
Chapter 14: Charity Work, Elves, A Vampire??, International Incident and Vengeance.


" " : Dialogue,

' ' : Thought,

[ ] : System, Raphael,

{ } : Telepathy,

\\ \\: Parallel Wills,

// // : W System announcement.


Location: Ohts Kingdom Forest

Dante POV

Shiraori and I have been in the forest for a little while now, 4 days to be exact, and I've noticed that she's been more relaxed and less highstrung since we left the labyrinth while still keeping up vigilance. And this is the first time she's ever been like this, even when counting the time spent in my Soul Marble which is pretty shocking, to be honest. We've gone about hunting, gathering fruits and even fishing, except we were fishing for water dragons to eat as well as other sea life to use to make different meals.

Right now though, we're walking on a paved road heading to Keren County in the country of Sariella. If that sounds familiar, it's because they're a country that worships Sariel as the goddess of this world, which isn't wrong but they also believe that the 'Voice of the world' is some other being despite Sariel actually being both the goddess and voice of the world.

As we keep walking, Shiraori notices humans causing a commotion on the edge of her Detection and teleports to a patch of grass not far away from them to observe the situation. I flickered away from where I was to a point on the road just a few metres away from the commotion. I saw what I had expected to see, seven bandits attacking a noble family and their entourage.

{Shiro, you can kill the bandits. They should provide some EXP for you.} I say to her after seeing the state of the nobles while I keep myself invisible to them. A second later, a bandit who was about to breach the door of the nobles' carriage has his torso slashed through and everyone looks up to the roof of the carriage to see Shiraori perched on it.

Without any greetings or banter, she dashes and slashes two more bandits and they die instantly, thanks to the fact that her scythes are always imbued with Poison Attack. Two more of the bandits try dashing at her but she sends an Earth Spear through each of their torsos and the last two are killed by her using her Evil eyes.

After she finishes killing the bandits, she turns to the nobles' guards and sees them still holding their weapons with their guards up until one of them faints from blood loss and they try to resuscitate him. Seeing this, she uses some recovery magic on him and just before she turns away to leave she sees her. A child no more than a few months old being carried in her mother's bosom, Sophia Keren, formerly known as Negishi Shouko, the first of the reincarnators that Shiraori would ever meet and a vampire.

Stunned by the details she sees by her using appraisal on Sophia, she grumbles for a bit before nodding in acknowledgement of Lady Keren's thanks. Just as she turns away from them and begins setting up a teleport spell, she notices someone hidden amongst some trees not far away then ignores them and finally teleports away to a part of the forest that is close to the Keren County and I follow right after.

Waiting for some hours, we choose to eat some meat while she tells me about Sophia's status and complaining about how D most likely handed her the short stick since Sophia had a skill that basically allowed her to cheat death as a baby but she also has 75,000 Skill Points in storage. {You know, while your life's start was definitely like being thrust into a game's Hell difficulty when you're a first time player, the later part of your life would actually be easier when compared to humans as a whole.} I told her while chewing on some shark meat.

{How exactly would that work?} She asked, her mouth full. {Well, as a monster, you can evolve and experience greater stat and skill growth than humans normally would, you can also gain EXP and skill proficiency faster than humans especially since you can do that from birth. So while they would have to go through the different stages of growth for years, you could achieve greater growth than them in a few months at worst and a few days at best. This also applies to elves and demons.} I explained while chowing on a few Kurikuta fruits.

{Huh, I never looked at it that way before.} She says then continues. {Now I actually feel a bit of pity for my classmates that were reincarnated as humans or elves.} She says with a sigh. Shortly after, we turn our heads to look at the road and we see the Keren's carriage moving to the gates and close to them we see elves and immediately our guards go up. As for why, it was because they had mentioned employing better bandits to take them out.

{No way, to think that elves would be like this.} Shiraori says while frowning. {Honestly, I expected something like this, especially since they know of the reincarnators thanks to one of their own.} I say while observing them move away from the road. {What do you mean, 'one of their own'?} She asks keeping her eyes on them using Panoptic Vision. {I mean that one of them is a reincarnator that has a skill to keep an eye on the conditions of other reincarnators.} I say while looking around for more bandits as they would be her EXP.

