
Day 5Dx2 - Damage Report

The atmosphere in the main hall was much different than what Gregory was currently doing.

Between outrunning a horde of killer robots, battling unfinished clones, fighting a killer bunny, taking down a pissed-off gator AGAIN and getting hypnotized you had your share of excitement tonight. You were spent.

The night was nearly over and you would most certainly have a lot of explaining to do.

Bonnie on the other hand was ecstatic. Never mind that he just went through the same stuff he had other thoughts on his mind. Now that everyone was fixed he wanted his party!

You arrive in the main hall to find it quiet. There were only a few bots around cleaning up. You put Vanny's head on a table as you wait for Gregory and Moon. You tell Bonnie to put Vanessa down and to take get rest while you wait.

He was excited and quickly took a seat by the cake. The chairs were somehow sturdy enough to hold his weight.

You text Gregory that it was over. You tell him and Moon to make their way to the main hall. You look around. Everything was back to normal, the remaining bots paying you no mind.

Anxious to start his 'return party' Bonnie started calling the band members, encouraging you to do so as well. You explained that calling them multiple times wouldn't accomplish anything but he wasn't interested.

Had he been waiting for the party since before the Arcade? You ponder.

He was unable to reach Roxanne and Freddy. He was also unable to reach Chica but it wasn't like she could go anywhere anyways. Monty picked up but Bonnie he'd be there soon.

He was getting impatient.

You had no explanation as for Roxanne and Freddy's whereabouts. While you were fully expecting to fight them earlier they just never showed up.

You tried to get a word in to Monty but Bonnie hung up. He even called Moon but there was no answer. You explain to him that Gregory was with him and they'd be here soon anyways.

Much as you'd like to break off and go home, Gregory texts you that he had something to do first.

More waiting.

Vanessa was laid on the table, still in her fake rabbit suit. The helmet still beckoned you to try it on but you knew better than to do something that stupid. First thing tomorrow, I'll take it apart and figure it out. You decide.

You were curious as to how it functioned. Worried ripping the helmet off would have caused issues you check her vitals. She was breathing, just unconscious. You figure you could probably wake her up but decide not to. She'll get up when she's ready.

Bonnie was looking anxiously at the cake. Though he couldn't eat, he was admiring it. The candles on it had long since melted into a pile of wax upon the purple-frosted cake. You weren't sure the extent of the party Roxanne was planning. You figure the cake was probably for you and Vanessa and that they had something else planned for Bonnie. Thinking of which, where was Roxanne? She hadn't appeared since you were talking to Monty at the start of the night.

Still unsure of Gregory's location you decide to clean up. More specifically you go to the golf-entrance where Bonnie had thrown that bot during your little game earlier. You pick it up and start to haul it to the centre.

The impact had damaged something in it and it was off.

Walking back you notice something out of the corner of your eye. There was someone on the stage....It was Bonnie? No. It looked a bit like Bonnie if he was nearly destroyed. It looked a bit like the bunny you saw in your comatose but withered. You blink. Wait it was the bunny? You blink again. It was a bot? You couldn't make it out.

You drop the slain staff bot. The figure was staring at you. It glares at you and looks like it was about to speak. Before it does, it stops and instead just shakes its head at you disapprovingly before walking backstage and disappearing behind the curtains. You blink and it's gone, unsure if what you saw was even real.

Must be the night getting to you. It had only been 5 days since you started. You still weren't used to the night shift.

"You guys made it!" Bonnie said, startling you. From the other side of the hall was Monty and Freddy. Freddy was carrying Gregory on his neck and cradling Sun. Gregory looked beat, hugging Freddy's head, almost dozing off. Freddy put Gregory and Sun down before running to Bonnie, pulling him into a tight hug. You swear you heard metal crumpling with how tightly they were holding each other.

You notice Freddy was missing an eye. Ehn, he'll fill you in later.

