

Once upon a time, Avalora was a peaceful and serene paradise, adorned with captivating beauty and magical charm. However, fate brought unexpected changes one dark day. Mysterious gates of unknown origin suddenly appeared in various parts of the world.

Not long after their appearance, the gates opened by themselves, without anyone touching them. A dark aura, filled with a thirst for blood, permeated the air as the gates swung wide open, releasing imprisoned creatures into the world of Avalora.

These creatures are vicious, cruel, and destructive. Their presence heralded an era of madness, brutality, and fear for all inhabitants of the world of Avalora. They are the Destroyers!

The Destroyers, creatures that originated from a dark and enigmatic abyss, quickly spread with devastating force, wreaking havoc and chaos wherever they stepped.

Avalora, once home to a variety of fearsome monsters, now trembles in fear with the arrival of the Destroyers. Even the monsters themselves cower in fear of the ferocity and power these creatures possess.

Now, fear pervades every corner of Avalora. The Destroyers have arrived, ready to strike and obliterate anything that stands in their way. The world is in danger, and its destiny now rests on the shoulders of the brave heroes willing to face this looming threat.

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