
Chapter 6: A Chance

"What the heck? What am I doing? Now is not the time to think about this. I still have my own matters to consider!" Sean shook his head gently as if trying to clear his mind, redirecting his thoughts back on track.

What should he do now? Quit? Although he didn't see Frederick's reaction, he assumed that Frederick wouldn't be too happy. Plus, generally, agents also wanted to make money. Nonetheless, Sean was reluctant to quit so easily. He didn't like being a deserter. He had played his part as an extra to solve the current predicament, saved some money, and took time to plan for the future. Despite feeling disgusted by the situation, he resolved immediately to persevere and continue, regardless of the circumstances.

Once he made a decision, he believed in doing it to the best of his abilities. Since he had performed well as an extra and observed the regular actors on set, he believed that given the chance, his performance would be on par, if not better than theirs. So why should he quit?

It would be better to wait. Sean thought as he scratched Pork's chin. Perhaps Frederick had exaggerated. It was too soon to make a rash decision. When faced with a poor choice, time becomes a valuable companion, offering the best support for those seeking a way out.

Nevertheless, reality soon taught him a lesson.


"It's a shame. If you could've gotten that role, you might have become an instant hit. You know, many stars become popular through youth idols..." During their spare time on set, Cole, as usual, chattered about everything he knew about Hollywood.

Under normal circumstances, Sean would have engaged in the conversation. Though at that moment, he wasn't in the mood.

It had been four days since the last audition, and his agent confirmed that James Van Der Beek had been chosen for the lead role in 'Varsity Blues'. Frederick had mentioned that David Thewlis, the casting director, privately expressed his regrets to him. Sean didn't comment on that, but...

Although he expected it, Sean still felt uneasy upon hearing the news.

"It's alright, there will be another chance." He said as if responding to Cole, but actually, he just reassuring himself.

"Don't say it so casually, Sean," Cole sighed, and then complained about something else, "Well, you have a good agent, so you don't care. But me... If only I could audition for 'Varsity Blues,' I would have been able to get a role."

"Even if you have to flatter the producer?" Sean couldn't help but ask.

"As long as I can land a significant role, what's wrong with a little flattery?" Cole didn't mind, as long as he can get an opportunity he is willing to do anything. And what about dignity, you ask? 'What good is dignity?' Cole thought cynically to himself. 'Will it bring him wealth or any advantages?' He is more desperate than Sean, he has been in Hollywood for more than two years, so, he knows how precious an opportunity is for an aspiring actor.

Sean was initially stunned, then frowned. However, before he could speak, one of the assistant directors, a man in his thirties who stood almost 5 feet 8 inches tall, approached them. "Hey, the director wants you to come over," he said.

Why does the director want us? Sean was surprised and puzzled, but he and the excited Cole walked over to the camera area together.

"Sean? Cole? Very well, let me see... Turn around, Sean, you go first," the director directed them without wasting any words.

Sean turned around as instructed, struck a few more poses, and then Cole did the same. The director immediately discussed something with a few people nearby in a low voice.

It didn't take long, just a few minutes, until Cole was practically twitching in anticipation. Finally, they finished the discussion.

"Alright, it's you, Sean. We need a tall and poised restaurant waiter temporarily. You'll have a couple of lines with the main character. I think you're well-suited for it. Any questions?" The director was straightforward.

"Um... no, sir," Sean replied, stunned.

"Mr. Director, what about me?" Cole asked anxiously.

"Sorry, Cole. I'll consider you next time there's an opportunity," the director dismissed him with a single word.

Cole felt despair, then helplessness, which turned into a wave of anger like an inferno. He can't understand, why in the seven hell this dimwit rookie who doesn't knows anything still gets opportunities one after another. He gritted his teeth but still managed to contain his emotion to himself. After all, he has been to Hollywood for more than two years, and containing one's emotions is a must-have in this glamorous industry.


The scene they were about to shoot wasn't complicated. As one of the main characters, a couple would be dining in a restaurant. The husband, who enjoyed telling bad jokes, would cause a ruckus. The director and producer believed that if a waiter engaged in a little banter with him, it would enhance the comedic effect. That's why they added this scene.

Since it was a spontaneous idea and there weren't many dialogues, they randomly selected one of the extras, and Sean happened to be lucky enough to be chosen.

For Sean, it wasn't difficult. He was a regular extra in a sitcom called 'Home Improvement', so he was familiar with the main character's traits. The role itself wasn't challenging.