Monty's attention however was focused on something else. T-that head. I-it was that! Monty thought. He started to freak out.

"IT WAS YOU!" Monty screams as he runs towards the centre. Before you even have a second to react, Monty lunges towards the table, tackling Vanny's head. He starts shouting and smashing the head, destroying all the electronics inside. The table was completely destroyed as was Monty's restraints. He collapses into an angry mess. Bonnie was first to act and pulled him away, doing his best to calm the gator. He started apologizing to Bonnie and you, clarifying that it was that head that caused everything. "IT WAS THAT BUNNY I SWEAR! Oh, Bon...I'm so sorry." Monty started spitting out.

So it was Vanny he saw during the incident. You note that. At least that was one thing down. You start to wonder if it was Vanny he ran into earlier then.

At the very least he seemed relieved that she was no more. He seemed vindicated, as if he finally understood he wasn't crazy. Freddy and Gregory exchanged looks, they would absolutely need to talk to Monty when this was over.

You chose not to mention the whole Vanny is Vanessa detail. It would be better if he didn't know. He was curious to know why Vanessa was wearing those clothes, failing to make the connection. You quickly change the subject, noting how his little stunt caused him more damage. He just apologized and joined Bonnie and Freddy at the party.

They were already catching up despite only seeing each other for a few minutes now.

"Good job (Y/N)!" Sun shouted as he skipped to you.

"Thanks. You feeling better?" You ask.

"A bit." Sun said happily. He danced a little twirl. You guess Sun had been called out due to the time. It was early morning. In fact, the opening crew should have arrived by now.

"My my, seems like I came at just the right time." A voice said from the direction of the main entrance. You knew exactly whose voice that it. Everyone's attention was turned to the representative, the same one that hired you. Beside him were a group of workers.

You finally got to see what he looked like.

He was a short, stout, round man, definitely older than you. He wore an old-school 1900s-style tuxedo with a white dress shirt, black overcoat, black pants and a black tie. It clashed with the 80s motif but with this places weirdness, it strangely fit. There was no doubt in your mind, this man was eccentric. All he needed was that large hat and he'd look like Sir Topham Hatt. You think.

As if reading your thoughts a worker brings him the hat and he puts it on.

He cleared his throat.

Whelp, this was it. You're about to lose your job. The Rep turns back to someone out of the picture. "Put her just there." He said, pointing to the party.

Carrying a stretcher two workers enter the hall and place it on the ground. There, shattered was Roxanne. You take a step back in shock. You look angrily to Freddy and Gregory who shrug and look away, guiltily. You sigh.

"I-" you begin to say but are cut off.

"One second (Y/N)." He motions over towards the entrance again. "Just put her beside." He says.

From the entrance come two more workers with a stretcher carrying Chica. Her head wasn't attached. Bonnie looks to you. You shrug. You had no idea how that even happened. How did the Rep even get Chica or know where to find her?


"Just another second. Then I will let you speak your peace. I have some things I want to say. If I had the workers I would bring in the DJ as he is also in a state of disarray. He said coldly.

You guess that the DJ didn't win his battle against the endos.

"You and your friends have a lot to answer for tonight." He said.

There was unease in the air. The Rep had come to open the plex only to find two inanimate animatronics, a sleeping security guard, a damaged DJ, and battered bots all over the place. Gregory, Bonnie, Freddy, Monty, you and Sun all had the same "screwed" feeling.

The Rep took a deep breath and walked up to Bonnie, looking him over. In a split second his attitude completely changed.

"S-sir." Bonnie said uneasy.

The Rep merely gave you thumbs up then continued to look over Bonnie. "You did a good job! Really. He looks good as new!" He remarked happily.

The Rep extended a hand and shook Bonnie's. "My boy, welcome back to the land of the living. You look just as I remember you."

As if a weight had been lifted off Bonnie's shoulders he relaxed. He shook the rep's hand back. "Thanks sir! It's good to be back! You're looking good!

