
Chapter 22

The next day after acknowledged that she become friends with Kana and a rather deep conversation between herself and Dad, Danuja wake up in her seat, laying in her sleeping position while after a long time, listening to her classmates words.

Because you see Danuja had a plan. A plan that was created after a rather dangerous roughhousing play with Dad and too many memories that made her eyes moist.

Danuja knows that she wasn't normal and she will never be. But she can't let this motive prompt Kana to let her go and feel oppressed by her presence. She can risk the change of not hearing that carefree and warm laugh again. The risk of that softness to disappear between her fingers.

So the first thing that Danuja should do was to make a plan, a good enough plan to make Kana feel welcomed, happy and if Danuja get her head out of her ass even loved.

The plan go as well as excepted.


'' Eh? What's this for?''  Kana asked looking down at the small, child-looking bag.

Danuja and Kana were on the rooftop again, the place becoming not just Danuja spot but Kana's as well by the looks of it. There was even a small first aid kit stashed between corners, close to the antenna.

'' Sweets.''  Danuja said not letting herself to feel ashamed by the cheap candies she brought. They were pretty expensive for Danuja budged, which it didn't mean a lot, but it was the only reward she could thing of for the first day that didn't come off as more scary than helpful.

Kana just smiled softly at her answer before taking one of the candies, humming pleasant at the taste. When the amethyst eyed girl tried to give Danuja a piece she refused with a huff.

'' They are for you. I brought them for you so there's no need.''  she said before looking away tilting her head on the side.

'' Why though?''  Kana asked making Danuja tense up just a little. She didn't really except a question but then again, Dad can't really talk to ask her anything in the first place but he still takes any rewards.

'' You work really hard everyday. So why can you get a reward for your hard work?''  Danuja asked in return quirking up in amusement.  Just because she tried to avoid Kana before doesn't mean she didn't know what she did. After all, since arriving at their messy school Kana become one of the top students quickly, never letting herself quite loose. She was also the kindness with any students winning the majority hearts around.

Somehow Danuja felt strangely proud by that fact.

'' I work just the same as everyone else.'' Kana said instead a little cowered, looking down at the small candy bag with a sad gaze

With pursed lips and narrow eyes, Danuja lifted her hand pushing Kana forehead gently, but hard enough to make her sway backwards just a little. 

'' Stop that shit.'' Danuja begin rather harshly  '' You work harder than those idiots. If you would have worked the same or less than them then you would run in their circles. So stop putting yourself at those mindless bastards level.''  she said before taking a deep breath at Kana startled expression.  Danuja hold her hand up taking one of the candies between her fingers before pushing it against Kana plush lips, making the girl open her mouth obediently.

Taking a grip on herself Danuja lifted her knee up, resting her hand there looking on the side.

Get  a grip on yourself idiot. You are gonna scare her.

Her body become loose and just a little euphoric when Kana laughed, giggling happily before scooting closer to her, Kana vanilla scent making her feel warm and just a little bit more alert.

---- one week later ---

It become a routine.

Danuja buying cheap colored candies and Kana eating them happily beside her. They were still meeting on the rooftop, Danuja always making sure that no teacher was in sigh so Kana  won't be in any trouble.

After Danuja become used with the sweet vanilla around Kana and her general brightness, she let herself relax completely around her and actually talk with the girl, sometimes pitching in almost eager.

And so a week later, when Danuja returned to school with an ugly cut on her cheek courteously of her training with Mr. Touma, she  seat in front of Kana letting the girl gentle hands treat her.

'' What did you fight for?''  Kana asked curiosity blending in her tone. She cleaned the wound carefully before looking in her kit for band aids.

'' Mhh.''  Danuja hummed leaning her head just the slightest bit at Kana touch  '' To get stronger I suppose.''  she said growing amused when Kana pouted at her

'' You are strong enough.''

I'm not    Danuja though viciously in her head not letting the emotion surface

'' Then I want to be stronger than  'strong enough'. Then I want to be even stronger than  'stronger'.''  she said in a serious tone blinking surprised when Kana burst in a fit of bright giggles  '' Huh?'' 

'' Sorry sorry.'' Kana said hurriedly holding her hands up, smiling brightly  '' That was such a Danuja thing to say.''  she said teasingly

More amused by Kana trying to hold in her laugh Danuja huffed before letting her lips quirk up slightly. Gently, her heart already beating faster, Danuja hold up her hand towards Kana touching her hair slightly.

It was smooth, her fingers sinking softly before stopping on a warm scalp, scratching it slightly. She stopped for a moment looking at Kana reaction that made her swallow heavily.

Kana face was a bright red and her amethyst eyes were looking a little dazed at Danuja making her scratch the girl head one more time admiring the visible shiver Kana go through. Not wanting Kana too overwhelmed and a little surprised at her reaction Danuja retreated her hand slightly, letting her palm smooth her hair till Kana eyes returned to normal.

'' T-that's-''  Kana tried to begin but stopped bitting her lips

A little worried, Danuja locked eyes with her before asking her

'' Do you want me to stop?''  she asked slowing her movements ready to stop. She would have stopped before as well if Kana looked uncomfortable or at last that's what she liked to tell herself.

'' Please don't.'' Kana said hurried but not moving  '' Can you just continue like this?"  she asked softly, almost scared before relaxing when Danuja continued her petting

Neither of girls returned to classes that day.

I really love writting those two, though for the ones waiting action fon't worry and be prepared.

I eat a sandwich today and two bananas, it's 5 P.M now and my sister will most likely shove an omelette down my throat but it will be tasty anyway.

Have a great meal today!

Michiko_Bcreators' thoughts
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