
Ch. 71 Ambush

* Click * * Gurgling*

My sixth sense kicked in, and I unconsciously stabbed my hidden blade into the assassin.

' Assassin? Shit, I need to make some noise quickly.'

Taking out a Flashbang, I stuff it into the assassin's mouth and kicked him out of the tent.

* Shing *


'My fucking ears!!'

Knight:" Enemy attack!!!"

Quickly checking the map I noticed that we were surrounded by red dots.

Seeing a red dot outside of my tent, I quickly picked up the spear and thrust it at the red dot. Blood seed through the hole in the tent.

Pulling the spear back, I got outside to see Mana particles in the air.

' What's this?'

< I believe it's witchcraft, sir,>

As soon as Iris finished, the knights began to fall one after another.

[ Poison Immunity is in effect ]

[ Poison immunity successful]

Artruis:" Yuto!!"

Artoria managed to stay awake as she was a half-dragon, so her poison resistance was high.

Ector:" Yuto, Artruis, you two take care of Kay. Lemd a hand when needed."

Ector spoke as he took Kay off his shoulder and put him next to us. Then we circled to see cold steel shining under the moonlight.

' Sigh. we're surrounded. Not only that, there's a witch nearby.'

'Space sense. There's 35 bandits, 12 assassins, and one witch overlooking from that cliff.'

' For now, I should deal with the bandits and assassins.'

Ector:" Witchcraft! Keep an eye out!"

' There goes the surprise attack, I guess.'

Artoria held up her sword, and I held my spear, Ector was holding his sword as well.

Amd. As soon as we were waiting, the bandits decided to attack. And the assassins tried to find any weakness that they could exploit.

I parried an attack and countered with a punch and stabbed through his stomach, throwing him to the ground. I stepped back to dodge a dagger thrown at me and caught it and threw it back.

Seeing the exp I got, I knew that I killed the assassin hiding in the tree.

Artoria seemed to have her first kill, but she kept a stoic face as she focused on her next opponent.

Ector was already finished killing 13 bandits and 3 assassins that tried to stab him from behind.

Spinning my spear, I knocked down a few daggers that were thrown at Artoria as she was too focused on her battle with a bandit.

I picked up a bandit's sword and duel-wielded it, killing more bandits and assassins more quickly.

A few minutes later, we managed to ki the rest of the enemies. But before we could rest, I picked up the sword and threw it at the witch that was looking over us.

* Swoosh *

* screams *

Ector:" Good throw, Yuto. You two stay here. I'll go check that witch."

Nodding, I looked over to Artoria, who had blood on her face. Taking a handkerchief, from my inventory, I approached Artoria.

" Here, let me wipe this off of you," I spoke as I wiped the blood from her face.

Artorias' stoic face became relaxed as she let me wipe the blood off of her.

" Here, sit down. Let's wait for Sir Ector yo come back."

Artoria nodded. I grabbed her hand and looked at her in the eye.

" Hey, it's going to be alright, I got your back."

Artruis:" Thank you, Yuto."

" Of course. Artoria."

We waited for Sir Ector to come back, and as he did, he arrived with the body of the witch.

Ector:" Well, it seems she was controlling the bandits, and now we managed to kill the person behind all of this."

" What of the assassins?"

Ector:" I don't know, but the witch must've worked with someone."

Ector:" Let's wait for the rest to recover, and we'll head back home."

* A few hours later,*

A few hours passed as everyone woke up and recovered from the witches magic. And in the late morning, we head back to town.

As we were marching through the dirt path, Kay whined.

Kay:" Uuuhh, fooooodd!"

Ector:" Sigh, let's take a rest here."

" Yes, sir," everyone shouted as they started to set up camp.

Artoria managed to recover from taking a person's life. And I started to cook as I wanted Artoria to rest more.

Artruis:" I could still help."

" Nope, you're not. Just let me do this myself for the day. You could help me in the morning for breakfast."

Artruis:" Sigh, alright." She spoke as she sat on a log.

Ector was checking up the wounded, and Kay was somewhere being Kay.

* Next day ,*

Kay:" Finally, we're back! I'm so tired."

" You barely did anything except sleep."

Kay:" Hey, of course I was doing something I was protecting you and Artruis."

" Not what I saw when we got ambushed."

Ector:" Quit it, you two, And good job Yuto, you as well Artruis." We both nodded as Kay had an annoyed face as he looked at us.

As we arrived at the knight building, I dropped off the horse at the stables and helped artoria get off the saddle.

Ector:" You two go on home. me and Kay are going to report in."

" See you later."

Artoria:" Understood Sir Ector."

Arptoria and I went back home to cook dinner and clean the house since we were gone for a while.

* Middle of the night *

* Heavily breathing *

" Sigh, can't sleep, Artoria?"

Artoria:" I'm sorry I woke you up, Yuto."

" It's alright."

Arotria was drenched in sweat as she had a panic attack.

' It seemed Merlin noticed this as well and let her sleep peacefully or tried to. He should've tried to keep her busy to keep her mind off of it.'

" Sigh, come on, let's go outside."

Artoria" What? Why?"

" To help keep your mind off of it, let's go."

Artoria:" A..Alright."

" Take your sword as well."

Artoria took her sword, and I took out the White Fang from the drawer.

As we both stood outside on the grassy plains under the moonlight. I unsheathed the White Fang.

Artoria:" I never ask, but why do you have a small blade, ir bigger than a knife but smaller than a sword?"

" It's called a tanto, I thought I told you about it."

Artoria shook her head.

" Oh well, it's a special blade as only the people from the Hatake Clan could use its full potential."

Artoria:" Hatake clan? Isn't your last name Yamamoto?"

"My adoptive parents are Yamamoto. But my bloodline is Hatake."

Artoria:" I see."

" Now come on, let's spar."

Arotira swung her blade, and I swung mine that left a white trail behind it. As Artoria was surprise by how her sword bounced back by my attack, I kicked her in the stomach.

" Just cause you're a girl doesn't mean I'll go easy, Artoria. I see you as an equal, and you'll be treated as such."

Artoria:" Cough, one more time." Artoria spoke as she got up, holding her stomach.

" Come than." Taunting her with my blade, she swung first.

We kept sparing until Artoria got tired, as I pushed her through her limits during our sparing match. And as Artoria fell in bed sleeping, Ector came to the door.

Ector:" Thank you, Yuto. I didn't know how to help her since I'm not good at this."

" It's alright."

Ector:" You must be a strong boy. Yuto, I'm glad Artoria has a good friend like you, though I'm worried about her future."

Ector and Kay knew that I knew Artoria was a girl, so they just asked me to swear an oath that I wouldn't spread this around.

" She's taking a heavy burden by her own choice. The only thing we could do is support her and help her in her times of need."

Ector:" You're right, Promise me that you'll be with her Yuto till the end."

I looked up from Artoria to Sir Ector and saw he had a serious face.

" I promise."

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