Waiting until night, we saw the elves from earlier today scale the walls of the city and make their way to the lord's mansion. They eventually reach the house and infiltrate it and begin heading to the room where Sophia is but they don't make it as Shiraori uses her Evil Eye of Grudge to kill them and leaves their corpses to be discovered the next morning.

The next morning comes by quickly and the corpses are discovered by the lord's guards, putting them in a state of alert. However, the elves were not quite dealt with as last night, some of them had chosen to stay at their hideout and relay information regarding the ones sent to infiltrate the mansion to their higher-ups, i.e: Potimas, using telepathy, meaning that sooner or later they would receive reinforcements that the Keren family would not be capable of repelling.

Later we found the elves contacting multiple groups of bandits, paying them to attack the Keren County, its lord and his family which still surprised Shiraori. {What is up with this disconnect? Aren't elves supposed to be this pure, nature loving race? Right now, they just seem like some shady criminal organization.} She said, annoyance and confusion evident in her voice. {You do know that apart from the whole nature loving shtick that most elves have in manga and light novels, they are also more often than not racists.} I say and hear glass shattering somewhere. {N-nai wa.} She said before shaking herself out of her delusions.

{Fine then, since that's the case then I can't do anything about it, so I will kill the bandits and get to the elves when I'm done.} She says as she begins to look toward the bandit camp that I had found before.and started killing them with her Evil Eye + Panoptic Vision combo. She used most of her Evil Eyes to take them out, Warping, Annihilation, Grudge were used the most though. Eventually, we hear some steps coming from behind us and we turn to see adventurers looking at us with wariness, until two of them tell the rest to stop and we see that they were part of the party we had saved in the labyrinth and they offer some more fruits to Shiraori. Of course, I kept myself invisible and inaudible throughout their interaction while chuckling at the sight of people giving a spider monster offerings of fruits.

Shiraori POV

If I ever have to meet up with my kids in the labyrinth again, I don't think I'd be able to explain what's going on here to them. So, the adventurers from that time in the labyrinth told them that I wasn't necessarily a threat to the livelihood of the people in the city which was actually good for me since I won't have to kill people willy nilly.

But what wasn't?? good for me was the fact that them offering fruits to me has caused a rampant emulation of their actions. I am literally in front of some people bowing to me and praying after offering me fruit. Them praying to me though, actually has a somewhat interesting story behind it.

Apparently spiders are seen as a divine beast or messenger of the goddess which now that I think about it, I did see the title Ancient Divine Beast in Ariel's status. They've even built a shrine of sorts here and Dante is still remaining invisible to everyone else but me, not that I'm complaining.

As for how they even got to me, they noticed me when I was testing out my Evil Eyes and a report was sent to the lord of this land . He had decided to monitor the situation but the adventurers complicated it a bit. They had come here mainly to investigate the migration of monsters from the labyrinth, which I had caused. Some of the members of the party that I had saved were among them so we avoided fighting.

They simply gave me fruit and returned to the city, telling others what they saw, which thanks to gossip spread like a wildfire causing the lord's efforts to suppress information about a strange spider monster near the city to go to waste. It could have simply ended as a rumor if it wasn't for the lord's wife confirming this information and causing so many fanatics to come here.

This could also have gone by as well if it wasn't for something I did. You see, a few days ago, a mother brought her sickly child to me in hopes that I could heal him. I had noticed that they were both quite starved and more than anything, she was desperate for any way to heal her child.

I inspected the child's condition and saw that they had gotten liver cancer as a result of eating some horrible things. Feeling sympathy for both of them, I knocked out the mother and performed surgery on the child, cutting out the parts affected by cancer and healed them. When I was finished and they both woke up, I treated them to some fruits so that they could eat.

This caused the rumors to spread some more that I was also some divine healer and my house ended up becoming a healing center for diseases that are normally incurable, serious or fatal. As a result of all this I got some healer titles, 5 of them at that.

They were Savior, Medicine User, Saint, Rescuer and Guardian, and with the titles came skills, although I had some of them already. Those skills were Fortress, Shield Talent, Light Magic, Holy Light Magic, Miracle Magic, Charity and Hero.

