
Andals vs North

[A/N:I was mostly thinking of adopting a normal child and blood adopting him, thus the House or Tepes bloodline would go on.I did not have any love interests planned during this time.The House of Tepes will have creeds to follow, that would be strict and if they do not use there powers correctly or go against North there powers will disappear.Also if you dislike it please give a suggestions]

Lan the Clever and Durran Godsgrief, the founders of House Lannister and House Durrandon respectively, would not have approve of many of their descendants for centuries.

Lan the Clever, renowned for his cunning and wit, held high standards for his Lannister progeny. He esteemed intelligence and shrewdness, traits that he himself possessed.

Lan only found , Tyland Lannister,Tywin and Tyrion worthy of his approval, recognizing their strategic minds and their ability to uphold Lannister dominance. Despite Tyrion's physical limitations, his sharp intellect and cleverness would garnered Lan's appreciation.

As for Durran Godsgrief, the legendary founder of House Durrandon, he would likely be dismayed by the path his descendants chose in the following centuries. Durran viewed his successors as unworthy and foolish, believing they had tarnished the family name. In his eyes, they would be deemed as unworthy individuals who failed to uphold his esteemed legacy.

In the midst of a chilling winter, a clash of kingdoms was brewing in the realm of Westeros. King Theon Stark, a seasoned ruler of the North, stood resolute, ready to defend his ancestral lands against the invading Andals led by their fearless King Erreg.

As the drums of war echoed across the snowy landscapes, King Theon gathered his loyal bannermen and warriors in the courtyard of Winterfell. Clad in fur-lined armor, he addressed his men with an unwavering determination in his eyes. "My loyal subjects, the time has come to defend our homes and honor. The Andals march upon our lands, seeking to claim what is rightfully ours. But we shall not yield! We shall fight with valor and protect the legacy of our ancestors!"

Cheers erupted from the ranks, filling the air with a spirit of unity and resolve. Theon's trusted advisor, Vlad Tepes, stood at his side, offering strategic counsel and bolstering the morale of the troops.

Meanwhile, Warlord Argos Sevenstar, a charismatic and ambitious leader, rallied his Andal forces, driven by a fervent desire to spread the influence of the Faith of the Seven throughout the realm. With a mighty host at his back, he urged his men forward, proclaiming, "The time has come to claim the North for the Seven! We shall show them the might of our faith and the power of our united armies!"

The clash of steel and the thunderous pounding of hooves marked the beginning of a brutal conflict. The Northmen, fiercely loyal to their king, fought with an indomitable spirit, their icy breath mingling with battle cries. Theon, a seasoned warrior himself, led his troops from the front, his sword cleaving through the ranks of the Andals with precision and fury.

Yet, the Andals proved to be formidable opponents, skilled in both the art of war and the zealous fervor of their faith.Argos, a cunning strategist, orchestrated relentless assaults, testing the resolve of the Northern forces. Each engagement saw bloodshed and loss on both sides, as the bitter winter seemed to mirror the ferocity of the conflict.

The war raged on, with sieges, skirmishes, and decisive battles shaping the fate of the North. Theon Stark finally used the Bewilder Beast, which completely destroyed with it's icy breath freezing armies easily.

Andals gradually established communication with the Westerlands and Stormlands, ultimately joining forces to launch an attack on the North. Though hesitant, they recognized the necessity of acquiring resources for the impending winter.

Warlord Argos of the Andals had descended into complete insanity, convinced that his gods had not betrayed him and that this setback was merely a test.

One of his advisors spoke up tentatively, "My Lord, this war is taking a toll on us. Perhaps we should consider ending it."

Argos fixed his gaze upon the advisor, his eyes gleaming with madness, and bellowed, "No! We shall press on! This is a trial bestowed upon us by the Faith of the Seven. We must persist and illuminate these savages with the light of the Seven."

The fanatical followers erupted in applause and shouts of approval, while those who had lost faith could only despair at the prospect of the war continuing.

Argos declared, "We shall lure their army and that abominable creature away, leaving them vulnerable, and unleash our full might upon the North."

The plan seemed promising, prompting the Storm King, ruler of the Westerlands, to allocate additional soldiers to aid Argos in his endeavor.

The ruse orchestrated by Warlord Argos, leading a fake attack to lend credibility to their deception, successfully unfolded as planned.

However, as Argos's true army marched toward the North, they unexpectedly encountered a small group led by the enigmatic leader, Vlad Tepes.

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