"Quite. Quite." The Rep turned to rest of you. "First I heard the plex went on lockdown, then I heard a certain troublemaker broke in." He winks at Gregory.

"And then I heard a distress signal from the plex. A certain 'bird' emitted it." You guess he was referring to Chica. "Of course, I don't know exactly what happened but I can't say I didn't expect something to happen." He cleared his throat again. "I figure you must think I am angry. And in a way, yes I am."

He took a step back to address you all.

"But. In all my years working for Fazbear Entertainment I don't really get surprised any more. If you people even knew the half of what's happened he-Nevermind that. I'm going off on a tangent."

"Ahem. There isn't much that still shocks me. I guess I'm just surprised that you didn't destroy even more animatronics."

"That, were uh, me and Sun, sir. Just Roxanne. I don't know what happened to Chica." Gregory admitted.

"Ditto." Sun joined in.

"Really?" The Rep look surprised. He turned to you and Bonnie. "You too weren't responsible for our wolf and bird friends? What of the others?"

"No. We were able to reset Monty, Moon and the rest of the bots." You stammer. "We took out a few staff bots but otherwise that was it."

"Hmm." The Rep said satisfied. "I don't care about the bots. But to take them down 'peacefully'? You must give me a full report later about it. I want to know exactly what went wrong. I was fully expecting this turn of events to be worse."

"Y-yes sir."

"I've ordered the plex closed for a few days while we sort all this out."

"You're not mad?" You ask. You were expecting some other reaction than the grandiose one he came with.

"Well, you did exactly as you were told. Albeit...with a few issues." He motioned to Roxanne and Chica. "I will also congratulate you for doing a less...impactful job than our young friend over there." He motioned at Gregory. He just stared at the ground. He didn't want to be reminded what went down during the SB-9 incident. He'd already gotten a lecture from Freddy of what the kid did wrong back then.

The Rep looked at Vanessa, still unconscious. "I had a feeling something 'terrible' had happened but you all look fine. Well, most of you anyways."

"I trust you will fix this, oh, Senior Technician?" He pointed to Roxanne and Chica.

You nod. Despite escaping death many times tonight, this was the most worried you'd been. You were completely surprised that he didn't take it worse.

"First thing tomorrow, sir."

"That sounds good. Now then. Do I spy a cake over there?" The Rep said, sauntering over to it.

"Ah, a welcome back cake for our purple friend?" He looked over the cake. "A little ruined but still edible. Does anyone have a knife?"

Sun looked at Gregory who just shrugged. Through thought Moon was at the part where Gregory got a knife. Sun didn't know exactly what happened to it or that it was lodged somewhere in Freddy.

A worker brought a cake knife to the rep. He handed it to Bonnie.

"If you will. It is your cake."

"Oh! Thanks!" Bonnie quickly took the knife and performed the first cut. The atmosphere of the main hall became more relaxed. The Rep motioned for the workers to clean up and they proceeded to take Chica and Roxanne.

The Rep took a slice of the cake. "Ah yes, this must be Chica's work."

"Would it be possible to debrief now?" You ask. You still weren't sure how the Rep would take all the structural damage. It would be better to tell him now than figure it out.

"If you insist. But it appears there is a party to be had first. Take some minutes to rest, then tell me." The Rep said, grinning.

Bonnie interrupted you to hand you a slice of cake. It had a bit of the melted wax on it but it was nothing you couldn't scrape off. "Thanks for you all your help (Y/N)." The Rep said cheerfully as you got a piece of cake.

You decide to pull up your note from earlier tonight. There were some changes you need to make.

The notes have been finalized.















You add a final line below everything.


You think you did an alright job keeping everyone alive. Ehn, could have been worse. At least you could just fix the shattered ones. You still had questions but there would be plenty of time for that later.

For now, your first week working here was completed.

The final chapter will be called Five Nights.

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