The Hero skill was similar to the Demon King skill, but now I hold both of these skills, but this wasn't the most broken of these skills, not by a long shot. The skill that had that honor was Charity.

//Charity LV1//

//n% Power Capable of Reaching the Gods.//

//Gives Same Effect as HP Ultra Fast Recovery LV1 to Everything That is Recognized as an Ally.//

//In Addition, the W System is Surpassed and the Right to Interfere with the MA Field is Obtained .//

So as things are right now, I've gotten a huge following with everyone here seeing me as a divine beast despite me just following my own morals and I've also gotten a regular source of fruits. It was all going well, until a few hours ago.

While most of the people here were thanking and revering me, a man came by with an entourage and he said something that made me want to kill him there and then, which I would have if it hadn't been for Dante calming me down. He had the audacity or rather, the stupidity to try and claim me as some property and say that I should just be used to breed more of myself for his country, which it turns out was Ohts.

So this guy insulted me, in front of Dante and still had the audacity to shout at me when I rejected him kindly and told him to leave, then he opened his mouth and called me stupid and brainless, saying that I was just some inferior monster, like, who do I think I am to reject him, a noble.

Calming myself so I didn't kill him there, I teleported back to the seashore, just to kill something else before I got too pissed off, which was an unfortunate water dragon, and it took me less than a minute so I was back quickly with the corpse of a dragon and unfortunately the idiot was still there.

When I got back, he was about to continue his spiel but stopped himself the instant he saw the dragon's corpse being held over my head with telekinesis with its fresh blood flowing out. I ignored him for my sanity and began dismantling it, burning the bones to ash and scaling the meat and I asked Dante to help me season them since he had more knowledge of the world around us.

And he helped by opening up a subspace that they would see as mine due to him being invisible to them and sending me the seasoning and other utensils from there. After I was done cooking the meat, I distributed it among the people from Keren and Sariella. And just when I'd expected the idiot to have gotten some sense in that head of his, he attacks one of the people for the meat and orders his men to do the same.

I exuded killing intent and focused it on them and only them and their eyes widened in fear as if they just realized that they're dealing with a monster and they fell in their butts and started backing away. {I chose to tolerate you all out of mercy for your idiocy, but you continue to irritate me. Leave, before I go ahead and destroy your country as punishment.} I said and the idiot still tried shouting, thankfully, his body was too busy being scared for its survival to allow him to act stupidly.

His subordinates dragged him away while he shouted out unintelligibly and I saw a wet spot on his pants as his voice was drowned out by the murmurs of the people who were here. After that, the people returned home and I teleported to the labyrinth to check my babies and they had grown quite well, having evolved once in just a little over a week without my or Dante's help. I stayed there keeping an eye on them as they hunted and went grinding their skills.

Later in the evening, I returned to the spot where I'd been and something came up on the edges of my detection, armed humans carrying ropes. 'Hmm, definitely that idiot's subordinates and it seems he wants them to capture me alive. He really didn't learn.' I think before killing them all with my Evil Eye of Paralysis.

{Honey, I'm going to kill him.} I said with the chilliest voice I could muster. {Not now. Wait until the morning, but for now move the bodies to the shrine and string them up, also inject some Poison in them.} He told me while patting my head. {Okay.} I said, doing just that, but not understanding why.

Eventually, morning came and the bodies were discovered along with a message telling everyone exactly what they had done. Eavesdropping on the goings-on in the lord's mansion, I heard the idiot deny that he had attempted anything and I was ready to snap and just kill him there until I noticed a few gigantic holograms in the air replaying everything he did yesterday as well as their attempt to capture me, and focusing Panoptic Vision, I saw even more holograms in the distance and then some more popped up showing the outrage of everyone in Sariella.

The next words I heard from the lord shook me. "It seems that you have caused this to become an international incident, sir. I ask that you leave and relay our discontent with your conduct as an emissary of Ohts to your leaders. I will not be seeing you out." I did not expect that from him, but then again, I've not known him for long. 'Hah, I really hope this doesn't turn into a war or something.

