?'

< I believe it's your memory capacity to forget memories in order to create a new one. >

Iris explained as I nodded.

" Right. Then... how should I fix that?"

< By increasing your intelligence or removing some memory space, it would be wise to erase the memories of Aristos.>

'Aristos... sigh. I'll do it once we have some free time.' I replied.

< Understood. >

I managed to find the stairs as I jumped down to the lowest floor.

' For an advance facility. It doesn't have many locks or heavy doors...' I thought.

I landed and sneaked my way through the gaurds patrolling through the floor.

' Heavy guards... 2...6...12 aura signatures. Something must be important down here.'

I reverted my clothes back to my assassin robes and calmly walked through the hallway.

With a light snap, I applied genjutsu, causing the gaurds to see everything as normal until I passed.

It didn't take a while to vote face to face to a heavy door.

' An eye scanner, fingerprint and a card reader... tsk.' I tapped my chin as I out my palm over the card reader.

I applied a small charge of lighting, which overrides the reader.

The fingerprint I used dust and paper absorbing the grease and used Henge no just to copy the fingerprint.


' One more to go.'

I grabbed a kunai and slammed the butt of it with my palm into the card reader as I took out a few wires.

' How did she do it again...' I tried to remember how my old teammate is doing this.

But nothing came to mind. Frustrated, I activated lighting to override it.

But the wires busted as I cursed my loss of control.

" Fuuucckk." I sighed as I looked at the doors and at my hands.

I realized i have been limiting my strength fighting against other humans and animals.

I punched a hole through the heavy door.

' That was loud.' I thought as I put a sound barrier around me.

I used my other hand tonpry the doors open.

'That... was too easy.' I smiled as I walked through the broken doors.

With full strides, I walked into what looked like a communication center.

Of course, with people aiming their weapons at me as I observed each single one of them.

I put a sound barrier in the room as well as a mana barrier by the door.

One tried to run.

" Stop." I used word magic which caused not only the runner but everyone inside to stop.

I calmly walked through them, not caring to kill one as I realized they aren't soldiers but people who focused on intelligence gathering.

" I'm no monster. So I won't be killing you all. Yet." I spoke as I sat on a chair facing a computer.

" I'm just looking for something. Nothing less nothing more. And if you let me. You'll live."

I clicked on a few screens as i browsed through the computer.

Even though everyone is frozen I could still see their fingers and legs shaking.

' They're probably confused and scared of what's happening to them.' I thought.

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