"How about pan-fried veal with grilled lobster, creamy chicken soup, cheese and mushroom salad, and a side of pepper ice cream?" Holding the menu, Sean stood upright, his chin raised, and delivered the lines with a high-pitched, rapid tone, fully embodying the impatience hidden in the waiter's heart.

During the scene, he articulates the character to his best capability whether in exaggerated expression or movement which resulted in a burst of light laughter around the studio.


"Congratulations," Cole said with a smile after they finished their work. He seemed quite uncomfortable, but his feelings were well hidden deep inside.

"Don't be discouraged, Cole. There will definitely be an opportunity," Sean comforted him.

However, the assistant director approached them again at that moment. "Hey Sean, we're going to add some scenes in the restaurant. You performed well earlier, so this role is temporarily reserved for you." He give him an encouraging smile and added, "Be prepared and come to the studio early tomorrow."

Sean was once again taken aback but gave him a gratifying smile and agreed, "No problem, sir."

If the previous role with lines had made him a little happy, now he was genuinely excited. What will that guy Frederick say this time? He could win opportunities on his own!

Thinking this, he couldn't help but turn to look at Cole. Contrary to his expectations, Cole appeared calm.

"Congratulations, Sean," Cole said sincerely.

"Thank you, Cole. It's such a pleasant surprise," Sean couldn't help but laugh. He patted Cole's shoulder and added, "You'll definitely have your chance, Cole. I believe in it. You've put in so much effort, and you'll surely achieve something."

After a brief pause, realizing he sounded somewhat hypocritical, Sean added, "Although it might sound arrogant, if there are roles with lines, I'll definitely recommend you to the assistant directors."

"Don't go through the trouble. Well, if someone can't act, I can take over," Cole jokingly replied making eye contact with a raised eyebrow prompting to Sean laugh.

"Alright, it's a wrap. How about going for a drink tonight?" Cole suggested.

"You need to know..." Sean wanted to remind him that he was only 18 and couldn't drink in public.

"Oh, come on, Sean. It's not a big deal. You managed to land a role. Shouldn't we celebrate? Don't be such a killjoy," Cole waved his hand nonchalantly.

"Okay." Sean pondered for a moment and finally agreed, "I'll join you once the night's work is done. How about that?"

"You're still going to the 'The Faculty' for work? You already have a role, man," Coleman looked surprised. "They have plenty of extras. They won't mind if we don't go."

"I don't want to cause trouble with the crew over there, even though the chances are slim," Sean replied with a smile. "Remember what I told you? Everything must be done to the best of our abilities."

Sean had always believed in doing things diligently, especially since it was just a minor role. He wouldn't let success get to his head, and he would do what needed to be done.


Of course, overtime pay was also a factor. As mentioned before, overtime pay was 1.5 times the usual salary. Although he had managed to solve his financial problems unexpectedly, he hadn't saved much yet. Being someone of Chinese origin in his past life, the idea of saving money was deeply ingrained in his soul. So, from time to time, he would take on extra roles in various film crews.

TV drama crews were generally more stable, especially in 1998 when the major TV stations primarily focused on melodramas. Any type of scene could be created in the studio, so overtime was usually unnecessary unless there were special circumstances. Work hours were generally punctual. Extras serving as background characters would typically change clothes or have different makeup for different scenes.


It had been four months since the film was completed, but during post-production, director Robert Rodriguez felt that something was off. After discussing with the producer, they decided to reshoot some scenes with certain actors. However, since the movie's schedule had already been arranged for the end of the year, they were in a rush and had to work overtime to shoot.

The movie was a sci-fi film about a small town being invaded by aliens, with the school teachers being the first to suffer but eventually being defeated by a group of high school students using drugs.

It may sound somewhat nonsensical, but Americans enjoyed watching this type of movie. As long as the director could handle the plot well and the actors delivered strong performances, there would be no worries about the movie's success.

Sean had watched numerous movies in his past and present lives. Going to the movies was one of the most important recreational activities for Americans and a popular choice for dates. It was a pity that he had forgotten the timeline of all the movies he had seen in his previous life. If he could recall them with sufficient stimulation, such as last year's sensation, "Titanic," he would have liked to be part of that production crew. However, he hadn't studied screenwriting in his previous life. Otherwise, he could have written a few scripts and made some money.

The additional scenes they were shooting mainly involved the heroine being controlled by aliens and chasing the hero to capture and control him. At the same time, a group of American football team members would assist. The scene was relatively simple. It was set at night in the studio, where several school buses were parked, and the extras simply wore their football jerseys and ran back and forth. It was a straightforward task.

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