{Now that he's leaving, you can kill him on the road.} Dante tells me from his seat under the shade of a tree. Following his advice, I wait till noon when he has left with his carriage and a rider and been on the road for a bit and I use my Evil Eye + Panoptic Vision combo to kill him and the rider and horses.

But that wasn't the end of things. It was only the precursor to a war between two countries. I found out that the Ohts Kingdom had been wanting reason to attack Sariella and this incident had given them just that. So now, I am currently looking at the Ohts Kingdom army of over 53,000 people and the Sariella army of over 42,000 people charging each other.

{I'll be honest. This isn't how I expected this fight to go. I mean, where's the flanking, where's the encirclement, where are the pincer attacks, where are they!? It just looks like a large scale brawl.} I say watching them just throw skills at each other. {Well, why don't you go help them out with your spells?} Dante asks while eating popcorn from a paper bag. {You know, I just might.} I say before grabbing the bag and shoving some into my mouth. Before I leave to join the battle, I look at Dante and I see something unexpected. His face is blank and cold and killing intent is wafting off him in waves.

{Honey, are you okay?} I ask him as he looks toward the Ohts Kingdom army. {Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I just saw some people I need to meet.} He said, standing up from the chair as it crumbles, with his cold expression still there, then he flickers away. I sigh then teleport above the armies and fire 3 overcharged Black Bullets at the Ohts Kingdom. 'Let's get this EXP.'

Dante POV

'They are here. Those demon hearted fuckers are here.' I thought while flickering toward the battlefield. Shiraori had already started bombarding the Ohts army by the time I'd reached them, but the army wasn't my focus. My mind was fully focused on the fuckers responsible for my mother's murder.

Flickering in front of the man that called himself my father, I locked down the space in the area and deployed my Divine Dragon Barrier to stop any spellcasting in the area apart from mine and Shiraori's while focusing my killing intent on the 25 men remaining from those that chased my mother as well as the bitch that framed her.

Almost as if programmed to do so, the soldiers flashed to guard him, Ynazel Isvalt, the man that was half responsible for my birth. "My lord, we'll protect you from that monster." One of them shouted while I just looked at them as if they were already dead.

"Do you remember her at all? Did you actually have any care for her at all?" I asked him after making sure no sound could reach them but my voice. "Who are you talking about?" He asked me while pulling out his sword. Looking at their stats, I snorted. 'Weak, but then again, the humans in this world are generally weak.' I thought, noticing that not even one of their stats had reached 200 points, not to mention Cordelia was the weakest of them all round.

{Shiro, apart from these ones here, the rest of them are yours to kill.} I tell Shiraori after marking them and isolating them from the others. {Okay. Please be careful.} She says as she starts unleashing a barrage of spells to kill the rest of the Ohts soldiers. {Don't worry, I will be.} I say then teleport away from the battlefield.

Seeing this, Ynazel understood that I was here for them specifically, but he still didn't understand why, meanwhile Cordelia had started screaming bloody murder after noticing that they were no longer anywhere close to the army. "I don't know who you are, but you had better return us there, otherwise you will face the consequences." He said, getting into an offensive stance.

Waving my hand, I cause all their weapons to crumble to dust, shocking them. "I'll ask again, did you ever care for her, even a little bit? She stayed and obeyed you, kept away from trouble of any kind so as not to tarnish your name but you simply stayed on the sidelines while she ran for her life. So tell me if you even cared for her at any point in time." I said causing Ynazel's eyes to widen in shock.

"You're Margena's son. You're Dante. But how?" He said with a blank face, causing all of them to stiffen. "Hmm, so you see me as her son at least. I see the problem with you now. You aren't cruel or sadistic. You're merely apathetic towards everyone but yourself. Now be quiet." I say as I use Biokinesis to literally seal his lips. "As for the rest of you, don't bother trying to appeal to me. You are all going to die agonizing deaths." I say before being interrupted by an inhuman scream.

"You son of a bitch, don't you know who we are!? Do you think that one of such low birth like you is capable of doing anything to me!? Release me now and I'll overlook your bitch of a mother's crimes, you bastard!" Cordelia screamed in rage at the situation she was in. "And as you incompetent fools, when we're gone from here, I will personally hand out your punishments!" She shouted to the others.

