
Chapter 58 - Fifth Unit arrives!

Once the whole ordeal ended and Shushu saw Shikoku had left the place, Byakko immediately leaped into her shoulder and rubbed his body.

"Great work, Byakko-chan."

She petted her and meowed as if thanking her as Yuuki woke up and saw them in his room.

"....Let me guess, an enemy got inside?"

He stretched a bit and yawned, not caring that he was almost captured by the enemy.

"One god of thunder snuck inside your room."(Yuuki)

"Hmmm, I guess I didn't feel in any danger since I didn't wake up."

It was true since he would wake up instantly the moment his life was in danger but the likelihood of that happening was close to zero.

"It is unforgivable."

Tenka seemed pissed off from the ordeal while Yuuki simply crossed his arms and said.

"So you two protected me?"(Yuuki)

"The one who did her best right away was her."(Tenka)

She pointed at Shushu who shrunk to her normal size and said.

"I was the reinforcement."(Tenka)

"Thank you, Shushu-chan, Tenka-san."(Yuuki)

"Leave it to me! I will always protect you, Yuu-chan"(Shushu)

"It wasn't a problem, as your lover it's my duty to protect you."(Tenka)

Both smiled while Yuuki stood up pulled Shushu and gave her passionate kiss causing her to feel arouse taking few seconds that felt longer before pulling back as Yuuki turned to Tenka and gave her the same treatment but she went beyond and twirl her tongue making Shushu watching blush.

"That's for saving me. Also, Shushu-chan you know you don't need to sneak inside and can ask me, right?"(Yuuki)


She scratched her head in embarrassment wanting to surprise him since it was the only time he would feel a small sense of being flustered.

"And Tenka-san, I would appreciate it if you stop watching me sleep…"(Yuuki)

"Fufufu I can't help it when you have such a cute face when you sleep. Well, I'll go ahead and report this, have a good night."(Tenka)

Tenka simply giggled and kissed him one last time before teleported to report what had happened leaving Yuuki and Shushu alone.

"So, wanna do it now?"(Yuuki)

He glanced at her and instantly made Shushu blush shaking her head and said.

"Maybe next time, I don't think Kyouka-chan would appreciate not telling her immediately."(Shushui)

Yuuki nodded and after telling Kyouka decided for all of them to sleep together. They all laid on the floor sleeping in their futon.

"We will sleep together until the barrier is fortified."(Kyouka)

"This is so fun! It's like I'm on a trip!"(Nei)

'Haaaa…there goes my chance of surprising Yuu-chan.'(Shushu)

As they were going back to sleep, at the 10th unit headquarters where Ren was in her office looking at her laptop.

'Aside from strengthening the barrier in response to any enemy invasion, having a god come to your room is a really intriguing incident' (Ren)

She thought to herself looking at Yuuki when he was a high school student and other information about him. Yuuki only gave what he wanted them to know.

'Yuuki Wakura... Hmm. Something everyone wants to have that much... Makes me want to take it for myself.' (Ren)

She smiled looking at his photo as her laptop showed a sticker of a dog. Back at the 7th unit, Yuuki felt that Byakko stopped lying on his chest and noticed that she went to Shushu.


Yuuki looked underneath his sheet and saw Nei sleeping beside him and looked at her futon that was now empty.

'She came over to my futon while sleeping?' (Yuuki)

He tried to wake her up and said.


However, instead of waking up she hugged him and wrapped her body around him and heard her mutter.



Yuuki's eyes went wide then slowly became soft as he wrapped his and her embrace Nei before heading back to sleep with Nei smiling as he hugged her.


The next morning everyone woke up and went to their usual Routine. Nei went to Yuuki and immediately apologized for what happened last night.

" I'm sorry! I was so sleepy I didn't notice…"(Nei)

"The thunder Gods are to blame for this. So don't mind it. Also, feel free to ask if you want to sleep with me."(Yuuki)

Yuuki gave a bright smile patting her head and still felt embarrassed about what happened.

"We'll be investigating the dorms surrounding today. You'll be using lending, Nei."(Kyouka)

*Yes, I'll gladly do it!"(Nei)

Kyouka stretched her arms to Yuuki and he took it without needing the clone since they will be scouting the area anyway. Yuuki transformed into his [ Chains of Eternity ] form then Nei quickly hopped into his back and transformed into his [ Slave: Sparkling Star ]

"Looking for enemies is important."(Kyouka)

Yuuki in his form put his head into the ground and began to use his Clairvoyance enhancing it with his own ability where it expanded to ridiculous degree. He instantly spotted Ren in the sky watching them and observing how Kyouka's power works. Yuuki pretended that he didn't know she was there.

"But also look for anything suspicious while you do it. Like cursed patterns, for example."(Kyouka)

Nei and Yuuki went to the cliff trying to expand their observation to see if there are any more enemies nearby.

"As an enemy already found its way inside, there could be something in the vicinity of the dorm."(Kyouka)

"Everything looks fine."(Yuuki)

They returned as Yuuki began to revert back to his human form.

"There doesn't seem to be anything strange under the surface or behind the rocks."(Yuuki)


"That's great. Good job, Yuuki-san!"(Nei)

Yuuki was kneeling allowing Nei to hug his head and pat his head and run his cheek as if he was a pet. Meanwhile, Byakko was with Shushu receiving something similar as he stayed inside.

