
Mafuyu’s Chaos

After descending the mountain, they handed over the badges given by Kashima to the teachers to prove that they had completed the entire bravery test.

The Thorn Club's arrangement was flawless, and no one doubted it. They successfully passed the event and returned to their respective class teams.

"It took time. Why did you return so late compared to the other groups?"

No, there was still one person in doubt.

Mafuyu furrowed her brows and looked at Shinichi with a full question mark.

"The fifth group has already returned to the team. Furuhashi-san's group just came down the mountain. But it took five more minutes for your second group to show up."

Her tone suddenly dropped, her face turned cold, and she asked seriously:

"Were you in danger on the way?"


Shinichi breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, thinking he had been found out... The lack of outright attention from this teacher sometimes made people feel scared.

"No danger, don't worry. It's just that Rizu is afraid of ghosts, so we stopped and walked along the way and rested more to slow down."

"So that's it, good." Mafuyu nodded lightly, her expression not relaxed at all.

The atmosphere between them was silent for a few seconds before Mafuyu suddenly spoke again.

"Is your relationship okay?"

Shinichi wasn't surprised; the others had worried about this issue before.

"No problem. Please await the return of the student council in full, Sensei."

"Hmm..." Mafuyu hesitated for a moment, then said, "So, are you in a relationship?"

"It's just a reconciliation matter." She swallowed this sentence.

She wasn't interested in delving into others' privacy, especially in matters of love... Besides her status as a teacher, she wasn't qualified to ask such questions.

So after silently sighing, she just took on the tone of a teacher reprimanding her student, with a little harshness.

"Be careful. We will start planning the next school festival. I hope you don't get involved in any affairs, take official duties seriously, prepare for exams, and enjoy the school festival. That's what you students should do."

"Yes, understood."

Shinichi nodded, paused for a moment, then took the initiative to change the topic.

"Sensei, I just moved."

"Moved?" Mafuyu looked at him doubtfully.

"I didn't hear any relevant news, and there was no notification of the change of student address..."

"I'm the only one who moved, so I didn't bother to change my address. If there's important news, my 'hometown' will still inform me."

As he mentioned the word hometown, for some reason, Shinichi wanted to laugh.

Facing Mafuyu's sharp gaze, which seemed to silently urge him to explain quickly, Shinichi suppressed his smile and prepared himself internally to speak as casually as possible.

"Because of my chaotic love life, my parents kicked me out and said, 'Live on your own and reflect.' Now I rent a house outside, and my life is free from worries, everything goes smoothly, and it turns out it doesn't affect my studies. Basically, it's not a big deal, I apologize for not informing Sensei sooner."

He didn't care about the other party's reaction; he had just finished speaking in one breath.


With too much information, Mafuyu opened her mouth, and looked at him with confusion.

After a while, she regained her senses. She held her forehead with one hand and leaned her red bangs against it.

"This is complicated. Let me sort out my thoughts... So, were you kicked out by your parents for having too many girlfriends?"

"You understand 90%." Shinichi nodded and corrected at the same time, "But there's one thing you said wrong... It's not because that relationship was ambiguous, but because I wanted to date them all. In short, riding many boats would make my parents very angry."

"Although they were very angry, they just wanted to teach me a lesson and let me know the facts. They're not as cruel as lions to their cubs... But if the plan goes well, I might continue to live outside? Whether it's renting a house or buying a house."

Shinichi shrugged and smiled: "Listen to their lessons and never change. This is the decision I made now."


Mafuyu stared sharply, her lips tightly closed, and there seemed to be a flicker of cold light in her eyes.

But just when Shinichi thought a relentless reprimand would come from Mafuyu, in the next second, she turned her face away, her voice mingling softly with the wind.

"Your parents did the right thing. You're too weird... Beyond my imagination."

"You're just like that day, only you're too childish... There's no change at all."

(This time, what do you want me to believe?)

Without uttering those words, Mafuyu turned her back to Shinichi, and her voice returned to its cold tone.

"That's irrelevant. I didn't mean to involve myself in your personal affairs. I just hope you can remember that you're the student council president in this school. Whatever happens, you must not let the students know your thoughts. You must be an example to the entire school."

After saying that, she walked straight to the hotel.

Shinichi calmly watched her back without responding.

At this moment, Mafuyu suddenly stopped.

The cold wind at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter blew from the forest, lifting her slightly messy long straight pink hair.

"Why did you want to tell me this?"

"It's not something you should tell your teacher."

No matter how good the relationship between a teacher and a student, no student would inform their teacher in such a casual manner that they were involved in many boats.

Mafuyu wasn't a psychotherapist. Even if she was told such a thing, she could only respond with, "You're seriously ill. Go take medicine and rest."

She couldn't help but remember all the things that happened in the past, as well as the subtle changes in their relationship.

Mafuyu didn't have any unnecessary expectations. She didn't even understand what she was feeling right now.

But even so, she still wanted to know and get an answer from him that could quickly calm her.

Why did Shinichi say this to her?

"Sorry, I don't know."

Shinichi replied.

Mafuyu pursed her lips and turned around, only to see him smiling.

On this slightly colder day, the temperature was different.

Mafuyu couldn't help but freeze in place.

"I just wanted to tell you this, Kirisu-sensei."

"In a few days, I'll have a housewarming party at my new house, and if nothing happens, they'll all be there."

"Can you come?"

It was "they", not "everyone in the student council".

Although she had no experience in such matters, Mafuyu was keenly aware of the difference between the two words.

They... Referring to the girls he liked and liked him back?

Having guessed the meaning of his invitation, Mafuyu bit her lip slightly. She seemed like she wanted to be angry, but her complicated mood left her unsure of what to do. She looked at him with sharp eyes to mask her panic.

Finally, she turned around, took a step forward, and left without a word of warmth.

"Negative. There's no time for that."

"So be it."

After answering like this, Shinichi stood still and let the graceful figure of Mafuyu disappear from view.


Mafuyu was different from them.

Not just in emotional experience, but also in status and age.

If "everyone" included Mafuyu... Shinichi would have to try harder than imagined.

"Go back and reconsider your plans..."

He took out his phone and stood bored in the classroom row, chatting with girls online and waiting for the bravery test to end.

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