"I see that you don't understand the situation, so allow me to help you understand." I said calmly before snapping my fingers, impaling her limbs with shadows causing her to squeal like a pig being gutted. "None of you is leaving her alive, especially you, Cordelia." I say as I cast the Black World spell, enveloping us all in darkness, but I allowed them to still be able to see and hear.

(A/N: Gore warning. This is going to be a torture scene and will last a few paragraphs. If you're not into that then just treat this as the end of the chapter.)

Firstly, I separate Cordelia and Ynazel from the others and turn to the remaining people. Using Biokinesis, I paralyze them and increase their sensitivity to pain a thousandfold. I force their brains into thought acceleration also to a thousandfold. Then I use Biokinesis to remove all their resistances and make sure that they would not pass out or get used to the pain.

Using telekinesis, I begin to skin them all alive from their feet simultaneously while reforming some of the earth around into white-hot metal needles to pierce their nerve endings. After I finished flaying them and inserting the needles in them, I opened their torsos and started boiling their blood and innards that were now exposed but kept the damage from reaching a breaking point.

While they were boiling, I started crushing their bones as painfully as I could achieve and twisting and grinding their musculature to mush while leaving their lungs, heart, brain and speech organs intact so the only thing that they could do was groan out in pain.

I used Telekinesis to fuse them together making one massive blob of blood and internal organs held by a mush of human flesh before using Hellfire to burn their bodies and souls while inflicting literal soul destroying agony on them.

After the flames finished destroying them, I turned to Cordelia who was begging for her life and applied Thought Acceleration and Agony, the pain increment spell to a millionfold on her. For her though, I didn't flay her just yet. First I used Biokinesis to make sure that she would stay alive and conscious while I torture her.

I put my hand on her belly, where her uterus would be and set her uterus ablaze and make sure it did not spread to any other organs. I then removed her nails and put in white-hot metal needles causing her to scream even louder. I break her digits then follow with her ulna, radius, fibula and tibia bones in that order then smash her humerus and femur bones simultaneously.

To make sure it pains her even more, I turn her blood into sulfuric acid then I use some of the metal to create a drill head and drill all her teeth with it before I crush her jaw. I then pull out her circulatory and nervous systems bit by bit while still leaving them connected to their main organs and leave them spread out on the floor.

I had kept eye contact with her through all of this as I basically eliminated the existence of eyelids on her and despite the torture that she was going through, she was obstinate and unrepentant of her actions. Seeing that made me lose any iota of hesitation I had in doing what I would do next.

I started to construct a complicated circle that was made using different sigils and started engraving it unto her very soul, beyond the reaches of the W System. "You are probably wondering what I'm doing to you and why it's not causing you any pain." I say while restoring her eyelids.

"What I'm writing right now is a curse that is going to stay stuck to your soul even after you reincarnate. It will cause you to keep your memories every time you reincarnate and will immediately make it impossible for you to have or develop any resistances and will only increase your sensitivity to pain by a million times, so even something as small as growing pains that even children get used to over time will feel like full body torture to you. And it increases by an index for every reincarnation. This is my punishment to you." I tell her and watch as her eyes widen with shock and fear. "Goodbye forever." I say as I create a reaper's scythe from death energy and decapitate her, the death energy spreads throughout her dismantled body and turns it to dust.

After I finish with her, I turn to face Ynazel and despite everything that he's witnessed, his face is still stoic and reading his mind, I notice that his thoughts don't even slightly move toward his subordinates or his wife that were just tortured and killed in front of him. They only show him giving up on escaping and complaining about how this put a wrench in his plans.

"I would torture you too, but you just aren't worth it and besides, apart from Giruki, a literal snake, you showed the most care for my mother, so you'll die quickly." I say and bisect his body with the scythe and he turns to dust putting an end to my revenge.

Dispelling the Black World, I look to my right to see Shiraori. {Are you alright?} She asks me with genuine worry in her voice. {Yeah, I'm fine.} I say as I hug her. {I'm alright now.}

Chapter end.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Hey everyone, read and enjoy. Have a nice day/night.

BasedDragonLordcreators' thoughts
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