"You too, Nei-chan"(Yuuki)

"We've once again checked there is nothing around that's good"(Kyouka)


Yuuki stood up looking at the sky and said.

"Someone was watching from above, that certainly isn't an enemy."(Yuuki)

"From above?"(Kyouka)

She went to look up with Yuuki as they suddenly spotted something and with a sonic boom stopped close to them as Ren descended before them and turned to Kyouka.

"I saw it. How he changed forms with Nei."(Ren)


"Kyouka... You're extending the scope of your ability well. Someone else other than you used a slave. What conditions are there?"(Ren)

"We're still in the middle of experimenting on how to extend it. So there's nothing set in stone…"(Kyouka)

"I don't mind, so just say it. You can go back to your regular activity, Nei."(Ren)

"Ye... Yes!"(Nei)

She went inside as Yuuki stayed behind seeing Kyouka was troubled seeing that Ren wouldn't let him go anymore while Yuuki simply enjoying his lollipop. Kyouka gritted her teeth and force to explained how slave's lending work

"That's an interesting addition to it! I want to try it, too!"(Ren)

"I don't think that's possible."(Yuuki)

"Lending takes a great toll on me. I can't do it multiple times in succession."(Kyouka)


She was extremely disappointed that Kyouka won't lend her Yuuki, who was silently enjoying his sweet.


Ren tone that clear about her sadistic intention and shifted turning to Yuuki who simply tilted his head and said

"I can make him my slave. So that's good news."(Ren)

Kyouka gritted her teeth in frustration and didn't expected to scream out her thoughts.

"Yuuki is mine!"(Kyouka)

Obviously he was only hers but the others as well but she is inherited possessive and made Yuuki to inwardly chuckle finding it cute. Ren was unfazed by her fierce and unrelenting gaze, smiling seeing her scowl then simply proceeded to giggle and said.

"Heheheh. Then until next time. I'll be going back to our world for work for a while.."(Ren)

She then flew away leaving the two watching and once she was out of sight Kyouka grabbed Yuuki's shoulder and went to hug hi Kyouka?"(Yuuki)

"Just before the assembly…"(Kyouka)

Yuuki then felt her trying to crush his body was he was too durable and hardly felt it as Kyouka angrily said.

"I kept warning you about making eye contact with the commander, and yet... You immediately looked at her! And she really did take an interest in you!"(Kyouka)

"Hey, I already told you that I'll handle this."(Yuuki)

Yuuki simply laughed it off and Kyouka was mad at him looking up to Yuuki and said.

"You can't blame me for worrying considering that I know about her intentions and the things she'll do to you."(Kyouka)

She calmed down when Yuuki began stroking her hair that she loves and said.

"What are you worried about anyway? What happens when she sets her eyes on someone?"(Yuuki)

He pretended not to know while Kyouka took a moment then said.

"She'll make excuses for her to play with you like you're her toy. Bell, from the third unit, is a good example for this."(Kyouka)

"A toy? Hmmm, alright I'll handle it."(Yuuki)

Kyouka let go of him while Yuuki knew exactly how things would end because he is the hunter and Ren had become his prey. Meanwhile, Kyouka was deep in her thoughts and said.

'We're sure to work together with a lot of other chiefs going forward. If lending becomes known before that happens…then I might have hectic days ahead of us.' (Kyouka)

The next couple of days went as usual where Yuuki would train with all of them. He went to visit his sister who has also been helping and trained. They haven't done anything focusing on getting stronger but does give his best to spend time with everyone.

He also chatted with Konomi and Bell, keeping in touch. with them. The former was questioning him in martial arts and Yuuki happily obliged but also gave pointers in her school studies which she appreciated.

Bell on the other hand was simply happy to have someone to talk to. Yuuki is able to spend time while also maintaining his training through his clone, letting his main body enjoy his life. At the current time, the 7th unit welcomed the 6th unit where Sahara immediately went to hug Byakko and Yachiho talking with her sister.

"So I have to make enough for ten people, right?"(Yuuki)

"Get Jarvis to ready the bath, too. A three unit joint training is sure to make us work up a sweat."(Kyouka

"I'm looking forward to your cooking again, Yuuki-kun."(Tenka)

Sahara and Yachiho were looking forward to eating his dishes again, unable to get rid of the thought of him cooking for them like last time. Yuuki does send them bento when he has extra and gives his recipe but none are able to copy his cooking skills.

"Yeah, I can't get enough of your food~!"(Sahara)

She cheerfully said while Byakko enjoying his time pampered what he considered as his mothers. Yuuki chuckled and said.

"I'm flattered, I'll also join your training. I'm eager to see how much you all have improved."

Yuuki wanted to fight Tenka and Yakumo intended to see how fair he was against them in a combat situation.

"They're here."

It was at that moment a powerful gust of wind formed as a hurricane appeared before them as Yuuki whistled seeing and said.

"That's certainly quite the grand entrance."(Yuuki)

"Their way of moving is over the top as always…"(Himari)

Yachiho was somewhat annoyed and crossed her arms and said.

"The real surprise is how there have been no accidents involving it."(Yachiho)

Then the tornado came closer to them and Kyouka was unfazed.

"That's the fifth unit."(Kyouka)

The tornado disappeared and what came out was three women with Yakumo stepping out giving a salute wink with her middle and index finger and playfully said.

"Sup! ⭐"(Yakumo)

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